Wednesday, April 2, 2014

While we were moving it: The things I didn't say out loud

{{Remember yesterday when I let y'all inside my head during my lunch hour and made the comment that I hoped they had those beds moved so I could just read and relax when I got home? Well, that didn't happen. In fact, the exact opposite of that happened.}}

Ok, so we gotta go get these beds, it'll be ok. It'll just take about two hours or so.
Man, it feels good out today. I hope it doesn't rain
Are those rain clouds?
Yep, those are definitely rain clouds.
Damn it, I put Dani's sunglasses on top of my head and brought them with me....AGAIN.
I'll take them back to her in the morning.
I wonder if she would notice if I just wore them all the time. I love them.
Probably should find out what kind they are and pick up a pair.
Ok, we're here.
Oh man, was I just singing that Taylor Swift song (Ours). out loud?
I hope no one heard that. Good song though.
Seriously? Greg didn't come? It's just me and Chrissy moving these two beds and all this crap?
Oh, this so isn't an accident waiting to happen.
She's only a foot and a half taller than me. What could possibly go wrong?
Am I always this sarcastic?!

Shy came to help to. At least she can help move this front stuff out.
Ok, I'll just climb right up here....
Nope, I'm ok.
No wonder I wasn't an athletic kid. I can knock the heck out of a volleyball though.
And pottery? Yeah, that was all me.
OMG who's idea was it for me to have all of these books?!!
Oh, mine?
I should've found a lighter hobby.
Ok, first one is down. Let's get it into the van.
Oh, this is not going to work. Like at all. sounds like I'm coaching labor.
I'm glad I don't dance. I look ridiculous in my head.

And why do I actually see SHOUTY CAPITALS in my head when I think them?
I'm so weird.
Oh hell, better pay attention to what I'm doing.
Oh no, it's crushing me. MAYDAY! MAYDAY! DANGER WILL ROBINSON!!
It's soooo.... heavy....nottt....working.
Now would be the perfect time to have a big strong boyfriend.
Actually the other night when I needed something out of the top of the cupboard would've been even better.
Only if he's sweet and cuddly though.
That would be nice.

PUSH....PUSH.... ok, new plan. Time to get "redneck" with this stuff.
Ok, time to go. (Two trips later)
I know it will come out eventually. We got it in there.
What goes in must come out.
That's what she said. Hahahahahaahaha
Sorry.....ok, FOCUS. PULL....PULL....PULL....
OUCH!! Ok, screw this.
Nope, gotta keep going. PULL...PULL...PULL...
PHEW!!! I got this! Buddadudduhduh. Or something like that.
Let's get these inside and set up so I can shower and still get a couple hours of reading time in.

What do you mean they won't fit down the stairs??!!
Take what apart? Rebuild what? Where? UUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Fine. (Take apart both wooden boxsprings- carry downstairs- nail back together).
This place is a mess down here. It's ok though. A bed will be better.
I been sleeping on a couch for two years. I'm glad to have my bed back.
PLAY IT AGAIN, PLAY IT AGAIN.  I love Luke Bryan. Except that rap shit he's got out. I could do without that.
Hey, back up off my teddy bear! Yep, definitely a 24 year old girl that still sleeps with her teddy.
Me and Howard go way back.
Seriously though, whatever happened to Pussco?
I'm sending him a friend request. He might not pay me any mind.
Whatevs, Pussco. How did people find each other before social media?
Carrier pigeons and hearsay?
I'm sleepy. (Fifteen minutes later)
Did I really pass out holding that jar of Nutella? Yes.
Did Greg really take a picture of me like that? Yes.
Great, I don't even freakin' like Nutella. It's disgusting. I'm the only person in the world that probably doesn't like Nutella.
I don't care. It is gross. I'll even put the pic on Instagram.
It's past ten? That's it, I'm sleepy. Bed time!! I'll shower in the morning.

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