Friday, February 28, 2014

So many emotions for one day

I went to the dentist yesterday and since I cried in the office when she told me everything that I had to have done, I have decided not to talk about it and just completely change the subject. I am far to emotional for all of this crap, and I have no clue why. Just saying.

Have you heard Lea Michelle's new song- If You Say So- written and recorded in tribute to Cory Monteith yet? Well, if not you're in luck, because here it is. I love this song, but if we're going to be perfectly honest, it makes me tear up, because I'm a big ole emotional weenie. Obviously. However, putting my wimp status aside- I think this is a beautiful song....

This one is Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore teaming up (once again...and I LOVE it) with Jimmy Fallon to sing a little song. Who doesn't love the three of them? And when you put them all together- it's so cute....

And finally,  can I just be the first (probably not really the actual first, but oh well) to say that this John Legend song makes me want to cry? It's the kind of song that just makes you feel so emotional, and make you ask the question- Why can't I find a love like that? So many emotions! Thanks, Mr. Legend. Thank you. Jerk. Why don't you make us all feel bad about ourselves? Where are the guys that want to sing me songs like this? I say this, but in all honestly- I really do love this song....

Thursday, February 27, 2014

It all started with a selfie

A couple of weeks ago I included a picture of myself in a very short post entitled- I can't believe that- where I talked a little about the fact that Aunt Susi and Dani made me learn to "take the perfect selfie". (By the way my "selfie" was far from perfect). Dani seen an article about it that included "the ten steps to taking a perfect selfie". When she started reading it to us all I could say was- Seriously? You need ten whole steps? She of course told me to hush and continued reading. After they practiced and practiced they bugged and poked me until I finally gave in and took one too. I had to follow all of her "steps" and we all had to upload the very first one that we took to our social network. I know, right? I have a social network. Even though I'm not really social. Ironic. Anyways, she made us go into the bathroom, shut the door, angle ourselves and try our best. Well, my best is not very good when it comes to the "selfie". I almost dropped my phone into the toilet, I smashed my head on the mirror, I about knocked the shelf down and I cussed under my breath about fourteen times. And I was only in there a couple of minutes. After all was said and done we uploaded to SM. All I can say is the steps must really work when you follow them to a T, because I'm pretty sure that Dani's turned out the best.

{{Selfie: A type of self portrait photograph, typically taken with a hand held digital camera or camera phone. They are associated with social networking. they are often casual, are typically taken with a camera held at arms length or in a mirror, and typically include either only the photographer or the photographer and as many people as can be in focus. selfies taken that involve multiple people are known as "group selfies". The pathological condition for selfie addiction is known as selfieism. They are easy to create and share, and gives the photographer the power.}}

Who would have thought that they actually have a name for people addicted to taking selfies? Actually the real question is- Who the hell is addicted to taking selfies? I think that Cricket might be actually. She's all the time snapping photos of herself. By the way, when did we start using the term selfie and stop using the term photo? Just thought I'd ask. Well, ever since that day I have been "practicing" on occasion, because I think that it's hilarious. I don't keep the good ones and discard the ones that I look tired, scared, rough, bad, hoboish, or anything though. I keep and upload the good, the bad, and the ugly. Power to the people!

Society puts far too much pressure on young adults, girls and boys to look a certain way, dress a certain way, and act a certain way. What ever happened to individuality? I am my own person and I will be damned if I'm going to let someone make me feel bad for that. If we were all supposed to be exactly the same we would all be one size, one shape, one height, one weight, one color, one gender, one everything. How boring would life be then? I myself have always been a very self conscience person. Always secretly worried about my weight, how I look, how I talk, everything. Just like every other girl on this planet at some point or another. But probably in the last year or so I have come into my own. I have learned to accept myself and love me just for me. Flaws and all. Do I think that I'm gorgeous and runway model ready? Absolutely not. But you know what? I am me and I love it. I can love me with my flaws, because you know what? They're not flaws, they are just the bits and pieces that work together to form character. And character, my friend, is what we really are made of. You just need to love you for you.

Here's what I have to say about it to all the girls/women who don't think that they're pretty and/or good enough:

Hey, I am a normal girl. I am 24 years old. Do you know what that means? Mid-twenties, that's what that means. I'm no where near perfection. I get blemishes and dry skin. My teeth aren't perfectly straight and scary white. I'm not rail thin and I wear flannel like there's no tomorrow. I have a dimple in my chin and I wear boots like they don't make any other shoes. I wear glasses and have bad hair days. My Momma is my best friend and I haven't dated anyone in over a year and a half. My face gets oily and my feet swell up. I have stretch marks and scars, and I sometimes walk on the outsides of my feet. When I smile my mouth is lopsided and almost always one of my eyes partially closes. I eat like a grown man and drink sweet tea like I'll never get anymore ever again. My mascara runs and I randomly break out into song and dance. Neither of which are good. I trip and fall and talk a little too loud. When I get to laughing I can't stop. I have freckles. I can't tan, because I only burn and there are days when I don't get out of my sweatpants. I don't wear make-up everyday and when I do it's very little. I have to pluck my eyebrows and shave my legs. My nails are not painted and sometimes I get sick and puny. I am shy and bashful, and blush all the time. But I'm also open minded and opinionated. I have allergies and sometimes my lisp comes back. I don't see the point in curling the back of my hair and I take enough vitamins to choke a horse. Needless to say- I AM A MESS. I am a big ole mess. There is no way around it, it's a fact. And the fact is- I am perfectly ok with it.

I don't care if someone doesn't like the way I look, talk, act, feel, or the way that I am in general. Because I love me, and I'm the one that has to live with myself. I refuse to live my life for others that don't care about me, and I will not make myself miserable to please those people either. There is no reason to make someone feel bad about themselves, because somehow you are unhappy within yourself. There is no reason to look down on someone, because you feel that you are better than them. No one person is any better than another.

Do I care if you're big? Small? Tall? Short? Tan? Pale? Wear glasses? Dress crazy? Have flaws? No, I do not, because I have those flaws to. I love the person that I am, but even I have those days of self doubt where I question everything about myself, but then I think on it and realize that I am happy. I am the happiest that I have been in a very long time. And it's because of the love that I have around me. I surround myself with the positive and avoid the negative, because no one needs negativity. I surround myself with the love of my Momma, my brother, the rest of my family that I'm close to, my friends (near and far), my puppy, and myself. I have things that happen and go wrong, everyone has bad things happen, but it's how you deal with these things that shows your true colors.

I will not, can not, and positively won't judge someone else for their flaws, the color of their skin, their sexual orientation, or the status of their bank account. It is not going to happen. If someone accepts me for the person that I am, then I will accept them. Because this girl ain't changing and she's not going anywhere. Who would've thought that all of this would have come to me, because of a selfie?   

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I should've stayed in bed today.

I have literally screwed up every single thing today. Basically, if it could go wrong, it did. It's ok though. Yep. I'm going to make it through the rest of this day and then crawl into my sweats (and the fetal position) when I get home. Why? Because I think that's just safer for everyone at this point. I need a drink. It's been a horribly long day, and I think that my eyeballs might melt, yes I did in fact say melt, out of my freakin' head in a matter of minutes.

