Wednesday, November 26, 2014

I have many things to be thankful for {A sappy (early) Thanksgiving post}.

What's there not to be happy about today? I mean, I get off at 11:00 today. I have the next four days off. Aunt Poot and Solae are coming over tonight for movie night (Expendables 3...whoop whoop!!). Momma is feeling pretty good. Aunt Susi is happier. Jayna is at work today helping to put up the tree. Me and Dani match in our Griswold shirts (by accident). Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Greg is happy. John is up here now. I've decided to watch Outlander on Demand (all eight episodes) while I'm off. And I'm losing weight. The world is good. My world that is.

Two year old me would like to wish you happy holidays!! Clearly, we know who the cute one was. My brother and cousins claim they were, but I mean, come on. Look at little ole me.

Things could be better I suppose. I reckon they always could. People always seem to talk about the things that could be better. However, I'm a drink the glass that way you don't have to decide if it's a glass half empty/half full kind of gal. I try to always find the silver lining and be optimistic. Noodle likes to tell me that I'm the ultimate eternal optimistic/hopeless romantic. I'm not really sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but we got that kind of love. I'll take it.

I have so much to be thankful for. So much. I'm in fairly decent health. It teeter totters back and forth between things sometimes, but for the most part things tend to go good. At least it's nothing I can't deal with as far as now. My Momma. The fact is that she's in poor health, but you know what? She's getting help for it. And it's getting better by the day. She will never be healed, however I'm hopeful that with time we can get her to that level. You know what 'that' level is. Tayder is still kicking and lugging around. Poor guy is grumpy, but he's the Walter Matthaeu of dogs, so I'm ok with it.

I like that he's still here to give me cuddles and kisses when I need them. I spend time with a few of my favorite people in the world- i.e. Momma, Aunt Susi, Uncle Roger, Aunt Poot, Uncle Darrell, Aunt Mary, Dani, Solae, Greg when he doesn't have a giant stick up his butt. And so on and so forth. I love spending so much time with Momma. And I love spending time with those I am close to. Work is good. Our apartment is good. Family is good, except for the buttheads, but you know.

I could complain. I really could. But why? So much has happened. There was so much bad in me that I didn't know what to do. I didn't know where to turn. I got to the point that I didn't want to do my favorite things. I didn't want to talk to my friends. Anybody really. I didn't want to read or watch tv. I didn't want to leave the house. I didn't even want to get out of bed or get dressed. I didn't really want anything. I went through the motions and that was it. I didn't know what else to do. I just laid there and stared at the walls. I cried without knowing why. I sat there without paying attention to the things around me. My life was going without me really in it. It's been like this for years. Since I was around fifteen, I guess. And then I started making changes. Big changes. And it helped. Don't get me wrong, there are days that I still have these feelings. Everyday I have at least a few of these feelings and don't really understand why. I've never known why. But you know what? Here it is. And here I am. I'm surrounded by people that love me, and even though I don't want to burden them with my problems, I know that if I needed them they are there. And that's nice. And for that my friends, I am thankful.

Happy (early) Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Because, obviously, we were awesome.

Enough said? This is me and a few of my friends in junior high. But the cool junior high. You know, eighth grade, so we were almost freshmen. In our minds other words, complete badasses. That's me sitting on the floor covering my face. As you can tell, I've always had a bit of Miranda Kerr in me. Not even close. We probably even wear the same size in clothes. Liar. Traveling down those old white and red hallways sure does bring back some memories. 

Like the ones of all of the homecoming days, where we got to have field days and run around crazy. The ones of my friends and I passing notes and homemade fortune tellers back and forth to each other in our classes. The one where a boy told me he loved me, kissed me, then ran away. Or the one where I watched my friend Rachel (the one right next to me) slam some girls head into my locker repeatedly. Yeah, there's that.

By the look of my Beetlejuice shirt, you can clearly tell that we were much cooler by the time we reached high school. No we weren't. We could even talk our guy friends into wearing our clothes. Well, at least our jackets. This happened on more than one occasion. Also, most of us had nicknames by this point. Not me, because they all still call me Katherine, but this guy is known as Poncho. His girlfriend? Lucy. No, that's not her real name, that's just her nickname. Yeah, I don't get it either, but they're married and have a baby now, so maybe it was she was Lucky Lucy? I don't know.

