Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Everything I Need To Know About Life

...I Learned From Rose Dewitt Bukater. And Winona Ryder when she was Veronica Sawyer, but that's another post for another day. The basic things that young girls not too young, this ain't TeenMom, pace yourself and wait until you're old enough should know about life can be learned from her. I know that I've learned from her character throughout the years. I really wanted to be Rose, you know without the whole awful event that killed 1514+ people, the "love of my life" dying and me having to go on throughout life not talking about him, just pretending it wasn't me so I could hide from my god-awful family and douchebag ex-fiance part. The rest though, I'm there for you.

I love Titanic! The movie, not the actual horrific event. I was a mere seven years old when Titanic came out on VHS, yes you heard that right-VHS. I did it Old School. I wasn't supposed to watch the movie, but that's one of the benefits of having a super-awesome Momma. I watched it for the first time at the Lake House, and loved it. I kept calling Jack Arnie though. I just couldn't get passed Gilbert Grape. My bad. It made me laugh, cry and think. That's alot of emotions for a seven year old.

I remember watching the movie, I had the soundtrack, the poster was in my room until I was like seventeen, and I was convinced that I would grow up to meet/fall in love/marry a good-looking artist, and we would live off of tips and be nomads. I was wrong, but it's all good. My friends and I could straight up bust out some Celine Dion- My Heart Will Go On!! Sorry, but I'm not sorry. I bet I've watched that movie like 525,600 150 times, or something like that. Rose really influenced me as a young lady. I thought that she was amazing, and I wanted to be her. Just saying. I can't be the only one that felt like that. I still watch that movie....Alot. I'm the King of the World!! Sorry, I couldn't resist. Thank you Jessica Tholmer for making me realize that I too have learned from her, just as you have. Here's the basics that I learned from Rose... 

 "Art" is better than "Diamonds".

By this I mean I'm being metaphorical. Although, I do believe it literally too. Jack Dawson wins her over with his suave/caring demeanor, but solidifies his standing when she sees his drawings of woman from all over the world. Dude had mad skills and she knew it. All woman whether they want to admit it or not are secretly Hopeless Romantics. Think about it. Chick literally has a 56 carat-fancy ass blue/heart-shaped diamond with diamonds around it and you know what? She still falls for the homeless/penniless artist. Yeah, you heard that right. Diamonds surrounded by diamonds, and she still wants Jack. Why? Because dude loved her, like seriously loved her and that was worth more than "The Heart of the Ocean". Screw you Cal!  

You jump, I jump remember?

I have nothing else to say that the picture doesn't already say for me. Seriously, if you don't get it you have no heart and they should call you- Bridge to Terabithia because you probably make children cry. Go ahead, kick a puppy while you're at it. By the way, don't really kick a puppy because then I'll hate you and probably want to kick you in the face. Just saying. 

Sometimes no matter what, they're just Douchebags.

I rest my case.

Only you can save yourself.

      Rose: It's not up to you to save me Jack.
      Jack: You're right...only you can do that.

And you know what she does? Girl saves her damn self, because wasn't any man going to do it for her. She leaves all she knows including- money, structure, and stability for what she wants, she goes after her man, and she teaches herself throughout time to be happy. Yeah, just her. Even after Spoiler Alert!! Jack dies we see through her pictures that she goes on, and on, and on, and then on some more living her life like everyone should.

How to do this.

Girl had as much party in her as the rest of us. We all have that little "Inner Wild Child" that we want to let out, but avoid because we don't want to be in the same league as Amanda Bynes or Miley Cyrus. Sometimes though, we have to just let a little bit of it out. Thank you Alcohol, you know us well! 

Don't judge a girl by her money and/or social status.

If you need to understand this better, refer to number five. Like I said, we all have a little of her in us. You may be a lady, but you can probably chug a nice cold beer like the rest of us. If you don't drink beer, well you're seriously missing out but you do what you do and love it. Just remember not to judge the rest of us. Some girls want to chug a couple beers, smoke a few cigs, stay out all hours of the day and night with a handsome stranger showing everyone our "strange talents" and smack talk. That's how we roll.

Take risks.

Seriously, I know that I kid alot but this is how it goes. Rose decided that she wasn't going to live a miserable life that someone else had planned out for her. She was unhappy so she changed it. Her family wanted her to marry a man that was mean to her and didn't love her just so they could have money. She went along with it completely miserable for awhile, until she met Jack and realized what she wanted from her life. So young too. Then she was all like- "Screw ya'll! It's my life! I do what I want! I'm out, Deuces!!"

 It's ok to let your hair down.

A sensible updo is great, classic, and very ladylike. Getting that stuff out of your face while your busy is very practical. I myself am a ponytail kind of girl. However, sometimes a girl needs to let that hair down! Let it freeflow and get crazy with it. Let people say you're all curls and blue eyes. Especially if you're being a real badass, spitting in a douchebags face, punching another asshole in the face, or rescuing your man. Own it! But when it's important remember You're A Lady!

Never let go.

Yes, I get it. She said she would never let go and then she dropped his happy frozen ass down into the North Atlantic. I get it. Yes, I've made the "Hussie promised, than dropped him" joke too. This time though, I'm being serious. Well, kind of serious. Ok, not really, but let's pretend for a minute. When she said that she was referring to the promise that he made her. He promised her that she would live her life, have lots of babies, and die a little old lady warm in her bed. And that's what she did. She never let go of his memory, and through that she Never Let Go. Even when she died at the end yes she did die-it wasn't a dream pessimists, she went back to the guy she loved first, even though she had been married and lived a long life. She did what she wanted. Can we say- Like A Boss?!!

Men are just better when they're Leonardo DiCaprio.

Does this really need an explanation? Leo's amazing and just keeps getting better and better with age. I know that I tend to have a thing for older guys, but I mean come on, he proves why. I loved him as Arnie, I loved him as Jack, I loved him as Gatsby, and everything in between. Girl knew what she was doing. Point made. Unfortunately, not all men are Leo.

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