I should've staying bed today, in bed's where I belong, as soon as I got up today, things started going wrong, I got a splinter in my foot, my puppy made me fall, I squirted toothpaste in my ear, I crashed into the wall.

I knocked my homework off the desk, it landed on my toes, I spilled a glass of chocolate milk, it's soaking through my clothes, I accidentally bit my tongue, that really made me moan, and it was far from funny, when I banged my funny bone.

I scraped my knees, I bumped my nose, I sat upon a pin, I leapt with alacrity, and sharply barked my shin, I stuck a finger in my eye, the pain is quite severe, I'd better get right back to bed, and stay there for a year.

Monday, February 24, 2014

People are nicer when I look like a Hobo Batman.

I wore my hobo hat and my Batman shirt on Saturday. And by my Batman shirt, what I really mean is- Greg's Batman shirt that he's NEVER getting back. Like, ever. It's officially my new favorite shirt in the entire world. It's because people are so much nicer to me when I wear it into public. People who I could walk by every day, that have never even glanced in my general direction let alone made conversation with me, are all of the sudden nice. Is it true? Is that the power of 'The Batman'? I mean, after Ben Affleck plays Batman I don't know how everyone will feel about it, but for now- I. Am. Awesome. Perhaps I should explain a little more so you don't feel the need to lock me up in the bin. You know what I'm talking about.

{{I'm a horrible blogger, because I didn't anticipate on writing a post about my outfit for last Saturday, so I only have a partially decent picture of me wearing the Batman shirt and glasses (only partial hoboing), but on the bright side- TAYDER is in it looking LIKE A BOSS}}

On Saturday I woke up early, because apparently when it's possible for me to sleep in, the clock in my head decided to go into warped speed and is all- You are NOT sleeping, wake the $*#% up. I don't know what it was about that particular day, but my eyes decided to be even more screwy with me than usual. So I hopped in the shower, and because I couldn't see had to "mime" my way through it. Do you know how difficult it is to shower when you can't see a damn thing? Well, let me just tell you it's hard. So after I mimed my way through it I found my glasses and had to wear them ALL weekend, because like I said- BLIND.

I decided to wake Momma up, because I'm selfish and wanted company, to see if she wanted to get out of the house and go have some lunch later. She indulged me, because frankly I looked a bit pitiful. I was to lazy tired to fix my hair or put on any more make-up than a little foundation to cover the red spots, so I just tucked all of my hair into the green hat that Aunt Susi made me and went on my merry little way. Sweatpants, flannel shirt, black jacket, green hat with all my hair tucked in, and my glasses. I looked like a real hip hobo. Not my words. I guess I had an Olsen twin thing going on. We did some things and when we went to lunch the waiter was really friendly. Like extremely friendly. Nice guy. Momma thought that he was "hitting" on me, but I disagree. I think he was trying to figure out if i really was a hobo or not. Whatevs. The point is, he was incredibly friendly.

We went home and I changed out of the flannel shirt, because- HELLO, it was so warm and lovely compared to what it has been. I was too lazy pre-occupied to go downstairs to get one of my own shirts so I just pulled one of Greg's out of the closet and put it on. Besides I love Batman too. Well, we ended up having to go to the grocery store and did I change? Hell no, I put my jacket on and went on skipping to my Lou. Not really. While in the grocery store walking down the canned vegetables I looked down and realized that I hadn't changed. When I walked back to the cart I looked at Momma and said- I just realized that I am a grown @$$ woman wearing a Batman shirt in public and laughed. The guy behind us heard me and said- Hey, there's nothing wrong with that, it's hot, and besides it matches my ninja turtle belt buckle. Y'all might think that sounds dumb, but let me just tell you- y'all it was love at NERD sight. He's probably married or way younger than me, but I don't care, in my imagination we are doing all of the awesome things that I think that a boyfriend should do with a girlfriend. Yep, in my imagination we are in nerd love. Kidding. Kind of. After the grocery store we stopped by the gas station and the girl working there continued to talk to me for ten minutes on how great my shirt was and how awesome I looked in it. Needless to say- Greg, you are NOT getting that shirt back. It's mine now. Sorry, but I'm absolutely not sorry. Not even a little bit. Like I said, people are way nicer to me when I look like a Hobo Batman. By the way, Aunt Susi informed me that she would absolutely NOT go out into public with me while I looked like a hobo. We'll see Aunt Susi. We shall see.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

That time I made soup.

Before I tell you about my soup, take a little break and read the 13 things you didn't know about lust. I'll wait. Ok? Ok, as I've been saying for a few months now, there are a lot of things that I can't eat without it making me sick at my stomach. Honestly, meat being the biggest one. About the only thing that I can stomach anymore meat wise is hamburger. Needless to say- this has changed my eating habits drastically. I've always been one to eat fruits and vegetables, but now I find myself eating even more of them then I ever imagined. Katie? Healthy? Who saw this one coming? I love them and can't seem to get enough. This is probably a good thing, because even if it's not, at least it sounds healthier. So after dani found a recipe for "loaded tomato" soup online and made it, then Aunt Susi made it because Dani gave her the recipe, I decided to give it a try. I mean tomatoes and my love of soup combined? Yes, please. As I was cooking it Shy and Kenny decided to try it to, so I made more than enough. (We had a little leftover). By the time I was done making it and adding all of the extra stuff that I thought would be good in it, it kind of turned from tomato soup to taco soup. But that's ok, because I love tacos too! So since we all (especially me) loved it so much, and it was literally the easiest thing to make, EVER, I thought that I would share...

What you need:
  • 1 can condensed tomato soup (I used Campbells)
  • 1 can seasoned black beans (I used Bush's)
  • 1 can whole kernel corn (any kind)
  • 1 can fire roasted tomatoes (whatever you like)
  • Taco seasoning
  • A pot to cook in and a spoon to stir
Get your pot ready. Open all cans. Drain the corn and black beans. Dump the soup, fire roasted tomatoes (juice and all), corn, and black beans into the pot. Stir until warm and mixed together thoroughly (I added just a little bit of water to make it a bit soupier, but it's whatever you like best). Put taco seasoning in little by little, dependent upon your taste, however much you like. Let it finish cooking together.

See? I told you that was the easiest thing to make ever. And it was so good that the only way to describe it is- DEE-LISH-YASH!! Yeah, it's so good you can't even spell words right. Shy and Kenny loved it to. And all the leftovers got eaten. Shy asked me why I was just adding stuff together instead of following the recipe. My response? I DO WHAT I WANT! And we were all glad that I do. Even people on FB were asking what I put in it, because it looked so good. It smelled amazing too!! There is just nothing bad about this. I think everyone should try it. I know I'll be making it a lot more.

Friday, February 21, 2014

So, I ordered three new books from Amazon

And I'm just waiting for them to be delivered. Impatiently waiting. But waiting nonetheless. I read a little bit of everything. My taste is very eclectic when it comes to books. I like everything from historical fiction to biographies to romance. And absolutely everything in between. To me, there are times when I think to myself- life is just better in a book. I've thought that since I was very young. I guess you could say that I've always been a bit of a daydreamer of sorts.

