Y'all, I am not one to admit that I have feelings. I like to just be overly dramatic and emotional and tell people that I don't have feelings, even though we all know I'm lying. It's been a good system that has served me well in life. (And by "served me well" I mean it has totally blown up in my face on way more than one occasion).
While I'm pretty decent at hiding my everyday emotions from the outside world (ie: to everyone that isn't around me a semi-daily basis), the fact of the matter is, if you watch a movie with me (or let's be honest, even a commercial) that pulls at my heartstrings (and those kinds of movies seem to be more frequent the older I get?) chances are, you're going to see my crazy in full effect.
With that being said, I wanted to let you know that I watched the movie Wonder and it was literally just 113 minutes of me crying my eyes out. There were so many tears involved that I was probably creeping into dehydration territory (but then again, that's probably the dramatic part of me taking over).
There were tears for literally every single emotion that you can think of and I cannot stress to you how amazing this movie is and how much you should watch it. I should also probably warn you before you go any further, minor SPOILER ALERT.
While I originally went into the movie thinking it was going to be a bit like the 1985 film Mask (I was told this by someone, but can't remember by whom), I quickly learned that was not the case. You see, in Mask the genetic disorder that the main character suffers from is: Craniodiaphyseal Dysplasia. In Wonder, the little boy has Mandibulofacial Dysostosis. And while you can look at the photos and it may seem like it's around the same thing to an individual such as myself that is not educated in the medical field, they are actually quite different things.
I'm not going to give too much away (hence the "minor"), but I do have to say that once you think the movie can't possibly get any sadder.... the elderly family dog gets sick. And while I wanted to stop watching it a couple of times, because the cruelty you realize some people inflict on others, just because they're "different" is so disheartening, I didn't and finished it through. Because I'd like to believe for every cruel person that is running around out there (and let's be honest adults are the worst, but children can be little shits too), there are two more kind people to tip the scale back.
Wonder. Watch it. Watch it now.... and probably/most definitely bring tissues.
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