Thursday, June 13, 2024

Tricking the OG two into loving the new one with the help of my angel baby.

Having a new pup in the house has really been something. It's fun and crazy (and exhausting) and we LOVE the fact we have a new member of the family. We're a crazy group of Glisson's instead of a set again.

But, with having a new pup comes with the fact I no longer have my Tayder pup. It'll be a year next month since I had to say goodbye to him and there are times, I still look for him. Apparently, it takes a little time to break a two decade habit... especially with so much love.

Tayder however was nothing but love and good vibes. There was never a time when I was sad or as low as I thought I could go that he wasn't there snuggled into my side and giving me end of the nose kisses. I miss him so much... but I honestly think he would want me to keep having pups around, young and old, because he was my little baby rescue and I don't think he ever really forgot. I saved him, he saved me, and we called it even with immeasurable love.

I wasn't the only one who loved Tayder... everyone did. Including his two brothers. The day I brought Sparkles home, he decided Tayder was his guy and he idolized that teeny little man. Sparkles has been different ever since we lost him and I can't say I blame him, because so have I. Once you lose someone so very close to you, a loss like that does bring about change. Whether you mean for it to or not.

Xur and Sparkles aren't taking to Steve as a sibling yet. Xur likes her... most of the time. But, she also exhausts him and he's a grumpy old man. Sparkles is just not having it any which way. He's like, how dare you bring another woman in this house that isn't my mom (he's got my back!), NO!

We know they'll eventually get to a place of love (it took the two of them awhile to warm up to each other when Dev and I got back together), but we also wanted to help the process along because Steve is already so in love with her two big brothers and she wants them ALL the time.

Dev had the idea to put one of Tayder's old shirts on her to put his scent on her to see if it would help... and it certainly didn't hurt. While they're not kissing it out anytime soon, Xur calmed down (a little) and Sparkles will actually let her lay by him (for a little) before haul-assing out of there.

Our girl is resilient though, and she's not taking having no love. She's determined they're both gonna be her best friends whether they like it or not.

It's comical to watch and I can't help but smile when I see her crazy little ass bouncing around in Tayder's shirt. It cracked a piece of me, but it also warmed a piece of me.

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