Who knew planning a wedding was so difficult? You know, aside from the millions of people that have already done it or in the process. Our wedding is going to be small, so I can't even imagine how people who have big lavish weddings do it. Including my cousin, Dani.
I'm going out to Aunt Susi's on Saturday morning and she's going to help me make a checklist and figure some stuff out.... and I get to try on my dress. **shh!!** Hopefully, this will make things a little easier and I can get my big butt into the dress I chose. **fingers crossed**
I think I've gotten quite a bit settled on and then I think, there's a million other things that need to be decided on and get. How does one with anxiety find her way through this clusterf*ck?! Asking for a friend.
The things I have accomplished are: the dress (hopefully), the invitations (so... date/time/actual invite) even though I haven't mailed them out yet, Maid of Honor, Best Man, who's walking me down the aisle, Officiant, guest list, flower girl/boy. I know I want my pups in it (handled by the MOH, BM, & my brother) and I know what I want people to be seated on (hay bales).
Aunt Poot is currently looking into borrowing some tables and a big tent in case it rains.
The things I still have to accomplish are: making sure the dress fits, send out the invitations, the cake, the food (I think we're going to make the food, but I'm told I should definitely order a cake), the music (I think I might have a lead on that, but I'm not 100% sure so it's still on the list), telling my MOH what color of dress to get, decorations, colors, D's suit, what BM and my brother are going to wear, and chairs.
I'm sure there are many other things that I'm forgetting, but that's why Aunt Susi is going to help me with that list. She's planned or helped plan quite a few weddings, so she knows what's up.
Aside from that, the only "tradition" that D and I have decided to adhere to is the one of him not seeing my dress or me in it until the actual wedding day. We decided there were too many superstitions (which is hilarious considering I'm a very superstitious person) and we know who we are and what we want, so there will be none of that "no seeing before the wedding" and "certain time of day" nonsense. He's just not allowed to see the dress/ me in it until I walk down that aisle.
Also, I asked D who all he wanted me to invite on his side and he told me that to make it easier on myself to just invite everybody on Facebook and be done with it.
What. The. F*ck?!!?! 😂
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