Today I am all about telling you Guys about Randoms things. I want to tell you a little bit more about my good friend EK, (Noodle) that leads to pictures, that inevitably leads to my "Blonde Moment". I call EK "Noodle", don't ask me why, because I DO NOT know, I just do. So Sue Me!! Just to let you know. Let Me begin this by Saying: Usually I hate the term "Blonde Moment". Usually Because: #1: I'm Brunette (I've had blonde hair, along with every other color hair that you can think of, and no I'm not exaggerating either. At all. Including multi-colored/tones hair. Don't ask. I go through alot of phases, and get alot of "wild hairs" that cause me to do these things.) #2: Because if you really stop and think about it, that term is pretty dang offensive. Not to everybody of course, but to blonde people it is. I bet all the blonde people in the world set up meetings behind everybody else's backs, to talk about it too. Not that I would blame them. After all they get stereotyped just like "Gingers". Which I don't hate on because I'm partial "ginger" myself, and find them, to be very cute. (It's all that red in my hair, and the pale/Irish/fair skin I got going on that makes me so into this by the way.) Most of them that is. Not all. Some of them just suck.
Anyways... Even though I usually don't use this term, I had to yesterday. About myself. After work. In the Car. I don't know why I'm talking like this. Moving on...If you've read my last few Blogs then you already know about my friend Noodle. Well that and the fact that I break out into "Don't Stop Believing" and re-enact "The Breakfast Club" way too much! But that's not what this is about! Oh the distractions!! Try this again...One thing that you should know about Me is that I like proof! By like proof I mean I take alot of pictures. Pictures of Everything, because I like to sit around every now and then and reminisce on old memories. Not so much Proof about anything else because my Motto is: Deny, Deny, Deny, And When All Else Fails, and All Hope is Lost, Deny One More Time!!
But pictures I love! It's The Eye of the Tiger!!! Oh, my bad! Sorry sometimes you need to just take a little time to have a "Rocky" Moment! Great movies! Great actors! Sylvester Stallone is one of my favorite actors of all time! Best marriage Proposal in History to! (Picture it. Philadelphia Zoo. Winter) Rocky: "Yo Adrian! I was wondering if you wouldn't mind marrying me very much?" Classic! I Love It! I have no desire to get married, but I would at least have to say yes, and convince them to just be engaged forever. That works you know. People get engaged and never get married. I could probably do that with the right person. Enough of that. The point here is I Love Rocky!! And he had the best marriage proposal EVER!! Classic!!
Moving on (Again)...Let me tell you a little bit about Me and Noodle before I get to "My Moment". Her and I have been Friends for quite sometime. I met her when we were 15 years old, and we immediately hit it off. (My family had moved to a small town in FL and she was my only friend around that area. I had friends still in TN, but it's just not the same). To get to her house from mine you had to go down my road, make a right, make a left on an old dirt road, then make another right on the gravel road, and then drive until you got around the curve. Basically, I'm trying to say we lived fairly close to each other, and became very close friends. I just like to be really specific so you can picture it like you were actually there. We spent the last half of our Sophomore Year hanging out (I was home schooled my Sophomore Year, and she went to the school that I eventually went to my Junior and most of my Senior Year), and of course the Summer. We got to know each other and became inseparable in a short amount of time. Both of us were having some problems when it came to the home situation. Her with her Mother, me with who people tell me is my dad (even though I just claim I don't have one...Long story that I don't like to talk about.) So that of course made us closer as well.
At one point after my supposed to be "dad" left, her mother kicked her out of the house (because her mother at the time was a little nutty) so she lived with My Momma and I for a long while. Needless to say we became basically sisters. Going through everything together, From Our "awkward" stages, to boys (yes I said boys, we were young so no we weren't dating grown men or anything) to "emotional trauma" (our school counselors words not ours just so you know) to our "quirkiness" and "randomness" and everything in between. We completely accepted each other for the people that we were, and never wanted to change anything about the other person. That's what true friendship is about. We accepted each other with all of our "flaws" and were completely convinced that they were not "flaws", but were in fact just pieces of our characters that made us who we were. We love each other (like sisters) and our friendship continues to this day, even though we live so far apart.
In the process of my moving somewhere around five times since then, alot of my pictures have come up missing. This of course makes me very sad, to know that some of my "memories" (and yes that's what pictures are to me) are lost for good. I had told Noodle my dilemma to which she immediately replied with "Katie, Sweetie don't worry about it. I have copies of all of our pictures from back then. Remember? I'll just send them to you". I was officially ECSTATIC!! Yay! I had completely forgot that I had made like three copies along with the originals back in the day, and gave them to the other three people of our "old gang". I figured if she was good enough to send me the copies of the pictures so I would have them, then the least I could do at least send an envelope containing my original letter to her, an envelope with a mailing label, some more mailing labels, and required postage.
This is where the infamous "Blonde Moment" happened. I got all of that together to put in one of those big yellow envelopes, printed out labels and proceeded to mail my letter and the other contents on Wednesday evening. I get into the car after work yesterday (Thursday) and Momma tells me that there was a big yellow envelope from Erica to me at the house. I immediately thought "there is no way that it got to her and she mailed it back to me all in one day". Well I was right. Yes, I did it. I had got the envelopes switched, and mailed all of her stuff to me. And that's even after I had sent her a message via FB to tell her that it was all on it's way. "Blonde Moment"!! So today I am resending it. I have double checked it about fifty times just to make sure, and as of this evening it will be on it's way! Thanks once again for listening to my persistent Rambling!!
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