Saturday, August 17, 2013

Women Love You, Men Hate You

I'm talking of course about Nicholas Sparks. Basically all women know who he is, and come valentine's day or any date night men hate him. Why? Because he has completely raised women's standards so high that it's ridiculous. Really. It's true. His novels started it and when they began making them into movies all holy hell broke loose! There are eight films out right now based on his novels, and at least two more in the works. What does a Nicholas Spark novel/movie entail you ask? Well...tears, love, smiles, tears, heartache, tragedy, usually a sad ending, oh and did I mention tears?

He has literally been raising women's expectations of men since 1996. It all started when The Notebook was first published and went from there. Although two of his novels were converted into film before The Notebook, that seems to be the one that sticks with women/young girls the most. The story of Noah and Allie just melted every girls heart. I know it definitely gave me a jaded opinion on how my love life was going to be when I got older (give me a break I was 14).

But The Notebook was not what started my jaded opinion. No. Don't get me wrong it definitely didn't help, I love it, however it started before Noah. All the men in my life that I have judged in the past or continue to judge, can still thank Nicholas Sparks though. My opinion on how a man should be all started with Landon Carter. A Walk to Remember continues to be my favorite Sparks novel/movie and the relationship between Landon and Jamie is still what I think all love should be. I've had women/girls tell me I was crazy for this opinion, but I do not care. You guys can have your Noah, I'll take Landon...Thank you :) Sparks has always known how to bring a tear to my eye.

This is definitely my favorite Sparks novel/movie. You may think that I'm crazy, but it's just the way that it is. My inconceivable, unrealistic daydream of my future/next boyfriend. Yeah not gonna happen I know, but hey a girl can dream can't she :) Ever since I read the novel and watched the film I have wanted a bf like Landon Carter. I actually just watched it last night and guess what? I immediately was like "yep, still loving it". Who would've thought? It doesn't help that Shane West is gorgeous anyway, he brought the character to life for me, but I still blame Sparks. :)

Every other women/girl's fantasy of how a relationship should be. Noah Calhoun has raised standards for romance since he first graced the screen...Thanks alot for being so gorgeous Ryan Gosling! Girls expected to have one of you when they grew up and instead of Ryan Gosling they got disappointment. Almost ten years of Ryan Gosling obsessed women, wow I'm getting old! :)

I absolutely refuse to watch this movie, even though I have owned it for the past two years. I was very excited about it when it came out (I mean come on it's Channing Tatum), but decided to read the novel first like usual. I did not like how it was going down between John and Savannah so not only did I stop reading it, but I haven't watched the movie. I would just like to be the first to say "If their defending our Country, quit being a ho and wait if you love them. Don't be a jerk".

I liked this novel/film as well. Not only is it my favorite Diane Lane film, but it's also my favorite Richard Gere film as well. I was so happy that they found happiness together after being so lonely, and then the ending. Seriously? Thanks for yet another heartbreaker. Tool. They also have James Franco as Gere's son, and really you just can't go wrong with J. Franco. It's a proven fact.

Yep, haven't watched this one either. Not that I'm boycotting it or anything I just know how it ends and haven't been in the mood to watch it. It only came out this year, so it's not like I'm that far behind.

When I do eventually watch it though, it will be for the bad guy...Sorry, but I'm not sorry. He's fine.
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Creepy/Psychotic, but Fine!

Ok, this one is definitely my second favorite. Yes, for me Logan Thibault pushed Noah to number three. What can I say? I'm a sucker that goes weak in the knees for a good-looking/sweet/sensitive man in uniform, and anytime their defending our Country-Hot! Besides who wasn't really excited to see little Zac Efron play a full grown man instead of a highschool student? I would just like to put it in there, he grew up GOOD! Umm...yumm! That is just a beautiful film and leading man. I was definitely impressed. I've always liked Efron, but seeing him grown up just secured him completely in my book. It is a beautiful story and everyone should either watch the film or read the novel, if not both. Just saying.

This is the third one that I haven't watched. I know I'm a loser, but I just can't bring myself to do it. Don't get me wrong I'm definitely on Team Liam Hemsworth (team any Hemsworth for that matter-those boy's momma and daddy deserve a freakin' medal), but I just can't take Miley Cyrus serious in anything. Ever.

This is the first novel to be made into a film and start with the downfall of women's romantic expectations. Kevin Costner just sucks you in and makes you love him. It's true, watch the film and you'll see. How do you not love Kevin Costner? Plus, the story plot? Yeah, only so many people can pull that one off, and he did!

On behalf of all women I would just like to say, Thanks alot Nicholas Sparks...You have single-handedly raised women's expectations so high that we will always be disappointed. Men hate you because their girlfriends/wives want their significant other to be like the male leads in your novels. Nicholas Sparks ruining relationships and making romance his bitch business since 1996. Jerk. I kid of course, kind of because I do love his novels/films. If ever I need a good cry (like I don't freakin' cry enough...dumb hormones) I just go to him and it works everytime. Just wanted to say what we were all thinking. Don't stone me because Noah's not my favorite :) I always have been and forever will be #TeamLandon :)

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