Yeah, I'm still talking about our wedding.... and I'm not even a little bit sorry about it. I'll probably be recounting that day FFFFOOOORRRREEEEVVVVEEEERRRRR!!!!
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Friday, February 19, 2021
Thursday, February 18, 2021
My husband and I have a weird and sarcastic relationship.... and that's just the way we like it.
**me and D talking in our kitchen last night**
Sunday, February 14, 2021
Happy Valentine's Day, my love. ❤️
After spending a fun-filled, but exhausting day celebrating my birthday yesterday (which by the way, how do you make everything for me better and better by the day? Are you a wizard?!!) going bowling and out to eat.... not to mention the Famous Tomato and root beer floats?!, it was nice to just spend our day relaxing and starting a new show.
I mean, watching Dexter was definitely the way to go, right? We needed a new show to get into and binge together and what says Valentine's Day better than a show about a serial killer that kills other serial killers and such? And people say romance is dead. Not us though, we have that comforting kind of love.
I love you more than you'll ever know. And I have since we were fifteen years old. Who would have ever thought that I would get to find my soulmate over half my life ago and that even with the ups and downs of life, that we would get to be married and be living our lives together? It's insane and my very favorite thing all at once.
There are so many things that I want to say to you, but if you ever need a reminder about how I feel or how much I love you (because we both know that I'm not good with the whole feelings thing or expressing emotions), just remember that I laid it all out there in my vows not even four months ago and my love for you has only increased.
Although, in true Valentine's fashion, I did decide to answer a few questions about us from social media. Why? Because that's how I roll and no matter what, you still love my ass for it.
Here's Our Story (and yes, I wrote this directly to D):
How'd you meet? That damn Astor was at least good for something. I literally walked onto the bus, saw you, and was like "I WANT THAT ONE!!" And eventually, you decided you wanted me to.
First date: I don't even remember if we had a first date. I think we just decided that we wanted to be together and went from there. There was no "courting" or anything like that, we just met, loved each other, met the families, started doing stuff together, and you moved in with us. Yes, at fifteen.
How long have y'all been together: Depends.... which time? First, over two years, and now over two years. But, we like to say we were together the whole time just also not together and on a break? A forced break. So, yeah.
Married: Hell yes. You literally put a ring on my finger as soon as I let you. Lol.
Age difference: What? Like, three weeks? You know you love the fact that I'm a younger woman!
Who was interested first: That's a great question, because apparently we were both interested at the same time, but both too chicken shit to say it, so we had to go through the great Skankanie debacle.
Who is taller: Of course you are, you ape! I barely come up to your chest.... but I wouldn't have it any other way. You're my tree and I'm your spider monkey, therefore I can't wait to climb you!
Who said I love you first: Definitely you. Because there was absolutely no way I was about to put my feelings out there and be crushed like a teeny little bug!
Most impatient: Me. 100%. There's not even a debate on this one, because patience may be a virtue, but it is definitely not one of my strong suits.
Loudest: That depends.... have we been drinking? I mean, of course we have, BUT I'm loud, because I'm partially deaf and can't hear myself or anyone around me and you're loud once you've had some beers and get on the phone.
Most stubborn: Once again, me. 100%. You're stubborn sometimes, but let's be honest, it's mostly me. I'm as hardheaded and stubborn as they come. #IAmMyMommasDaughter
Fall asleep first: YOU. Here I am, tossing and turning, willing to make a sacrifice to the sleep Gods, and you can literally fall asleep standing next to a semi-sturdy wall. I mean, you just knock the f*ck out whenever. ALWAYS.
Cooks better: Ah, the great debate in our household. I think it depends. You're obviously better with the meats, but I'm a better baker, and I think we're equal with the random stuff (spaghetti, etc.). Clearly, you make better chicken wings, tacos and ribs and I make better shepard's pie, soup and taco salad. So... we both win!
Better morning person: Neither! I'm easier to get up and out of bed, but neither of us are pleasant come morning time. I blame your penchant for sleep and my derision to sunlight.
Better driver: Ok.... you'll definitely disagree, but I think deep down in the pits of our stomachs, we both know I'm the better driver. At the very least, I'm the safer driver.
Most competitive: You. Neither of us are super competitive, but you have your moments. I mean, HAVE YOU SEEN YOU PLAY COD?!!
Funniest: Me. Duh! I'm hilarious and a bag of f*cking fun with sarcasm oozing from my pores and we both know it!
Where do you eat out most as a couple: We don't really go "out" all that often. We do (and by "we" I mean "me") DoorDash alot though. But, I prefer when you cook... even though I ALWAYS get stuck with the dishes.
Who is more social: You. Definitely you. 100%. No debate here. I prefer to stay home with you and our dogs hunkered down in my bitch cave surrounded by alcohol and treats. You are a social butterfly. I don't know how we make it work, but we do.
Who is the neat freak: Neither of us are "neat freaks" but we both have certain things that we are extremely picky over and have "OCD" related to it.
Where was your first kiss: It had to be Erica's house, right? That gal was #TeamKevon long before couples names were even a thing. It was a long ass time ago, how are we supposed to remember?
Do you get flowers often: You actually bring my flowers more often than anybody ever has in my life. And I love that. Never change it! Seriously, like, don't change it, I love it!
How long did it take to get serious: I'm pretty sure we were serious before we even realized what serious was. So, a long ass time. I think we literally met and were serious.
Plans date night: We don't plan anything, we are very much a go with the flow kind of couple. And our flow usually involves pizza and Netflix.
Who is the first to admit when they're wrong: Definitely you. This is where that stubborn of mine comes into play, because I would rather chop off my pinky than to admit I'm wrong. But you just own up to your shit when you're wrong. And it's one of my favorite things about you.
Who wears the pants in the relationship: ME! And I only say this, because I have a video on my phone that is basically you admitting this!
Who has more tattoos: Oh, come on! I have tattoos.... but YOU will always have more tattoos! You're the tattoo king in our household!
Hogs the remote: Me. I'm a pain in the ass this way and I admit it. I like control! Remote control, that is!
Spends the most money: Ha! Ha! Hahahahahahaahaaaa!!!! Are we talking bills or other things? Because you are definitely the money spender between the two of us! And we both know it. (But I love you anyways!)
Did you go to the same school: For a bit. Junior and half of Senior year. Not the whole time though. What can I say? You're a Florida boy and I'm a boondock princess.
Where is the furthest you two have ever traveled: I know, I know, YOU DROVE A THOUSAND MILES!! But, I'd say Florida to Indy/Indy to Florida is our furthest together as well.
Who drives when you're together: Mostly you, because you hate my amazing and completely practical little car that I adore. Why I let you drive? I'll never know, because your driving mostly terrifies me.
With all that being said, just know that I love your punkass and I wouldn't trade you for anything in the entire world!! You're the other half of me. The heart to my head and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Thursday, February 11, 2021
We did Valentine's Day early.... because that's how we roll.
D and I did Valentine's Day early this year, because both of us are literally the worst at keeping presents that we got each other a secret from one another. I don't know what it is, but neither of us can seem to get the other something and not immediately want them to have it. It's like we're more excited to give presents than get them.
I'm not sure if we've always been like this, because I just now noticed it, but I think it's safe to assume that yes, we have in fact always been this way with one another. Even with Christmas we find ourselves trying to give the other one their gifts early.... or at the very least, some of them. Either way, it works for us and we're just gonna go with it.
Besides, who made the rule that you have to wait for a certain day to celebrate and give someone you love a gift? Whomever it was, they're stupid and we aren't going to listen to them.
Also, when it comes to my gift? I knew I married him for a reason.... he just f*cking gets me.