Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Ring out the old.

Well, here it is- New Years Eve. Again. It doesn't feel like it should be 2014 yet. It doesn't feel like a whole year has passed. But yet here we are. I really haven't put a lot of thought into it. I haven't celebrated New Years in a few years. With the exception of last year of course when Shylyn insisted that I stay up with her to watch New Years Rockin' Eve (it's just not the same with Ryan Seacrest), and bang pots and pans. I wasn't exactly into it, but she begged and sometimes I'm a fairly nice person. Sometimes.

Greg and his new gf (he claims they aren't "together", but I'm pretty sure we all know better, and he's just waiting for the divorce to come through) offered for me to go out with them tonight. Actually Kristi begged me, but I turned her down, because i've never really went out to "celebrate" New Years on it's eve. Why? Because people get drunk, loud, stupid and even dangerous. If I wanted to be in that situation I would just throw a family reunion. I thank her, but I just don't think it's for me. I've always had this idea of what it would look like when I went out on new years eve and it always involved me in a sparkly dress, hair curled, pea-coat, heels, champagne, red lipstick, and a handsome feller at midnight when the ball dropped. Very Gatsby-esque you might say.

Unfortunately since I don't foresee any of that, it will be a nice evening at home, perhaps with Netflix and left over pepperoni pizza. Don't feel bad for me, I like to do it like this. Thank you though. Like I was saying...here it is another year come and gone.

As we say goodbye to 2013 and hello to 2014 we are supposed to reflect on the past and look into the future. I reflect enough. People make their new years resolutions lists and talk about all of the things that will be different. I never do this, basically because no one ever sticks to their lists. They all give up by valentines day. But I decided to quit being such an ass this time and name a few little things that I need and/or want to do.

I'm not promising anything, I'm just saying it might be nice to see some of these things come to pass in 2014. I'm not calling it my resolutions list, I'm just calling it what it is. Will and can you remember to do all of this to make you happier, healthier, and better list. Got a nice ring to it, huh? Quit smoking, keep losing weight, remember to take your medicine everyday, go sandy-blonde, cut down on soda, fix that foot tattoo, wear your glasses, learn how to properly do your make-up instead of "winging it", start dressing more like in your head.

Silly huh? Oh well, at least I put in a little effort. So in conclusion thank you 2013, you brought some great things to us. Granted, some horrible things happened as well, but that's just a factor of life. Besides we got some great movies, some great (and terrible) music, eclectic news stories and I started a blog. No one saw this coming. No one saw Miley Cyrus ruining Blurred Lines at the VMAs, Miley Cyrus making a bunch of naked videos, her being dumb enough to break up with Hemsworth, basically anything Miley either, so I guess we're even. Touche' 2013. Touche'.


The East

I watched this particular movie a couple nights ago (Friday Dec.27, 2013). Remember when I said I was going to rent one? Well, I did. I watched The East and The Purge. I liked them both, but The East far surpassed the other one. I should have known that it was going to be good. Hello! Alexander Skarsgard, Shiloh Fernandez and Ellen Page. That's just a measurement for a good film. Now I don't want to go all- spoiler alert! on you guys, so I'm just gonna go ahead and tell you- if you haven't watched don't read on it, nor look at the pictures in this post. Just saying. Also, watch it. It's amazing.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Saturday Letters.

Dear Keith movie, I loved you. You were such a good movie and I would like to thank you. What for? For reminding me that yes I do in fact still love Jesse McCartney. My fifteen year old self is very happy about his. Dear Chuck, yes. It is a fine morning. Dear Aunt Susi, thank you for lunch. It's always nice when the three of us get to have "girls lunch". And we all love Panera, it would be nice if they weren't five hundred dollars though. And thank you and Uncle Roger for the Christmas presents. You really didn't have to do that, but thank y'all. Dear Aunt Mary, thank you for the Christmas shirts. They're very pretty and I wore my blue one to work Thursday. Dear Momma, thank you for the Christmas presents too. I know that you really liked having me and Greg both together and home for Christmas this year. Lunch Wednesday was fun, but then again we always have fun when we go out together. And it's so funny that we still remember the Nsync choreography. Dear Greg, thank you for my new bear for Christmas. You're right, my old one used to look pretty new like that one too. By the way your new "lady friend" seems real nice. Notice that I said- seems. She might be as crazy as the rest of them, but she appeared to be nice when I met her. Dear Dani, thank you for the Christmas "wreck it" journal and the jar cookie mix. The cookies turned out real good and made it look like I put a lot of effort into it. Dear Aunt Patsy, thank you for the presents. You didn't have to give me that jacket. The shirt and pants were more than enough, but thank you it's very pretty. And smells good too. Dear Uncle Kenny, thank you for cooking dinner. It was very tasty, and you know I love me some ham salad. Dear Uncle Jimmy, thank you for fixing dinner too. Like I said- it was very tasty and that banana split cake was real good. Thank you for not putting coconut on it so that I could eat it. Dear Uncle Darrell, we all had fun when y'all came over on Christmas eve. We should do it more often. Dear radio, I am so beyond happy to not have to listen to the same five Christmas songs anymore. Well, at least for another year. Dear office, it's nice to have you back to normal. I couldn't get the tree and all of the Christmas decorations down fast enough. Welcome back old friend. Dear Netflix, I miss you when you're gone my friend. Dear Jason Momoa, you are such a badass. Seriously. You kicked ass as Conan, I know because I watched it Christmas night, and everything else that i've ever seen you in. Not to mention that look. Yeah, you know which one I'm talking about. Dear John Mayer, why are you Waiting on the world to change? What if it doesn't change for the better? What if everyone all of the sudden decides that they hate John Mayer and not only do they never buy another one of his records again, but also they boycott all of his shows and burn his old records? Think about it Mayer. Dear Kristi, it's crazy that you and my mother are linked from twenty/thirty some odd years ago. Out of all of the girls that my brother could have found, how freaky is that? I guess it really is a small world after all. Dear people reporting about Tori Spelling's husband cheating on her, seriously? Y'all didn't see that one coming? No one is that damn happy. Besides we all know that Donna Martin and David Silver are end game. Duh. Dear wreck it journal, I don't really know what to do with you. I know that I'm supposed to destroy you, and that I can't really mess you up because that's your purpose, but I don't know if I want to. I usually always carry some kind of book with me, but the thought of carrying one around with me at all times filled with dirt, snot, saliva, vomit, hair and possibly poo (not mine some peoples though) really freaks me out and seems...well...disgusting. I'm gonna try though. Dear Shylyn, you and all your black clothes and stuff. I'm not judging, because lord knows that's how I used to dress, but do me a favor? Don't get one of those big ass tattoos across your throat like that dude you like. Please. I love tattoos and don't mind piercings, but that's pushing it. By the way, you made out like a bandit for Christmas. And thanks for the chicken nuggets and tea. By the way, your hair is SO black. Dear The East and The Purge movies, Purge- you were good, but I guessed what was happening before it even happened. Good and scary, but predictable. East- you were amazing! Seriously, I loved it. Alexander Skarsgard never disappoints me. Ever. Dear Gossip Girl, I don't know if I like you or not. I made it through season one on Netflix, but I'm still not sure about it. All I know is even though he's a total douche, I'm still- #TeamChuck. Yeah, I know. Dear Charlie, I'm glad that your daddy is doing a little better. I know that you've been worried. Dear Thursday and Friday workdays, seriously? Could you have went any damn slower? It was like the days that wouldn't come to an end. It was horrible and torturous and I am officially abhorred by you! Yeah, I'm a little dramatic, but both does were extremely long. Dear Tumblr, I love you and all of your pictures. You make my life much simpler. Just saying. And of course thanks to the people who put the pictures and Gifs on there.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Just dropping by for a minute to say

