Did the title catch your eye? Peek at your interest? Well, you may be disappointed to know that I am in fact talking about MY PURSE!! That's right people! My purse is literally so bad that it needed it's own title. It could have it's own starring role, in it's self-titled Horror movie that would instantly become a "cult classic"! I discovered it this morning when I decided to try and find some change in my purse, so that I could get me and Aunt Susi a coke. Guess what?? My purse is scary!! There is enough stuff in it for at least five people! Five! Count it! One, Two, Three, Four, FIVE!! It's just Not Right! When did I all of the sudden become the girl that couldn't live without the sixteen bazillion things that are in her purse? Huh? When? I remember back in the day when everything that I could Ever Need or Want would fit into the pocket of my jeans, or in my coat pocket during winter, and that was it! Done! Finished!
Now without me knowing it I have become "that girl". You know what I mean. The girl that carries around the giant hobo bag, and your pretty sure that she's either smuggling kittens or has bricks in it. The sad thing is that my purse isn't even really all that big! It's a small silver purse with one handle, and one zipper. Nothing fancy. The only thing unique about it is the fact that it weighs more than a small Buick!! That, and the fact that it can apparently hold the remnants of the "Titanic"!! Upon checking it out for change I realized that I was going to have to clean it out, because a packet of Lemonade that I had in the bottom (smuggling it for one of those horrible days that I was trying to force myself to drink more water) had busted and gotten all over everything and was settling in the bottom of my bag. At least I had taken my dirty pair of Pink Joe Boxer socks out already. I had ran outside at my Aunt's house to take a picture of my Uncle getting underneath of the house, dressed like he was a member of the "Hazmat" team, forgetting that the ground was wet and that I wasn't wearing any shoes. My socks became soaked through so my Aunt gave me a pair of hers so that I could take the wet ones off. I put my dirty socks in my purse to take home to be washed, and kept forgetting that they were in there. They didn't smell or anything they were just dirty socks that needed to NOT be in my purse. Eventually three and a half weeks later I recalled their presence and took them out. Probably a good idea since I tend to have food in there so that I can eat whenever. That and the fact that I'm all the time offering other people food out of there, Never really telling them that it came out of my purse. What they don't know won't hurt them. Oh! That reminds me, I left some ham salad in the fridge at work almost a month ago. I really should get that out of there before anyone notices! Oops!
Moving On...After deciding to clean out my purse, I took on the task with my Aunt watching in "Aw" of me. (Besides the lemonade) Here are the contents that are currently in my purse: ~Wallet(with a rubber band holding it together) ~Glasses and the Glass Case ~Sunglasses in it's "holder bag" ~Sock Change Purse ~Nailbrush in the shape of a Red Hedgehog (Thank you Aunt Susi I love it!! So cute!) ~Kleenex pack ~Hairties (x2) ~Vitamins (x2 bottles) (Biotin and Acai Berry) ~Big Ass Bottle of "Sweet Pea" Lotion ~Bottle of Jordache Women #66 Perfume ~Bottle of Sally Hansen Cuticle Oil ~Big Red Gum (x3 packs) (yes apparently I am the one that always has gum or hard candy) ~Pen ~A Tube of Bacitracin ~Bottle of Hand Sanitizer (you can thank my germ thing on the Nursing Home ~Lipstick (x2 tubes) (Rimmel and Clinique) ~Lip Gloss (Hard Candy) ~Chapstick (Blistex) ~Nail Clippers (pink and white in the shape of a foot) ~Keys (x2 sets) (Btw, neither set of keys belong to me! I don't know where they came from!!) ~A Strand of Pearls Necklace (yeah I don't know either) ~Camera and Camera Case ~Phone ~Elf Oil Blotter Sheets ~An assortment of Loose Receipts ~An assortment of Loose Change ~A Pack of Roasted Pecans ~A White Dress Slip ~A Black Bra (I don't know how it got in there, because I ain't been doing anything, except going to work and home. It's strange!)
Yeah. I think that's about it. Is that not Completely Ridiculous??! I mean Come On! And that's not counting all the rest of the things that are usually in there! Usually I carry my Momma's things in my purse as well, because she hates carrying a purse, and I don't want her to have to carry it all, and try to juggle everything. Plus I usually have candy or soda in there. It's basically like Willy Wonka's Factory for Junk Food in there!! Not to mention assorted papers, and Blog Postings. Also, I usually always have a book in there since I'm kind of a Nerd. That's what my Family/Friends tell me at least. I just really love reading! Luckily, I just finished the Novel I was reading the other night, and have not had a chance to pick out my next conquest. Very happy about that one, since I would've cried had lemonade ruined one of my Novels. Talk about a Hot Tamale, and Not in a good way! Oh, and usually there are Hot Tamales (the candy) in there too. Damn, I may need to go on that show "Hoarders" just for my purse. I may need Help!! Craziness! Do you now Understand Why I call it "The Black Hole of Death"? Huh? Do you? I think I may need a new/different purse. Perhaps a bigger/darker/squarer one. I don't know. All I know is my poor ole purse looks very tired and worn out. As well it should, as if you can't tell!!! Sorry that you had to live through this Horrible/Life Altering Moment with Me!