I watched a bit of the movie- Selena, the other night with Momma (which of course makes me cry every time) and as I was sitting there on a commercial break I thought to myself- I wonder what ever happened to Chris Perez? So I did the only logical thing that there was to do. I Googled him. I read an interview with him and I was just amazed. After all of these years he's still as in love with her as he was the day that she passed away. That is true love my friends. He got remarried and had a couple kids, but just couldn't get over Selena. That's sad. Sad that a young lady had to die so young, because someone decided to be a thieving, no good, insensitive, idiot. Anyways, I saw that he had written a book about his and Selena's life together, and thought that it might be real good. I mean, I already enjoy his music and that's writing, so I would probably like his regular writing too. Right? So that's my first one.

I didn't put that much thought into the other two. I just wanted a couple new books, because I've read all of mine many, many, many times. The second one I ordered is called, are you ready for this one?- Beautiful Bastard. Yeah, I know. But apparently it's a series and I had read a review on it a couple weeks back so I thought that I would give it a try. It may be a real good one. Who knows? All the reviews raved about it, so I decided to judge for myself. Apparently it's the less rich version of Fifty Shades of Grey with less touching issues? I don't know. All I know is I read a review, found the book, ordered it and if it's any good I'll probably order the other ones in the series. I think there are six.

Ok, the third one. Well...I really didn't put any thought into this one. Like at all. You know that box on Amazon that pops up with suggestions after you've ordered a couple of things? Well, it popped up into my suggestion box and without reading anything about it I decided to buy it. I do that sometimes. I mean, how are you supposed to find new things to enjoy if you don't take chances? Right? I just seen the cover and thought that it was a guy standing there facing a wall with his arms behind his back. Nothing horrible. So I ordered it and didn't spare a thought. I hardly ever check the confirmation emails that they send after you order I know shame on me until a couple of days later. This time when I checked it two days later I realized what the name of it was so I read the synopsis. Ummm....the name of it is Wallbanger and it's exactly what it sounds like. And the guy that's standing there facing the wall does not have his hands behind his back, those my friends are a pair of legs. Apparently, when you put together all of the things that I've ordered from Amazon in the past you come out with the conclusion of kinky or something. Oops. Oh well, I was surprised when I realized it, but I'm still going to read it. Who knows, it may be really good.

That's my story for this week. I know not very entertaining, but I get really excited about the prospect and impendation is that a real word? of new books. I'll update you after I receive and read them!!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Am I the only girl who?

Can eat oranges and grape tomatoes every minute of every day?
Gets emotionally invested in fictional characters?
Would still totally date Jonathan Taylor Thomas?
Doesn't want to do my hair and makeup, but knows that I'll look like a train wreck if I don't?
Pauses whatever music she's listening to when the phone rings- even if it's only a text message?
Could spend hours and hours reading Buzzfeed?
Would rather stay in then go out?
Makes up scenarios in my head to the point where I actually believe it's going to happen?
Is kind of addicted to posting all pictures on Instagram?
Thinks that Shaun White is an awesome/talented version of Carrot Top?
Sometimes daydreams about Mexican food, because it's so delicious?
Would rather watch horror movies than rom-coms?
Actually wants to go to Comic/Gen Con, and is attracted to "nerdy" guys?
Wants to learn to play the ukulele?
Loves the soundtracks to most movies and TV shows and listens to them all the time?

Puts off buying new clothes/shoes, because they're expensive and I have no sense of style?
Still says Boo-yah!!?
Actually likes taking care of people?
Still cries at the ending of Selena and throughout What's Eating Gilbert Grape?
Starts singing without realizing it?
Wants chicken noodle soup and cherry popsicles when she's sick?
Likes to mix green apple vodka with orange juice?
Could eat soup every day of the year?
Only likes probably two songs by The Lumineers?
Watches Sons of Anarchy like my life depended on it?
Only likes the original sweet tarts?
Still calls Wendy Peffercorn from The Sandlot Wendy Peppercorn?
Would rather spend money on books then anything else?
Loves to make collages?
Has absolutely no artistic ability at all, but is still looking?

Sometimes feels the need to know everything about a random person? (I.e. when I decided I needed to know all about Michael Rapaport).
Has absolutely no filter and constantly talks before she thinks it through?
Loves to watch "old timey" shows and documentaries like The White Queen?
Remembers to floss, but just doesn't do it?
Secretly roots for the bad guys redemption?
Thinks that getting a bikini wax would be a fate worse than death?
Watched (and liked) Country Strong the whole way through?
Thinks that the man who invented sweatpants loved all women very much?
Tried yoga once and is convinced that it's a communist plot?
Thinks the thought of having children is far too scary?
Always tries to find the good in people?
Is the eternal optimist and hopeless romantic?
Wants to dress like a girlie/hippie/pin-up/vintage girl, but has no clue how to put together outfits for it?
Prefers the classic days of letter writing to technology?

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What I've been watching lately

I watch a whole bunch of television. We all know this. It's nothing new. And I'm not going to stop, because I love it. That's just how I am. TV and books. Books and TV. With those two things, it's all good. Moving on. With the inevitable ending of Sons of Anarchy back in December, I'm forced to find other sources of televisional is that a word? entertainment. I've always been one to watch a bunch of movies, because I'm boring and that's what I like to do, and of course there are those shows on TV that are so addicting that you feel the need to keep watching. So I thought that I would share...

