Friday, November 8, 2013

I said that I would.

I made a small list of things the other day that talked about things that I Will Do Someday. Well, number seven on that list was to read the entire Outlander Series. I have been trying to read that series for probably a little over six years now. I have them all and finished the first book when I was seventeen. I decided to start reading them when my English Honors Teacher Mrs. Lynch at the time had suggested them to me. {{On a Side Note, I really liked her. She was an amazing teacher, and taught me alot. Not just about Literature either, but about life. To her I say- Thank you.}} I don't really know why I have never finished the rest of them, but now that I think about it I really want to. I have enjoyed everything that I've read so far, so now I want to know the rest of the story. Last night, I decided that it was time. Time to put down everything else that I have been reading and watching lately I have a giant list of novels that I'm convinced need my attention and give Outlander another go. The only way I'll know if I like them is if I read them. Right? So that's what I did. I decided to go ahead and start from the first book again, and then move through it. You know to remind myself of what was going on. I'm glad I made that decision, because I had forgotten alot of crucial parts. It's as good as I remember it, all 800 and some odd pages of tiny print of it. I'm enjoying it so far, like I knew I would. If ya'll need me- I'll be in 1743 Scotland, Sassenach!!

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