We were so cool. We even threw up our hands in class, like- What up?!! That's not true, that never happened. The 'What Up' part, not the throwing hands up part. That part definitely happened. Also, boys carried our purses, because they were already wearing our jackets, so why not? He's going to kill me if he ever sees this. Hashtag worth it.

Sometimes we posed with guys and even though it was their idea in the first place, they look terribly uncomfortable in the actual photo. But maybe that's because the girl in the photo that wasn't you totally made out with said guy the summer before and then he started blushing every time that he was around her. Also, you had to poke and tease the same guy until he finally opened up and talked to you, so you became friends, because he was so shy. And then your best friend reads the blog post that you write that tells about her making out with the guy and she immediately screams and regrets sending you the old photos in the first place. Oops.

Then when you grow up the same boy joins the Army and when he comes home he's even more beautiful than what you remember him being. And then you get drunk with him and the two of you pass out in his truck. Like adults.

Finally, you look at the old pictures of y'all and you realize that you needed to pull down your shirt back in the day. That is until you realize that that's not even your shirt that you're wearing in the photo. It was actually the shirt of a girl that y'all hung out with that weighed about 90 pounds and you remember when you were skinny. And then you snap back into reality when your best friend reminds you of how photogenic you were when y'all were young. Because she's a hater.

Ah, friendship.

Monday, November 10, 2014

I needed a laugh on this Monday morning

I don't remember where I saw this, so if it's yours, I give you full credit, I just wanted to share it, because I thought that it was simply too funny not to. It's about Romeo and Juliet and I mean, come on, that's hilarious. Read this, and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. Enjoy.

People always make Juliet out to be dumb in Romeo and Juliet, but I think she at least had some sense where Romeo didn't have much of any. 

Romeo: I was thinking about this chick earlier who I said I was in love with, but now I love that girl over there that is very likely to either belong to my family's enemy or be close with my family's enemy as it is their party I am crashing. Juliet: I do not like being so young and forced into a relationship with an older man, but oh there's a cute guy more my age over there. And since he's here he must have been invited and is therefore a reasonable love match for myself.

Romeo: We should kiss right now at this party. Juliet: No that is a super dumb idea. Romeo: *kisses her anyway* Juliet: That was dumb of you.

Romeo: We should get married right now. Juliet: We don't know each other. Shouldn't we wait until at least a little time has passed? Romeo: Like tomorrow? Juliet: Sure, fine.

Juliet: We're married now, so we have to try and make things better between our families. Romeo: Right. Romeo: It seems I have killed your cousin and am now exiled.

Juliet: Ok, so, since Romeo fucked up I'm gonna fix this shit by taking a harmless sleeping liquid. He'll come and get me and we can go away together. Romeo: *immediately kills himself* Juliet: For fucks sake.

And honestly, that's exactly what we were all thinking and you know it.
I needed a little laugh on this here Monday. You know it's the truth.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

I'm probably at a wedding right now

Did I really schedule another post in advance? I'm even starting to impress myself over here. While you're reading this (are you reading this?) I am probably at the wedding of my cousin, pretending to enjoy wearing actual pants while eating cake, drinking copious amounts of alcohol, posing for pictures, and offering my congratulations. I also probably still smell like potato salad, but that's neither here nor there.

Hopefully I look good. I've already chosen my outfit, and while I was going to wear a dress with a cute little sweater, the weather has taken a turn so I have switched to pants. However, it's a really cute top and I plan on looking at the very least presentable. That reminds me, I need to clean my boots. I'm writing this snuggled up in my favorite pair of jeans (I don't have the opportunity for sweats right now) and my navy hoodie. I finally got the front pocket sewed on after three years. I got it from an old friend of mine and you don't care even a little, do you?

