Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Winter in Spring with the Hateful Eight.

(I don't know what's happening, but I'm going with it).

That picture really has nothing to do with anything except for the fact that I'm pretty sure I feel the exact same way that I did that night. And if by the dresses you think that Mo and I (yes, that's the infamous Mo with all that sass going on) were happy with what was going on, you would be mistaken. I mean, we weren't really aggravated with anything, and nothing bad was happening, we just felt kind of- Eh.

Not to mention then we had to walk in front of people while being announced (it was our senior banquet night), sit through the festivities, keep a serious face, pose for pictures, and talk about things that we were supposed to be looking forward to..... all after "eating one too many sandwiches." At that point the only thing that we were looking forward to was putting on sweatpants and a tshirt, "eating a couple more sandwiches", having some chicken wings/ burritos/ candy, and watching tv until we passed out from alcohol consumption. I mean, whhaaaatttttt........

And that is the same feeling that I have today (minus the "sandwich eating"). The weather is about the same (cold), it's pretty much the same time of year (and unusual weather has been happening), and in all honesty, we're both still pretty sassy. And after that, I have nothing else.

Speaking of the weather (see what I did there?) it has been going through menopause like a mother f***er (insert Samuel L. Jackson impression here) around here. Over the weekend it was between 68-70 and dropping to around 58-60 at night. Not too shabby for April. And yesterday the high was 40. Spoiler alert: It never reached 40, but instead decided to peak at 26. And no, that is not a misprint.

I had to cover my plants last night. Which didn't work too well. And by "too well" I mean it didn't work at all and when I looked out of my living room window I seen a teenage boy (maybe preteen?) grab the bag off of one of my rose bushes. Because teenagers are assholes. Come on guys, I'm trying to get these things to grow!! I'm sure that I'll find another way to kill all of these flowers, I do not need your assistance. Unless that also includes you helping me plant my garden when it decides to warm up a bit (NOT HOT). I need green tomatoes so I can then cook and eat all the fried green tomatoes in the land. TAWAAANNDDAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! (If you don't get that, we can't be friends).

So, what am I going to do this evening? Well, Solae's softball games don't start for a couple more weeks, and since it's 27 and dropping as we speak (or in my case- type), Momma and I decided last night that we would rent and watch- The Hateful Eight- tonight. She wanted to last night, but she had this epiphany at 9:10 pm and when she realized the time, she decided tonight would be better (she was right). Personally, I am very excited about seeing this movie. Some think it's because it's a Quentin Tarantino movie (I love Quentin Tarantino movies), some think it's because it stars Kurt Russell and Samuel L. Jackson (Russell is an idol and I quote Jackson frequently), but Momma knew the real reason I was itching to see it so bad.

And that reason is- Walton Goggins.

He's my favorite and she knows it all too well. We were debating which one to rent, because there are some out right now that sound pretty good (Daddy's Home, Point Break- the remake, and a few more), but as soon as she heard "Walton Goggins is in this one" and looked up to see me bouncing around like a fool, she agreed that it was the right choice. So, that's what we're going to do. I'm going to cook us supper (no, I have no idea what I'm going to make), and the three of us (Momma, Tayder, and I- Greg doesn't hang out with us much) are going to hunker down and watch- The Hateful Eight. And avoid the 15 degree weather as much as possible. Also, I'll tell Mo that y'all said hi.

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