Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Things that should have their own post. (Maybe one of these days).

(I can't even think straight).

  • Momma's "Frankenfoot" now officially has a boot and she's on pretty substantial antibiotics (and has been for awhile) to try and alleviate some of the pressure and pain for her. She can't drive with her boot on and therefore I have been driving more often so she can continue to wear it. Let's all just keep our fingers crossed that these antibiotics and boot continue to heal and make her feel better. Having an infection in your bone is no fun. And seeing her in pain is a whole lot of not fun.

  • We had to replace the radiator in our car. And the cooling fan. Our car has been running hot as of late and originally Greg had told us that the things that were happening sounded like the thermostat had gone out. So, Saturday Uncle Darrell and Ashley were going to replace it for us. Needless to say a few tests and tricky bolts later, it ended up being our radiator. The cooling fan hadn't been coming on and in turn blew a hole in it. And upon finding this out, I wanted to cry. Big, huge, crocodile tear cry. But we got it all done (I swapped car labor for landscape labor) and now it seems to be running better.

  • We cancelled our cable. Everyone that knows me, knows that I am an avid tv-aholic. I love watching tv and while I can feel all of the judgy eyes on me right now, I don't care. I don't care what other people do with their spare time, why should they care what I do with mine? The answer is- They shouldn't, but some people just stick their nose in where it doesn't belong. With that being said, we've been discussing changing services and possibly just not having cable at all, so it's officially shut off. Which is fine for us, because that just gives us excuses to watch the shows we own on DVD and movies. Plus, with it being warmer out, we don't stay in quite as much.

  • My Doctor diagnosed me with PCOS. For people that aren't sure what PCOS stands for it's: Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. I had actually never heard of it until the past few months when Momma and I discovered Whitney Thore, but now I have definitely heard of it. It affects many different things and could explain why I have certain things going on that have been driving me insane for a couple years now. She's put me on Birth Control (I haven't used anything in a few years; holler at abstinence) and upped my Metformin to continue to deal with my insulin resistance. 

And that just about sums it up. For now. 

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