Sunday, June 30, 2013

I Don't Even Have HBO!!

This week for my Wednesday Obsession, I'm going to have to go with the TV Series, True Blood.  (Well technically it's Alexander Skarsgard, but we'll just say it's True Blood for the sake of arguement). Don't ask me why, because I'm not even really sure myself. I don't even have HBO. We got it free the weekend before last, and I ran across it. Since nothing else was really on I figured that I would go ahead and let it help me pass some time. Well 3.5 episodes later I was hooked.  I'm only semi-obsessed if that helps. No? Alrighty then. I have a few friends that had told me about the show, and how much they loved it so I figured that I would at least check it out so that when Noodle said something about it, I would have some clue what she was talking about. I watched 1.5 episodes and immediately started texting her asking, what was going on, what was happening, and why the two characters I wanted together weren't right then and there together. Apparently no matter if I watch a show for a few minutes or everyday, I don't like it when things don't go my way. It's a nasty little habit. What can I say? My bad. I'll tell you the whole reason the show intrigued me so much. Thanks alot HBO for Alexander Skarsgard!

No, I've seen this man in a few different movies/shows, but never really thought that he was attractive. I was wrong. I admit it. I'm sorry. I don't really know what it says about me that I had to see him pale, with fangs, covered in blood, being a smart-alec before I found him attractive, but we shall not go there. That's territory I don't want to track in to. Thanks. His character (Eric Northman) is such a tough/bada** dude, but he's funny as he can be too. He's a Bad 1,000 year old Viking/Sheriff Vampire, that rules everything he touches, and doesn't take no for an answer... And then he goes from BadA** to... Do I have "food" in my hair? Pam's gonna kill me!! See what I mean? His character has alot of diverse qualities, and I immediately knew within the first 15 minutes of the show that if I watched it that he would definitely be my favorite. I can't keep up with the show without HBO of course, but I just want to tell you, I've never loved YouTube so much in my entire life!! Thank you YouTube!!! I now feel the overwhelming need to buy all the seasons they have out so far (1-5) on DVD so I can watch them, and catch up with them all. 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

And that's just how it is.

"I Run My Fastest, But Still Get Beat. I Land On My Head, When I Should Be Up On My Feet. I Try To Move Forward, But I Am Stuck In Rewind. Why Do I Keep At It? I Won't Be Left Behind. The Harder I Am Thrown, The Higher I Bounce. I Give It My All, And That's All That Counts. In First Place, Myself I Seldom Find. So I Push To The Limit- I Won't Be Left Behind. Some People Tell Me You Can't, Some Say Don't. Some Simply Give Up. I Reply, I Won't. The Power Is Here, Locked Away In My Mind. My Perseverance Is My Excellence, I Won't Be Left Behind.

Make The Best Of Each Moment, The Future Is Soon To Past. The More I Tell Myself This, The Less I Come In Last. Throughout My Competitions, I've Learned What Winning Is About. A Plain And Clear Lesson- Giving Up Is The Easy Way Out. So Every Night Before I Go To Bed, I Hope In A Small Way I Have Shined. Tomorrow Is A Brand New Day, And I Won't Be Left Behind." ~Sara Nachtman 

Friday, June 28, 2013

It made me smile.

I received a message on Thursday evening (via FB) from a Lady that I used to take care of when I worked at The Nursing Home. I haven't been there in almost a year, and the fact that she remembered me, or thought to look me up really made me smile. It's nice to be remembered for something that you put alot of heart, soul, and effort into. It just really is. 

I worked at that particular Nursing Home for almost five years. I started when I was still a Senior in High School and was there until last September when I moved to Indiana. I worked alot of crazy hours, and did things that I never thought that I would do. Having that kind of job is something that I don't think people actually put to much thought into when they're choosing a profession. They all know that someone does it, but no one really thinks that they, themselves will ever do it. 

I'm not going to lie, I never thought that i would have done a job like that. But I did and I truly believe that it made me a better person. I loved my job, and I loved the people that I took care of. Like any job, there are always those extremely hard days that you want to pull your hair out, those days/nights that you've worked so many hours you don't know if you'll be able to stay awake, those people you have to work for/with that you just want to punch in the nose (you know I'm right), those times that you've worked so many days/hours straight that you don't know what day or week that it is. All in all though, putting all of that aside, and focusing on all of the good times that I had there with my residents, their families, and co-workers, I wouldn't change one second of it. 

I enjoyed taking care of those people that I knew needed me. I enjoyed making them smile and laugh. Trying to bring a little bit of joy (no matter how small of an amount) to each of their days, every day. Bringing them their three meals and snacks everyday, and helping them eat it if need be. Helping them get ready in the mornings, whether they had to go to the doctor, they had visitors coming, or they were just lounging around for the day. I loved trying to fix my Little Lady's hair, doing horribly, and them just smiling, chuckling, and saying, "It's ok Sweetie, I Love it- You did a Great Job". I tried to make their lives a little better, and they turned it right around back to me, to make mine better too. 

I used to dress up in costumes for the holidays, or events that they were having. Just to add a little humor to their day, and possibly get a smile. No matter how small, it was completely worth it. They would laugh with me, and we would dance, or sing together and just try to have fun. They said I helped to bring back a piece of their youth and their sense of humor, and that's exactly what my intention was. Sometimes, just to get a little smile out of them, I would do something small. Like, stick a flower in my hair and give them a kiss on the cheek, I would dress up, I would pick them flowers, I would sneak them an extra cup of icecream (sugar-free so it was ok), or I would insist on doing the hokey-pokey and end it like I imagine Danny Kaye would. 

The point of all of this is to say that I don't regret having the job that I had. I loved those people, and made a few life-long friendships that I could never replace. It made me so sad to leave, but sometimes in life you realize that it's just time to move on. It was my time to move on.It doesn't mean that I love my Residents any less, or those few family members, or co-workers less, it just means that I came to the point in my life that I had to make some really hard decisions for me and my family. I hope that doesn't sound selfish, because I don't mean for it too. If I could have changed a million things, and made a million decisions, and still got to see those smiling faces everyday, even if just for a visit I would have, but I couldn't and I can't. I guess it's true. I did kind of finish growing up there. Although, I don't like the way that I was treated by my bosses, or the way my co-workers or residents were treated by my bosses, I won't say anything bad about them. They know what they did and continue to do, so I refuse to stoop to their level. They're the ones that have to live with their decisions, just like the rest of us have to live with our own. That's all I have to say about that.

When I received her letter though, I was surprised. I immediately wrote her back and we carried on a conversation through a couple of messages. I changed all of the names in the messages, because there's this little thing called HIPPA, and even though I don't work there any more, I'm not sure if it applies to me or not. Better safe than sorry though.

HER: Hi there. Ok is this the Katie, oh I can't spell that word but I know it, your weird last name, I'm not sure, but you know what I mean. Now are you the sweet, very good working, CNA that use to work on Hall Six and take such very good care of me? If yes, Man I really miss you!! I don't know what happened, no one would tell me anything about why you left, until Belinda came back and told me you moved for a better job and to be with family. I miss you a whole lot!! Things suck around here without you, the new techs we have pretty much suck. No one takes care of me like you did. It takes five of them to do what you did for me by yourself, and then they still don’t do it right. It was so funny, you’re just a little bitty thing, and I’ve seen you outwork all of those people that were twice your size. You were stronger, faster, and you cared more! Plus, you’re adorable! 