Merry Christmas to all...
                             And to all a good night...

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve 2013.

Ok, so here it is Christmas eve. Does it feel like Christmas is tomorrow? No. Have I watched White Christmas more than once this year? No. Have I enjoyed listening to Christmas music for the past month? No. Have I wore my reindeer antlers, my bell earrings and painted my nose red like I do every year? No. Have I rode around to look at all of the pretty Christmas lights? No. Have I insisted on telling the story of when i played Mrs. Clause and had an elf that was over a foot taller than me to everyone I know and/or meet? No. Have I wrapped presents? No. Have I smiled and enjoyed the snow? No. Have I been an absolute Grinch that snarls at any/every thing about Christmas? Yes.

I've not tried to be all Grinchy this year. Really I haven't. It's just come naturally this time around. I don't know what it is exactly. I can't put my finger on it. I've tried to be holly jolly, and lord knows Dani has been all- "Katie! Quit being a Grinch! Listen to this Christmas music and be happy! Help me with this tree and decorate!" Umm...no. I've done it...completely against my will might I add. I even helped her plan/shop for/ cook/decorate/and set up a company Christmas party. Not a lot of help, but hey it's the thought that counts. Right? But now that Christmas is tomorrow, I have thought about it all. It just doesn't feel like Christmas. I'm not the only one that feels like this either, just to be clear. But tonight I'm going to try to get enthused about tomorrow. Yeah right Maybe I'll watch a Christmas movie, or bake some more cookies, or something. Maybe. Who knows. All I know is that with the eve looming over me, I feel like I should do something. But just so I'm not a complete Grinch, that doesn't wish anybody Merry Christmas, happy holidays, or seasons greetings, I just wanted to say-

Monday, December 23, 2013

You can't take the Tennessee out of the girl

I will always say: "y'all", "holler" and "ain't"...

I will never get used to the traffic...

I will always think it's appropriate to ask random people personal questions... (it's not) 

I will always call people: "darlin'", "sweetie" and "honey"...

I will never be able to walk in high-heeled shoes...

I will always love old farmhouses and barns...
 I will always love stories about the prohibition... 

Don't worry, Walter, she was addressing her remarks to me.

To start off may I ask a question? Who has Netflix and isn't completely in love with it? Seriously, it's so great. You can watch a little bit of everything. Except True Blood. They don't have that. Other than that, it's pretty great. I like the fact that it's always got about a million random movies from the early nineties until now, that otherwise you probably would have never even heard of.

Case in point- Keith. Great movie. I gave it a go this evening. That's right, I'm relaxing on my couch, eating popsicles in my fuzzy pink slippers and watching Netflix. Don't judge me, it's great. It was one of the better choices that I've made while picking out movies. Just a warning: DO NOT under any circumstance watch the movie- Antichrist. I watched it for Willem Dafoe, because to me he can do no wrong. However, this time I was wrong. Just trust me on this one. I didn't sleep for three days after that and The Following.

Back to Keith: It starts out with this young guy talking to an older man. He talks like he's much older than he actually is and seems like he's up to no good. Which by the way, he's not. Cut to the next scene where you start to see the life of Natalie. She's seemingly perfect, has it all figured out, and is the epitome of high school royalty. She appears to have the perfect life, and then she gets partnered with Keith in AP Chemistry. He is the exact opposite of her and everything that she is all about. He's eccentric, unpredictable, cooky, a smartass and extremely fun. She tries to resist, but finds that she is "drawn" to him. He makes her question everything about her life and drives her crazy. And she loves it. They have some of the best jokes and lines too. But there's something about him that he hides from her. She can't figure it out, but soon enough it drives her crazy enough to not stop until she knows. I won't tell you what, watch the movie. Ok, I lied I'm going to tell you, but be warned: SPOILER ALERT! He's got the big C and doesn't have long left to live. His whole masterful plan was to make her fall for him, seduce her, ruin her life and make her completely miserable just like he was. Unfortunately for him, his plan backfires. Seriously, watch the movie. I really liked this one. I would recommend it to everyone. Yeah that's right- everyone. I'm not usually one for romantic dramas, or whatevs you classify this under, but in this case I have to eat my words. I love it. In fact I'm honestly considering watching it again sometime this week. That's how much I like it. I think I will. Yep, I've managed to talk myself into it. I'm just good like that. McCartney crying=heartbreaking. By the way I now officially want my very own Keith and my old/new found love for Jesse McCartney has risen up again. Just thought that you should know.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Saturday Letters.

