Monday, August 12, 2024

💕Keeping this little cutie on the lowdown is NOT for the faint of heart.💕

Things in the Glisson household were hectic this past weekend... and while it feels like we should be in the clear now... well... we ain't out of the woods yet.

Steve had her spay surgery on Friday and she came through it like a fuckin champ. And when I say it like that... I mean it. She has literally been a beast through this ordeal... resilient little shit. But... beast in a good way. For the most part. She's still her adorable little self but the problem is... she's also still her little rambunctious self. 

They gave us strict orders when we picked her up on Friday to make her get as much rest as possible and not to let her do anything too strenuous for the next two weeks. ESPECIALLY the first week. No jumping, stretching, running. Nothing.


I don't mean to be sarcastic or anything... BUT... trying to get this little hellcat to be calm and not run around like a damned ole headless chicken is NOT exactly an easy task. Even if I was ten years younger I'm pretty sure I couldn't keep up with this little shithead... this has got to be what all those moms have been talking about. 

Daughters are NOT for the fuckin weak, dude.

She's been so turned up that Dev called the vet on Saturday and had to make a special run up there before they closed (ah... weekend hours) to get her something to calm her down. We gave her one pill... and I know it sounds insane... BUT... that shit had the opposite effect and jacked her to Jesus. She was running circles like a fuckin crackhead and it took FOREVER to get her to calm back down. Needless to say... she hasn't had any more of that one.

Nope. Just strictly pain meds (that she gets once day... first thing in the morning... and tomorrow is her last day)... the occasional benadryl... and hoping for the best. 

She's doing good as far as I can tell. We're trying to be as gentle as possible with her... carrying her outside and lifting her down from the bed and steps. We're trying to keep her as calm as possible... lowkey activities and lots of snuggles. Even her big brothers have been more gentle and caring towards her... and I hope it stays that way.

Basically, the only person who won't acknowledge that she had surgery recently is her. Dev likes to say she takes after her mother like that. He meant it as a joke... but also not really because accurate. I love that our pups are our legit kids and take on characteristics of me and my husband. It's a win/win for me and so damn hilarious.

And that's where we are. Trying to keep it lowkey and calm at the Glisson household. Easier said than done... but our babygirl is in recovery so we're doing our best. If you need us... well... we'll be at the house. (Or work... but mostly the house).

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