I think this place is going to hell, but that's just me I guess. I'm still trying to get out of this place. They’re not mean to me, but they’re just not real nice people either. How are you doing? I hope good. I really miss you and your cute smile and you were funny too. You could always make me laugh and smile no matter how bad I was feeling. Even on days that you didn’t feel good or you were upset, and we all knew it, you still kept that cute smile across your face, and made us all feel as good as you could. Always trying to make us laugh, whether you would tell a joke, or even do that silly dance until we couldn’t help but laugh. We all miss that. We all miss you. Hey, text me or whatever you can to reach me anytime. Ok? I love you girl!! 

ME: Hey honey, yeah it’s me. I’m good, I just moved up here to Indiana. Wanted to be around some more family, get away from the drama around there, and I got a better job. I miss you too though! I miss alot of my little people down there! And some of the people I worked with, not all of them though lol. Yeah it was getting kind of rough before I left. We couldn’t get any help and then the bosses got mad at us when you couldn’t get 50 things done at once. It’s all good though, I’m happy. And knowing that you still remember me after all this time, and to hear you say those very nice things makes me feel 100 times better than I already was. Thank you. I wish things were going better for you though. I’m so very sorry. I reckon Hall 6 will always kind of be a home to me. 

I guess you don’t work somewhere for 5 years and walk away without taking some of it with you. In a way I guess I kind of grew up there. I know that sounds weird, but I started there when I was still a Senior in Highschool and stayed for almost five years, so in a way, I guess it’s true. I miss your smiling face, and Me You and Belinda hiding out gossiping. You always knew what was going on long before we did, and you kept us on the “up and up”. You’re just good like that! I hope things get better sweetie! Tell everybody I said hi, I miss them, & I love them. You can write me on here anytime you want too sweetie. I don’t mind at all, and it’s very nice talking to you. Love you Sweetie. 

HER: I miss you too Sweetie!! Belinda said she misses you too! She told me where you moved, that seems so far. I guess I’ll never get to see you again. I'm trying to get out of here. I'm trying to get down to Florida. My dad was living up here for like two years, and then his wife moved up here. They got an apartment, they bought lots of stuff, then before it started to get warm here she wanted to move back to Florida so he lefted me. I used to see him every week, now I'm lucky to see my brother once a freaking month and they don't even work it makes me mad. I'm like very depressed. You remember Sally dying on me? Well then they put another young girl in here with me. Her name is Lila. She had a Trac in her throat, so she couldn't talk, but she was sweet. Only twenty seven years old and she had a little girl. She was in a very bad accident. Her family treated her like crap. They blamed her for everything, and they were mean to her. 

I know that if you were here, you wouldn’t have let them pick on her. You never let anybody pick on any of us. You almost lost your job many times, because you would stand up to anybody/everybody for us. You were so good to all of us. We all love you so much!! Anyway she died in the room on me. It broke my heart. I busted out crying, they let me go in there to say goodbye, I miss her, but I have a nice one again. Anyway stay in touch!! I will too!! I miss you like crazy!! We need you back again!! But I understand why you left and why a lot of them are leaving here. The good ones have at least. That's why it sucks! We have a new, well whatever it was that Sheila did. Her name is Karen. She is nice, but I think she is doing more harm here then good, especially for the residents. Take care. I love you!!! Happy 4th! Oh and they ain't doing anything here for those cheap ass holes in the floor that my wheelchair goes into, and you had to pull me out of them! Lol. I love you!! Later. 

ME: I miss you and Belinda quite a bit too! I'm not really that far away. You know how to get ahold of me if you need me. Don't worry, the next time I come down that way to visit, I will definitely stop in and visit with you for awhile. I promise! I know you've been wanting to go back to Florida for a really long time. Don't worry about how your brother is being, and don't be depressed. You’re too pretty and good of a person for that. Be as happy as you can. You always have had a great sense of humor like that. Are you still going to Willis’s church? I know you really enjoyed that for awhile. At least it got you out for a little bit. I'm so sorry about Sally. I heard about her, and was very sad. I'm also sorry about your new roommate Lila. 

I wish bad things didn't have to happen, but I guess you kind of learn that they do anyways. I know you miss them, I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better. You know that if you need or ever want to talk to me that all you have to do is message me. I don't care when it is. I know you’re unhappy there, and that people aren't the best (most of them, not all) but things will get better. There are a few good people still hanging around. Happy 4th! Think of me a little when you’re watching the fireworks! I know I used to take everybody out there every year, and they loved it! Tell everybody I said hi and I love them! Of course they’re not doing anything for those cheap ass holes, they been there for 50 years Lol. Love you!! Be good! Later! 

HER: I Love You Half Pint!!!

Yeah, I probably forgot to mention that one. A lot of my little people called me Half-Pint. I thought it was cute, and they loved it so I never said anything about it. That's not even close to all of my memories or stories, but that is a different story, for another day. When I read this, I laughed, got sad, got happy again, and got a little teary-eyed. I know I'm getting sensitive in my old age. But you know, Like I said Sometimes it's nice to know that you're remembered. That you are appreciated. That you made a difference in someone's life, no matter how small. That you're missed when you're not there. And most importantly that you're Loved. No matter what kind of Love it is, or who it's coming from. Sometimes it's just the little things.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Artist? Yeah, not so much.

For awhile now Uncle Roger has been requesting something "festive" be drawn on the blank side of our work board. He mentioned it yesterday, and finally I gave in and told him I would draw him something. I asked him, "What do you want?" He requested "Fireworks". Really? Fireworks! How am I supposed to draw fireworks?? I didn't say it out loud, but that's what I was thinking. I had no clue how to draw Fireworks. Besides I'm not the most artistic person in the world. I'm not even the most artistic person in my family, or group of friends. Momma, Aunt Susi, Uncle Kenny, Uncle Jimmy, and a couple of my cousins have me beaten. Beaten bad to, like left so far behind I'm practically a dot by now. 

My old friend Scotty attempted to teach me how to draw before when we were younger. IT DID NOT WORK. He was very talented and could draw anything you wanted. I screwed up Snoopy. Just saying. We got a good laugh out of it (eventually after I calmed down), he hugged me, gave me a kiss on my forehead, and said "Oh-my poor sweet Katherine, I'm glad I love you and your pretty-at least you tried though". That did not make me feel better at the time, but at least he tried. I told Uncle Roger I could draw a Bunny (not a great Bunny, but you could still kind of tell it was a Bunny), he said No, that a Bunny on Fire would be festive in the wrong kind of way. He knows me well, because that's exactly where my head was going with it. He said "just draw some fireworks for the upcoming 4th, and write that the shop will be closed, no big deal". 

I immediately looked up the first "Fireworks" that I thought of. "Acme" of course!! I think fireworks, I think Wile E. Coyote. Just putting that out there. I printed a picture of them out (without Wile, no way I could draw him), got Inigo's markers, and attempted to draw Uncle Roger's fireworks. This Was The End Result... I thought that I did pretty horrible, but he likes them so it's all good. Don't think I'm going to be quitting my day job anytime soon though, not thinking I'd make it very well an an Artist Salary. Especially, with my "mad skills". Aunt Susi might have to call out some of her "peeps" to help me next time. However, I'm going to leave it up there until after July 4th, that way we'll be "festive" longer. Remind me to get a step stool next time. My letters up top are all jacked up from trying to stretch, and reach them. Seriously. Looking at them now in this picture I realize- They're All Jacked To Jesus.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Well, that was an interesting lunch break.