Dear Aunt Susi, thank you for lunch, and for my new cardigan wrap thingy. You didn't have to do that, but thank you. It's very pretty. Dear stomach, you can quit being queasy anytime. I don't like it and being sick is for the birds. Dear Momma, it's nice that we get to hang out and spend time together. I really love it. We should "do lunch" and "shop" more often. And by that I mean ride around on the way back from the grocery store while eating a dollar burger and singing/dancing to Nsync's greatest hits. Best dollar spent. Ever! I can't believe that I remember all the lyrics and the dances. If I could clear all of the useless information out of my head I would have so much room for important stuff. Oh well, I like it. Dear Jamie Dornan, congratulations on your new baby girl. Dear Fast&Furious6, you were an awesome movie. Seriously, awesome. But now I'm even more sad that Paul Walker passed away, because it made me realize it all that much more. Sad. Dear Christmas radio station, I will be sooo happy when you and your five songs are no more! Bitches. Dear Ian Somerhalder, what happened to getting together and spending our life together dude? Seriously, get the lead out. Dear Uncle Jimmy, I'm not going to tell you that I laid on the couch...or that I let Tayder up there to lay with me. What can I say? When I'm sick I want my puppy and teddy. Yes, it really is like I'm three years old. Whatevs. Dear Greg, quit bringing your friend around, I was trying to talk to him and be nice, but he freaks me the hell out. Dear people who were surprised about what Phil from Duck Dynasty said, Seriously? I mean you didn't see that one coming? I don't personally watch the show, but even I know that he's an old southern bible thumper. How could you have not seen that coming? Even I knew that's what he thought. Dear It's always sunny in Philadelphia, you're not right and I feel bad about myself every time I watch you. With that being said, I also think that you are...hilarious. Dear Charlie, I hope that your daddy gets better. I'm sorry that he's doing so bad sweetie. I'm here if you need me. Dear Amanda W, it's been nice talking and catching up with you. We sure did have some fun/wild times back in the day. Now I'm scared of what I look like in those pictures. That was so long ago. We were still babies. Dear Rhianna, is that how you spell your name? Oh well, nothing personal, but may I say that song- Umbrella is so damn catchy! Dear Shylyn, no. He is not attractive. At all. Dear the haunting of Amelia movie, you sucked. Not trying to be mean, but I like bad movies and even I didn't like you. Sorry, but I'm not sorry. You had some potential, but something went horribly awry. Dear radio station (107.9), thank you for playing Sheryl Crow's- If it makes you happy. I forgot how much I loved that song. Love it. Dear Dani, I got the heaters paid for, the checks sent, and everything else that you asked. You better love me. Dear Netflix, I wish that you had the movie- The Holiday on you. I really want to watch it, because I've never seen it before. Furthermore, please get Cold Mountain too. Hello! Jude Law. Enough said. Dear Uncle Roger, thank you for lunch. I'm going to be 500 pounds by the time you're done. But thank you, I do appreciate it. Dear PB, you don't give a girl any notice whatsoever. You literally have not changed in the past five years. Just turn around and go back to the highway. P.s. I'm keeping that hat. You're never getting it back. Sorry, but I'm not sorry. Dear universe, I really am gonna die alone, because all I ever meet are weirdos and creeps. Is it so much to ask to drop a good looking/sweet fireman, soldier, musician, or somebody normal in my lap that is exactly how iI have it pictured in my head? Huh? Is it? Oh well, like I said, I'd rather be alone and happy than with somebody I don't like and miserable. It's all good, I just like to tease. Dear company Christmas party, you were fun and a lot much work. It's all good though, everyone seemed to have a nice time and got along. Don't think that I wasn't watching dude with the glass bottle though...cause I was. Sorry, but I'm a little paranoid when it comes to dude with a possible weapon. Can we say- prison?

Friday, December 20, 2013

Guilty as charged

Y'all we all have those moments in life that you see someone doing something, or a new "trend" comes out and you're all- "That's so annoying. There's no point. Why do people have to act like idiots? That's not even a clever thing." Blah, blah, blah. You know I'm right. However, then we all secretly do some of the things that we "judge" other people for. Whether it's a "guilty pleasure" song that we listen to when no one is around, or a fashion trend that we secretly love but just won't admit. Well, today I've decided to confess some of these slight misdemeanors of my own. Wish me luck... 

"I always tell the truth. Even when I lie."
~Al Pacino

Let's get the truthful stuff that I don't lie about out of the way, but people somehow always think that it's the exact opposite. For some unknown reason people that I haven't seen in awhile always think that I am one of these things. Just so you know- I'm not.

No, I don't have a secret boyfriend that I'm hiding from everybody.
No, I'm not married. 
No, I don't have a baby, nor am I currently pregnant.
No, I haven't been dating recently.
No, I haven't decided to "switch teams".

I don't know why so many of y'all assume these things on a regular basis, but I think that at some point I should be slightly offended. Just saying. Seriously, do I look pregnant? Do I look like a lonely-crazy cat lady? Do I look like Kathy Bates in Misery? The more thought that's put into this, the more that I should just stick my tongue out at y'all, but I won't. Well, with those out of the way, let me tell you some of the ridiculous things about myself, that I tend to judge other people for. I know that I should be very ashamed of myself at this point, but I'm not. I just can't not say this any longer, people must know. And by people I mean my fellow bloggers and/or readers that I don't see in my everyday life. 

Guilty: I wear leggings as pants.

In my defense: They are sooo comfortable. I know that they're not "pants", but if you people insist on my not wearing pajamas and/or sweats in public at all times, than you're going to have to learn how to deal with the legging thing. I always wear longer shirts or dresses with them, so technically it's all good. You can't see my butt or "the goodies". That counts, right?

Guilty: I sleep with my head wet and the fan on me.

In my defense:  I know that I should wear a coat. I know that I should dry my hair. I know that I should wear sweaters. However, coats are heavy, air drying is healthy/good for your hair, and sometimes I just feel to lazy to deal with it. That's why I need longer hair. Not only do I have a fat head so hair helps to hide that, but I need to be able to pull it on top of my head. Sad, but true.

Guilty: I hate it and get mad when people talk during movies/TV shows, but I do it.

In my defense: Come on, no one likes when they're trying to pay attention to something and keep getting interrupted. When I interrupt it's for a legitimate reason no it's not. I know I should stop throwing the hissy-fits, but it annoys me.

Guilty: I smack talk Swift and Miley, but I secretly love some of their songs...and one of Beyonce's.

In my defense: I know, I know. And if Dani reads this I'll never live it down, but I can't help it. I like to think Tim Mcgraw while I'm Partying in the USA. Swift takes me back to that eighteen year old girl with all of her friends riding around in a camaro at all hours of the night/morning. And Miley, well Miley just makes me want to dance. Not twerk. Besides some of them are really effing catchy. If you like it- Then you should've put a ring on it.

