Monday, February 7, 2022

My husband had absolutely no effing idea what a snow day was.

Remember when I said I didn't remember Landon being such a dick and let everybody know that a winter storm was heading our way? Well, guess what? It hit. And it was a giant pain in the ass. Our area alone got 7.6 inches of snow (actual inches, not man inches) and that's not counting the two inches of ice or the 30 mph wind. Needless to say, it's been a cold last week.

It started on Wednesday evening and lasted until Friday morning. I worked from home on Thursday, so D drove Doug Judy to work, but on Friday I had to come in and D stayed home. His tires were terrible and needed replaced and when he got up Friday morning two of his tires were completely flat and one of his rims were frozen to the road. 

Driving into work on Friday morning was a f*cking nightmare too. I knew that the side roads would be horseshit, but they're usually pretty good about keeping the main roads cleared. That was not the case with Landon. What usually is a 20-25 minute drive for me took damn near an hour or more and there was not one street clear on my way in. I even got stuck in our slush pit of an alley trying to get out. So what did I do? Remembered my Momma's advice and hoped for the best. I got out.

The plan was to do whatever we needed to do and stay home as much as possible. Did that happen? Not even a little bit. We didn't prepare for this winter storm and instead decided to just wing it. Probably not our smartest move, but it's what happened.

And it wasn't even for just work or groceries. D and I just had to go out on Saturday morning, because we're adults and as we all know, being an adult is the f*cking worst! Nevermind that the temperature was literally 0° with a wind chill value of -10°. Did that matter? Nope. Why? Because he still had to open the store and I had to go have new tires put on his car. Ah, adulthood. We even made the trip out to Aunt Mary's yesterday to water her plants and check on everything! And swung by Sally's to get D some new clippers and me a new hair treatment.

Tayder is hating this frigidness (I don't blame him, this cold doesn't do nice things for his arthritis!). Spart and Xur are loving it and would stay in the snow playing for ten hours if we'd let them. And D and I couldn't seem to get enough of playing in it on Thursday and Friday either. I worked from home and he got off at noon, so we had an old school snow day.

And then he had to call me out on the fact that he had no clue what you were supposed to do on a snow day, because he had never had one his entire life. Sad. So, we totally fixed that problem and now he knows how to handle snow days!

Side note: do y'all know how long it's been since I've felt the need to wear longjohns under my pants and three pairs of socks? Seriously? Do you know how long it's been since I've been cold enough to layer like this? It's been a damn minute, I'll tell you that. Even D's mind is blown by the amount of clothes I've layered on my body the last week. 

So yeah, we're all good and dug out at this point. There's still some slick spots on the roads and the snow is sticking around for a bit, but we're all good. Doug Judy handles in the snow very well and Beetlejuice is a little mini tank. 

Now we're back to our normal routine. We're at work. I need to clean our house/do laundry and go to the BMV. D is playing COD and trying to deal with the eczema problem that came out of nowhere. Like I said, adulthood.

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