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Monday, May 27, 2013
Happy Memorial Day!!
"Today the bite of frost nibbles On icy dusk and rain-spun grass When prayers glide of nighttime down, As battle strikes your whispers yield Through ambushed maze drilling around. Yet heartbeats vow for honor, true Enduring nights…freedom pursued. Kismet of hope is in the air While we all feel your longing thoughts Miles away…sweet tidings declare Your dreams fluttering in chilled fall About scenes of love and dear home’s care. The rising star a grain of gold In moments brave soldiers behold. Then victory blazes in red Matching the robin as it sings From soar of peace…from soar of might A courage blessed through godly will Heroes return as breaths alight. The autumn lays her colors by As wishes crown your promised sky"
~nette onclaud
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Brown eyed girl- Happy Mother's Day!!
Happy Mother's Day to the Woman who fed me Razzles and Kool-Aid, and didn't make me eat peas. To the one who tickled me until I couldn't stand it any longer, but didn't let others do it to me when she was around. To the woman who never missed a school function for My Brother, or Myself, even when she was working or sick. The one who sat through all of Greg's ballgames with me, in rain, sleet, hail, lightning, unbearable heat and freezing cold, just so we could cheer him and his friends on. The one who kept me laughing even when we thought there was nothing to be happy about, the one who tried to put a smile on my face, even when she herself was to sad to find joy. The one that held my hand all of those times that I was scared of the doctor. The one who told me that I could do, or be, anything in the whole world, and believed in me no matter which path I decided to take, with the proudest look on her face that any one person could have.The one that cried from the day she put me on the bus for my first day of Kindergarten, to when she stood up cheering, tears streaming as she watched me walk across that Graduation stage. She was right, WE did it.To the woman who convinced me that I could accomplish anything that I sat my mind to. The one who has always told me that I was beautiful, even on the days that I felt the ugliest. The one who seems to know everything about everything, and is usually always right. The one who always told me that it was better late than never when I was upset about missing something. To the one that made my childhood magical by filling it with books, music, movies,and fun. To the one that instilled in me the importance of kindness, compassion, and gratitude. The one that took care of me when I was sick. The one that kept me from scratching more so I wouldn't have scars from the "chicky pops". The one I look exactly like, and couldn't be any more proud of. The one that was both mom and dad, and did all that she could for my brother and myself. The one that has made me feel beyond blessed for the passed 23 years just to have known her, and especially to be her daughter. She has not only been a mother, but also a father, a best friend, a confidant, and a role model. Her character continues to amaze me even to this day. Momma, Thank You for all that you have and continue to do. You Are My Heart!! I Love You!! Happy Mother's Day!!
Friday, May 10, 2013
EK, Rocky, Pictures & The "Blonde Moment"
Today I am all about telling you Guys about Randoms things. I want to tell you a little bit more about my good friend EK, (Noodle) that leads to pictures, that inevitably leads to my "Blonde Moment". I call EK "Noodle", don't ask me why, because I DO NOT know, I just do. So Sue Me!! Just to let you know. Let Me begin this by Saying: Usually I hate the term "Blonde Moment". Usually Because: #1: I'm Brunette (I've had blonde hair, along with every other color hair that you can think of, and no I'm not exaggerating either. At all. Including multi-colored/tones hair. Don't ask. I go through alot of phases, and get alot of "wild hairs" that cause me to do these things.) #2: Because if you really stop and think about it, that term is pretty dang offensive. Not to everybody of course, but to blonde people it is. I bet all the blonde people in the world set up meetings behind everybody else's backs, to talk about it too. Not that I would blame them. After all they get stereotyped just like "Gingers". Which I don't hate on because I'm partial "ginger" myself, and find them, to be very cute. (It's all that red in my hair, and the pale/Irish/fair skin I got going on that makes me so into this by the way.) Most of them that is. Not all. Some of them just suck.
