Monday, March 10, 2014

Sorry, but I'm not sorry

Well, folks, here it is again. Monday. The day that all people dread, myself now included in that. I used to work such crazy hours that Mondays never really seemed to bother me. Probably because I couldn't tell a Monday from a Wednesday, or that from a Saturday. However, now that I have a Monday-Friday (6 am- 3:30 pm) job, I usually know which day it is. Well, at least close to it. But I'm a little extra sleepy today because I stayed up late....reading. I know, right? Bet you thought that I was gonna say something really bad and/or naughty, huh? Sorry to disappoint. I did that a lot this weekend. Like most of it and I'm not even sorry about it. Loved it!

It all started Friday evening, we ran all our errands, Cricket and I cooked dinner, and then it was each person for themselves. Our house had been a bit sickly the past week, so no one was exactly spunky. (Mostly in bed). So, I went downstairs and decided to start reading one of those books I told y'all about that I had ordered. I decided on Wallbanger, because I figured with an embarrassing title like that- it had to be good. I was right. Shy had Saturday school (thanks a lot snow days), so I read throughout the night. I was laughing so hard that it was ridiculous. I mean, at one point I was laughing so hard that I had to stop reading, because I couldn't see through my tears. Bravo, Alice Clayton, bravo. Before I even realized it, it was one in the morning. I put down the book (reluctantly) and went to bed. I of course woke up a few hours later, because I had to get Cricket up for school, so instead of laying back down I just finished the book. It is so funny! I think that everyone should read it, you know if they want a good laugh and don't have a giant stick up their butts :) Not for kids, because I will admit it has quite a few "dirty" parts, but that's not what it's all about. I like it when books are from more than one character's perspective. I think it makes it more fun that way.

Later on that day after we picked Cricket up, I had to swing by the pharmacy to get my medicine and Cricket followed me around that store until I agreed to rent her that new movie- Catching Fire- from the Redbox. I gave in and rented it (I know, sorry I didn't have a lot of fight left in me at that point). Also, I rented her some movie called- The Bates Haunting. Do not, I repeat- DO NOT watch that movie under any circumstance. It is the dumbest thing that I've seen in my entire life. Truly. But the Catching Fire one was good. Better than the first even. Then me and her just kind of chilled the rest of the evening. I decided to start reading another one of the three yesterday evening. (I keep putting off the one by Chris Perez, because I know that it's going to make me cry). I chose to read- Beautiful Bastard. Now, I know what you're thinking, and yes, yes it is exactly like that. That's all that needs said about it. It's the first book in a six book series, and it had been suggested to me on Amazon. Without putting much thought into it I went ahead and ordered it. I decided that I would read this one, and if I didn't care for it then I would ignore the rest of the series and move on to another. Fair, right? Well, I started reading it yesterday evening (between 7pm- 8pm) and before I knew it, it was past 11 pm and I had to be up at five this morning for work. Oopsy... I got so into it and like it so much that needless to say I have every intention of reading it tonight (if not finishing it) and I got the other five in the series off of Amazon. I know, I know, you don't have to say anything, I already know. If it helps, I got them all used so I got them pretty (actually dirt) cheap. It's amazing some of the deals that you can find when you're poor and go digging :) Anyways, just thought that I would let y'all in on my little something. I spent pretty much all weekend reading and I'm not even sorry.

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