I went to lunch with Aunt Susi and Uncle Roger today. (They ask me to go with them quite a bit because we all work together, and I think their scared I won't eat or something. Another story for another day). The point of this one is to show you what Aunt Susi and I seen on our way back to the shop!  We were coming down the road to the shop, Uncle Roger was driving, Aunt Susi in front, and I was sitting behind her. When we got to the bridge almost immediately we (Aunt Susi and I) both seen them! I know exactly what your thinking to. Fangs, Nipples, Armless? Yep, looks like something right out of a Tim Burton/Quenton Tarantino movie. Don't worry. I had the exact same thought process.We started pointing and hollering about them. Uncle Roger was like, "WTH?" We know right?!! They were extremely cool, and creepy all at the same time. It was weird. Me and Aunt Susi think their cool, Inigo thinks their creepy as hell, and even though he won't admit it-I'm pretty sure Tony is scared of them too. Just saying.I got scared for just a minute thinking that if Kenny seen them that he would want to put them on our front porch thinking they were pretty. He would too. Just so everyone knows, can't put nothing passed him. It was great!! 

Four Things That I Realized About Myself In 24 Hours

Yesterday, I Realized Four Things about Myself that I knew that I did, but never really put alot of thought into it until then.

#1: I absolutely CANNOT watch an episode of "Extreme Makeover-Home Edition" without crying like a scared little girl that just had her lollipop taken away from her in the house of mirrors by the big scary clown holding a chainsaw. Yeah! That Bad! Not being dramatic in the least little bit. It was bad. The episode airing was centered around a little girl named Boey Byers, that had been diagnosed with cancer at just six years old. Six! She went through all of the treatments and went into remission for only two months, and the cancer returned. She fought and fought, but sadly she lost her life on December 28, 2007 at just eight years old from complications with pneumonia. I cried and cried through the whole show. I knew that I got a little teary-eyed during that show, but until that episode I never realized how much it got to me. I had watched another episode awhile back about a boy that had passed away and donated his heart to a little girl, saving her life, and they reunited his family with the girl, and I had cried hard, but I chalked it up to me just being overly-sensitive that day. After yesterday it was confirmed that I might be overly-sensitive when it comes to that kind of thing, but that show definitely brings it out in me. Usually I keep it all inside where I think it belongs, but not during that hour long segment. If ever you feel like you need a good cry, just watch that show. #2: As soon as the song "Wagon Wheel" comes on the radio my head automatically starts bobbing back and forth. I mean before the lyrics start, just when the music starts. Whether its Old Crow Medicine Show or Darius Rucker singing it, my head just goes with it. I prefer Old Crow's version, but Hootie's got it going on too. What can I say? I like the fact that he went from The Blowfish to Country Music. You go boy! Anyways, the point is when the song comes on the radio my head has a mind of it's own. I know that sounds crazy since technically my head does contain my mind, but you know what I mean. I think. If not, Sorry.

#3: I make up way to many Scenarios in my head. It's true. Not a good thing. I'll be sitting there, and someone can be having a full/in-depth conversation with me, and I'll just be staring off into space, making stuff in my head up. Example: We were eating supper last night, Everyone was talking having a nice conversation, and I stared off because no one was really talking directly at me, I was just listening to them. Cut to 10 minutes later, I was in Middle-Earth shield surfing with Legolas trying to save Merry and Pippin from the Orcs, and Kenny pushed me on the arm, and said "Katie, are you ok? I asked you a question." Apparently, they had been trying to ask me about my day at work, and I spaced right through it. My bad. Yeah, I know. Nerd Alert. In all fairness, I can't help it. If they wouldn't make Nerd stuff so great I wouldn't be forced to love it. I make up stuff in my head while I'm staring off into space, while I'm showering, before I go to sleep, in the car. Basically, anywhere you can think of. It's a problem really. My old English teacher used to laugh at me, and tell me that with my imagination at least I would never be bored. Thanks. #4: Don't care where I'm at, If it's funny to me, I can't help but laugh. It's true. People tell me that I have inappropriate laughter, and of course no filter. I can't help it. Really, I can't. I try to control myself, but I'm just not able to. I can be thinking of something in my head, and if it's funny, no matter where I'm at, I'm going to laugh. It's just how I roll. Sorry. The sad part is, once I get to laughing, I can't hardly stop. It takes forever. Girls that I used to work with at the nursing home would be like, "Really? Katie. Really?" They finally got used to it. I think at one point they just became so used to it that they didn't even notice it anymore. Mark finally quit telling me I was "tacky", he accepted it too. My family (especially Momma) has learned to except it as well, it doesn't even phase most of them when I bust out in random laughter. Laughter is the best medicine they say. So maybe that's a good thing. I saw a sign yesterday and thought that it was as funny as it could be. I laughed and insisted on showing it to everybody. They liked it, but didn't find it nearly as comical as I did. People tend to not like the same comedians that I do either.
Oh And Just A Random Fact To End This Thing, I Love Every Brantley Gilbert Song There Is. If It Comes On The Radio, I'm Singing It. You've Been Warned. I Also Like Just Reading And Watching TV In The Late Evenings. For Hours At A Time. Just Saying. I also find Luke Bryan incredibly sexy. Just wanted you to know.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Thank you, Noodle!!

As most of you know (the one's that read my blog at least) I have a friend named Erica, that I call Noodle. Don't ask me why, because I'm not really sure, I just always have. If you read the post that I did back in May, you already know all about our friendship, and our need to have constantly documented our teenage years. I'm still not really sure about that either, but we're going to go with it. As previously said somewhere between moving the last 5 times that I have, from where we were living at in Florida (where I met Noodle) I have lost alot of my old pictures. It made me very sad, and Noodle decided to save the day. I received a package in the mail yesterday from her. As soon as I seen that big/yellow envelope, I immediately got excited. Like, really excited! Almost peed my pants/did the hokey-pokey excited! Ok, maybe not peed my pants, but the hokey-pokey was definitely implied! 

The package contained five pictures, and a letter. I read the letter first, and got a little teary-eyed. I'm getting sensitive in my old age. Then, I looked at the photo's that I haven't seen in a long while, and immediately thoughts started pouring out of my head (and mouth). The First of course being, "Damn!! Look how skinny I was! I used to look good! Oh to have those hips and stomach back!". Followed of course by, "Really? Am I seriously licking his face in that picture? What is wrong with me?" Apparently, not only do I have no filter, and am vastly diverse in sarcasm, but I also have personal boundary issues. I don't like people in my space, but apparently I was a face licker! I think I was framed! PhotoShop had to have been involved! I would never do that! 

Fine!! I admit it! You caught me! Yes, I am licking his face in the picture! Happy now? Dang, what's with the third degree? You know it's awful convenient that she could only find pictures of us doing weird things, but not of herself. I know they're there. Busted Noodle! It's all good though. She also sent a recent picture of herself, with the other pictures. These pictures look straight up old school too! They were taken with a black&white/disposable camera. Yeah. You heard me right. These pictures were taken almost seven years ago! Seven! I can't believe how much time has passed, but most importantly I can't believe how old we're getting! The only thing good that I can say about us getting this old is that, I'm glad even though we're many miles apart, and that we haven't got to see each other in a couple years, that I'm very glad we've still maintained our friendship. Friendships like ours are the best kinds! Just wanted to share these very old photo's so that everyone could have a Flashback of their Own! I certainly did!