Anyways... Even though I usually don't use this term, I had to yesterday. About myself. After work. In the Car. I don't know why I'm talking like this. Moving on...If you've read my last few Blogs then you already know about my friend Noodle. Well that and the fact that I break out into "Don't Stop Believing" and re-enact "The Breakfast Club" way too much! But that's not what this is about! Oh the distractions!! Try this again...One thing that you should know about Me is that I like proof! By like proof I mean I take alot of pictures. Pictures of Everything, because I like to sit around every now and then and reminisce on old memories. Not so much Proof about anything else because my Motto is: Deny, Deny, Deny, And When All Else Fails, and All Hope is Lost, Deny One More Time!!
But pictures I love! It's The Eye of the Tiger!!! Oh, my bad! Sorry sometimes you need to just take a little time to have a "Rocky" Moment! Great movies! Great actors! Sylvester Stallone is one of my favorite actors of all time! Best marriage Proposal in History to! (Picture it. Philadelphia Zoo. Winter) Rocky: "Yo Adrian! I was wondering if you wouldn't mind marrying me very much?" Classic! I Love It! I have no desire to get married, but I would at least have to say yes, and convince them to just be engaged forever. That works you know. People get engaged and never get married. I could probably do that with the right person. Enough of that. The point here is I Love Rocky!! And he had the best marriage proposal EVER!! Classic!!
Moving on (Again)...Let me tell you a little bit about Me and Noodle before I get to "My Moment". Her and I have been Friends for quite sometime. I met her when we were 15 years old, and we immediately hit it off. (My family had moved to a small town in FL and she was my only friend around that area. I had friends still in TN, but it's just not the same). To get to her house from mine you had to go down my road, make a right, make a left on an old dirt road, then make another right on the gravel road, and then drive until you got around the curve. Basically, I'm trying to say we lived fairly close to each other, and became very close friends. I just like to be really specific so you can picture it like you were actually there. We spent the last half of our Sophomore Year hanging out (I was home schooled my Sophomore Year, and she went to the school that I eventually went to my Junior and most of my Senior Year), and of course the Summer. We got to know each other and became inseparable in a short amount of time. Both of us were having some problems when it came to the home situation. Her with her Mother, me with who people tell me is my dad (even though I just claim I don't have one...Long story that I don't like to talk about.) So that of course made us closer as well.
At one point after my supposed to be "dad" left, her mother kicked her out of the house (because her mother at the time was a little nutty) so she lived with My Momma and I for a long while. Needless to say we became basically sisters. Going through everything together, From Our "awkward" stages, to boys (yes I said boys, we were young so no we weren't dating grown men or anything) to "emotional trauma" (our school counselors words not ours just so you know) to our "quirkiness" and "randomness" and everything in between. We completely accepted each other for the people that we were, and never wanted to change anything about the other person. That's what true friendship is about. We accepted each other with all of our "flaws" and were completely convinced that they were not "flaws", but were in fact just pieces of our characters that made us who we were. We love each other (like sisters) and our friendship continues to this day, even though we live so far apart.
In the process of my moving somewhere around five times since then, alot of my pictures have come up missing. This of course makes me very sad, to know that some of my "memories" (and yes that's what pictures are to me) are lost for good. I had told Noodle my dilemma to which she immediately replied with "Katie, Sweetie don't worry about it. I have copies of all of our pictures from back then. Remember? I'll just send them to you". I was officially ECSTATIC!! Yay! I had completely forgot that I had made like three copies along with the originals back in the day, and gave them to the other three people of our "old gang". I figured if she was good enough to send me the copies of the pictures so I would have them, then the least I could do at least send an envelope containing my original letter to her, an envelope with a mailing label, some more mailing labels, and required postage.
This is where the infamous "Blonde Moment" happened. I got all of that together to put in one of those big yellow envelopes, printed out labels and proceeded to mail my letter and the other contents on Wednesday evening. I get into the car after work yesterday (Thursday) and Momma tells me that there was a big yellow envelope from Erica to me at the house. I immediately thought "there is no way that it got to her and she mailed it back to me all in one day". Well I was right. Yes, I did it. I had got the envelopes switched, and mailed all of her stuff to me. And that's even after I had sent her a message via FB to tell her that it was all on it's way. "Blonde Moment"!! So today I am resending it. I have double checked it about fifty times just to make sure, and as of this evening it will be on it's way! Thanks once again for listening to my persistent Rambling!!
Anyways... Even though I usually don't use this term, I had to yesterday. About myself. After work. In the Car. I don't know why I'm talking like this. Moving on...If you've read my last few Blogs then you already know about my friend Noodle. Well that and the fact that I break out into "Don't Stop Believing" and re-enact "The Breakfast Club" way too much! But that's not what this is about! Oh the distractions!! Try this again...One thing that you should know about Me is that I like proof! By like proof I mean I take alot of pictures. Pictures of Everything, because I like to sit around every now and then and reminisce on old memories. Not so much Proof about anything else because my Motto is: Deny, Deny, Deny, And When All Else Fails, and All Hope is Lost, Deny One More Time!!