Guilty: I Instagram food pics and random memes from movies/books/TV shows.

In my defense: I do what I want. I don't care what other people do with theirs so I don't think they should be all judgy with mine.

Guilty: I take selfies...and do the duck face.

In my defense: I know that it's ridiculous and just shouldn't be done...but like I said- I do what I want. Besides it makes my round-chubby face look thinner and sometimes I just really hate my smile.

Guilty: I sometimes look at the people that I grew up with and went to school with and I smack talk them. Even if I like them.

In my defense: I know that it's mean and it makes me a horrible person, but you can't tell me that you don't look at some of the people you grew up with popular, snooty, over-privileged and think to yourself- whatevs, you are not that damn happy. Then I make funny faces at them and think of something crappy that they did and/or said to me or somebody I liked and I'm all- you're a tool. After a minute though I feel bad, because I'm all- I don't know what their home life was like, I should be nice now like I was the whole time we were growing up, they probably are good people now. They're probably not, but I should be nice. I try.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I hate being sick

I know that no one really likes to be sick, but I especially don't. I. Hate. It. It's horrible. Yesterday I was sent home from work, because...death was near! It was very near, and the loving family/co-workers that I was around not only love me, but made it very clear that they did not under any circumstance want my "funk". Thanks guys.

I came to work and made it for around 4 to 5 hours before it hit me...again. And by again I mean...I had already been puking all morning at home. And by it I mean...the bubonic plague. Yes you heard me right, the bubonic plague. It was horrible. After I managed to puke in the bathroom that's located right in our office, Dani took me home. So what did I do after I got home? Well, first off I changed into my warm sweat clothes (hello, pj's!) because it's just not cool trying to curl up in jeans. Just saying.

I needed to take some medicine, but unfortunately in order to take it I had to put something on my stomach. Problem was: I couldn't keep anything down and everything looked disgusting and made me gag. However, it had to be done so I went with the classic(s). A little chicken noodle soup and cherry popsicle...

It's all i could do to handle that, so don't judge

That's always been my "go to" sick food. After I ate a little soup, I made my way to the couch (don't tell Uncle Jimmy) to lay down. I barely made it before collapsing. No, I'm not being overly-dramatic yes I am but I was dragging it over there...

The only up side was while laying there I got to watch-
Fast&Furious6 and other movies

Then as I was trying to relax, Greg's friend decided to hug on me and get all up in my personal space and freak me the hell out. If you can't tell I don't like people in my personal space unless I request them to be there. There's even family members that I'm leery about, let alone people that I've met twice. Twice! I'm a bit grumpy when I'm sick to so I had to really control my anger and agitation...

Needless to say he freaks me out on so many levels that I was forced 
to tell him that we will not be dating. Ever. Sorry, but I'm not sorry,
not happening

But later on I got some more soup down and took a nice hot shower and went to bed. I feel better today. Not 100%, but much better. Not so pukey. Yay!! Wish me luck, an fingers-crossed peeps.

Monday, December 16, 2013

I can't even tell dude what "it" is.

Ok, so Greg has this friend that he met at his new job. I'm not exactly sure what his real name is (remind me to ask him), but everyone calls him Junior. He seems nice and him and Greg get along great. They've been riding back and forth to work together, because Greg's car is screwy and they work such crazy hours that it's probably nice to have the company there to keep you awake. Anyways, I have a point I swear. I met him one day when we dropped Greg off (the day before they started riding together) and then again when he came to the house to pick him up Friday. We sat in the living room while Greg finished getting ready, and talked. I'm just like that, I always talk to random strangers about random things...all the time. Whether they ask or engage in the conversation or not. So, I started rambling, because apparently as pointed out to me by Shy, that's just what I do. At least I don't get all weird and giggle while staring...Shylyn. He laughed and talked, not seeming phased by the fact that I was being a lot bit talkative. Insert first clue here. Then he asked me what I liked to do up here, since I was so used to the country. Second clue here. I told him that I'm kind of a hermit, and he said well is there anything that you would like to do? Seriously Katie? How are you not seeing what's happening? I told him that I liked to watch movies, and he said he did to. Really not seeing this Katie? Also, I told him that my Aunt Susi had made mention that I needed to see the Christmas lights downtown, because they were beautiful. Let me tell you how this conversation "went down".
Side note: Had I known that he was asking me on a "date" in a round about way, then maybe I would have been a little cooler and/or less strange. Probably not, because I'm always weird as can be, but I like to think that I can be cool.

Him: So, are you going to go see the lights then?
Me: No, I can't.
Him: Why not?
Me: Because my aunt said that I can't go downtown by myself at night.
Him: Ok...why?
Me: Because "it" goes down downtown after dark.
Him: What does?
Me: "It".
Him: What's "it"?
Me: I don't know, just "it". That's what she told me.

**Insert awkward stare and speechlessness here.**
(I think he was honestly debating on whether or not I was messing with him.)

Him: What if I take you downtown to see the lights? Like us, together.
Me: (Still oblivious to being asked out) I guess maybe, but we have to stay in
your car with the doors locked.
Him: Umm...ok...why?
Me: I told you "it" goes down, because people are cray.
Him: Cray?
Me: Yes, cray.
Him: Right, and you're not exactly sure what "it" is.
Me: Not really.
Him: So, what you're saying is I can take you out downtown, but we can't get
out of my car?
Me: Yeah, I guess so. 

**Insert nodding and another awkward stare here.**

Then they left for work and I didn't think anything about it. I told Greg to text me when they got there, so I would know they made it safe. (Slick roads from ice/snow, I worry). Well, I got a message, but it wasn't from Greg. It was from him telling me that they made it I guess he got my number from Greg. Then he kept talking to me. I assumed he was just bored before they had to clock in so I answered him, talked back and forth, and went about my business. Then he text me on break. I was a bit confused, but thought to myself- "Well, he's kinda nice. He wants to be friends with his friends little sister." So I mentioned that to him, and he was all- "Ok, yeah we can be friends. That sounds great." Well, Greg got home the next morning and filled his clueless sister in on what she had let go right over her head. Yeah, I literally "friend zoned" him before I even knew what was happening. Oops. I don't want to date him, but I don't mind being nice. I am nice...mostly.