Don't ask what we're doing because I honestly don't know. It was a long time ago. I can't remember, it's my "some-timers" acting up again. I would just like to say Noodle is looking pretty as ever, and Quit Judging My Dress! I borrowed it from a girl at work for a dance at school! Get off my back! (P.S. We never made it to that dance. Pretty sure Me and Noodle just hung out at the house eating everything that wasn't healthy for us, and watching scary movies. Not the Point!). I really appreciate her finding these and sending them to me, I only wish she could've found the ones of us from Halloween. Those were my favorites! Oh well, I still love the fact that she got me what she could. Thank you! Talk about Throwing Way Back!! It Might Not Be A Thursday Throwback, But It Definitely Deserves A Throwback Anyways!! Thank you! Hope you enjoy!   

He is and forever will be the King of Pop!!

Four years ago on this day, we lost a legend. Can't believe that it's already been four years since Michael Jackson passed away. He was the original King of Pop, and as far as this girl is concerned, Still Is. I have always been a Michael Jackson fan, and still am to this day. I enjoy his music and his dancing. I thought that he was an amazing/talented man. I know there is controversy surrounding certain aspects of his life, but I am not going to get into that. I refuse to argue with people over the subject. They have their opinions, and I have mine. We shall leave it at that. The only thing that I want to do is write a little something about a man that helped to fill my home with music, laughter, dancing, and joy throughout my childhood. I have not only been a fan of his since I was old enough to know what music was, but I am also a fan of the things he did regarding Ryan White, and many other contributions that he made during his life. To the King Of Pop: We Miss Your Music! We Miss Your Style! We Miss Your Dancing! We Miss Your Loving Self. We Miss Your Caring. But Most Importantly-We Miss You!!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Brotherly weekend.

Friday: It was like any other day, with the exception of Greg and Brittany being up for a visit. Yay! Work in the morning/afternoon, and then off to do something by 3:45. Momma and Greg picked me up from work, and then we ran a couple of errands before heading to the house. When we got to the house Momma, Greg, Brittany, Uncle Jimmy, Uncle Kenny, Shylyn, and I ran out to get some supper. I would just like the record to show that I love sub sandwiches! Just saying! Anyways, after that we ran to Wal-Mart to pick up a couple things (Aunt Susi would have been a nervous wreck, because it was so busy-she would've had to call her "peeps" out), and headed back to the house. I had picked up a couple DVD's while out from the RedBox, Greg wanted to watch The Rock's new movie Snitch, while I was determined to watch Charlie Hunnam's new movie 3,2,1, Frankie Go Boom. I am officially in love with the movie I chose, but more on that later.

When we got back to the house Tony and AM pulled up right behind us. They stayed until after 11:00 visiting with him. We all had icecream. While they were out back talking, Brittany, Shylyn, and I decided to start watching Frankie. We got about 15 minutes into the movie, and of course as luck would have it, it started skipping and messing up. Brittany called the RedBox people, and there we were in the middle of the night (Me,Greg, and Brittany) driving to a RedBox to exchange the copies. When we returned we started watching it again. It certainly did not disappoint! I laughed so hard that I thought I was going to pee my pants. Just saying! I would just like everyone to know (because I'll certainly never forget) that this happened. That's all I'm saying. Watch the movie! Hilarious! We started watching Snitch, got about 35 minutes into it, and was like "Nope, too tired, we'll finish tomorrow".

Saturday: We all slept in a bit on Saturday, and after we got up Kenny cooked us breakfast. We lounged around a bit, and finally Momma, Greg, Brittany, and I went out to visit Aunt Susi and Uncle Roger. We all laughed, talked, and had a few drinks. It was very nice just to relax and have a nice family visit. I guess I never realized how much that I had missed Aunt Susi and Uncle Roger while we lived far away, or how much I miss Greg and even Brittany living apart now. It's funny when your sitting there and something like that just hits you out of nowhere. We had a great time visiting and talking. Uncle Roger and I may have had a few Corona...And Aunt Susi and Greg may have had a few drinks as well. Ya'll can't prove it though. I would just like to go on the record of saying that we are all completely innocent, and if something bad happened, somebody else did it! Ask any of them, they'll tell you the same thing! We all went out for supper at Cracker Barrell. And visited for awhile longer. It was alot of fun! Thank you guys!!

We returned home, and Tony, Summer, and AM came over to visit. Tony of course told my brother how unsociable I was, to which Brittany replied "well I don't know about you, but she likes me". Gotta love when the quiet one just comes in there out of nowhere. It was funny! Greg went with Tony for awhile, and Brittany, Shylyn, and I finished watching Snitch. Greg came in towards the ending of it.  He also brought a movie in that he had borrowed from Tony. Greg and I have always watched movies late at night, ever since we were little kids (when we didn't have school of course). Greg and Brittany went downstairs and fell asleep, but Shylyn and I finished it. The movie was called FunSize. It was funny! I have a really hard time believing it's a Nickelodeon movie, but I guess Nickelodeon has changed alot since I was a kid. Apparently, a whole lot. It was cute though.

Sunday: Yesterday was laid back, and nice. Momma and I went out and got us a bite to eat (no one else would wake up), and when we got home everybody was stirring around. They all got ready and we headed out. We went to The Christmas Tree Shop (Don't worry they don't just sell Christmas trees. I know it freaked me out to), had a little something to eat, and ran to the grocery store right quick. When we got home we all relaxed, I took my shower, and Uncle Jimmy grilled hotdogs and beans for supper. Just so everyone knows I could eat grilled food every single day. I love it!! I think everything might be better grilled. I mean outside grilled on a BBQ too, not that weird grilled on the stove stuff. Not the same! I started watching a little TV, and everybody else was doing their own things, and Brandi, Shi'Ann, and Sampson came over. That was interesting to say the least. They came over to see Greg, and they visited with him for about 1.5 hours, or so. They went home a little after 10:00, and I continued to watch the movie that I had paused earlier. Brittany had come in earlier to sit with me while they were there, so her and Shylyn watched it with me. It was nice and peaceful, so the movie was easy to watch. 

Let me just say that there is a reason that I have not watched this movie. For 10 years I have avoided it, and finally last night my curiosity got the best of me. Guess what? It was as messed up as I thought that it was going to be. I'm a pretty big Rob Zombie fan so I'm surprised that I haven't see this long before last night, but I had avoided it, because I was told how awful it was. It was good, but very strange. I guess that's just true Rob Zombie fashion though. Craziness!! The worst part? There's a sequel, and now that I've seen this one, I'll have to watch the sequel or it will drive me nutty! Great! We finished the movie, and all went to bed. It was a long weekend and a late night so I'm a bit tired today, but it's all good. It was worth it. I think that's about the extent of the weekend. Hope I didn't forget anything to important. I know this one seems a little boring, but I just wanted to make sure I remembered everything that we got to do with Greg and Brittany, while they were up here. Have A Nice Day!! 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Random Saturday Post

Just a Random Saturday Post to say that I Love this movie!! I watched it last night, and have been randomly laughing at it all day!! I recommend it to everyone that needs a good laugh! I been a little "blue" for the past couple of days, and this movie definitely cheered me up!! Yes that is Charlie Hunnam and Ron Perlman. Aka, Jax and Clay from Sons of Anarchy. The movie is 3,2,1, Frankie Go Boom. I'll let everyone form their own opinions of it for themselves, all I can say about it is Hilarious!! Love it!! 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Is that ok?!

