This week, I (re)met his actual dad. I originally had met him when we were sixteen, but only for around ten minutes and neither of us remembered the other very well. Mostly because, hello it was for ten minutes over a decade ago.
But, his dad flew in on Christmas Eve and while we were supposed to pick him up around 3:30, he didn't land until 6:30. Did you know that if you actively vomit on an airplane, even if you're in the bathroom, that they can/will throw you off of it? If you didn't, you do now, because that's what happened to him.
The poor guy was sick the entire time he was here and I felt terrible for him. I felt bad for D too, because he had made a bunch of plans for when his dad came up, but they all had to be cancelled, because everytime his dad moved, he puked.
Even though he was sick, D was so excited for him to come visit and I know he misses his family, so it was really nice for him to have his dad around for a few days. We took him back to the airport at 4:00 this morning, and he made it home safe and sound (and vomit free) and we'll be seeing him again in March (when we take vacation and go see his family in FL).
Also, all of our pups couldn't get enough of having him around and they all loved him.
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