  • Bitten. This show is the newest in my Syfy channel addictions. Why is it that Syfy always has the best movies and TV shows ever? It seems like they're all imported from Canada too. I think that all of these awesome shows from Canada (i.e. Lost Girl, Being Human, Haven and now Bitten, etc.) are the Canadians way of trying to apologize and make up to us for sending down Justin Beiber and Jennifer Tilly. Well played Canada, well played. Anyway, Bitten is about a clan of werewolves, specifically Elena that has abandoned her "night life" and is trying to be normal. The catch? She's got a whole adopted family and a husband that she loves. It's good, everybody should watch it.
  • Dallas Buyers Club. Holy crap. When I seen the previews for this movie, I immediately knew that I was going to watch it. I like to watch movies that are based on real lives, except when they're sad, then I get really sad. I mean come on, I don't want bad things to happen to people. This movie was so good for so many reasons. It's based on the life of Ron Woodruff. A Texan man that is diagnosed with HIV in 1985, when the epidemic had been happening for a few years. It was a scary time and people were doing any and everything that they could to survive. Desperate times call for desperate measures, right? Anyway, this is his story and how he overcame not only the odds, but also his own prejudices and learns to accept and to love. It was a truly moving movie. And also, Jared Leto. Oh me, oh my. You know what I learned about him from this movie. That he's a great actor? No, I already knew that. I learned that no matter what you do to Jared Leto, he is still absolutely beautiful. His character was amazing! And he is beyond incredible.
  • The Following. I got hooked on this show last year and when I saw the previews for this season I was all- Yes! This show follows Detective Ryan Hardy (Kevin Bacon) on his hunt for serial killer Joe Carroll. You could say they are "arch enemies". With the help of the FBI, mainly Detective Mike Weston (Shawn Ashmore) they hunt Carroll and his cult down. They don't know who can be trusted and are constantly putting their lives and the lives of their loved ones at risk. It's an "addicting" one.
  • Other movies- Carrie. (The remake). It was good. Not as good as the original, but then again no one can really beat Sissy Spacek. However, Chloe Grace Mortez definitely made it her own, and it was pretty awesome. The Family. This one wasn't near as good as I thought that it was going to be. Don't get me wrong it had it's funny parts, but mostly I thought that it was just to boring and too long. Stuck in Love. This one was real cute. Hello, Logan Lerman! I thought that it was cute and a great little pick me up movie. Don't get me wrong, it had some really gut-wrenching scenes, but it was great nonetheless. World War Z. This was like the Resident Evil movies and the movie Contagion combined. I was sketchy on watching it, so I avoided it for months, but every time a commercial for it came on Kenny said how much he wanted to see it. So I eventually gave in and rented it. I wouldn't watch it over and over again, but it was good. Riddick. It was cute, but I've never been big on the Riddick movies. I like Vin as Torretto. Love Actually. Danielle had been telling me to watch it for like two months and I have avoided it for at least ten years, but I finally gave in and watched it. I'm glad that I did, now I know what all the fuss is about. And of course I re-watched Into the Blue and Selena.    
  • Other TV shows- Chicago PD. Hello, Jesse Lee Soffer! Chicago Fire. Come on winter break, get these episodes back on!! NCIS: LA. I love me some Deeks, buddy! New Girl. I want to be Zooey Deschannel so bad. 2 Broke Girls. Shylyn tells me that I remind her of Max (Kat Dennings) all the damn time. I'll take that as a compliment. The Originals. Klaus Mikaelson really gets me. Plus he's hot. He says things like- I fancy you. Which you know, totally makes up for the fact that he tends to be pretty evil. Re-runs of Law and Order: SVU. Elliot Stabler is the shit. The Big Bang Theory. **knockknockknock** Penny **knockknockknock** Penny **knockknockknock** Penny. Sheldon is my hero! I would definitely date a Sheldon or a Leonard, and it would be great!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Four things

So I was sitting around thinking about a million things (per usual) and I was trying to decide on what to blog about. Then I realized- Katie, you blog about random stuff all the time, so why not just do that right now. So that's exactly what I did (thank you, Eli)....

Jobs I've had....My first job was feeding the animals on our neighbor's farm. And yes, I know how hillbilly that sounds- Waitress, at Sterling's Restaurant in the teeny tiny town that I loved in Florida for about three years- CNA, at the nursing home in the town I grew up in for about five years- Office Assistant, now! Places I've lived.... Indiana, born and moved back to. Tennessee, raised, moved, then moved back. Alabama, for about six months. Florida, for around three years. Movies I love...Fight Club, best movie ever! What's Eating Gilbert Grape, hello Leo and Johnny! Nightmare on Elm Street, so scary! Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, amazing!! 

Makes me laugh....Trying to tell any story. Ever. Miles Teller telling any story joke. Aziz Ansari and/or Dane Cook. Teenagers falling on their asses. Yeah, mean, but hilarious and you know it. Books...Wuthering Heights. Anything by Teresa Medeiros. Pride and Prejudice. (And just for a little secret for y'all, I read the- Fifty Shades of Grey series. I guess you could call it a "guilty pleasure"). Foods....Tacos. Candy. Potato chips. Oranges and/or grape tomatoes. I know, right? Weird as hell combo. Weird things about me....I can't curl the right side of my hair, only the left. And I'm right handed. I talk during movies and TV shows, but hate it when others do it. I get so deep into my thoughts that I stare off and block everybody out. I can continuously pop my big toes. It serves absolutely no purpose at all. TV shows....Sons of Anarchy. Criminal Minds. The Big Bang Theory. The Following. Places I'd rather be....Ireland. New Zealand. Massachusetts. New Orleans. Just for a couple of weeks to visit, you know.

By the way, I went with Aunt Susi yesterday and had my hair done. I love it! It's a messy/curly kind of thing. I have to put more effort into it, but I still like it. You can't see the red in it in this picture, but trust me it's there. Plus, I watched a couple of good movies this weekend- The Family and Stuck in Love. I will literally watch anything with Logan Lerman  in it. Honestly, anything. Love him! It's been so damn cold lately!! I'm OVER it! It's been the coldest winter in like 45 years here. Snow, sleet, ice, hail, freezing rain, BLUCK! I'm not even cold natured and I'm freezing. I mean, come on. I can literally feel the hypothermia setting up in my bones! It's true.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Yes, I am in fact 24

As most know yesterday was my 24th birthday. I'm not really sure what to do with that, but either way you go it's just kind of there. It was a good birthday. I had fun, got a couple of good laughs, made some memories, and even put in a full shift at work while doing all of this. I don't mind working on my birthday, I've never really celebrated it so it's not a big deal to me. I do feel strange saying that I'm 24 though. I don't even feel close to that. I guess if you don't put too much thought into it then it's really not all that bad. But since I kind of told people how I felt yesterday, I figured I would go ahead and let you know about it.
  • Aunt Susi picked me up for work, because her and Momma were spending the day together, and then she was taking her to the doctor. They were the first two to wish me a happy birthday.
  • Uncle Roger gave me my card/gift card that we all get from work on our birthdays, but he slipped a "little something" from him under the envelope flap. I of course thanked him and told him he didn't have to do that, and in true Uncle Roger fashion he pretended like he didn't have a clue what I was talking about.
  • I got about a million messages on my "timeline" via FB to wish me happy birthday. Isn't it funny that people that you don't ever talk to manage to tell you happy birthday and then not talk to you for another year? I think that's a little funny. I only wish people that I like a happy birthday. Just saying. (My favorite one is from Dea- "Happy birthday to one of the coolest leg shaking bitches i know lol! Love you miss you, hope you had a wonderful day and a damn good nite!"- Love it!!)
  • I was in such a good mood. I was laughing, and cutting up. Talking and just having a pretty great day. Especially considering we were busy at work. Then dipshit called me at work. I of course hung up on him, because well...I don't like him, and that put me in a kind of crappy mood. After a little bit though I was all- screw this, I'm not going to let him ruin my awesome day, so I didn't.
  • Dani gave me a ride home since Kenny had to have the car to get Shy (which he ended up not needing, because she stayed home from school, but that's beside the point) and we stopped by Kmart real quick to pick up her couple of things for supper and Jayna a little valentine present. Well, we thought that it would be real quick. It only took us about ten minutes to get everything, but we were in the checkout line for a good twenty. It was crazy! Then Dani saw some members of our family that we usually try to avoid, and while we looked stupid trying to look as far down as possible, and trying to hurry the cashier along, I know we looked even dumber running out to the car. Dani was in heels!!
  • Kenny made spaghetti (my favorite) for supper and we all ate together like we always do. 
  • I ran with Momma to pick up her medicine and to the store, because I needed a couple of things. When we got back there was a full house. No, not the show Greg, his girlfriend, and three of her kids came up to see me. And Ashley, Patsy, and Solae were there. So many people!
  • Greg and Chrissy got me an awesome balloon and card and she made me, wait for it- a chocolate cheesecake, a pumpkin cheesecake, and a chocolate cake. Yes, since she didn't know my favorite she made me three cakes.
  • They all sang happy birthday to me, we ate cake, and talked amongst ourselves. It was pretty nice. Then Ashley, Patsy and Solae left and Greg, Chrissy, and the rest of us hung out for a little bit longer. Then Greg decided that it would be a good/funny idea to smash shaving cream into my face, record it, and put it on "Vine". If I end up on the internet (video that is) I'm gonna beat him! He took off running out the front door and I went right out after him. In socks. Through the snow and ice. Into the road and put all the shaving cream all over him to. The kids of course were running with us and loving it!
  • When everybody left I washed my face and went downstairs to rest. It was a long/busy day. When I got down there I watched Season05Episode01 of Dexter. All in all, I'd say it was a pretty good day :)