But pictures I love! It's The Eye of the Tiger!!! Oh, my bad! Sorry sometimes you need to just take a little time to have a "Rocky" Moment! Great movies! Great actors! Sylvester Stallone is one of my favorite actors of all time! Best marriage Proposal in History to! (Picture it. Philadelphia Zoo. Winter) Rocky: "Yo Adrian! I was wondering if you wouldn't mind marrying me very much?" Classic! I Love It! I have no desire to get married, but I would at least have to say yes, and convince them to just be engaged forever. That works you know. People get engaged and never get married. I could probably do that with the right person. Enough of that. The point here is I Love Rocky!! And he had the best marriage proposal EVER!! Classic!!
Moving on (Again)...Let me tell you a little bit about Me and Noodle before I get to "My Moment". Her and I have been Friends for quite sometime. I met her when we were 15 years old, and we immediately hit it off. (My family had moved to a small town in FL and she was my only friend around that area. I had friends still in TN, but it's just not the same). To get to her house from mine you had to go down my road, make a right, make a left on an old dirt road, then make another right on the gravel road, and then drive until you got around the curve. Basically, I'm trying to say we lived fairly close to each other, and became very close friends. I just like to be really specific so you can picture it like you were actually there. We spent the last half of our Sophomore Year hanging out (I was home schooled my Sophomore Year, and she went to the school that I eventually went to my Junior and most of my Senior Year), and of course the Summer. We got to know each other and became inseparable in a short amount of time. Both of us were having some problems when it came to the home situation. Her with her Mother, me with who people tell me is my dad (even though I just claim I don't have one...Long story that I don't like to talk about.) So that of course made us closer as well.
At one point after my supposed to be "dad" left, her mother kicked her out of the house (because her mother at the time was a little nutty) so she lived with My Momma and I for a long while. Needless to say we became basically sisters. Going through everything together, From Our "awkward" stages, to boys (yes I said boys, we were young so no we weren't dating grown men or anything) to "emotional trauma" (our school counselors words not ours just so you know) to our "quirkiness" and "randomness" and everything in between. We completely accepted each other for the people that we were, and never wanted to change anything about the other person. That's what true friendship is about. We accepted each other with all of our "flaws" and were completely convinced that they were not "flaws", but were in fact just pieces of our characters that made us who we were. We love each other (like sisters) and our friendship continues to this day, even though we live so far apart.
In the process of my moving somewhere around five times since then, alot of my pictures have come up missing. This of course makes me very sad, to know that some of my "memories" (and yes that's what pictures are to me) are lost for good. I had told Noodle my dilemma to which she immediately replied with "Katie, Sweetie don't worry about it. I have copies of all of our pictures from back then. Remember? I'll just send them to you". I was officially ECSTATIC!! Yay! I had completely forgot that I had made like three copies along with the originals back in the day, and gave them to the other three people of our "old gang". I figured if she was good enough to send me the copies of the pictures so I would have them, then the least I could do at least send an envelope containing my original letter to her, an envelope with a mailing label, some more mailing labels, and required postage.
This is where the infamous "Blonde Moment" happened. I got all of that together to put in one of those big yellow envelopes, printed out labels and proceeded to mail my letter and the other contents on Wednesday evening. I get into the car after work yesterday (Thursday) and Momma tells me that there was a big yellow envelope from Erica to me at the house. I immediately thought "there is no way that it got to her and she mailed it back to me all in one day". Well I was right. Yes, I did it. I had got the envelopes switched, and mailed all of her stuff to me. And that's even after I had sent her a message via FB to tell her that it was all on it's way. "Blonde Moment"!! So today I am resending it. I have double checked it about fifty times just to make sure, and as of this evening it will be on it's way! Thanks once again for listening to my persistent Rambling!!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
The Longest Day Ever Recorded in the HISTORY of MANKIND!!
This has been the longest day ever, and the only reason that it's been recorded is because of the fact that I blog, and people stalk on FB. Your Welcome Society!! Because of people like Me, you guys can go about your merry little day completely oblivious to the fact that the World around you has come to a complete STOP!! Your Welcome!! Anyways back to my day. Trying to veer me off of my own subject. How Dare You!! Now, I know what your thinking. Your thinking (and some of you are probably saying out loud to yourselves and other's around you) "But Katie, your at work you should be extremely busy"! Well, Joke's on you! Because I have finished all of my work, and done random things just to amuse myself. So HA!
