Monday, July 22, 2024

We should stay in our fortress more often.💜💜💜

I say that but honestly, we stay home ALOT so I can't really complain. But, I mean... you can't blame me... right? I'm SOOO content at our house when it's just Dev, our pups, and me. But this past weekend was my kind of situation.

Sure, it was thrown a bit off because my brother and his BM were packing up his stuff (almost there... just a little more to go!) but that didn't stop us from doing our thing. Although, I do wish Dev's head would've been feeling better on Saturday... everything was fine and we were one tattoo in and BAM... migraine. I don't know where it came from but I felt horrible for him.

Migraines are no joke and make me want to vomit... both for me and him.

Aside from that though, we cleaned house together... Dev cut the back yard... we made lots of nanner bread... did some laundry... got some snuggles in (my husband can literally cure my insomnia by holding me down and barely touching me)... and I am the proud new canvas of two more Glisson Simplistic Tattoos.

Aka... my smoking fine hubby put some new ink on me (and me wants more).

We talked to my brother about his new living arrangements and finally came to a conclusion for him on Friday night. Come Saturday... he put his foot down and his life is on the right track (I think). This is his last full week at our house (he has a few off days the weekend after next but if we get his place set up I doubt he'll want to be back) and then they'll be setting his new place up. We offered to help this weekend/next week after work if need be. I want him to do good and be happy... hopefully this is a good first step.

Aside from that... my babies are still the cutest little gremlins on the planet. Sparkles is all about extra snuggles with me lately and I have to admit, I f*cking love it. Xur is forever anxious but is so full of love and the fact he gets up with me in the mornings makes me all fuzzy inside. Steve is growing like a damn weed and is going to eat us out of house and home. She's adorable and keeps her big brothers on the edge.

Of glory or sanity... I'm not sure.

And now, here I am. Trying to make it through this Monday without a nap or any motivation. I would really appreciate crawling back into my snuggly bed, surrounded by my babies and maybe getting some nanner bread and some food to warm my belly... and maybe a little more ink.

Because I don't know why... since it's literally dead ass July... but my mood is very laid back fall already.

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