Now it's valentines day and after the past two days I feel like I'm about 500 pounds. Which I'm going to have to get over, because Uncle Roger got me a box of chocolates for today. Thank you, Uncle Roger!! Oh...and Cricket got her a little valentine! A boy at school likes her and wanted to be her valentine. So he asked and got her a little present, so I told Momma to swing by the store this morning before school so that she can pick him out a little something. She's so excited! I swear if that little boy ends up not getting her her valentine, picking on her, or hurting her feelings after how excited she is I'm gonna go and kick the snot out of him. Just saying. But because I don't really celebrate it (even though Momma picked me up a little something for Uncle Roger, Aunt Susi, Bonehead and Dani) I didn't think that I would do a post for "the day of love&romance&hearts". Instead I thought I'd just keep talking about yesterday. By the way, tomorrow I'm going with Aunt Susi to get my birthday present from Momma. What's that you ask? Well, I get my hair done!! Or my hair did for those who insist on being silly. By the way (I don't wanna be a prude)...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

I'm two dozen doughnuts old today- Oy vey!!

Today is my 24th birthday.

Yeah, you heard that right. I'm two dozen doughnuts old today. 24. Wow! I can't believe that I just said that. 24. I am the same age as Desert Storm, Dances with Wolves, the Hubble Space Telescope, the original Sci-fi channel, Ice Ice Baby, and Jonathan Lipnicki. Among other things. When I was born- the average gallon of gas was $1.16 (Although I remember seeing it for much lower), a stamp was $0.25, a dozen eggs was $1.00, a gallon of milk was $2.78, and a brand new Furby was $39.99. And trust me, Furbies were a big deal back then. The president was George Bush (the first one), Dan Quayle was the vice president (which we thought was funny because we called my cousin Dani- Dan Quayle), America's population was 249,438,712, unemployment was 5.3%, and the average life expectancy was 75.4 years. I feel so old, but not necessarily in a bad way.

I have never really put a lot of thought into age. I've never been one of those girls that was all- a lady never reveals her age. It just never really seemed to be all that big of a deal. I've always had older friends, dated older guys and people have always told me that I'm mature and grown beyond my years. I believe the term they used was- old soul. Which I couldn't agree with more. So here I sit. The morning of my twenty-fourth birthday. One year away from being a quarter of a century old. Usually in this kind of situation people would list the things that have came and gone or the things that they thought they would have accomplished by my age. Well, you know what? I feel no need to talk about that. I don't feel any need to justify my decisions, my choices or my lifestyle. I don't feel there's anything wrong with the facts that I don't own a house, I'm not married nor do I have children at this age.

I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything when it comes to that. Let's face it- the economy is down to low to be home shopping if you're not very financially stable, people don't get married anymore for love, it's more of a game/sport to them (thanks a lot Kim Kardashian), and I'm not even sure that I want children. I know, hold you're shock of surprise, but I'm just being honest. I'm still a hopeless romantic. Somehow and where in my head I'm convinced that someday I will meet the "perfect" guy for me, we will fall in love, and everything will be "magical", just like the picture in my head. I don't know if all of these things will happen. I don't know if I'll ever get married, if I'll ever have kids, if I'll ever own a house, or if I'll ever have a car that I don't put duct tape on to fix. I don't know if I'll be working in an office for the rest of my life, if I'll ever see my old friends again, if I'll ever get up the nerve to actually go sky-diving, or if I'll walk out today and get hit by a bus. None of us really just know. Life is a big mystery and regardless of what some say when they're teasing me, I'm still young. However, for my birthday I would like to share some of the things that I have learned over the years. 24 things that I've learned over my 24 years- well, what I can remember at least, after all I did leave my purse at the sub shop while on lunch Tuesday and didn't remember it until we got back to work. I guess "old age" is catching up with me.

1. There are always those certain songs that will take you back to "that night." 
2. Time always heals a broken heart, even when we don't think that it will. 
3. If you are not happy with a situation- only you can do something about it.
4. Trust your gut instinct. Don't second guess yourself. Don't let your head talk you out of it. 
5. Every time I watch Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, I cry like a little baby.
6. Momma is usually always right, your best friend and the one you want when you're sick.
7. Red lipstick always makes you feel fancy- no matter the situation.
8. You only need a few close friends- quality over quantity. Choose wisely.
9. Cupcakes are appropriate for any occasion.
10. It's ok to stay in and relax instead of going out to party- to each his or her own.
11. It is easier to make yourself happier, than to dwell on how others made you unhappy-
it's ok to be yourself, smile and laugh.
12. Standing too close to the TV and reading in dim light really will mess up your eyes.
13. The only thing worse than strep throat is the chickenpox- the only thing worse than the chickenpox is the measles- the only thing worse than the measles is bronchitis- the only thing worse than bronchitis is- not knowing what's worse than bronchitis.
14. Every girl needs to own a pair of boots that make her feel like a total badass.
15. Being weird is not necessarily a bad thing. It's the day of the nerds- let us reign!
16. Animals make the best friends- they are not replaceable as companions.
17. Nicholas Sparks sets you up for failure and disappointment.
18. Laughter is the best medicine.
19. Sarah Mclachlan is the devil and the ASPCA commercials are beyond sad.  
20. There are times to be completely serious, but more often there are times-
 that you can be a big kid at heart and have fun.
21. The saying- "liquor than beer have no fear, beer than liquor puke quicker" is a lie-
 mixing any kind of alcohol and/or liquor is a horrible idea.
22. Talking in movies quotes and lyrics is completely acceptable-
 as long as you know what's going on.
23. Surround yourself with the people that you want-
 not the ones you think "should be there". 
24. Life is better in books- reading is fantastic!
And, of course, one to grow on- your happiness is your own!! 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Screw you, Stark family, screw you!!

Winter is coming my ass. Winter is here and has been here for four months now. And guess what? It's still going strong! I mean are you kidding me? Just last month had over 400 ft 29 inches of snow. That's not counting December, February and the months to come. I think the first time it snowed was in November and frankly I'm a little sick of it. And by a little sick of it I mean- I call bullshit. Temperatures dropping well below zero. Like, (-)27 degrees and not reaching any higher than 13 degrees. Give me a break. I'm a fall kind of girl, I'm a spring kind of girl, I am definitely NOT a winter kind of girl.

"Winter is nature's way of saying up yours" ~Robert Byrne

I usually sleep in basketball shorts and a t-shirt. Pretty standard, right? Wrong! The last three months I've wore sweatpants, t-shirt, sweatshirt, fuzzy socks and house shoes. Do you realize how awkward all of this is? It's probably a good thing that I'm single, because if I was sleeping with someone they would probably attribute the situation to that of hooking up with a yeti. Yeah, I look that bad in winter.