So, I had a talk this morning

...with Momma about living in the city. We were just having breakfast and rambling like we always do. We talked about a little of everything, and she asked me if I liked living in the city. I told her yes I did, even though I still find myself very awkward here. Don't ask me why, I think it's all of the hustle and bustle...and traffic. We continued on with our breakfast and day, but tonight while I'm sitting here watching TV and talking to Junior, I got to thinking about our conversation. I realized there are things that I miss about living in Tennessee, but when it really comes down to it, to me the bad outweighed the good...by far. It just does. Maybe it's because I'm not the same person that I was, or maybe it's just because I've grown up. Maybe it's the fact that it's not like it was when I was a kid growing up, or maybe there are just too many memories from all aspects of my life implanted there that I feel the need to get away from. I retain the memories, but just don't live there anymore.

However, there are a few things that I miss...
Not necessarily people, but just the 
"little things"
I miss...

People calling me Katherine. I know that it's silly and everyone has always called me Katie, but the people I grew up with and that have known me since I was little (not family) have always called me Katherine. Very few ever called me Katie, only two called me Kat (which I absolutely hate unless it's them), and some that I worked with called me Katiebeth. Other than that, I was Katherine. And I loved it.

How the sky looked right before a thunderstorm. Right when it was that perfect grey with the clouds rolling in. The sun hidden, the thunder starting and the lightning in the far distance. Not enough for damage, but just enough to let you know that there was one.

Deer jerky. I know that this one sounds weird and/or disgusting, but I can't help it. I love it. Scotty used to make it for me at least twice a year, and I didn't share....at all. It was sooo good. Now, it's strictly beef jerky, because let's face it- no boys deer hunting, no shooting deer, no deer jerky. Just the sad facts of life. Beef is just not the same.  

Walking into the gas station where everybody and their momma knows you to buy tater wedges and Mountain Dew/Dr. Pepper. Not only do you get discounted wedges, but they were oh so good and knew exactly the way that you like them cooked. Why? Because you been buying them in there for years...and years.

The day that you could go outside and know exactly when Fall was going to come. Everyone there knows exactly what I mean. Every year there's that one day that you go out and you can tell that Fall is going to be there the next day by the look of the sky, the sway of the trees, the feel of the breeze, and the sound of the animals. It's that one minute that you step out, and everything slows, the breeze hits your face, you take a deep breath and then you go about your day.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Saturday Letters

Dear Aunt Susi, Sometimes I think that they may commit us for the inappropriate jokes that we make. But they are so worth it, because we are...hilarious! Dear Shy, Welcome to being an almost grown woman. It just keeps sucking worse as you get older. Enjoy. And I'm not taking you to that concert. No. Your hair looks good this dark color, now you just need a good cut and get that shit healthy. Dear Tammy, Congratulations on getting Caregiver of the year. I knew you could do it, girl. Dear Momma, I'm glad that you get my sense of humor and know when I'm being sarcastic. If we didn't know better we would think that each other was...cray! Not to mention we are hilarious while on the interstate! Dear Scott W, It was nice talking to you and swapping opinions about SOA. At least I know I'm not the only obsessive one. Dear Kurt Sutter, Thank you for blowing my mind and making me be on edge constantly. I so called that Gemma/Tara thing, it was like I was in your brain. I don't know if that's a good thing or not. Now it's nine more months, but thank you. Dear Guy I don't know that came into the office, Thank you for the Starbucks coffee card. I love Starbucks, but they are soo expensive. Dear Dr. D, Thank you for the good news. I love you, but I'm glad that I don't have to see you so often anymore. Not until June :) Dear Blog, Yeah I know that I changed you yet again. The background, the header. Look on the bright side, the name and address is still the same. I'm just indecisive. Dear Charlie Hunnam, I knew that you were an amazing actor, but you really blew my mind on the season finale. Such depth dude, you were incredible! Dear Greg, It was no problem taking you to work. You know I love your punk ass, but thank Junior for bringing you home so I didn't have to get up at three thirty in the morning. Hope you get your car fixed, Bubba. Dear Weather, When I said make a decision about yourself, what I really meant was- "Please do things my way". It's so fracking cold!! Dear Miley Cyrus, I'm still convinced that song-Wrecking Ball- is about Liam Hemsworth. I know you wrote it when y'all were still together or something, but let's be real honest for a minute, if I had a Hemsworth brother, I would hold onto him for as long as possible to. Dear Jim Carrey, I forgot how gooby and awesome you were in- "Once bitten". Gotta love 80s movies. dear Jimmy, Grumpy much? I brought you cookies dang it! Dear Dani, The only good thing about having to go out into the cold to get work supplies is the fact that we get JJ, which means that my person and our office will smell like delicious sandwiches for the rest of the day! Just kidding, I don't mind going out, it gets us out of the office for a bit and we get to talk and jam out to the Beastie Boys. I'm not kidding about the delicious sandwiches though. Never again will we go to Walmart on a Friday at that time again. It was horrible! At least we helped the little lady though. Dear Ralphie May, You make me laugh so hard that honestly it makes my sides hurt. So funny! Dear December Thirteenth, Happy Friday the thirteenth! That is all. Dear Uncle Roger, Thank you for lunch, again. You really don't have to keep getting me lunch, I swear I eat. But thank you, I really appreciate it.

Friday, December 13, 2013

5 actresses I wouldn't argue with looking like

When I say actresses, I mean the women that are famous and people know, but usually you have to name off one of their characters for people to know them. Generally. Like, you can say- Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston, someone always in the limelight like that constantly (i.e. Kardashians) and people automatically know them, but take for instance you say Kaley Cuoco- generally you have to follow that with Penny from TBBT. Not saying she's not famous, she's just really known for a specific thing. So I've compiled a list of the top five ladies that I wouldn't mind looking like. You know, given the option. But instead of one of these women, I get to just look like little ole normal me. Sans mustache :)

5. Scarlett Johansson

What she's best know for by most people: Playing Black Widow in the Marvel Avenger/Superhero movies. She's also know as the pretty big chested blonde in many other movies that women tend to love, but guys only pay attention to if there's nudity.
What I know her for: I first saw her in Eight Legged Freaks, then she started appearing in a bunch of movies that I loved.
Why I wouldn't argue: She reminds me a bit of a modern day Marilyn. I think it's the way she's built and carries herself. She's flirty and sexy, without being slutty. Pretty classy. Besides she's got those big pouty lips that I've always wanted, but would look ridiculous with, and her hair looks cute.

