Tuesday, September 3, 2019

What in the actual f*ck?!!?! People actually do things like this?!!?!

I've sold things here and there on FB Marketplace, because with the "Marketplace" aspect, it seemed easier and more convenient than Craigslist and I'm not really sure if anyone still reads the newspaper, so putting an "ad" in is a lot.

I haven't sold anything "big", just a couple of tables, a ceiling fan, and a couple window air conditioners. You know, just things that were taking up space in my shed/garage that I didn't really have a use for anymore.

With that being said, more recently I've decided to finally let Momma's car go. We had talked about it before she passed away and afterwards, I was just having a hard time letting it go. In all honesty, I don't know why since we hadn't driven it for a couple of years at that point (we already had Ricardo and I drove completely after her surgery), but there's just something about it. But, I just keep replaying Monna in my head and I know she would want me to try and do things to keep going.

So, I decided to put a listing up to sell it for parts (it needs body work, a little frame work on the backend, and a new battery, but the motor, transmission, etc. is still good), because I figured if I did that then I couldn't change my mind.

I've had a few offers and I've chosen a woman who works at a salvage yard to sell it to. That way, they haul it away (the battery is beyond dead) without charging an additional fee. But, before I sold it to her, I was contacted by a guy that was interested in trading the car for a home theatre system. Since I'm getting rid of the car to mostly get it out of the yard so we can extend our fence, that seemed fine with me. The only stipulation I had was that the guy needed to either set it up or show me how to set it up so I could make sure it worked and then it wouldn't be an issue. (And I of course would have D there, because I most certainly won't meet strangers like that by myself). I also don't just give out my address to strangers, because no. And that's when things got.... creepy.

I tried to ignore him the first time, because I assumed that it was a typo/autocorrect, because who talks to people that way? I didn't want to assume that he was a creeper, because that seemed like I might be jumping to conclusions and I hate doing that. Besides, even if it wasn't autocorrect, some people have no filter and say ridiculous things due to impulse control when they're nervous, right? I know that sounds naive, but I thought to myself, things like this don't actually happen to random people like me. You only hear about things like this from "important" people. People that other people know. Not me.

Then I got the other message and realized that he was in fact, a piece of sh*t.

To say I was taken aback and appalled would be an understatement. In all honesty, my first reaction was that I wanted to punch that dude in the face. I mean, who seriously treats people like this? I was seriously pissed off. I didn't really know how to react or how I should react, but the fact that I was pissed off was in the forefront.

I had talked to D about the trade and he had asked me to let him know what came of it. I took a screenshot of what they guy had said and he immediately called me. Of course, he was super pissed off too. And when I say pissed off, I mean it. He was so angry that I thought he was mad at me and the only thing I could think of was what the f*ck did I do?

When he got home that evening we talked about it and he let me know that he wasn't mad at me at all, he was mad at the fact that someone had treated me that way. I let him know that I was pretty pissed off that the guy had said what he said and he was obviously not a good person too. And that's when he looked at me and said, do you want to file sexual harassment charges? It caught me off guard, because I hadn't even thought of that. The only thing that I had thought about was he was a gross person and how pissed off I was. I didn't even make the sexual harassment connection.

And that's when it hit me, I got sexually harassed while selling something on FB Marketplace.

The thought of it made me sick at my stomach. Something like this has never happened to me before. At least, not that I remembered. Then again, I hadn't realized that's what this was and I wondered how many times this could have happened in my life and I just never made the connection. I felt angry, nauseous, and honestly.... dumb.

Dumb, because how could I not realize that's what this was? I'm not a genius by any means, but I certainly have enough common sense to get me by in life. And yet, it never occurred to me until it was said aloud. Then, I got even more pissed off. Who does this dude think he is? Why does he think it's ok to to talk to, not just me, but anyone like this? Asshole.

He even messaged D and let him know that he should be happy and I should be flattered, because he was giving me attention. ATTENTION?!!?! First off, no one asks for this kind of "attention." Secondly, is this how you justify being a garbage human? How do you assume that everything you say like this is welcomed or asked for just because you felt like it. How do you think this is flattering? Again, asshole.

I decided not to press charges. Not because I'm ok with what he had said or what happened, but after talking about it, it was just the decision I came to. I decided instead to report him to FB (something I also didn't know you could do) and block him. I thought at least if I "reported" him then they could stop him from contacting other people. And I hope they do.

Furthermore, I hope this douchebag stops being such a jerk and if he ever approaches someone else with this kind of situation, that they do get the opportunity to punch him in the mouth.

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