Monday, August 2, 2021

My hubby informed me that I'm it and I am here for it.

As most people that have met us know, D and I talk about the most random things sometimes. There is no such thing as a filter and honestly, we're pretty crass with each other for the most part. Don't get me wrong, we're not nasty to each other or anything, we just have the benefit of our relationship being between people who happen to love each other and are also best friends.

And I always thought that was weird, you know, saying that the person that you're in a relationship with is your best friend, because then who are you supposed to bitch to about your significant other? 

Well, that doesn't really qualify for us, as when he pisses me off or vice versa, we simply tell each other why we're pissed off or we hold a grudge for a day or two and then we're back.

We're lucky. We don't fight or argue, we rarely have disagreements. And when we do have disagreements, we talk it out and eventually find a common ground that we can both live with and move on from.

I'm stubborn and he's easy to anger, so we both just step back and try to look at it from the others point of view. So far, it works very well for us.

But, like I said, our disagreements are very few and far between. We would just rather be happy instead of nitpicking each other. Who in the hell wants to live miserably anyway? I certainly don't. 

More importantly, we LOVE to mess with each other. Whether it be little comments or smacking each others butts when we walk by, we like to play around. We also seem to have most of our in-depth talks either on our backporch (when it's evening time and we're grilling or just hanging out) or especially our kitchen. Don't ask me why we have our most important talks in the kitchen, but it just happens.

I was feeling a little more emotional a couple of weeks ago than I normally do (hey! it happens to all of us and I was just having a really bad day, ok?!) and in true D fashion, he was joking around with me and talking about the most random things to try and make me feel better. We were talking about a dude we know having a few "side chicks" and I asked D if I was his "side chick" as a joke. His response however? It was charming. He said, and I quote:

"Sweetheart, you're my side chick, my main chick, my only chick, my wife, my love, my best friend, my go to.... hell, you're even my hush hush chick. You're it for me, baby. Get used to it."

And to say that he actually got me to stop rambling and be quiet after that, would be an understatement. Everybody should get to be as lucky as I am in the husband department.  

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