Today is my twenty-eighth birthday and I'm not really sure how I should feel about that? Except that I want to go back to bed.
Sure, I'm older.... I'm creeping up on thirty, but I don't "feel" any different than what I ever have. I've never been one of those "I just had a birthday so that means I'm older and a completely different person now" kind of people. I know most people say that once they reach a certain age they begin to feel "different." Maybe even more grown up?
Perhaps I haven't reached that age yet, or maybe I will never have that kind of "moment" but I can honestly say that twenty-eight feels absolutely no different than twenty-seven did. (Except now I have to tell people that I'm even older than I was yesterday.... but isn't that true for all of us?!).
In fact, twenty-eight feels no different than eighteen felt. Well, aside from the whole being out of highschool and able to buy booze thing.
Momma asked me this morning, "so, how's it feel to be eighteen?" (We all have a running joke in our family that dictates you never say someone's real age while teasing). And I told her, honestly it feels exactly like it did ten years ago.... except now I have to buy bigger jeans and I'm a little more cynical (who even knew that was possible?!!?!).
Side note: Dani did bring me "birthday doughnuts" to work this morning from the Amish bakery and they were the most delicious thing EVER. I had one that was caramel wrapped in cinnamon and powdered sugar.... yeah, you heard me right.
What are my big birthday plans for this year? Well.... absolutely nothing. And I love that. I came to work like it was any old day (because honestly, it is) and will go about my business like nothing is different (again, because it really isn't). Tonight my twenty-eight self will eat the roast that my twenty-seven self was forward thinking enough to put in the crockpot for supper last night. And it will be winter business as usual.... supper, snuggles with Tayder, warm shower, snacks, wine, and Netflix.
Maybe I'll watch a scary movie in honor of my birthday? (Because scary movies are my favorite and I love when my birthday falls on Fridays, because then I can be all "it's Friday the 13th!"). No parties or binge-drinking.... no craziness or recklessness. Just nice and "boring" and calm (and that's just the way I love it).
And that, my friends, is what twenty-eight looks like from over here.
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