I have a bunch of things on my mind today. My head is literally spinning in circles with all of the thoughts that are going on in there. Thoughts about everything past, present, and future. I probably just need to stop, take a breather, and sing Journey. Let's face it Journey always makes me feel better. It's true. Well Journey and Sweatpants at least. Even though I have all of these things on my mind, I don't want to talk about them. Like, at all. I just want them to stay in my head, and push them as far back there as humanly possible. Forget that their even in there. For now, that sounds like a good plan to me.

I want to do that and continue to sit here singing "Let It Be"-The Beatles. Only because it's one of my favorite Beatles songs, and it's on the radio right now.I want to think about the fact that my brother and sister-in-law are up here visiting for the weekend.Things like that. I want to make it very clear that when the doctor's office calls, that it sucks! Just saying. Things did not go as well as I thought or hoped. Got to love the medical profession. I really do appreciate them, love them, and all they do, but it doesn't make you feel better when they tell you things you don't want to hear, and you have to go see them again. Just saying. 

I also want to make everyone well aware of the fact that on this day in 1975 (38 years ago) That this happened: Just wanted to remind everybody that this did in fact happen (the release date) 38 years ago, and has motivated many other directors/producers/actors, since it's release. Thank you Steven Spielberg.  Is That Ok? 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thursday Tidbits.

This morning first thing, I felt the need to share a few Random things that are going on, or that I've seen over the last couple of days. Just because I can. Oh, and I'm wearing my favorite outfit that I own right now. Black sundress, Grey sweater, and silver sandals. Just thought you should know. Crazy hair too!!

This morning as I was getting ready for work (I was the only one up) I came out of the bathroom to get dressed and my phone rang. Usually I would just ignore it and go about my merry way forgetting that it had rang until well into the day. This morning however for some unknown reason I answered it. It was my brother (Greg). He asked "Are you awake", to which I turned around to look in the living room and seen somebody on our front porch. I asked "Is Brittany on my front porch"? And he said "Yes, we're here, Let us in"!! 

I ran at the speed of light to get to them. I was like "The Flash". That's right my brother and sister-in-law drove up from Kentucky over night to see us!! So excited!! It's been almost a year since we've seen them, so needless to say it's about time. Their staying today through Sunday, possibly even Monday. Don't know what else to say except Yay!! I assume this is how I looked first thing this morning finding out that they were here.

Every time they play Anna Kendrick (singing- "Cups You're Gonna Miss Me)  on the radio I can't help but sing along. Sorry. I just can't help it! I love it! The song and her voice. **Did you know that the song was originally released as a rendition from a 1937 song from J.E. Mainer's Mountaineers, and a 1938 country song "You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone" from country crooners (Charlie) Monroe Boys, by "Lulu and the Lampshades"** Just thought that you might like to know. I thought it was cool. 

Yesterday we went to the grocery store (yes again) and I seen a pregnant woman that looked adorable and so miserable all at the same time. She looked about my height (5'2) and normally like she would be around 135/140 lbs. So not very big. She was wearing a long black/form fitting (to show off her belly I assume) dress and carrying groceries. Her belly looked like it was 3 whole feet from where it originally started. Plus it was extremely hot/humid outside. Poor thing even had to walk from side to side with her legs stretched way far to the sides of her body. I asked her if she needed some help loading her groceries into her minivan (she's already prepared for babies it looked like to me) to which she said "Oh yes please". As I was helping her load her groceries she was kind of staring off into space and said "I'm sorry you can see my panties. I can't see the lower half of my body and my husband helped me get dressed this morning. He thought that I looked good, but you can see my panties through my dress". I of course looked down, and she was right. I said "It's ok as long as your comfortable, at least he tried to help you. Most guys wouldn't do that". She said "Yeah, he's great. Usually I love him more than anything, but today I just can't stand him". We chuckled, and I asked her how far along she was. She replied "6-1/2 months". What?? Only 6-1/2 months? Are you kidding me? She was already so big and miserable! She must have seen the look that came across my face (I would suppose it was utter horror) and she said "Yeah I got a long ways to go, and this baby is gonna have a fat head. You know why? Cause my husband has a big ole fat head." I finished putting her groceries in the van, helped her in, and continued into the store. 

Umm...just out of Utter Excitement- I get Blueberry Doughnuts for breakfast this morning!! Yay!! Just in case you wanted to know. If you can't tell by the joy in my voice let me just tell you- I Love Blueberry Cake Doughnuts!! Their the only doughnuts that I like/can eat ever since I had that nightmare that a pink sprinkled doughnut was chasing me down a hill (yes just like Homer Simpson). Don't ask!! Just so you know, it was Traumatizing!!! I don't want to talk about it anymore, I just want to focus on the Blueberry Cake Doughnuts.

Also on a sad note, Actor James Gandolfini (Yes, Tony Soprano) passed away on June 19, 2013 in Rome Italy from Cardiac Arrest. RIP Tony Soprano. So this doesn't end with something completely sad and depressing, I would just like to tell everyone that my cousin Tony that is scared of birds (he says he's not afraid of them, but we all know the truth), went outside today at work and a bird umm...What's the nice word? Was flying overhead and defecated on him? Does that sound like the nice way of saying it? Well that's what I'm going with at least. Just didn't want to forget that this did in fact happen! Their out to get him! Also, I try not to pay attention to other people in the grocery store, but I couldn't help it today. A man in front of me in line at K-Mart spent $66.53, and the only thing he bought was M&M's and York Peppermint Patties. I thought that was amazing!!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Monday Recap (On Tuesday)

This past weekend was nice. I had fun with some family (wish the others would have been there, but some don't live here and the others were busy).

Friday: I worked Friday Morning/Afternoon of course, and then went to Aunt Susi's to exercise (as we do most Friday's). It was a pretty uneventful day/evening. After work and Aunt Susi's, me, Mom, and Uncle Jim had to go to the grocery store to pick up a couple of things. Just so everybody is aware: Sometimes going to the store with Uncle Jim (when he's feeling particular hilarious, that is) can be so Eventful/Let's just say I laugh so much that people passing by probably think that I have some serious medical issues, because I loose breath and double over from laughing so hard. Other than that it's perfectly fine. Don't ask. The rest of the evening I spent a boring (for other people not me) at home. I read, watched a little TV, and yes I sound like a little old lady,but went to bed early. Well, not extremely early, but early for a weekend. Probably between 11:30 and 12:30. Don't judge. I enjoyed it, thank you. I also received Noodle's autographed book in the mail just for me. Thank you again Noodle! And results from the Doctor. I just love getting mail. I wish things would go back to the classic days of letter writing. I would love it! 

Saturday: Most of the Family went to a BBQ for Patsy and Darrell's 40th Wedding Anniversary. Yes, 40th. They have been married almost double of my entire life. Everybody, just let that sink in for a moment. Sunk? Good. Me and Ashley tried to "recapture our youth" by jumping up and down on the trampoline with the kids, We almost threw Patsy off of it by jumping really high, and she couldn't get up (Hilarious!!). By the way somebody remind me not to eat cake and mac-n-cheese then jump on a trampoline. Do NOT do this! Seriously. Learn from my mistakes!! (By the way, Sorry you have to see my big ole red butt in these pictures, but really it's nothing compared to my translucent legs. No, Seriously, look at my legs! I could almost pass for a halogen bulb.)

