Back on topic...I once said that one of the ten things that I would tell my 16 year old self, would be that your body will go through alot of extreme changes, but not to worry because you would get it all figured out. I take it back. The part about the acne at least. It sucks, and I'm pretty sure that my skin will never be normal again! I take the medicine twice a day, wash my face twice a day, use those pads thingy's twice a day, basically spend a good amount of time dealing with it. And you know what? Just when I think that it's getting a little better, it flares up again. It's so annoying and inconvenient!! I should've had this problem at 15, not 23. I'm grown

I tell people alot that I'm a very strange woman, because I hate wearing shoes. For the most part this is still true, but I have found the exception to this. What is it? The exception is my black combat boot that snap. Why? Because they are sooo comfortable! I may be a little bit in love with an inanimate object at this point. Sorry, but I'm not sorry. We're in love. Expect wedding invitations soon. Yes, that's how much I love these boots. I'm actually discussing my metaphorical wedding to them. You may think that this is a little strange, and normally I would agree, but in this case I have to go with- Shush! I bought them a size bigger than what I actually wear, that way I can wear my fuzzy socks with them, I can wiggle my toes in them, and when my feet randomly swell for no apparent reason whatsoever they have room to expand in there. Don't ask me why my feet swell for no apparent reason, because I don't have even the slightest clue. I'm assuming that it has something to do with the fact that being a woman is highly over-rated. Seriously it is. I was just telling Doug this morning on my way into work that being a woman is over-rated and when he asked why, I told him because it takes alot of effort to look this mediocre. You laugh and play, but it's the truth and you know it. We can't all be Jennifer Aniston's and Sandra Bullock's you know. Although, if they had a magical machine to do that, I would hop in and order a Emma Stone or Dominique McElligott. Just saying.
I don't take things back very often, unless there is a really good reason. The things that I am definitely sticking to though are- I still wish they would quit pumpkin flavoring everything! Seriously, it's getting ridiculous out there. Pumpkin this, Pumpkin that. Just stop. One of my all time favorite movies is still Cold Mountain. It'll be it's 10 year anniversary this Christmas. Man, I'm getting old! Eventually, this tattoo on my foot will be redone. Too what, I don't know but something unique. I'm still convinced that SOA is the best show ever and that Kurt Sutter is a...Genius! I still insist on talking in movie quotes even is people have no clue what is going on. Robin Thicke singing Blurred Lines still makes me extremely happy, especially when Jimmy Fallon is involved. And finally...I don't care what any of ya'll say. I still love Tom Cruise!! You say crazy, I say...ok maybe crazy, but still love him!!
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