Thursday, October 3, 2013

Yeah, Sure, That Doesn't Sound At All Like Buffalo Bill

So...I went to the Dermatologist first thing this morning. I have never been to one before, basically because A.) Couldn't afford it, B.) Ain't nobody got time for that, and C.) The thought of someone all up on my skin making assessments/judgements creeps me the hell out. I watched Silence of the Lambs, I know that it "puts the lotion on the skin", and frankly that thought makes me think- "Ahh, It's going down!!" Especially when they tell me that I actually do have pretty skin. You can't just say pretty, you really have to say pretty skin? I'll take the compliment though, I ain't hatin' as the kids are saying these days, but I digress...

I finally gave in though, because honestly I'm tired of my skin being broken out. I have never in my life had acne. Ever. And it drives me bonkers. Do people still say bonkers? Well, I do. I've tried every over the counter wash/cream that there is out there, and a million other "home remedies" that people suggested and/or insisted on. By the way...Thanks for nothing this time Pinterest! What can I say? I was desperate. Boy, if I had a nickel for everytime I've said that in my life. Don't ask. I've always had smooth/fair skin, and now it's being disturbed by acne. Me no likey! Anyways, I made an appointment yesterday and got in today. I know quick, right? I wasn't in the office too long. They were quick and efficient and explained to me what was causing it, and how to treat it. Simple Enough. He wasn't very "chit-chatty" which I like because I'm not great with the small talk. Some people sure, Doctors not so much. Except my "lady doctor", she's hilarious!

He told me that I had...are you ready?...Wait for it...Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome...PCOS, if you like. I know right? He said that and I was all- "Huh?" He explained it to me the best he could, but let's be honest I don't speak "Doogie Howser" so he gave me some paperwork to read up on it a little, and there's always Google. :) Just one more thing that's wrong with my...umm...stuff. Apparently this can cause alot of things including: Infertility, Metabolic Syndrome, and Hyperandrogenism (acne). The side effects usually come in twos if not more, so I may need to be tested for the infertility if I want to, and the rest will be checked when I have my blood work redone in December. Too bad it couldn't do the one that stops menstrual cycles. That would've been...Sweet! It's a little worse because of my Insulin Resistance. Boy, I'm just going to quit going to the Doctor. They never have good news. It's never- "You're perfectly healthy, here have a piece of chocolate and a glass of wine". I'm not that big on chocolate, but I'd take it over bad news. :)

I'm not stressing about it too much though. Honestly there's no sense and with everything I've found it in the last few months I wasn't all that surprised. Just one of those things I guess. I'll eventually get it all figured out. Maybe. Anyways...he said that we can treat at least the acne portion of it, and the medicine may also help with other symptoms that I may be having that I don't even realize. Apparently, it could be doing things that I'm not even aware of. Good to know. To treat it I have to take a round of Antibiotics (Keflex) and a medicine called Aldactone. He also prescribed me a pad to wash my face with twice a day and a cream to put on it twice a day. Apparently I can still wear make-up and all that stuff as I please. It's the PCOS causing the problem, not my actual skin itself. It's weird, but I'm going with it. Whatever works. While I was there I also had him check out two moles that have been bothering me. One on my right side, and the other on my stomach. He looked at them and agreed they needed to be removed because of their discoloration and after I told them how they're getting bigger. I go back early in the morning on October 21 to have them removed. He said it wouldn't take long-Yay! Hopefully they won't mind if I'm a little late to work that morning, I'll work through lunch. It's all they had. I think they should work on the weekends for people who work throughout the week. Apparently for them, that's a Big Fat No!

Enough of the heavy. On random if not happier notes, I just would like the world to know that I Finally watched The Great Gatsby last Saturday. I know it's kind of late to tell ya'll, but you know what I always say. Better late than pregnant. :) About the movie- Once again I have to say, Leo never disappoints me. He just keeps getting better and better with age- Like wine and books. To be honest, I loved the movie and will probably watch it many more times in the future. Kenny was all surprised and mad at the ending and said- "Katie, Why aren't you surprised or upset?" Me-"Kenny, I read the book." Kenny- "When?" Me-"When I was around nine or ten I reckon". Kenny-"Oh, ok then. I should've known." Then he just started laughing. I'm also re-reading the FSOG Trilogy again. I know, I know. Quit being judgy, it really is a good storyline. Besides I usually read books over and over again if I like them. If I love them, it's worse. Trust me. The Covered Bridge Festival is next weekend. Who's excited? Well, Me for starters. Also, I'm pretty sure that Aunt Susi and Dani are excited too. I had alot of fun at the one last year, and we all laugh and have fun together. That and it's pretty hilarious when Aunt Mary gets road rage and we all have to grip our surroundings. You know, when it's not so bad that it's a life or death situation. Danielle was going to teach me how to crochet on the way down there, but let's be serious- She's picking me up at like 4o'clock in the morning, so ain't neither one of us gonna want to be crocheting. Besides we're both blind enough, let alone if you give us poor lighting. And completely off of the subject, but I think ya'll should know that Hocus Pocus really is the best Halloween (or anytime of the year) movie...Ever!

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