Tomorrow is my thirtieth birthday. That's right, THIRTY. I will officially be starting a new decade of life and I'm unsure of how I feel about it? I don't have any of those "oh no! I'm getting so old" feelings, but I have quite a bit of doubt. Mostly because, I don't feel any different at thirty than I did at fifteen.... unless you count the back pain, frequent urination, and jean size, that is.
But no, I honestly don't even feel like a grownup at this point. Sure, I'm an adult and lord knows that I have had to deal with plenty of adult situations, even before I was grown, but I don't "feel" like an adult. I'm still very much in the phase of my life where I still consider myself young.... if only at heart.
Even though my personality and demeanor is more of an eighty-nine year old man.
Luckily, I know who I am as a person. I learned that years ago and it was not something that I needed to find or appeared with age. I have just known. I also don't think that you should have expectations of your life just because you are a certain age. Oh, I'm thirty so I should have already been married with kids? Kiss it. I am getting married this year (D and I finally set a date), but it has nothing to do with the fact that we both turn(ed) thirty this year. It was just something that happened naturally and we're ready for. Thirty be damned.
With all of these feelings and self doubt, I thought that I would put it out there the things I do know for a fact and have learned over the years. Whether good, bad, ugly, or hilarious.
#1: Drinking two bottles of vodka and then showing up at work the next day to be a productive member of society, gets increasingly harder the older you get. Sure, nineteen year old Katie could pull it off, but thirty year old Katie's body and stomach do not appreciate it.
#2: No matter what your age, you will always miss someone when you lose them. I never thought that I would be at this stage of my life, trying to navigate it without Momma by my side. And yet, for better or for worse, here I am.... trying.
#3: When you're ready to make a step or change in your life, only you will know when it's time. Don't let people pressure you or make you doubt your feelings and self-awareness. Even if you don't know for yourself, don't let other people make those decisions for you.
#4: There is absolutely nothing wrong with not wanting to have kids and instead adopting a shit ton of dogs in their place. You want me to have kids? Well, I want to have three dogs instead, so guess which one is winning in the end?
#5: Grey hair, wrinkles, cellulite, chub, and acne happens, regardless of age. Embrace it.
#6: Sometimes, when you're only five feet tall, being the "bigger person" is not always an option. Don't let people treat you bad and get away with it, just so you can be the bigger person. There are times when you have to stoop to their level and just call them on their bullshit.
#7: If there is someone in your life that is toxic and treats you poorly, remove them. I don't care how close of a member of family they are or how long you have been friends. You don't owe them anything and you are not required to tolerate it. You don't have to remove them for the things they've done (and don't let them try to tell you to "get over it" or "move on"), you can remove them, because they are a toxic person and you don't have any room for that in your life.
#8: There is nothing wrong with wanting to stay home, watch tv, and hang out with your dogs in pajamas instead of going out and doing things. And even if it is wrong, I don't want to be right. You prefer to be at home without being surrounded by people? Then do that. And might I suggest binging a show like "Justified" or "You" to pass the time and keep it entertaining. Just because someone says "you need to come out" or "it's not good for you to be at home all the time" doesn't mean you have to listen to them. Screw that, if y'all need me I'll be curled up on my couch watching Hulu and drinking liquor surrounded by my pups while wearing sweatpants and a tshirt. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
#9: Who says you can't marry your highschool sweetheart.... twelve years after the fact? If y'all break up (as so many teenagers do) and end up back together what seems like an eternity and only yesterday all at once and it's right, then f*cking go for it. There are no rules when it comes to something like this.
#10: Having a normal job or career is fine. Not everyone out there can be or wants to be a doctor, rockstar, veterinarian, actor, musician, or live a crazy life. It's ok to be a normal person that goes into their normal job everyday with nothing more than wanting to do their job to the best of their abilities, make a living to support their family, and go home at the end of the day.
#11: If you are trying and doing it to the best of your abilities, than that is something to be proud of.
#12: Not everyone is a "runner." Sure, I run from my problems, I run my mouth, and I run out of patience, but I am not a "runner" by any means. I don't have the follow through for exercise, marathons, or "living that healthy/clean life" that people are always bragging about. If it's for you, then I say you go, dude.... BUT Imma be over here not doing any of that and eating tacos.