I probably really am at the wedding right now. You should totally follow me on Instagram (Are you not already? Not nice.). I'm sure at this point I'm posting pictures of the event. Or alcohol bottles. But they're both pretty great. My cousin is marrying her girlfriend, and while she's kind of weird, I reckon whatever makes her happy. Even though she's been engaged like fourteen times. And no, I'm not exaggerating either. It's the truth. She just gets engaged on a whim. I mean, I reckon if that's what she wants to do more power to her. Kudos, to you.

I'm still proud that I planned a post ahead again. And I'll probably do another post at some point this weekend, whether it be tonight or tomorrow recapping the whole event. Unless I'm hungover, in which case you'll have to wait until Tuesday or Wednesday. Damn it, I gotta do laundry to. Boo. Hope y'all are having a great weekend!!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Is it acceptable to wear sweatpants to a wedding in November?

Today is Friday, and if you've been around me for any amount of time at all this week you would know that this fact makes me incredibly happy. Happier than usual. Except for the fact that Momma and I have to make 20 pounds of potato salad tonight. You heard me right, 20 pounds of potato salad. Don't ask. Anyways, I thought that I would just stop in for a second to say that:

A) We are having this huge rat infestation problem living in our ceiling at work. And while I'm not particularly scared of mice or rats, not knowing how many are up there that could fall on top of my head at any given moment kind of freaks me out. Just slightly. Thankfully the exterminator (Dani) has a giant bag of poison and traps treats for the little guys that she makes Chad distribute to them and collect. We're determined to win this battle.

And- B) My cousin Ashley is getting married tomorrow. So, instead of lounging about in my sweatpants watching Gilmore Girls (which I would really love to do), I have to look like I actually give a damn and go into public, fully dressed, and do things. I would prefer to just hibernate, but you know, family obligation and such. So, wish me luck! At least there's cake. And alcohol.

Cheers, bitches!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Friends are allowed to be assholes. Dr Phil said so.

No, he really didn't. That's just a bold face lie. Y'all remember me talking about my friend Mo, right? Well, just to give you a little more information about her let me tell you that she's six months younger than me. And she has four kids. And one on the way. And they're all my god children. And if something ever happens to her and her boyfriend, I am utterly and completely 100% screwed. Just saying.

Well, her and I, we have kind of a joking/loving friendship. We're always there if the other one needs us, but we like to give each other, how do I want to put this? We give each other a lot of shit. We like to tease each other, and make the other one crazy. We always say that we're going to blackmail each other, but then we eventually settle on that each of us know too much on the other one for that to work out properly. So, we let that go.

I'm telling you this, so I can tell you my new way of driving her crazy. It's fun. For me, of course. It's making her nutty. Hehehaha. {insert evil laugh here} On Sunday I text Mo and asked her if I sent her some postage, if she would send up some of the old pics of us that she has so I could copy them and send them back. I mean, I already have to send her a crap load of stuff anyway. She said that was no problem and we agreed. So, on Monday I sent her the postage, a letter, and a text telling her that she should have all of it in the next few days.

She said ok, and we got to talking about everything that's been going on. I asked her how the prego life was going (Fifth god child due in May) and she asked me how city life was going for me. We exchanged pleasantries like you're supposed to and then we started. We started talking about a million of the random things and people from our pasts. We started discussing one particular boy that we had grown up with, and that she had hung out with on occasion, but I had never really ever said more than three words to since sixth grade.

We were debating everything about him when I made the comment that I had always thought that he had a crush on her. She said no, and seemed a bit off put by it. So, I continued prodding, and poking around, and finally she got incredibly annoyed. I did what every sandbox best friend does. I started messaging her random pictures of him {Thank you, FB} talking about how much stamina that he had (From his point of view) and then asking why she doesn't love him.

So, basically, it's a bunch of different pictures of dude with messages like- LOOK HOW MUCH STAMINA I HAVE. And- WHY YOU NO LOVE ME, TATA?!! You know, all in capital letters, because I'm her best friend. And a jerk. And I keep getting messages from her saying things like- quit it!! And so help me, Katherine!! It's all quite funny. For me. I think this might continue for the rest of our lives. I'm so glad that it's Friday tomorrow.