4. Natalie Portman
What she's best known for by most people: Most people recall her as Jane Foster in the Thor movies. She's also known for Black Swan, V for Vendetta, and the Star Wars Episode movies. Her acting chops and big doe eyes tend to win people over- big time.
What I know her for: No matter how much time has or will pass to me she will forever be Novalee Nation in Where the Heart Is. That's just a movie that stays with you. I loved/love it.
Why I wouldn't argue: She's so adorable. She's got those big ole doe eyes and smooth skin. Not to mention when she smiles she looks somewhere between a young girl and an older woman. Don't ask how because I have no clue, but I love her. I think she's adorable and beautiful all at the same time. Not to mention she is so freakin' petite.

3. Amanda Seyfried
What she's best known for by most people: Her biggest role to date is when she played in Les Miserables. Also she was in Dear John, Mama Mia, and Alpha Dog, you know that one JT movie? And In Time. You know, that other JT movie?
What I know her for: I first seen her in Means Girls and then a couple of years ago I started seeing her in everything. I love her movies.
Why I wouldn't argue: Even though she's not "traditionally" pretty there's just something about her that I think is nice. True, she does look a bit like a praying mantis, but that just straight up means that I can bite peoples heads off. She's got flawless porcelain skin and I so badly want her hair.

2. Kat Dennings
What she's best known for by most people: She's hilarious on the show 2 Broke Girls and in the Thor movies. Most people recall her as the hilarious/crude big chested brunette.
What I know her for: The first thing I ever seen her in was Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. Ever since then I've been a fan, I find her beyond hilarious. Shy tells me that she reminds her a lot of me whenever we watch her on TV, including when she was Caroline Wexler in Daydream Nation.
Why I wouldn't argue: For some reason I assume that if I get to look like her, than I also get to be hilarious. Which is fantastic. I think she's built cute, not rail thin like most women, she's got curves and owns them. She to has the big lips that I've always wanted, but would look stupid with. She's all- "This is me" and owns it.

1. Candice Accola

What she's best know for by most people: She plays on The Vampire Diaries. She's had minor roles in other movies, but that's the most popular thing she's been on to date. That and the fact that she's engaged to The Frays guitarist Joseph King. She also stars in their music video- Love Don't Die. She's also been in various TV shows, making guest appearances.
What I know her for: I started watching The Vampire Diaries on Netflix and was all- "She's so awesome!" She's great and I love to hear her sing. Like when she sang Eternal Flame.
Why I wouldn't argue: She's got great hair that's thick and that blonde that I can never get. She looks good with a "smokey" look or a natural one. She's cute and spunky and has pale/porcelain skin like me. I don't want to be tan.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

How Holiday movies ruined my life

Specifically I mean that they ruined my (love) life, or at least my expectations on the matter. Let's face it, I've made some pretty questionable decisions when it comes to past relationships. But seriously what twenty some year old girl hasn't? And meeting your soulmate at almost birth, and getting married at eighteen and having babies doesn't count. Ok? I know a lot of y'all that have done that and you're currently getting divorced. Gee, who would've thought that it wouldn't work out between a couple of eighteen year old kids? Shocking! Anyways...with Christmas being just thirteen days away, there is holiday themed stuff everywhere. I mean it...EVERYWHERE! It literally looks like Christmas threw up in our house, Jim goes a little cray with the decorating. Always has. I for one will be glad not to have to hear Christmas music anymore. No offense, but the Christmas station only plays the same five songs over and over again. I know I sound like a big ole Grinch, but I don't mean to. I'm just not very "holly jolly" this year. Kenny has been watching all of the holiday movies that Lifetime/Hallmark has to offer, and I'm over here just like- Shout out to Netflix. Sad, but true. Although I did watch White Christmas, because that's just one of the best movies ever made...EVER. But I did let Kenny talk me into watching- Mrs. Miracle, and as the movie went along all I could think was- this movie sets you up for romantic failure. Then I realized, most holiday movies do. A few examples:

 White Christmas
Expectation: Honestly I've watched this movie at least twice year (sometimes more, including in July) for as long as I can remember. So basically having this film my entire life it helped to mold me. I assumed that all men were as cool as Bing Crosby and as fabulous as Danny Kaye. I thought that whenever you had a problem or you were feeling bad, that someone would hold your hand and sing you through it. That and of course dance with you so that things seemed to perk up.

Reality: For one, it doesn't matter how great they are at dancing, it doesn't make me any better. I suck and trip over my own feet on flat ground. I can't dance. Furthermore, all of the guys that are willing to sing to you, you don't wanna hear. Trust me. They're usually pretty lit. You have to fix your own problems, because there isn't a group of people to help you do it. Besides people aren't "cool/suave" like they were back then.

Cold Mountain
Expectation: Ok, I know that this isn't technically a "holiday" movie, but I count it as one. Probably because it came out on Christmas day, and it looks so cold in the movie. When I think holiday, I think cold weather. Here's what I wanted from Cold Mountain- Jude Law. Seriously...JUDE LAW. I thought that men automatically could fall in love with you from across the room and pine for you so much that they would even leave a war, and travel hundreds of miles on foot risking everything, just to get back to you. Seriously, Ada is beautiful and a real lady that ends up having to learn how to make it on her own (with Ruby's friendship/help of course) and Inman is just sooo in love with her.

Reality: There are not an abundance of Jude Law's walking around out there, waiting to sweep you off of your feet and risk everything for your love. There's just not. There is one Jude Law, and though he is beautiful, nine out of ten times he doesn't know who you are. Men don't love like that. That deeply. There's not that level of commitment my friend. Plus, I can't play the piano like Ada, even though I've always wanted to. And unfortunately the classic days of letter writing (which is romantic) is gone. :(

Anything from lifetime/hallmark
Expectation: Where do I even begin? Love overcoming every obstacle that you can ever possibly think of. Random events that bring people together. Angels coming down to help "join" people together. Traumatic events ending up happy. Douchebags ending up being really good guys, that are just misunderstood and change because of love, and they want to be better people.

Reality: I believe in miracles. I believe in angels. I'm not a specific religion, but I do have beliefs. I stand firmly on the belief of miracles. I've seen too many not to. However, I have also seen a lot of bad things happen. Not everything has a happy ending. I would like it to, and I will it to, but sometimes bad things happen. Sometimes people don't come out on top and help others. Sad, but true. And...usually if they're acting like a douchebag, they're not "misunderstood", they're usually just an asshole.

