Tuesday, May 1, 2018

I think we're basically just skipping Spring.... but maybe not?! Who knows.

Y'all, this weather has been insane for the last few months. While it stayed relatively warm until October, (at least warm by my standards), the weather hasn't been able to decide what it wants to do for the last couple of months.

Sure, we all expect the Winter weather to be insane with a mix of snow, sleet, hail, ice and such (welcome to the Midwest), but it seems like it's been back and forth. Some days have been so cold that you couldn't even feel your face while you were inside of your own house, some were warm and you didn't even need a jacket, and others it felt like we were all gonna drown. Oh, and let's not forget that a few mornings when I went to work (I leave between 5:30-6:00am) it was fifty some degrees and then on my lunch break it was snowing and had dropped thirty degrees.

With that being said, it's been getting a little warmer for a week or so and today it has hit 80.... then again, it's supposed to rain for the rest of the week starting tomorrow, so I guess we'll see. (It's probably gonna be hot as balls for the next eight months).

Either way, I'm glad I got my grass cut yesterday. (No worries, this was before I cut it and it was tall as all holy hell).

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