Y'all, it's been a long couple of weeks and I am 157% dragging ass. It probably doesn't help that I'm also trying to fight off some kind of weird head/chest cold and allergies combination, but that is neither here nor there. (It's just that time of year).
I don't even know where to start really, and I'll probably end up stopping even before I get everything out (because as I said: dragging ass), but we all pick up and keep trucking along, BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT WE DO.
Momma's had a few appointments lately and I've been taking her since Aunt Poot is currently down from having eye surgery (it was yesterday and she's doing pretty well considering somebody just stuck a laser and knife in her eyeball). We went to the wound clinic last Friday (she hit her foot on her wheelchair a couple of weeks ago and while it looked pretty superficial and I was cleaning it, we still wanted to go to a professional, because better safe than sorry.... learned that lesson the hard way last year) and luckily (knock on wood) the nurse confirmed that it was superficial, but still bandaged everything up and put a compression bandage on to help with the healing.... we go back this Friday for the follow-up appointment. She's been a pretty good sport about the whole thing.
And yesterday she had an appointment at her nephrologists, because she's been holding an excessive amount of fluid and since she has kidney disease, we went there to hopefully figure out what's going on and get her some help, because there's so much fluid that she's miserable. He ordered blood work, we have to schedule an ultrasound to be on the safe side, and he gave her some lasix to help.... her follow-up appointment is at the end of July.
Then there's all of the yard work. The incredibly large amounts of yard work that seem to not diminish no matter how hard I work at it. Luckily, I'm almost done with all major things (everything for the most part is planted, random wood pile is hauled off, almost all of the random cement block pile is gone, and I'm working on the big ass brush pile).... I'm not sure who lived in our house before us, but they couldn't keep a decent yard to save their lives. It's been so damn trashy and alot of work. (Side note: our second storage shed is supposed to be delivered sometime next month and they deliver/install it so silver lining!).
And all of that on top of the usual go to work, clean house, cook dinner, do laundry, and all of the other random thing that we adults have to do and here I am.... sleepy and ready for a Netflix binge (that I probably won't get until maybe next winter).
All in all, I'm good with it.... but a girl can still be ok and tired!
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