It was extremely hot Saturday as well, so humidity was all about giving my hair a beating. There are reasons that people spend an enormous amount of time, money, and effort developing hair products and using them. I literally woke up Saturday morning, looked in the bathroom mirror, and was like, "Yeah, that can't be entirely accurate". It looked like Lady Sasquatch and Dr. Frankenstein had a love-child, and then that love child met Lady Gaga and then they had a baby on top of my head. It was not a good thing. As you can see. Believe it or not it was scary. This was no product, no blowdryer, and humidity. See why I shouldn't go "all naturale" as the French say. I don't really know if the French say that or not, I just thought that it would be exciting. Sounds silly now that I've said it. Moving on... After spending the day outside playing with the kiddos and talking to family, we went home did a little yard work, and when it got almost dark, I went in took a shower, read a little more, and watched a couple movies. We had stopped at a "Redbox" on the way home from Patsy and Darrell's so that I could rent a couple DVD's.

I decided on "The Depraved" and "Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters". I didn't like "The Depraved" at all. I usually like scary movies, or movies set in foreign countries (which for some unknown reason makes them even scarier), but this one all I have to say is, Nope. It started out really slow and dull, and the only eventful things that happened in it weren't until the last twenty minutes of the movie. Even then they weren't that good. Some might like it, usually I like low budget under-rated movies, but just not this particular one. "Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters" on the other hand, I Loved!! I usually love everything Jeremy Renner, and this was no exception. It follows the childhood story that we all know and I love, with more added to. There's action, comedy, gore, fright, a little of everything. It was completely different from what alot of people imagined I suppose, but that's what I loved about it. It took a well known story, and made it all it's own while still sticking to the original tale. That's hard to do, I think it would be at least. I don't know what all those critics were talking about, it was great! Hopefully there is a sequel in the future. Gross, but Great!!

**Just so Everyone knows too, I'm very happy to have been re-introduced to "Mountain Dew Freezes". Haven't had one of these since I was a kid. Until Saturday. Thank you "Speedway"!!**

Sunday: Me, Momma, Tony, and Anthony Michael cleaned up our Storage Unit. I got up about 8 that morning, went to the unit, and me and Momma had started by the time Tony and AM got there. They came about 8:45 or 9:00 and we were done by 10:00. It wasn't near as rough as we all thought that it was going to be. Thank Goodness! After that they came back to the house for awhile to visit, and after they left, Me, Momma, and Jim went back to the grocery store to pick up the rest of the things that we didn't get Friday. When we got home, we put the groceries, did a few odds and ends around the house, and then didn't do much of anything else. Tayder rolled around in some Blueberries outside so I attempted to "de-blue" my dog. It didn't work as well as I would have hoped. Later into the evening however I was downstairs relaxing, flipping through the TV channels, and ran across the show "True Blood". Apparently it was a marathon because the season 6 premiere was last night. I had talked to Noodle about the show, and she highly recommended it, and alot of other people I know watch it and love it, so I decided I would give it a go. I watched the last three episodes of season 5 and the premiere of season 6. I only have two things to say about that show. #1: I really should start it from the beginning. I think that I would understand it and enjoy it alot more if I did. I liked it alot, and would like to. It's on "my list" of DVD's to get. #2: HELLO ALEXANDER SKARSGARD!! Seriously. Where has this guy been my entire life? I've seen him in other things, and never thought that he was extremely appealing or anything. I mean I always thought he was alright, but never gorgeous (With the exception of the movie "Straw Dogs". Wow! Pretty! I just didn't realize it was him). I completely Recant my entire statement. That guy is pretty! I don't really know what it says about me that I didn't find him attractive until I seen him with black eyes, fangs, covered in blood, with a psychotic look on his face, but I'm just going to let that one go, and hope that my future therapists will know how to deal with it. I don't want to deal with it right now, I would just like to enjoy the show. I love Memes. I thought this one was really funny and appropriate since I watched the show last night. I'm surprised that I didn't read more, but I got a couple of my books out of storage, and one in the mail so this week I will probably get a couple of reads in. Anyways...that is my recap from this past weekend. I feel like I'm forgetting something, but hopefully nothing to important. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

I mustache you a question.

Don't judge. This is what happens when you mix a Company Picnic, a face painter, extreme heat, Corona, and family.
And with that being said, I leave you with this picture.... you're welcome.

Friday, June 14, 2013

I Learned Collages

I've decide to try something new every week. Whether it's a new task, TV show, Recipe, or anything else. I mean I want to try something different every week, or for a couple weeks and learn it. This week for Example: I Learned How To Use "Picassa" Kind of. I more so learned how to make some kinds of collages. I used pictures from Movies/TV Shows/Art instead of personal pictures to start out. Here are some of my "Collages"(I only used the ones that I liked, and i combined them)

So there you have it. It really is a little more difficult than I thought that it was going to be. I'm glad I'm trying it out, and learning from my mistakes though. Wish me luck on continuing this one, and whatever I happen to try next! Remember, I'm horrible with technology!!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Brother- Fact or Fiction?

Today for some strange reason I have my Brother on my Mind. Don't ask me why I just seem to be thinking about him today. It must be the fact that I haven't seen him in almost a year, and FINALLY he's coming up to see us next week! So excited!! Of course his wife (I guess I could just as well say my sister-in-law) Brittany will be joining him, which is exciting as well since it's been just as long since I've seen her. I'm more so excited to see Greg though, no offense Brittany, I love you, but I've known him longer :). Greg and I have been very close our entire lives. Probably partly due to the fact that we are only 3 1/2 years apart in age. Him being on the elder end of that one. Just so you know. We have not been apart for very long lengths of time, even though he did get wild hairs occasionally and he would wander off with his friends for days/weeks on end. All of this after he was 18 of course. Not meaning anything, but let's just say that out of the two of us, I had to be the more responsible one. He admits that to everyone even to this day. Even though he was older, somehow I became the kind of "mother hen" when it came to him. Never quite thinking about it or Regretting it for one minute, I look back now and realize it. I've never really put alot of thought into it, I just knew that he was my brother, I loved him, and the rest was just how we were raised. Nothing more or Nothing less.

Growing up together was definitely eventful to say the least. Knowing what I know now, I could've rung his neck and not thought twice about it at times. Lucky for him, I was a sweet, caring, loving, angel of a baby sister. It's true you know, just ask him, he'll tell you. And if he gets a crazy look on his face, and tries to bring up stories about me "beating him and his friends up", just ignore him. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Neither do Johnathan or any of the rest of them either. Their just overly dramatic is all that is. Big ole babies. If I didn't have so much love for them I'd be forced to deny them in public.  Lucky for them, I'm not like that. I'm completely on their sides. Well, maybe not completely all the time. Sometimes their just wrong. So wrong in fact that I want to look at them, smack them in the back of the head, and say "Really?"! But I would never do that :)

Greg was always the cool older brother. NOT! He was not cool. Oh he thought he was, and all of his friends thought that they were equally as cool, but me being the baby sister that I am was there to tell them- They Were Wrong!!!
They strutted around (Greg in Front) like they were Johnny Depp, or Brad Pitt back in his hay day. They thought they were so cool. Pants hanging down, hair so perfectly stuck in place from product that if a bird had flown in it, it would've definitely been: "Bye Bye Birdie", blonde tips, "muscles" (they claimed they had muscles, once again I disagree, I lived with Greg, and his friends were there alot, Greg and John were pretty puny compared to the other two-Jesse just towered over everybody! All 6'7 of him!!), "Bling-Bling", because yes that was a thing when we were younger, and The Band.