I've done everything today to try to get this day to go by faster! Besides just my work (which once again I say is all done to all you Hater's!) I've read/posted/"researched" all kinds of things today. Broke out into a Verse of "Don't Stop Believing"!!! Greatest song to break out into EVER!! Including (but not limited to of course, because there's just no way to remember all of the things that go through my head on a daily basis.) I've read Articles About:
- The "Boston Bomber" being buried
- The Cleveland Ohio women that were finally rescued after a decade
- A man that got eaten (not once but twice and finally spit up) by a "Hungry Hippo" (sorry for the joke, but come on even he had a sense of humor about it)
- Nina Dobrev and Ian Somerhalder breaking up after 3 years together
- An 83 year old Nun from Tennessee that broke into a Nuclear Plant (that makes weapons) to graffiti biblical messages on the wall, and is now looking at up to 30 years in prison
- Everything on Jason Momoa (what can I say? He's Gorgeous!)
- One about how apparently Liam Hemsworth's two Brother"s (Chris & Luke) staged an "Intervention" so their brother would break up with Miley Cyrus
- A bunch of other one's that I can't recall at this precise moment There's No Limit to my Interests if you can't already tell.
Plus: Have Instagrammed, Posted on FB, Uploaded pictures, Looked at what products were best for my skin, Found out that I have a Thyroid condition (I learned this from an article about fingernails on the internet, because you know they can't put anything on the internet that isn't true *chuckles to self*), Re-enacted a Scene from "The Breakfast Club". I'm glad that I have an Imagination that allows me to Venture off into LaLa-Kyle Land from time to time or I would be screwed! Oh and Now it's Time to go HOME!! Yay!! Aren't you happy for Me now?? Blogging really does HELP!! Should've tried this Method Beforehand!! Oh, and just so there's a little "somethin-somethin", Also a Random Picture of "Fan Art" from a Book Series I own- "Outlander"- Diana Gabaldon. The characters are James "Jamie" Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser and Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp-Randall-Fraser.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Read me!! (There's a great new author on the rise).
Hello my fellow Hobbits/Hobbettes! I know I ramble on quite often, but today I have a specific agenda in store. That's right, I have an agenda! Watch out! Run for safety! Take cover! Save yourselves! Ahhh!!! No, I'm just kidding around, but seriously, I do have something to share with you. One of my dearest/best friend in the whole world has been published!! That's right, people! You heard me correctly!!
I, Katie, can have a conversation with someone, and if the subject comes up (or I slide the subject in there ever so smoothly), I can say: "Oh yeah, one of my best friend's is an author." And just so y'all know, that's exactly how it will go down!! I promised her that I would try to help get the "word" out about her novel.... so here I am! Another step trying to help her out. I figure as long as I cover all the bases that I can, then that's the least I can do. That turkey and I have been through a lot together, and I want to help her as much as possible. So thank you, so much, for taking the time to read this, and hopefully for checking it out!!
My "campaign" ad:
Hello, ladies (and gents, of course). This novel was written by one of my truest friends in the world, Erica Thomas. She is a new author, and this is her first novel that has been published to date. Her, and her family have fallen onto some difficult times, and she has asked me if I would try and help her get the word out, so people will purchase, and enjoy it. Having a larger fan base would mean so much to her, and to me. Please and thank you for your time. The novel can be found on Amazon.com. The name of it is "Half Blood" (A M.I.S.T. Novel) Volume I By: E.K. Thomas. It's only around $3 or $4 so if y'all would check it out I would greatly appreciate it.
I, Katie, can have a conversation with someone, and if the subject comes up (or I slide the subject in there ever so smoothly), I can say: "Oh yeah, one of my best friend's is an author." And just so y'all know, that's exactly how it will go down!! I promised her that I would try to help get the "word" out about her novel.... so here I am! Another step trying to help her out. I figure as long as I cover all the bases that I can, then that's the least I can do. That turkey and I have been through a lot together, and I want to help her as much as possible. So thank you, so much, for taking the time to read this, and hopefully for checking it out!!
My "campaign" ad:
Hello, ladies (and gents, of course). This novel was written by one of my truest friends in the world, Erica Thomas. She is a new author, and this is her first novel that has been published to date. Her, and her family have fallen onto some difficult times, and she has asked me if I would try and help her get the word out, so people will purchase, and enjoy it. Having a larger fan base would mean so much to her, and to me. Please and thank you for your time. The novel can be found on Amazon.com. The name of it is "Half Blood" (A M.I.S.T. Novel) Volume I By: E.K. Thomas. It's only around $3 or $4 so if y'all would check it out I would greatly appreciate it.
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