Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Confessing my guilty pleasures? Please, I'm an open book

Vodka and Soda
AllieologyI decided recently to participate in a challenge that has you blogging every day of July. Yes, Every. Single. Day. When I decided this I had consumed a shitload little wine and thought to myself- amazing! I just knew that it would be so cool and I would be on it. I was going to write blogs early. I was going to schedule posts. I was going to do all of those things that the AMAZING bloggers that I read do. Or at least they do in my head.

And then I remembered something. I remembered that I am not that organized, nor have I ever been. Blogging every single day? I just don't think that I have it in me. I love it, but let's be honest, I also love reading, watching horrible TV, drinking, eating, and naps. So, you know, there's that.
I also remembered that on Wednesdays I link up with Kathy to confess things about myself. I mean, just because I'm an open book doesn't mean that there are things that people don't know about me. After all, some things you just hide deep down in there from people. Then I had an amazing idea. I was all- I'm gonna link up with both of these girls and it's going to be LEGEN....wait for it....DARY. That's right. I pulled out the NPH.

It's really not, but I may or may not still have a slight buzz from the entire giant bottle bit of wine that I drank and the pills I popped last night. Just kidding. About the pills, not the wine. What? Can't a girl make a joke? Geesh, tough crowd. You make one little pill popping joke. Then people are all the sudden- "OMG! katie, do you have a problem??" Y'all I have so many problems. SO MANY. But don't worry, that's not one of them ;) An extra 50 lbs? Yes. Drugs? No. Except every time that I watch Breaking Bad I'm thoroughly convinced that I could be a 'kingpin' and then I remember that I have no skills. People scare me. And I cheated off of the boy next to me when I took Chemistry in high school. So you know, there's that. Plus, I wouldn't make it in prison. I just wouldn't. I watched Oz. Nope.

//I smack talk Taylor Swift like it's going out of style. I mean, does anyone besides teenage girls and Ed Sheeran even like her? Well, I do. I just kind of nod along when she's on the radio and roll my eyes when people are around. However, if it's just me and Momma in the car or I'm on my own and she's on? I crank her up and belt it out. Yes, my name is Katie and I'm a bit of a Swifty. Please, don't tell. That's one I'd never live down. (shhh...)

//When I'm out in public I'm a whole lot little paranoid. Why? Because all of the 'shady' people. And the news. That shows me all of the shady people. I'm not the kind of person that judges people. I'm very much, be yourself, to each his own, but I also think that there are people "out to get me" and frankly, it creeps me out. Basically? Crackheads. And that's all I'm saying.

//I drank and entire bottle of wine last night. That was the best nights sleep that I've had in forever, and I'd do it again. Of course in my drunken state we went to Dairy Queen to get ice cream, and I didn't wear pants. What? I stayed in the car. Thank God for the drive-thru. So basically, I got drunk on a Tuesday after work, watched It's Always Sunny and TBBT while eating ice cream, season fries, and leftover pizza. And you know what? I have NO REGRETS.

//I'm a horrible blogger and can't seem to get my shit straight. Is that going to stop me? Not even a little bit. Basically I'm just going to keep rambling on and on even if no one reads it. Why? Because it's like a diary, only better. Simply because I can't use Gifs in a regular diary ;)

Linking up with Juliette, Faith, and Allie.

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