Oh I shall never forget when Greg and his friends decided that they were going to start a "Rock Band".  That was such a funny moment. Not saying that I didn't have my fair share of "trying to find myself and my place in the world" kind of moments while growing up, because Lord knows I did. However, this particular moment in our lives was oh what's the word I'm looking for? "Hilarious!!" They practiced and practiced for all hours of the day and night. (By practice I mean they sat in Greg's room with their instruments talking about how great fame would be and how many girls they would get, and playing the instruments for about 4 minutes every 5 hours or so). Not to mention they made me sit on his bed, in his room listening to them like an "audience" for hours and hours. It was excruciating!! Seriously! The one time Greg aloud me in his room (I went in there anyways against his will) was on these occasions. Needless to say they moved on from that dream to play Football. They still had their instruments and played them occasionally, but  thankfully the "Rock Fantasy" passed.

I always felt the need to protect him against everything. I don't know why, but somehow I became "the protector". With him and his friends. I remember one time him and Johnathan were wrestling in our yard on the back hill and I had to help them. By wrestling I mean Bobby was kicking their butts, and by help I mean I was in the house, they screamed for me, and I went outside kicked Bobby in the crotch, rolled him down the hill, and helped Greg in John in the house and made them pancakes. Not really sure why, but I felt that they needed pancakes. We all love that story. Especially Momma. Except Bobby. He hates that story. I was a pretty little girl, so he was not so happy about me taking him down. I was pretty lucky when it came to our childhood as far as my brother goes. He of course went through the "I Don't Want My Sister In My Room, Touching My Stuff, Or Playing With My Friends" Phase. Which was all the time, but his friends loved me like a sister, only a really cool one, so I won. We fought like cats and dogs constantly, all the time, but when we needed each other, the other one was there. 

Fact or Fiction??

Question: Is it true that Greg hit on every single one of your friends while growing up?
Answer: That would be a Fact. He hit on everyone of my friends, including the ones that I asked him not too, but he thought he was sneaky about it. Greg-If your reading this, You're NOT Sneaky...I know!!

Question: Is it true that Greg is your half-brother?
Answer: Technically, you could say yes I suppose since we don't share the same father. The Fact is though, to me No. That's absolutely NOT true. To me he is my Brother, and that is that. If anyone has a problem with it they can talk to me about it.

Question: Is it true that Greg went through a "Slim-Shady" Phase?
Answer: It is Fact. We shall leave it at that.

Question: Is it true that Greg beat up the neighbor kid that turned out to be a big ass Marine?
Answer: That one would be Fiction! He wishes he could say he beat up that kid back in the day. No, that was all me. You're Welcome.

Question: Is it true that I look like Greg?
Answer: Depends on who you ask. Some say yes, some say no, so I guess it's just a matter of opinion.

Question: Is it true Greg wrecked a truck not even a 1/8 of a mile from your house?
Answer: That is Fact. He wrecked his truck into the ditch, and Me and Corey had to go get him out so Mom wouldn't find out. Greg says that doesn't count. Just so you know, It Does!!

Question: Is it true that I hog-tied Greg, shoved him into a closet, all with three pairs of underwear when we were little kids?
Answer: You may refer your questions to my Lawyer. Thank you.
(By the way if that hypothetically did happen-He would've had it coming, because he was picking on me).

Question: Did Greg actually get married on April 20, 2012?
Answer: Yes. Thanks alot Brittany for allowing ya'lls Anniversary to be 420. I owe you for that one. Only you Bubba!! (That's My Brother and Sister-in-Law up there by the Way).

Question: Does Greg still call you "Diddy"
Answer: Fact. Don't ask.

The point of this entire thing is to show how much my Brother means to me. Yes, we fight, bicker, and want to commit "Hairy-Carey" on each other sometimes, but I love him, and miss him very much. 

 This is Greg's Best Friend Johnathan. I felt the need to share this picture. Greg got drunk and passed out, to which John was drunk and said "Hey Katie, I'm gonna go wake Greg up". Then he got comfy. This was about 3 in the morning.

Johnathan was as much a part of our family growing up as we all were. He even watched me go to Prom as you can see in the collage up top with Me, Greg, Johnathan, and Mo. Greg definitely loves Johnathan just like a Brother. He Is Greg's Brother, Just Like Greg is Mine.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Courtin' or Hittin'???

Everyone that knows anything about me, knows that I love to read. I'll read about anything as long as it peaks my interest. I have a collection of books that should probably have their own room devoted entirely to them in my house. Yes I am aware that normally that would be called a Library, but I don't want to call all my books a Library. So there. I have novels that range from science fiction, to historical, to biographical, to educational, yes even romance (quit blushing), and everything in between. Needless to say I have some Eclectic taste in my books as well.  I am currently reading a Novel that would be classified under "Historical /Romance". It's a Two Novel, in One Novel kind of Novel. Make sense? Hopefully. I started it just last night, and I'm pretty sure that if I get a little peace and quiet tonight that it will be finished by morning. It's very interesting , and I know that I must look hilarious when reading. I never really noticed it, but apparently my face shows all the expressions that I'm feeling while reading. Which means that I laugh, cry, cringe, blush, squirm, sometimes snort, get "wide-eyed" and a whole other mess of things. Apparently it's quite Amusing to watch, as was pointed out to me last night.  While reading this particular Novel a Question popped into my mind. Don't know where it came from, but all of the sudden it was there. Who would've thunk it? My head, with a Random Question in it. That Never Happens. (Yeah Right).  My Question was actually a Question about a Question. I know it's alot to take in. Sometimes I have trouble keeping up with my Rambling. Sorry. Please Excuse Me. The Question was:  When Did the the Question: "Are You Courting The Lady?" turn into "Man, You Hittin' That?"  

Seriously? That's all that people could come up with? What the Sam Hell? How did such a Nice Term get turned into, Well whatever the hell that is now. "Slang" I guess you would call it. Thanks alot to whoever developed that one! Kudos to you! It doesn't make me want to kick you in your tooth or anything Violent like that! I swear! In fact why don't you come to me, and we shall have a very civil conversation about it. Really, truely. No, not really. I would probably find out that it was you that turned something that sounds so sweet into whatever it is now, and try to re-enact a scene from "Wile E. Coyote". Only this time with me behind the "Acme Rocket" it would actually work. Sorry it's just the way I feel about it. Thanks for making me even more Cynical than I already am. Didn't think that it was at all possible. You have proven me wrong. Jerk. Maybe I read to much, and allow my mind to carry itself away. I always have been a kind of Dreamer I guess. I can entertain myself for hours just by making up impossible scenario's in my head. Noodle says it's because Secretly I'm a "Romantic". I guess that is true. No, more than guess, it is true. However, please don't tell anybody this little fact about me, because Lord knows I would never live it down. Thanks.

In the Novel so far Lord Edmund has fallen head over heels for Lady Mary, but she is fighting it to the very end. She is betrothed to Lord Goodrich (her husband being killed seven years prior), and is trying everything to make herself a wonderful match that will elevate her, and secure her place in society. She has fallen for Edmund as well (not wanting to-but they became trapped together in a unsturdy shelter during a thunderstorm, which she is deathly afraid of, and he comforted her), but refuses him constantly, because he has a horrible reputation as many things, and let's face it has a sort of "potty mouth". His Aunt instigates things between the two knowing how they truly feel, but both are too stubborn to admit it. Edmund is constantly obnoxious, insulting Mary, and continuously trying to get her alone. He tries to hide his feelings behind his charade, but his Aunt knows better. He had some serious issues resulting from his Brother's death (15 years earlier) and doesn't want to get close to anyone. Until Mary. He's trying to fight it, but it's not working so well for him. Haha!! Besides Mary's trying to fight her feelings, and marry her betrothed (Lord Goodrich), but he has some secrets that everyone knows about that, except Mary it seems. Mary also has a kind of sully piece of reputation (compliments of gossip) just like Lord Edmund. The only difference is he doesn't care.

