Monday, June 27, 2016

I forgot that it was already the end of June and time is flying.

(Because it was a really weird few days).

Hey guys- I'm going to just go ahead and jump right on in with all of this.

I left work early (a little after 11:00) last Thursday, because we (Aunt Poot and I) had to take Momma to the hospital. She had went to the doctor on Tuesday and when her doctor realized how high her blood glucose was, he called and told us to take her immediately. It had been really good for awhile, but the pharmacy screwed up her prescription refill (and I cussed them on every level imaginable), so she was out of her insulin for a bit. And by "a bit", I mean entirely too long.

So, we took her to the ER and they gave her fluids, insulin, and directions for me. You see, I was allowed to take her home, but with strict guidelines and insulin maintenance. Therefore, I was out of work on Friday (only going out long enough to hit the Kroger to pick up a couple of drinks and suitable food and Tylenol for Momma and come straight home), and she's felt bad for awhile, but things are finally starting to get back on track. Slowly but surely. (You can probably tell that she's still puny from the above picture).

Saturday we went with Aunt Poot and Solae to see our Aunt T and Uncle Clyde. They live about an hour and a half or so away down in Seymour, IN and we try to get down there as often as possible. It was nice to see them, although Aunt T always insists on feeding us (it's just in her nature or something), and this time she made tuna salad. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, BUT I hate tuna salad more than almost any other thing on the planet. Seriously, not trying to be dramatic, but NOOOO...... I had a sandwich and nibbled a couple of bites off of it until I was able to sneak it away from myself, and immediately wash my mouth out with Hi-C and bbq chips. I don't think that she noticed.

Then, we got tricked into going with Uncle Clyde to his family reunion. And we proceeded to meet a million people whose names I can't remember, but for the most part were friendly enough. They insisted on taking our picture to put in the "ancestry" report (we're related to some of them through my great-grand mother), and we were invited to all future events. One of the little old ladies was as cute as she could be, she had three fingers, Alzheimer's and was 92 years old, but she was so very lovable and insisted that I was one of the most beautiful girls that she had ever met..... needless to say, she was my favorite and she kept randomly finding me to hold my hand. Another guy didn't think I looked old enough to even be out of high school yet..... he's on the thumbs up list to.

We didn't stay very long, but Poot exchanged information with one of the ladies and I think they might keep in touch. Or semi in touch. Something along those lines. When we left we hit the McDonalds (for the bathroom- and I'm really glad that we did, because there was a little old couple that needed some help and I was able to help them out and that really made for a better day all together), and we cruised into the Christmas Tree Shop. Don't worry, it's not a place for only Christmas related products (we also stopped into a Goody's and realized that their prices are ridiculous). Momma and I didn't really pick up too much of anything (some nasal spray?), but Aunt Poot picked up a couple of things for herself..... and an elephant wine holder for ME that is all too damn cute!! She snuck it in the cart and out to pay and surprised me with it later. She didn't have to do that, but it was very nice of her and I love it!!

After that, Momma and I relaxed and watched TV and cleaned for the rest of the weekend (it's been abnormally/unseasonably hot the last couple of months), only going out to hit the grocery store for a couple of things and the RedBox. Tayder really likes it when we just hang out with him. Plus, we like to keep it low-key and just hang out when we have downtime, so that's what we do. She's still feeling pretty puny, but she's getting better little by little!! Cross your fingers and wish us luck. 

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