Friday, September 13, 2013

Good To Have You Home

Let me just start by saying- Happy Friday the 13th Everyone!! I have a little catching up to do. Not a whole lot, but let's face it I've been slacking off this week when it comes to "updating". So sue me. With the exception of Wednesday, I haven't really felt the need to blog anything. Well, I did think of things to write about, however I was just to lazy preoccupied to do it. I have been doing the usual lately with a few exceptions.

It's been so unbelievably hot these last couple of days!! I mean ridiculous! It's been so hot that from the time I walk out of the door in the morning and drive to work I'm sweating. Then I sweat from the time I leave work until we do all the things we need to do in the evening, and get home. It's crazy!! Thank goodness that it's cooler this morning. I honestly thought that I was going to have to re-enact the oven scene from Sweeney Todd if it didn't cool down. You know because in Sweeney Todd Mrs. Lovett gets thrown into the oven and that's how I felt because it's been so hot. Get it? Oh, nevermind. Ignore me. All this mugginess is enough to drive anyone crazy!! Danielle did try and make me feel better on Monday though. She came into work and brought me...wait for it...BatMan Socks!! That's right BatMan socks!! She looked for Captain America (my favorite of the comic book heroes), but they didn't have them, so she went with her and Greg's favorite, (my second favorite) BatMan! I love them! Not only do I now own awesome BatMan socks that have capes attached, yeah you heard me right-capes, but I also match little Janey. Dani got her and Jayna matching one's just like mine. I guess that officially means that we're all superheroes now. I mean I'm not saying that any of us are BatMan, I'm just saying that
no one has ever seen all of us and BatMan in the same room together.
Have they? Nope, they haven't.

Last Saturday Greg came up to live with us. You remember Greg right? Yeah, my brother. Apparently his psycho wife went bat shit crazy decided that they needed to spend some time apart. I'm not really sure that you can do that. Can you? I guess you probably can, but I was under the impression that people didn't take time away from marriage. I thought that once you got married you either dealt with shit or you got divorced. I'm not really sure that she understands. Or he understands. And I definitely don't understand! It's a little confusing to say the least. I don't say anything though, I just listen to him and give advice only when he asks. I mean I can give advice from the point of view of a sister to a brother, a person to a person, a female to a male, but I can't give him the point of view from one married person to another. I'm not married nor have I ever been so I can't even pretend to know what's going through his head. I've lived through my Momma divorcing the piece of shit , and I've seen other people have difficulties in their marriage, they even talked to me about it, but that doesn't mean I know what it's like. So all I can do is just be there, listen to him, and try to help him out. It's what we baby sisters do! Momma, Uncle Jimmy, and Aunt Patsy went down to get him (the 7th) and he's been up here ever since. It's been almost a week and he already has a job and he seems to be doing well. I think that's a good thing. His wife says that she doesn't want a divorce, but that she wants to stay married and just not live together (or anywhere near each other), but still be together. I don't even know how that works. I mean I'm confused, so I know he has to be confused. Wish everybody good luck cause they're gonna need it!! Bitches be trippin'!! Either way, it's really good to have him home. You don't realize how much you will miss a person until you can't look around and see them.

Now, just the "little things". I watched that movie AntiChrist that Dani and I had been talking about for a couple months now. It has Willem Dafoe in it, so of course I was all-I'm watching it!! Yeah, really shouldn't have done that. It was crazy!! So crazy that it was rough for even me to watch. At one point, I had my hands covering my face with the blanket over my head. Not because it was scary, but because there are some things that are too hard to watch. Since we officially have NetFlix now she has been telling me things that I should definitely watch. Seriously, there's a list. So far I watched AntiChrist and started on the first season of SOA again. I know I've already seen it, but I can't help it!! Give me a break. I enjoy talking to Jim's friend Tony. He's pretty cool. He seems real down to earth, and he's very sarcastic like me so we get along just fine. His boyfriend confuses me though. They just seem so completely different, it's a little offputting. If that makes sense. Oh well, they say opposites attract. I went to lunch with Aunt Susi and Uncle Roger Wednesday and I learned more about something that I already knew. Uncle Roger definitely needs a Vay-Cay!! If not soon, Aunt Susi is going to start spitting bullets! They just need a little peace, quiet, and relaxation. Dani and I went to Jockomo's for lunch yesterday. Boy, are there some strange people out and about during lunch time! We had a nice time/lunch and talked, but people were driving crazy!! People are still in a frenzy about the FSOG casting, and I'm still loving it! There's even a page on FB devoted to it that I belong to now. They talk about things from the book, and the movie choices. They make pictures and quotes, it's pretty cool. Well, it is. I read the second and third book again. I know it's soon, but I did it anyways. I really like it. I'm still debating on how to get the tattoo on my foot redone. I like about 1500 different things, but can't decide. I don't even know what they could turn it into anyways. Decisions, decisions. I finally cleaned up my boards on Pinterest. Silly I know, but it was driving me crazy! Now they are somewhat clear. I may have to delete and start over. It would be easier. I was going to do the SOA recap on Wednesday, but since that was Sept. 11th, I felt like that was a day to honor those lost on that day. Might be silly, but that's just me I guess.

Accidental jokes of the Week- Ashley and Valerie came over Sunday to visit for awhile. Everytime we spend any amount of time together, she asks about my "love" life, or lack thereof one. I've tried to explain what goes on in my head when it comes to this, however I can't explain it very well so I finally just give up and listen. She asked why I didn't try online dating, to which my reply was something like this. She then said, "Katie, what about" I was not aware that this was an actual dating website, so my reply was-"Ashley, how many times do I have to tell you I'm not a lesbian? I'm great with the fact that you are, but I'm not". She said that's not what she meant, that it was an actual/real dating sight. Oops. Wednesday when I went to lunch with Aunt Susi and Uncle Roger we went downtown to CircleCenter to eat. People were driving crazy (as per usual) and they were everywhere. I seen a Police Officer rummaging through his trunk parked at the station. When I say Police Officer-I mean future husband and father of my chidren-Pretty!! Just kidding. Kind of. I told Uncle Roger to stop because I had found my future husband. He told me no, and to behave myself, and was chuckling at me. I said "Oh come on Uncle Roger, I just wanna play with his taser!" I didn't mean it the way it sounded, because now that I think about it, it did sound bad. That's probably why Uncle Roger said-"Katherine Diane!". But it was no worse than him saying-"Look at that guys big ole beaver hanging out of that car!" Sadly, it really was true. Some guy was driving a convertible with a giant stuffed beaver hanging out the passenger side, and he was waving a stuffed Tweety Bird at people. Oh, the things you see in the city.

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