It's been really good so far, and I'm enjoying it. I just hope it ends the way that I want it to. Go Figure, Right? Who would've thought that I would want things my way? Anyways, Can Someone Answer My Question? Please? Why did it have to go from "Courtin" to "Hittin"?? Not Cool. Thank you once again Society! Bluck! Plus, Thanks For Listening To Me Ramble On (Once Again). 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

She loves you- Happy Birthday, Johnny D!!

Just like the song "She Loves You"-"The Beatles" was released 50 years ago, my favorite actor was also born. Whom would that be you ask? Well no other than the one (and only) 
Johnny Depp! He has filled my Childhood/Adult Life with so many Happy Memories, and I so appreciate it! His Characters have touched my heart, and lead me on Adventures of my own!

Yes, yes, today is the 50th birthday of Johnny Depp! I know there are many people that dislike Johnny Depp, and they're all entitled to their opinions. My opinion about those people just happens to be that they're stupid. Just saying. Put aside the fact that he's completely gorgeous, and just focus on his career in general. He started in a low budget horror movie playing Glen Lantz, moved onto a television show that no one thought would last through even one season playing Officer Tom Hanson, and managed to maneuver his way to where he is now. That is pure talent, spirit, and determination if you ask me. He could have given up and pursued anything else, but his true passion was acting, so he followed through and has become the well known man that he is today. 

Being beautiful just happens to be an added bonus to his fans. If he didn't look like he did, I would still watch all of his movies, and be a huge fan, because I think that he's one of the most talented actors of his lifetime (or mine). He has played so many diverse roles/characters, that every time I watch him in something different I'm completely amazed at the fact that it's the same person playing the parts. I myself have never seen a movie of his that I didn't care for. I of course have my favorites like everyone else would.

My Favorite being What's Eating Gilbert Grape. Yes, out of all of his high-end, special graphics, and big budget blockbusters, my favorite out of all of his films is Gilbert. Go figure. I love this movie, and have since I was a little kid. That was the second Depp, and first DiCaprio movie that I had ever seen, and it solidified my love for both of the actors. That movie is sad, but so very good. Who would think that something like that can make you look at your entire life in a completely different way? It is my favorite Depp (and DiCaprio for that matter) film. 
Where's Arnie? Gilbert!! Love it!!

Although it is a good movie and I loved it when I watched it, there is one Depp movie that I have only watched one time, and don't anticipate watching it again. This movie is Edward Scissorhands. I have watched every one of his movies several times, more than I have ever watched any other movie, and own almost every single one of them. However, this particular one I watched once, and even though I own it, have never watched it again. Why? Because (to me) it is the saddest movie ever made! He has very few lines in the film, but you can read every emotion his character is going through as clear as day on his face. I cried for at least three hours when I watched it, I cried randomly throughout the next few weeks, and even now at times if I get to thinking about it too much I tear up a little. I think that it's just how I'm remembering how sad Edward was, and since I was a little girl when I watched it, I can't get passed that childhood part of me. I really did love it, I swear, it's just so sad that I can't bring myself to watch it again. I can't get that look out of my head that came across his face. He was so full of love, and all he wanted was for someone to love him back! Come on people! Is that so much to ask? Ok, I have to move on now, I'm getting teary eyed.

The films that he is probably most famous for, would have to be Pirates of the Caribbean. Captain Jack Sparrow is basically a household name, and everyone knows who he is, regardless if their a Depp fan or not. He brings so much to the table with his cookiness and eccentricness. There are no words to describe Captain Jack except, INCREDIBLE!!

I won't go into all of the wonderful things that I have to say about him, or all of the amazing things that he has done in his personal life. Some things, I think, should just stay out of it, because the actions themselves stand alone. As far as his kids, relationships, legal issues, Native American adoption, charity work, and everything in between I will let lay. Like I said, they stand on their own.

I would like to mention the work of Depp with his close friend, and my favorite director/producer, Tim Burton. They have collaborated on many movies together, and I love them all. The characters that Depp played, and Burton directed are:
Edward-Edward Scissorhands (1990), Ed Wood-Ed Wood (1994), Ichabod Crane-Sleepy Hollow (1999), Willy Wonka-Charlie and the Chocoalte Factory (2005), Victor Van Dort-Corpse Bride (2005), Sweeney Todd-Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007), The Mad Hatter-Alice in Wonderland (2010), and Barnabus Collins-Dark Shadows (2012). They really are a great team, and I hope that together they have many more films to come!! I could talk for hours, days, probably even weeks about Johnny Depp, but I won't. Instead I will let everyone form their own opinions for themselves. To me he is just an amazing Actor, and I love him/his work. 

His other movies that I haven't yet mentioned (so far), but for the record still love/adore include:
Private Resort (1985), Slow Burn (1986), Platoon (1986), Cry Baby (1990), Benny and Joon (1993), Arizona Dream (1993), Don Juan DeMarco (1995), Dead Man (1995), Nick of Time (1995), Cannes Man (1996), Donnie Brasco (1997), The Brave (1997), Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998), L.A. Without A Map (1998), The Ninth Gate (1999), The Astronaut's Wife (1999), Chocolat (2000), Before Night Falls (2000), Blow (2001), The Man Who Cried (2001), From Hell (2001), Once Upon A Time In Mexico (2003), Happily Ever After (2004), Secret Window (2004), Finding Neverland (2004), The Libertine (2004), Public Enemies (2009), The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009), The Tourist (2010), Rango (2011), The Rum Diary (2011), Jack and Jill (2011), 21 Jump Street (2012), and The Lone Ranger (2013).

He also produced:
The Rum Diary (2011), Hugo (2011), and Dark Shadows (2012)

The Stuff  (1992), and The Brave (1997).

The Brave (1997)

Narrated/Acted/Appeared in Documentaries:
The Source (1999), Lowell Blues (2000), Lost in La Mancha (2002), Deep Sea 3D (2006), Runnin Down A Dream (2007), Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson (2008), When Your Strange (2010), and Pearl Jam Twenty (2011). 

Contributed his Musical Talents to:
Chocolat (2000), Once Upon A Time In Mexico (2003), Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007), Aerosmith: Music from Another Dimension! (2012), and The Hookah Lounge: Volume 1 (2013). 

And Appeared/Guest Voiced on Television Shows Such As:
Lady Blue (1985), Hotel (1987), The Vicar of Dibley (1999), The Fast Show (2000), King of the Hill (2004), and SpongeBob SquarePants (2009). 

He's been nominated for many awards over his career, losing a few of course, but winning quite a few as well.

He won a "Golden Globe" in 2008 for Best Actor in a Picture Musical or Comedy- Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.

Two "Rembrandt Awards", both for Best Foreign Actor once in 2008- Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, and in 2011- Alice in Wonderland.

A "Screen Actors Guild (SAG)" in 2003 for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role- Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.

and Eight "Teen Choice Awards" including:
Best Liar-2004-Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Best Fight-2004-Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Best Action/Adventure Actor-2006-Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Best Comedy Actor-2006-Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Best Action/Adventure Actor-2007-Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
Best Villain-2008-Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
Best Voice Actor-2011-Rango
Best Action Actor-2011-The Tourist