I always sleep on my side in the fetal position, but now it's so cold that I'm not even in the fetal position anymore. I'm more in the tiny ball, crawled into my sweatshirt, under two blankets position. I stand in front of the fireplace like there's no tomorrow, and frankly my skin is so dried out and chapped that it looks like Anne Boleyn would want to wear my legs around her neck as the royal rubies. Wow, that sounded incredibly bad. Not how I meant it, sorry. I have to buy bookoos of lotions and creams, not to mention all of the sweats that I'm going through. Even my poor little dog- Tayder- is having issues with all of this. His paws got so cold that he fell over sideways and I had to go outside and get him. Poor little buddy. And don't even get me started on my car. I know that my poor car hates me right now.

I'm sorry that I just started this to complain, but I just needed to get a little of it off of my chest. Sorry, but I'm not sorry- it's been a horrible....freezing....hypothermic winter. Honestly, it has. Can you get hypothermia in your bones? That's what it feels like to me! So, in order to try and make myself feel better- I'm going to listen to a real good new song (Better Than Love- Griffin House). Well, it's not a new song, but it's new to me, because I heard it for the first time last night on the movie- Not Since You. (By the way- awesome movie, watch it immediately... it's on Netflix) Enjoy!!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Since it is technically the "month of love" and valentines day is in 6 days, I of course compiled a list

Any and everyone that knows anything about me, knows that I am a serious romantic. Like, seriously bad. It gets to the point in my life that I'm all- no one will ever live up to the level that my imagination has created, so why even bother? Yeah, I know it's impractical and insane, but sometimes that's just how my mind works.

I've always been an avid reader and movie buff, so I blame them for this slightly psychotic and unrealistic mentality that I possess. It's not one of those things where I try to "blame the media" and things of that nature, it's more like these things just happen to give your mind some ideas. And in the hands of an impressionable young girl, it helped form my mind and opinion on how I wanted my "love life" to be.

I got to thinking about all of this while I was reading an article about Leonardo DiCaprio. I know, right? He was the epitome of teenage girl angst, and the older he gets the more obsessed I seem to become with him. He's just hands down a beautiful man and is aging like fine wine.

I got to thinking about all of the "love stories" that I've read throughout my life and all of the movies that I've watched. Who would have thought that they would make me so giddy even in my twenties? Is that sad? Oh well, even if it is I really don't care. It's just who and how I am. Deal. I decided to share some of my favorite "movie loves" since they don't exactly have videos for books. Do they? Not that I know of at least. I can't list them all, but here are just a couple off the top of my head. Well, that and a small list I made. You know me and my lists, no particular order and not all.

Couple: W.P. Inman and Ada Monroe
Where they're from: Cold Mountain
Why I love them: For starters, let me just say- Jude Law people. Jude Law. With that being said, I have loved this story for years. Literally, did y'all know that it was a novel that was written six years before the movie was made? Well, it was and I fell in love with it. Then the movie came out and that was it, game over for me. The story of two people falling in love and being separated by war. Both persevering to survive for the other, only to find their way back into each others arms and for one to be tragically taken. Just so you know I called bullshit on the ending, just saying. But this has to be my favorite love story. Hands down. All they want is to live their lives together, but other people are dictating the rules. So they fight and they fight hard.

Couple: Jack Dawson and Rose Dewitt Bukater
Where they're from: Titanic
Why I love them: Oh, come on, like you don't love this movie and story just as much as me. The difference? I'm completely willing to admit it. I don't like that it's a true story as far as the actual ship sinking and all of those people losing their lives, that's just horrible. But the story of Jack, a penniless artist, falling in love with Rose, a ritzy girl, and not caring about the differences between them- well, that my friends is an amazing story. He didn't want her for her money, she didn't want him for his talent, they just wanted each other. They were completely different, but fell in love and were going to run away together. She was willing to give up everything that was expected of her and he was willing to take the risk no matter the cost. Even though he was penniless he did everything that he could and gave all that he had to her. Sad/tragic ending? Of course. Damn James Cameron, But the story lives on. I'll never let go, Leo Jack!!

Couple: Ethan Lawson Wate and Lena Duchannes
Where they're from: Beautiful Creatures
Why I love them: She's got secrets and issues. He's got a sarcastic streak and a twangy drawl. Slap those two together and you have some of the cutest little arguments of all time. Is she a witch? Well, when you say it like that it just sounds bad. It's a classic story. Boy wants out of town. Girl moves to town. Boy pursues girl. Girl resists. For a minute. They finally both give in to their feelings. Their families want to keep them apart. Lena ends up being from a long line of witches that are cursed, because her ancestor's love, that just so happens to be Ethan's ancestor too, died and when she resurrected him out of grief the "dark" claimed her. Ethan tries to save her by being a hero, Lena tries to save Ethan by erasing his memory, but in the end Ethan remembers everything and pulls Lena from the dark. Did they care about themselves or each other more? You decide.

Couple: Landon Carter and Jamie Sullivan
Where they're from: A Walk to Remember
Why I love them: You should have known that Nicholas Sparks would have made at least one appearance on my list of favorite love stories. Bet you thought it would be The Notebook though. Nope, although I do like it, it's the story of Landon and Jamie that I love the most. This is one of my favorites, because here you have an overly-popular "cool" guy in school that ends up falling head over heels in love with the goody/mousey preachers daughter. And unlike most preachers daughters, this one really is a good girl. He tries to woo her and she is all- "No. I told you not to fall for me. This is your fault. We can't be together". But finally she gives in to her feelings for him and they start their relationship. The downfall? She has leukemia and is dying. Landon does everything he can to make her happy before she passes away, including marriage, even after she passes away, Landon loves her so much that she lives on.

Couple: Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet
Where they're from: Pride and Prejudice
Why I love them: I think that it's amazing when two people have absolutely no desire to be with someone, they find people intolerable, and when they least expect it love runs up to them and smacks a bitch in the face. I mean that's just great stuff right there. These two crazy kids tried to fight their feelings so much that it came to the point of pretend disdain. They fought the good fight, but you know what they say- you can only put up a fight until it knocks you down. They don't really say that, but I'm hoping one of these days I'll say something and it'll catch on. You never know. These two were actually pretty perfect for each other when it came down to it and I'm so glad that they finally decided to just love with all their hearts instead of running from their feelings.

Couple: Richard, Duke of Gloucester and Lady Anne Neville
Where they're from: The White Queen
Why I love them: Ok, so I'll be the first one to admit that this love story had one of the worst endings of all time. Of. All. Time. She becomes paranoid. He becomes paranoid. He starts to choose the crown over his wife, she starts to become repulsed by him all after the death of their only son. She thinks that he loves another, after she dies he beds that woman. Then he dies on the battlefield. It's all just real horrible. However, all of the stuff leading up to that was magical. They fall in love with each other at a young age, but they can't be together because of their statuses and families. It was all about pre-arranged things back then. Then the man that Anne was forced to marry to gets killed, richard's brother takes her captor and he rescues her and marries her. They are in love and happy. They have a son and their lives are better than anyone elses, because of their love. Then of course party poopers came knocking and ruined it all, but it was so good while it lasted! 

