Thursday, April 17, 2014

I never thought that I would

I should've just stayed in bed yesterday morning. For starters I couldn't find anything, including my dry shampoo, two of my black shirts, my earrings, my shoe (yes, just one), and while this probably doesn't seem like a big deal to most I have to say when you're running behind for work, it's very inconvenient. I felt like I was trying to go warped speed and kept getting pushed back. I probably looked pretty crazy to. I felt like a damn maniac, and briefly contemplated running far far away. And then that made me think of Shrek.

Then we had to do payroll a day early, we had a meeting that felt like it was fourteen hours long, and there was a long line at Chic-fil-a. Ok, that last once was purely selfish, and I slipped it in there, because I'm starving and I want Mexican food. Qdoba, please come to me. How sad is it that I want Mexican food at 9 in the morning? Whatevs, it's dee-lishous and I want it.

One of the only things that gets me through those random boring days that I want to gouge my own eyeballs out, are the blogs that I read. I just take a few minutes for myself and kick back with a bottle of beer sprite, and start reading. Yesterday I was reading one of my favorite blogs (Juliette) and thought that I would try a "link up". It's my first one, EVER. So be patient.

///Live in Indiana again. I know that I was born here, but I was raised in Tennessee and have lived in Alabama and Florida. What the hell am I doing back in the city? Oh yeah, I tend to be a bit of a nomad. It's not so bad, just different.
///Like cats. Who would have thought? I've always been a dog kind of gal, and Tayder is my best friend, but I have to say I'm loving Jim and Kenny's cat- Ru. Don't tell anyone. Also, I love grumpy cat. No shame from this girl.
///Work where I work. Growing up the family business was always flooring. Weird I know, but true. Almost everyone has come through here at one point or another, or is married to someone who has worked here. Mostly it's the men. However, there have been a few exceptions where the girls have worked in the office. I never thought that I would do this. And yet, here I am.
///Contemplate training for and running a marathon. WHAT???!!!
///Have a blog that I enjoy so much. I've always been a writer (if only in my own head), but I know very little about technology. I know more now than I did, but still. I've always been a paper and pencil kind of gal. I have to say though, I love my blog. Even if no one reads it, and I'm only talking to myself, it's something that's all mine.
///Drink wine. Growing up in the south there was plenty of 'homemade' wine, but I've always been more of a beer girl. Give me a bud light and you're practically handing me a bottle of happiness, but wine is growing on me these days.

{{Yes that is a picture of me and Danielle straining the wine, because the cork crumbled and fell down in it}}

///Be perfectly ok with eating just veggie sandwiches. Don't get me wrong, I still eat meat. It would take a force of pure evil to get me to stop eating meat, but I do enjoy just veggies too. Especially since the only meat I like anymore is hamburger, pepperoni, shredded beef, roast beef, and ham. I eat chicken sometimes to. Is pepperoni meat?
///Be one of those people that gets annoyed at loud music, unless it's mine. All these teenagers and kids playing their Justin Beiber and Selena Gomez full blast? No, thank you. It makes me want to punch them in the throat.
///Speaking of which- Be one of those people that calls people around my age kids, and refer to teenagers as jerks. In all fairness, they really are.
///Ever forgive and be a fan of JT. Secretly and deep down I've always loved Justin Timberlake, but when he left Nsync, destroying my favorite boy band and single handedly breaking my tween heart, I vowed to never love him again. However, I always knew that I still did, and when he gave partial credit to the other four guys at the 2013 VMA's, I decided to just not hide it anymore.

The Other Juliette///Have a bigger chest. I never had big boobs growing up. Plenty enough ass for three people, but never boobs. I was as flat chested as you could get. I hit 22 and went from a 34A to a 38C. What the eff??!
///Be very happy being single. I've had a boyfriend since I was fifteen years old. Not the same one either. I flitted from relationship to relationship, because I thought that's what you were supposed to do. Like being single was a crime. 22 must have been a very liberating year for me, because I dumped the jerk I was dating and have been single ever since. And I couldn't be happier about it. The way I look at it when it happens it happens, but until then I'm doing great on my own.

Linking up with Juliette.

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