Then there are those holiday movies that I've never seen. Movies that I'm sure would just set me up for more disappointment than there already is. Everyone keeps telling me that I need to watch the movie- Love Actually. Really? Do I? Do I really? So, I did what I assume is the best form of information. I Wikipedia'd that stuff to see what it was all about. One, that seems like a lot to follow along with. Two, it doesn't seem to have the ending that I would want it to. Three, I'm stubborn and if "Rick" don't get the girl he's in love with, I don't want to see it. Besides it has cheesy moments like "Rick holding signs" in the previews, that probably means something sad is going to happen. And of course- The Holiday. This one I want to see, but just haven't had the opportunity. Why? Like I said before...JUDE LAW people. Besides I love Kate Winslet, Cameron Diaz, and Jack Black. I've heard it's a great movie, and hopefully it would be good. And from what I've seen it looks like it has parts in it that I feel in my life...

But basically it goes back to Cold Mountain and Jude Law all over again. Oh, if only that man would smile this way, I'd probably fall over from heart failure. Hair or not, that is one pretty man. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that I'm a horrible little Grinch that hates Christmas. You think that I'm going to steal all the children's toys, and kick Tiny Tim's crutch. Why can't I just leave it alone and enjoy the "classic" movies? Because apparently even though Noodle claims that I am the eternal optimistic romantic, I just can't let this one go. I usually give the benefit of the doubt, and am convinced that "love conquers all". Yadda yadda yadda. In the case of Holiday Movies vs. Reality, not so much. However, just so y'all don't think that I'm such a horrible person, I want to admit that- Yes I do have issues. I'm aware of this. It's no big reveal and/or secret. But I like me. I think I'm pretty great. At least quirky seems to work for me...I guess. And you know how much I love movies, I just had to share this epiphany about holiday movies that I had. Not to leave you holiday hanging though...

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Let's talk about last night between 10 pm-11:55pm.

As I've been talking about for a bit now, last night was the Season06 Finale of SOA. And oh my dear, was it amazing. Thoroughly jacked to Jesus, but amazing. It was almost two hours long, which means I didn't go to bed until around midnight and got up at ten til four this morning.... totally worth it! I try to go to bed at a reasonably decent hour for work, however September through December all bets are off!

Here's what went down: it starts out with Jax visiting Opie. He's writing in his journal, and contemplating his entire life. Past, present, and future. He admits that- "since my best friend was killed, I've lost my center." The entry is actually for Abel and Thomas, in which he signs off on it- "I love you, Abel. I love you, Thomas." He then rides back to town to figure things out. That poor bird never seen it coming. Jax ends up making a deal with Patterson that he would turn himself in as the sole culprit gun supplier and that all charges against his club and wife be dropped. That Tara be able to go free to raise their sons. He said he wanted to "own up to his place." This was brought on after Patterson dammit toyed with his emotions in the ice cream shop telling him- "you're a husband, a father, and a man before all of this, own your place." Of course, Jax got emotional. This deal means him being inside at least twenty-five years, with his record, maybe ten with good behavior, seven if he's extremely lucky. Wait, what?!!

He made this deal after finding Tara and the boys at Abel's favorite park. Tara was, of course, distraught, hello she ran off with his kids, and she began to talk to Jax about everything. I mean, everything. She told him she knew what he had to do, but at least she had tried to save their boys. Then she begged him not to hurt her in front of their boys, and asked if she could say good-bye to them. Jax looked offended. Like, really offended. And he should have been. I know people are all like Tara's just being a good mom, he's a horrible person, blah blah blah. Like he told her, she chose to stay through all of it. He told her to go, and she wouldn't. Everyone seems to forget that little piece of info. After saying that, Jax took her hand and told her- "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not going to hurt them. You don't have to run, not anymore. Just be a good mother. save our boys." **insert Katie crying like a little bitch girl right here** That's when they went to the hotel room that Tara was hiding out in and made the deal with Patterson. It seemed like a happy ending. Tara would take care of the boys, be protected by the club and wait for Jax.... Jax would serve his time and still get to see a lot of his boys lives.... Patterson got her bad guy, and this was stamped in by Jax and Tara...well, you know. I mean, come on, we knew a "reunion" was coming and something had to solidify the happy ending. Right? Yeah, about that, it's Kurt Sutter's show, people. You should've known better.  

Nero kind of (but not really) dumped Gemma, and that on top of her grandsons being taken away, Clay being buried, and a million little other things she was a little.... distraught. What did she do to solve this little problem? Get drunk, of course! Been there, sister. Seriously ladies, isn't that always the answer? That's what we all really wanna do when things get us down. Unser finds her drunk at the house and tells her that Tara must have made a deal and that Jax is going to jail. This of course breaks her further and she steals Unser's truck and goes to Jax's house. Then Tara showed up, Eli stayed outside. I would just like to say, for the record, I may or may not have called Gemma "offing" Tara like seven minutes before it actually happened. How, not the specific way, but I wasn't far off. See the text message? It was beyond messed up, and when Eli walked in all- WTF?! And when he tried to call it in, in my mind I was thinking- where's Juice?! Then Juice showed up, because even though he screws up a lot, when it comes down to it, he's always there. Besides Juice loves Gemma like a momma and she's helped him a lot. He used to love Tara too, but then she had to go and screw things up. Anyways, Juice shot Eli and helped Gemma up and started hugging her. Even though it was really violent like three seconds prior, that was a beautiful moment. Is that strange? Then it cut off and when it showed them again Gemma was driving Unser's truck up to TM and she hugged him and laid her head on his lap while he stroked her hair. She is officially broken. And yes, it's wrong, but I feel bad for her and I'm still #TeamGemma (even though I do like Tara and am still kind of #TeamTara to, or at least I really used to, before she became all ratty and insane). Juice got rid of the murder weapons and stuff to cover for Gemma. **insert the homeless lady/f*cking mysterious chick I hope they explain this to me next season here**

Jax shows up at the house to turn himself in and sees Eli first, then Tara. He drops his gun, stares, cries and finally breaks completely down grabbing Tara, holding her, apologizing, running his hands through her hair, kissing her, crying and screaming in agony. Patterson and two other cops came in and Jax was oblivious to it. He was so distraught. It was beyond heartbreaking! For the fourth time, **insert Katie crying horribly right here, like little kid scared of clowns at the circus ugly crying.** By the way, Charlie Hunnam? Amazing actor!! Truly amazing!

