Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Four hours ain't enough... but it's better than nothing.💚

We got a nice little surprise yesterday... my mother and father in law showed up at the house! Who would've thought we'd run into a couple of Floridians in our neck of the woods? Apparently, they've been in Illinois the last few days and stopped by Indy on their way through for little ole us.

How sweet is that?! It was so good to get to see them and talk for awhile. I made supper (chili, per Dev's request!) and we all just hung around and caught up on the back porch.

Also, how cool is it that Dev and me are rearranging our lives and house to accommodate our ever-growing sense of selves?! 

Now... we can hang out on the back porch! Soon... living room!

Unfortunately, they were headed back South (like us, they're adults and have jobs and responsibilities- BOO!), so they couldn't stay for long (not even the night... they wanted to get on the road), but four hours is better than having to wait another two months... which is when we'll get to see them again (for Jelly!).

Side note: I don't know if they were really there for four hours or more or less... I am spitballing my best over here. I didn't feel the need to take meeting minutes or anything.

The four of us talked about any and every thing we could think of (and I love it).

We caught them up on the goings on in our lives... work is work, we're making life changes, the house is different (and will change again), Dev's tattoo career is kicking off... aside from the drama (that is NOT ours), life is good.

And they caught us up on theirs... work is work, they're changing the house and making it their own (and we're so happy for them!), they spent the weekend working Guy's family's 1852 family farm, and like us, people are bringing negativity into their lives that has no business being anywhere near them.

I mean, who doesn't love when the people you're surrounded with take advantage, manipulate, and guilt you into their way of life? Good times.

I'm not gonna lie though... we straight up tried to convince them to move up North. I don't even care if it's Indy or Illinois... but COME ON. Let my in-laws be three hours from me as opposed to fifteen. DO IT. Come to the dark side... we don't take shit from people and we live the lives we want regardless of other peoples opinions. You're gonna love it.

Our pups were so excited to see their grandparents and it was the first time they got to meet Steve. Xur and Sparkles were already turned up to level 147 and once their little sis joined in... all bets were off.

They even brought us a little keepsake from Guy's family farm... it's a hand painted shovel (beautiful) that has a little sign that reads, "thankful you should be." I don't know how old the piece is (probably very) but the fact I read it in Yoda's voice made me smile so damn hard. We love it and added it to our collection of sentimental objects (ie: Dev said I had another piece to add to my hoarding collection... but this one is special!).

So yeah... we were very excited and happy to see them... had a fantastic time hanging out and eating supper... tried to convince them to move North with us... laughed a shit ton... and were sad to watch them pull away. All in all, it was a nice little visit and I'm very happy, especially for Dev, that he got to see his mom and stepdad. We love them and want all the love and happiness for them that's possible.

But seriously, y'all... move up here with us. I'll help you make the chicken wings.

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