Friday, May 23:
- Uncle Roger let me and Dani leave work at noon. Thank you Uncle Roger! It was so dead at work, and it was so pretty outside. So when we got off we headed down to the Mexican restaurant down the road and drank beer and ate guacamole, as promised. See, we do hold up to our end of the bargain.
- I was feeling pretty good by the time I got home (no, not drunk, just not as tense) so Momma and I went out to lunch. I just got a drink, because like I said, that guacamole was delicious. After that we headed over to Aunt Poot and Uncle Darrell's for a visit.
- I rode with Josh to the liquor store. He went for beer, I went for crown. Hey, just thinking ahead of time.
- After a long visit with them, we headed home and just relaxed at the house for the rest of the evening. It's been unseasonably hot the last week or two.
Saturday, May 24:
- Aunt Linda and Uncle Wayne decided that they were going to have their annual cook-out this year. They had said that last year was going to be the last year, so I had told Uncle Darrell that I would come to theirs Saturday, and didn't want to cancel on him. That wouldn't have been right. So, Saturday morning(ish) Aunt Linda came and got Uncle Kenny, Uncle Jim, and Shy, and they spent the night down at the lake with them Saturday for Sunday's party.
- Do you know what that means? Yeah, Momma and I had the house to ourselves. So we went out to pick up a few things and then spent our evening/night just hanging out.
- We had breakfast bright and early, before anybody had gotten out of bed. And it was delicious. After they left, we ran some errands. We had to pick up meds, we rented a movie (The Wolf of Wall Street), and did a little shopping. Nothing big, mostly just looking around.
- We drove around just to enjoy the fresh air and talk. We picked up some lunch and headed home. After putting everything away and getting situated we sat down to eat and watch our movie. It was excellent, but very long so we watched in intervals.
- I dyed our hair, did a facial thing on Momma, and painted my nails.
- Then we ordered a pizza for dinner and finished our movie. It was hilarious. We had a nice day/night and all was good. (P.s. Leonardo DiCaprio was once again sublime, Jonah Hill was freakin' hilarious, and the real John Belfort was damn brilliant. Don't let anybody tell you any different.)
Sunday, May 25:
- We got to sleep in a bit, even though I was up pretty early, because I can't sleep late to save my life. We got ready at a steady pace, no rushing, no fussing. It was nice. Momma looked beautiful as always, and me? Well, let's just say I wish I would've remembered to take a picture of myself, because I looked more hillbilly than EVER before.
- We headed over to Aunt Poot and Uncle Darrell's for the cook-out and to spend some time visiting.
- It was hot, but not miserable out. We all had a good time, and may I just say that I would love to have some of that mac&cheese Momma made right now?
- We drew drivers out of a cup, and had to bet a dollar per racer for the Indy 500. I drew Will Power, and I'm pretty sure that my mother has a gambling addiction. Just saying. By the way, Aunt Poot drew the winner.
- We talked, drank and had fun. WATER MOCCASINS!! Sorry. That's what I was drinking, you know besides Budweiser and hard cider, and they were delicious!! I want them all, more, right now.
- The jokes were made, the talks were had, the teasing progressed, and it was a lot of fun. I even met Uncle Darrell's friend from back in the day. Real nice guy. He looks tough as hell, but nice.
Monday, May 26:
- Monday was the day for remembrance. Memorial Day. Remember those who serve. Because of them we are able to spend the weekend with our families. We are able to be free and we can sleep at night. I am able to sit here and write this. To all of those men and women- THANK YOU. From the bottom of my heart.
- Monday was also the day of recovery. Three days of drinking and such? Recovery had to be had. I didn't over do it, but it's been a long time since I've done that.
- Apparently after we left Sunday night everybody at Aunt Poot's house got into a fight with the neighbors and all hell broke loose. I'm glad I wasn't there. I'm too old for that shit. So are they, by the way. Josh's face looks all messed up, and I have resorted to calling him knuckles. Basically, just because it's fun for me.
- I
finallywatched Green Street Hooligans. Can I say- amazing?! You know what this movie does? It just confirms that Charlie Hunnam is in fact a total bad ************. And that he should always talk in his accent, because it's like the best thing ever. It really is.
- Yesterday was Danielle's fifth twenty-ninth birthday. We had ice cream cake at work for her, and of course sang. You should've seen how she had to cut her cake. It was hilarious. Thanks, Doug.
- Today is Shylyn's graduation from eighth grade ceremony. Apparently I have to go, because she asked me to be there. Whatevs. I never got an eighth grade graduation. I never got a graduation ceremony until I graduated high school, and even then I'm pretty sure that they debated it.
- This whole "M" thing? Yeah, ummm...I don't know for sure, but I'm thinking that it might be one of those things that sounded way better in my head than out loud. You ever have one of those ideas? Yeah, I know. I don't know for sure, but I think that it seemed way better when it played out in my head, than reality. How many times do I have to say it? Reality bites. Just like the Winona movie. Except, I don't get my own Troy Dyer aka Ethan Hawke.
- My dress strap is currently being held together by a safety pin, and I need to make a mental note to sew that up quick, fast, and in a hurry. You know, right along with all of the other mental notes that I have telling me that I need to sew up my clothes.
- On the plus side I'm still wearing the dress and I accessorized this morning. Not well, might I add, but still. Anyone that knows me know that I am NOT and accessorizer. Is that even a thing? Oh, well.
- I've talked to Mo a couple times this past week, and have reminisced about "the good ole days". You know, you never realize how crazy some of the things you did were until you look back on them. Sorry, about all of those late night/drunken phone calls, Ginger. My bad. Funny, but bad.
- Have y'all watched the new show on NBC- The Night Shift? If not, you need to. I was perusing the DVR, waiting for my toe polish to dry, last night and stumbled upon this one. It sounded pretty interesting, so I turned it on. Oh. My. God. It is so intense and wonderful. Seriously, watch it. Now.
I have nothing else to tell y'all. I mean, I do, but you know what I mean. I think. So you? Anyways, even though I could probably say a million more things, I'm just going to stop while I'm ahead. Now I'm rambling, because I'm tired. And sick at my stomach this morning. Remind me to tell y'all the convo that Danielle and I had via FB. It's hilarious. My bad. See, there I go rambling again. Wish me luck for tonight. Me plus a room full of teenagers and children, it's bound to be eventful.
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