Of course, other things happened to. Important: the guys all cried when Jax was saying his goodbyes, Bobby and Tig were emotional, but then Happy and Chibs?! That was heartbreaking. **Once again, insert Katie crying profusely right here** I was a big ole crybaby last night for two hours. Nero is "back in the game" with Alvarez. Jax told Juice that he betrayed him and then walked away. What?! Alvarez's crew shot three of August's guys and took their guns. Apparently homeless chick's daughter works at the ice cream shop now, and gave Jax a kiss and thanked him as she was leaving. It was cute. No one cares: Wendy went to rehab, but tried to find a way around it saying she didn't want to go until she knew Abel was safe. Really, Wendy? Really?! No one cares, go to Sober Living. A bunch of stuff about the gun business between Alvarez and August's clubs. And here we are left with about nineteen million questions. Now I have to wait nine whole months until next season. Nine months! That's a whole pregnancy, people! I'm just sad that it will be it's last. Thank you, Kurt Sutter. Like I always say, you never disappoint when it comes to blowing someone's mind. I thought you were actually in my brain last night. I don't know if that's a good thing or not, but it was cool and emotional.

And just so I can be a little more emotional and cry a bit more.... I give to you Jax's journal entry that was written for his boys...."There are lessons to be found here, but mostly, I do this so you can know me. Lately, as I write these, I realize they are as much for me as they are for you. This is the one place I can be completely open. The pen and paper has no judgment. No vote. It simply receives my truth and allows me to turn the page. and today…. this is my truth. I am terrified a great deal of the time. Afraid of what I've done, of what I’m doing, and of what I might have to do. It’s not a crippling fear. in fact, it’s just the opposite. I thrive on it. I crave it. I need that rush of terror to get me out of bed in the morning. It’s in my DNA. I have tremendous remorse for the acts of violence I've committed, both planned and spontaneous. But I think what brings me the most sorrow is that I've learned to justify this behavior. I always find a reason, a cause, a need that allows me the karmic lubrication to stuff my guilt into its savage compartment. I've become the thing…. the one I hated. And with that awareness comes periods of days, sometimes weeks, when I have to avoid looking into a mirror. my self-hate is so deep, so palpable, I fear I’ll lunge at my own image, shatter the glass and cut myself with shards of broken reflection. Since my best friend was killed, I've lost my center. Ope was always my pull back to true North. Now my doubt and sense of fraudulence bark so loudly in my head that most of the time I can’t hear anything else. Love, camaraderie, freedom…. all the things I want from this life are lost in the din. Forgive my indulgence, sons, but today may be a day we both remember. a defining day. And I want you to look back at this entry and know that at the very least your father was completely honest. So you know I speak the truth when I tell you that you are the most important thing to me. I will never hurt you. Never abandon you. I love you, Abel. I love you, Thomas. More than anything or anyone. I always will. Everything I do is for my sons.” 

And for the last time in this post, **insert Katie crying.... again** Sorry, but I'm not sorry, it's sad dammit. To hear Kurt, Maggie, and Katey talk about Gemma brutally killing Tara, all about the rest of the season finale, and the series in general go here to watch Anarchy Afterword.

Monday, December 9, 2013

A kazillion things.... but not.

Is kazillion even a word? Oh well, it is now. Sometimes there's a kazillion things that you would rather be doing than what you are actually doing at this current moment. Take for example- I'm usually a real stickler for capitalization and such...but today, not so much. I say boo to it. You know with the "rebel" that I am...not. I know y'all know what I mean. Even though most of us are thankful for our jobs, there are many, many, many other things that we would rather be doing, instead of crawling out of bed early and start working on a Monday morning. Currently I would like to be doing any of the following things:

Cramming enormous amounts of Mexican food in my face
Watching The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (again)
Exacting revenge
Dancing around like it's my job, while singing "Don't Stop Believing"
Not have to do "serious" adult stuff (i.e.-working, being responsible)
Be under my quilt watching the Bonnie&Clyde remake that's on the DVR
Winning the lottery
Reading Buzzfeed like it's my job and they pay me for it
Re-reading a fave of mine
Ordering the books I want off of Amazon
Daydreaming about how I want things to go
Watching re-runs of SOA
Debating with people on Instagram
Picking random windows to stand outside of with a boombox to go a'la "Say Anything"
Practicing my "Scarlett O'Hara"  for when I date a fireman

Or perhaps just sitting around checking random strangers spelling and grammar...

Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (film)

I watched this movie last night and I loved it. I had noticed that there were a bunch of negative reviews, but I always like to decide for myself. Maybe it's because I haven't read the books...yet...but I really liked/enjoyed it. I thought that it was awesome. Now whether that was dependent on the action, Jace/Clary relationship, or the fact that John Rhys-Meyers in it, I don't know. Yes, I really will watch anything with him in it. Honestly, I think it's just because it was a great movie. To me at least. Not to mention- Jamie Campbell Bower? wow! I've seen him in a million little things, including Twilight...yuck. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street...poor kid needs a bath and a sandwich, but he's got potential. In Anonymous...pretty nice. In this one...omg, wowza! I don't know what it is. It could be the arrogance, the lines, the moves, the hair, the bad boy/psycho look in his eye. I don't know, but whatever it is he needs to keep on keeping on with it. You go, boy! I was very pleased to hear that they were going to continue with the making of the second film, and hopefully all of them. I hate when they start a series and don't finish it. I now of course want the book series, I've perused it all on YouTube, and now I want to share some of my favorite parts/lines from the film...

Favorite line from Jace...

Favorite meme from the film...

I laughed hysterically and agreed...

The fight scenes were...AMAZEBALLS...

I told you Jamie was...yummy...just saying...

If people are comparing, he sooo kicks Edward's ass...and then some...

It had some cool special effects too...don't let the "haters" stop you from watching...

And of course there was the "love" element...Edward&Bella who?...

I liked the film so much that I literally watched in twice in a row and then commenced to googling everything about the series so I would know what happens, and if things were as they seemed. I had to know! I'm real impatient like that. Oops. Anyways, I just wanted to say that if you were on the fence about it at all, go ahead and hop on over and watch it. It's got action, demons, angels, love, tattoos, passion, special effects, vampires, werewolves, hot shadow hunters, glitter, time warping, jokes, actually just a little bit of everything. Watch it! I can't wait until I get the series and the next film comes out!