Couple: Peter and Valerie
Where they're from: Red Riding Hood
Why I love them: I'll just go ahead and be perfectly honest about this one. I'm pretty sure that I like this story so much is because it is a childhood story that I used to read all the time and just matured it. Not to mention- Peter. Yeah, Peter is a really pretty guy and there's just something about him that draws you in. They're in love, but have to sneak around because her family doesn't think that he's good enough, and wants her to marry another guy, but like I said they're in love. Now yes, Valerie does get some trust issues going on, but she gets over that. Why? Because even though most will never admit it, a woman loves when a guy saves her life.

Where they're from: The Mortal Instruments
Why I love them: I don't care what you say. This dude is straight up awesome. You know it, I know it, you're just not willing to admit it. Denial, party of one. Before you get all- eww katie that's disgusting, let me explain. Clary's dad lied his ass off. They are NOT brother and sister. So no this doesn't count as some kind of gross thing. These two are great, because when they meet Clary is just a "normal" girl and Jace is a demon hunter and come to find out she is really something different altogether. They learn from each other, protect each other and fall in love. She starts to break down his walls and get in and he makes her stronger with each passing moment. Tell me that's not great and exactly how it's supposed to be.

Where they're from: Tristan and Isolde
Why I love them: Oh, before I knew that James Franco was such a tool. Don't get me wrong that doesn't stop me from loving him, just an observation. She finds him wounded from war and nurses him back to health. She healed him when everyone else had given up on him. Of course their people were enemies go figure so she tells him he has to leave. So what's he do? Return home and convince his king to let him go back to "win him a wife" when really he had every intention of finding Isolde and marrying her. The catch? He accidentally wins Isolde for the king. What are two people to do? Well, according to them you fight your feelings as much and for as long as you can, until you eventually can't take it anymore and begin an affair. Of course he dies in battle and she continues to live on never loving another man. You know how it goes.

Where they're from: Silver Linings Playbook
Why I love them: So they're both a bit crazy. So they're more than a bit crazy. These two are perfect for each other. What can help a bipolar man trying to overcome his disorder and live his life? Well, a woman that's equally neurotic of course. He's getting divorced, she's a young widow, they both are so screwed up and beyond inappropriate that it's ridiculous. And it works. They start this strange friendship to help each other out and by the time it's over with they are madly in love. She's a little nuts, he's got some issues, but it just works.
Where they're from: Atonement
Why I love them: Put this in the ranking with the worst endings ever. These two fell for each other early on, but never really admitted it. Until one day/night they finally gave into their feelings. You would think that would be an amazing thing and it would have been if not for a bratty/jealous little girl that accuses Robbie of crimes he didn't commit. They take him off to prison for years and only agree to let him out if he joins the military. Cecilia leaves it all behind not able to forgive anyone for what they did to Robbie and becomes a nurse. Years later on his leave they meet up and spend time together and remember their love. They trick you into thinking Robbie survives the war and they live happily ever after, but really he died in the war and she died in the tunnel during the war. What the hell? But their love, man did they love each other.

Where they're from: Romeo and Juliet
Why I love them: This is a classic love story, but it's only a good one when it's told this way. Why? Because it's actually only a three day relationship between a 13 year old and a 17 year old that results in 6 deaths. Yeah, I know right? However, when you let Leonardo DiCaprio show all of that emotion to Claire Danes, it takes the story to a whole other level. This dumb story becomes the tale of "star-crossed" lovers that just wanted each other, and because of their feuding families, their love ended with both of their tragic deaths. Told you Leo could tell it a different way.
Where they're from: Keith
Why I love them: Let's get one thing straight. This is an amazing story. Keith decided that he's going to mess with Natalie's whole life. She's the perfect popular valedictorian with everything right in front of her and he's this strange loner kid that stays to himself and doesn't have friends. They begin to form a strange and cooky friendship, that neither one of them expected. The problem? Keith falls for Natalie bad and without realizing it she falls for him to. The issue? Come to find out Keith has cancer and his time is very limited. He tries to push Natalie away so neither of them will get hurt, but she refuses to go and tells him that she's going to stay with him until the end. And she does.

Where they're from: King Arthur
Why I love them: Now hear me out on this one. I know that technically Guinevere is with King Arthur in this and Lancelot is his best friend, but I mean come on. It is so painstakingly obvious that Guin and Lance are in love with each other. They'll never admit it, because of Arthur, but they so did. They were in love. They teased each other, protected each other, defended each other, and Lancelot even died trying to save her. I mean, come on, it was beyond obvious, and that's the real love story here.

Not to mention- Anthony Hope and Lucy Barker, Sutter Keely and Aimee Finecky, Edward Cullen and Bella Swan, Dimitri and Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikoleva of Russia, Carl Lucas and Katrina Banks, Leonardo da Vinci and Lucrezia Donati, Jed Eckert and Toni Walsh, Logan Thibault and Beth Green and Westley and Princess Buttercup. Told you there were a lot, and those are just some of the movies. That's not counting the other movies, TV shows and of course my ultimate favorite- Books. Am I a geek? If I am, I don't care. I love it. I have to go now. I would love to just spend the rest of the evening in my sweats, watching Netflix and blogging, but unfortunately I have to get up and get ready to go out for a company function. Uck!! Who wants to put real clothes on and go out on a Saturday night? Oh right, almost every single twenty-something year old in the world. Oops. Oh well, it just might be fun. Who knows? We all may have a really good time.

Friday, February 7, 2014

I've never really celebrated Valentine's day

So I don't know what it's like to get all dressed up and go out to a romantic dinner and evening after receiving flowers and heart shaped things all day. You see, my birthday is the day before valentines day and according to the few ex-boyfriends that I have, that means that you don't have to celebrate valentines, because you already have the other. I know you're thinking the same thing I always did- assholes. Even though I was all- "oh don't worry about it, I don't want anything or to do anything special, so don't worry about it". Hello! I'm a girl, when I say that you should automatically know that is not what I mean in any way, shape or form. I always say that I don't celebrate it and that's because I have yet to find anybody worth celebrating it with. The day of love? Well, as soon as I stumble into that one I'll let you know.

Even Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper knows how to kick up the romance train a notch. How do I know this? Well, I watch TBBT all of the time and frankly I was hoping good old Sheldon would give Amy a little lovin. She deserves it and he just doesn't realize the feelings of love. You know I'm #teamshamy all the way. No matter how smart a man is, sometimes he can be completely blind. Go ahead, watch the best part of the best valentines episode on TV ever. It was pretty great.

See he loves and is attracted to Amy Farrah Fowler, he just doesn't realize the extent of his feelings. The most romantic thing that a guy has ever done for me is when I got a box of chocolates from Rachel for my birthday when we were freshmen and B took a bite out of each of them for me so that I wouldn't accidentally eat a coconut one, because I'm allergic. It was romantic/sweet, because he hated chocolate. Hated it. See, cute. Growing up I always had more guy friends than girls and we would exchange Christmas and birthday gifts, but we tried to steer clear of any "romantic" holidays, because no one wants to make anything weird or confusing. Besides, it's never like it is in the movies or books. So with valentines day approaching I believe I will do what I do every year for it. Eat cookies and tacos while watching scary movies or Lord of the Rings. I prefer horror movies and Lord of the Rings instead of "rom-coms".

