Thursday, April 16, 2020

I have to have all of my babies on one arm. ❤️

Well, most of my babies. Excluding D, because I've heard that putting your significant others name on you is bad luck. And frankly, I don't need anymore bad luck. Is it still bad luck if you get something to represent your significant other? I mean, I did get a paw print for each of my babies instead of their names, so maybe that would work?

Either way, this whole D having a tattoo machine and supplies thing is really working for me. Not to mention, this whole working from home thing, I can multitask. I go into the office for a little bit in the morning, but other than that, Dani and I are still in semi-quarantine and working from the house.

Needless to say, I enjoy working on my laptop from my couch. If I could make this a permanent or semi-permanent thing, I totally would. But for now, we're just doing the best we can and in my case, multitasking. 

Aka, doing productive work while watching Hulu from my couch with no pants or makeup on and getting tattooed. Trust me, you don't want to see me at this point in my life. 

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