#13: Walton Goggins is an underrated actor that should be more popular and well known by all than he is. Seriously, the man is a national treasure and if you don't believe me, then you're wrong.
#14: If you have naturally wavy and/or curly hair, don't fight it. It's not worth the effort, money, and time that you are going to invest in it to try and straighten it out. Also, if you're straightening your naturally curly/wavy hair to then in turn curl it differently than it looks, you are defeating a purpose and you're going to end up thinking back on it like you are a psycho. Side note: conditioner is your best friend.
#15: Wearing sweatpants in public is perfectly acceptable. I have had people tell me for years to not go out in sweatpants, because "you don't even look dressed" and "those are pajamas." Whatever. You people don't look any better in jeans than I do in sweatpants and I am seventy percent more comfortable than you. I am not even ashamed of it.
#16: Red is a statement color. I don't care the situation.
#17: People do and will change. Sometimes for better, other times for worse. You can't help anybody that doesn't want help, and you can't force anyone to do things differently just because you know better and they are hurting themselves. You will just drive yourself crazy trying. Also, not all of your childhood friends will remain friends. As I said, people change, including yourself. Don't feel guilty walking away from a bad situation.
#18: If you have problems seeing or hearing, just embrace that shit. I have had problems hearing my entire life and I have to wear glasses/contacts every single day if I want to see anything clearly. While this all used to embarass me (especially the hearing problems), now I just admit to myself that these are issues and move on with it. I turn that tv up louder, I say huh often, and I don't drive without my contacts in. While people still joke or comment on it, I just let it slide right off of me.
#19: It's perfectly acceptable to have wine, whisky, or vodka for dinner. Sure, some people may call you an alcoholic, but what do they know? They're sober.
#20: Wearing your fiances shirts is not only acceptable, it is fairly implied when they put that ring on it. You looking for your blue thermal, sweetie? Sorry, I can't hear you, because I'm currently wearing it at work and I am extremely comfortable.
#21: The only thing worse than strep throat is the chicken pox. The only thing worse than the chicken pox is the measles. The only thing worse than the measles is bronchitis. The only thing worse than bronchitis is a bladder infection. The only thing worse than a bladder infection is a colposcopy and cryotherapy. The only thing worse than a colposcopy and cryotherapy is not being able to remember your worst ailment so you can list it out.
#22: Learn the difference between they're, their, and there // your, you're, and yore.
#23: There is absolutely no replacing your best friend. Once you have that one best friend that knows it all, has been there through it all, and loves you beyond measure without doubt or reservation, there is no replacing that person. Once they're not there, the emptiness they left behind is always felt.
#24: Asking for help is never something that you should be ashamed of. We are all human and there are certain situations that some of us need help with more than others. Don't let others shame you into thinking something is wrong with you or that you're weak. They're not you, therefore they don't know how you feel, what you think, and what you need. If they condemn you for that, either walk away or give them hell.
#25: No matter what your job title is, what you do at your company, or how many times you correct someone, if you are a female working in an office, you will inevitably be called a secretary.
#26: Ordering your clothes, groceries, pet food, entertainment, medicine, beauty, and cleaning products online and having them delivered directly to your house is not only acceptable, but also extremely convenient and one of the greatest things that they've ever started doing in this modern world.
#27: I don't care how many Fast and the Furious movies they add to the franchise and how similar or escalated they all are. (I mean, they went from illegal street racers that stole dvd players to saving the entire planet from nuclear catastrophe?) I will continue to watch (and love) them all.
#28: Your taste changes as you get older. Whether it be in music and movies, or food and drink, you will without a doubt change over the course of time and that's not a bad thing.
#29: If you are not an organized person and have trouble keeping track of absolutely everything in your life, you really should buy some sort of book (ie: planner, journal, etc.) to keep a record of everything that you need to remember. That way, you know when your bills are due, what you need from the store, and all of your appointments. Keep this little book close by, because it could be the difference between peace of mind and complete destruction.
#30: Short and sweet, and to the point, build a life for yourself that you can be proud of and that creates true happiness. No matter what that may look like or how others feel about it, sometimes you have to just do it for you.
Bonus: Don't be a d*ck.
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