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

My life would be so much cooler and great if I had my own Samwise Gamgee! Instead I have a Cricket

{{Please forgive me for quoting Kristen Stewart. I don't like it, basically because I'm thoroughly convinced that she's the devil, at least his daughter, you know I'm #TeamRPatz, but when she's right- she's only right once. And that my friend would be right here. About me. Why am I talking like this? I'm not really sure at this point in time. Moving on.}}

I got to thinking about something last night while I was talking to Cricket, and by talking I mean that she wouldn't be quiet while I was trying to sleep, so I was forced to hear her tell me all about her language arts teacher, how dreamy he was, and how I needed to date him, because apparently I've let her watch one too many Nicholas Sparks movies, so now she is on a mission to find me "true love". Thanks, but no thanks. I'd rather pull my hair out and eat it for lunch. Who's idea was it to let her little emotional butt watch all this stuff anyways? Me? bad. Wish I would've put a bit more thought into that one. Who am I kidding? I was real into Shane West, I should've seen this coming. No wonder I don't have any kids. Yeah, that's why. It has nothing to do with my commitment issues. Sorry, I'm rambling when I should be telling you the story.

She just wouldn't hush it up. The more I tossed and turned and insisted that she was crazy, the more she just kept going. Is it illegal to lock her in a closet while I'm trying to sleep? Not that I would, just curious. Never mind. She kept on and on and finally with the last little hope she had left why she had it to begin with I'll never know she said- but Katie, he loves Lord of the Rings. He even has some weird tree about it tattooed on his arm and everything! Apparently when she thinks Katie, she thinks- nerd alert, nerd alert. I can't say I blame her since my first reaction was to flip over, set up and be all- the White Tree of Gondor? An Ent? Which one? She responded- I don't know, probably the one that doesn't talk. You know I don't watch those kinds of movies. White Tree of Gondor it is then. She would watch them if she was smart. They're awesome. Honest. They are.

She was excited for a minute. She loves when my inner geek shows her glasses wearing, Harry Potter reading, Captain America watching head. She kept rambling on and on and I told her- that's great Shy, but since I don't know your teacher, your teacher doesn't know me, he has a girlfriend, and neither of us has any desire to date the other I'm afraid you're just going to have to get over this little plan of yours and move on. I'm not trying to be mean, but she's thinking way ahead of well, everything. I have got to quit hooking Netflix up for her. Too many options for an impressionable teenage girl. That's the last time that I let her watch Keith. She snuck that one in on me. Between that one, The Secret Life of the American Teenager, The Fosters, and The Spectacular Now- Oy vey!!

Yeah, she didn't take that one too well. She continued on her rant for another fifteen minutes at least and kept saying- but Katie, you nerds belong together. They're your people. You two will be sooo cute. His girlfriend is a minor detail. Come on, please hit on him. That's when I finally understood. I sat back up, looked over at her and we had this conversation- Me: Shy, what did you do? Her: Nothing. Me: Shy. Her: Nothing. Yet. Well... Me: Shy. Her: Fine, I kicked a boy the other day, because he was being real mean and he pushed me. Me: Let me guess, this teacher is the one picking out your punishment. Her: Yes. Me: So that's why you wanted me to date him? So I can deal with all this and your papaws won't find out? Her: Well, yeah, kind of...but I really do think that you two would like each other if you got to know each other. Me: (As I'm laying back down and snuggling into the covers) Oh, really. That's, because soon the time will come when hobbits shape the fortunes of all. Her: Huh? Yeah, he's a little older than you, hot, smart, funny and nerdy. Me: (Yawning and drifting) Sounds perfect. Did you know that the day may come when the courage of men fails, but it is not this day? Her: What? He is, you should come in and meet him. He's sooo cool. Me: (Almost asleep) I'm sure he's very cool, but I bet he's not Legolas stair-surfing while shooting Orcs cool... Her: Huh? Me: **I'm asleep**.... and might I add- I slept really good last night, I didn't want to get up this morning. I wanted to stay in bed.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Am I the only one that finds Edward Cullen completely sexy when he's not, you know- Edward Cullen?

I have to give this guy some props. I was really hoping that I wouldn't have to mention this in my lifetime, it's something that only my family and really close friends know about me, but I feel like I should just open up about it, quit being ashamed, and tell the world. Hello, my name is Katie and I love the Twilight movie. Yes, I know! But no more of being ashamed, if anything blame my generation. Now, I like my vampires blood thirsty, and sexy, and nightwalkers, I'm just old-fashioned that way. However, I still love the Twilight movies, or as girls my age say- Twilight Saga. Please, give me a break, I started reading these when I was a junior in high school. It's just a notch in my generation. Besides...I do what I want! 

Anyways, I always found Jasper to be the most attractive Cullen. Edward second Why? Because he had that dangerous, mysterious thing going on. You didn't know whether he was going to kiss you, bite you, sniff you, teach you to fight or cut you up in a bazillion little pieces. Now, I don't want to be chopped up or have a crazy/psychotic guy in my life, but every girl, if they're being honest, will admit that at one point in their lives that they were attracted to a dangerous and/or "bad boy". It's just how our brains are wired. No biggy, most of us eventually get over it. Although Twilight did leave a lot of unanswered questions. Never mind.

I mean, I thought that Edward was cute and everything, but I didn't think that he was as "dreamy" as everyone else did. Don't get me wrong- I'm #TeamEdward all the way, boo Jacob, but I just wasn't in aww. He more than made up for it with romantic gestures, saving Bella's life and putting her before himself constantly, and quoting "the greats", and I wouldn't have snubbed my nose at him when I was a teen, but he just wasn't my cup of Edward.

Everything else that Robert Pattinson is in I find him to be incredibly...appealing. Seriously, everything. Jacob the elephant loving trainer? Check. Toby the haunted airman? Check. Rawdy Crawley? Check. Tyler the troublemaker? Check, check. And I was so exceptionally in love with him when he was...Cedric Diggory.

Yes, not only did my generation have Twilight, but we are kind of really known as- The Harry Potter Generation. Sad? Absolutely not! Harry Potter is the shit! I sounded completely nerdy after saying that, I realize it now, but I don't care at all. I love Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory. I guess what all of this means is- I'm a Robert Pattinson fan, I think that Kristen Stewart should be kicked in the face for cheating on him and I can't wait to see a bunch more of his films. Like the new one that he has coming out this summer...

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Is it really already February 1st? Seriously, when did that happen?!!

I don't know where the time goes sometimes. It feels like it was just Christmas, then New Year's Eve, now it's already February 1st. Twelve days until my 24th third 22nd birthday. Who would have thought that it was time for all that already? It's just not right. I was already starting to think that I was getting old, but then I saw this and it just confirmed it for me. I watched this show all the time when I was growing up and I so wanted someone to sing me the teddy bear song in a trio. Just saying...hint hint for the future people. Not only did I love this clip, but I thought that it was beyond funny, so here-