Monday, August 30, 2021

We watched movies and made chicken wraps and hid from the world.

This past weekend was so damn hot and humid that it was ridiculous. Now, hear me out. I'm aware that people are super excited about warm weather and they have no desire for ice and snow and sleet.... I get it. I really do. 


It'll be September the day after tomorrow and I for one CANNOT wait until it cools off some. No, it doesn't have to be extremely cold weather (although, I do prefer the cold), but fall weather? With the leaves falling and the cool breeze blowing, baking, and watching scary movies while wearing sweatpants and hoodies?! 


Alas, here we are and this shit is ridiculously.... well, ridiculous.

So, D and I stayed in all weekend (with the exception of a grocery store run yesterday afternoon) with our pups and we cooked together and watched movies. We watched a few things (in between my lovable husband's naps), but what really stuck out was the movies "Sweet Girl" and "Vacation Friends." They're both extremely good. If you're wanting something a little more serious, go with Sweet Girl. If you want to laugh your ass off to the point where you're clutching your stomach with tears in your eyes, definitely check out Vacation Friends.

We also made homemade chicken/bacon wraps. Why? Because when we're alone together we like to do all kinds of things, but one of the main things is we love to cook together. Usually if I'm baking, D will just stand back and watch me do my thing. But, when we cook together we both participate. We usually always cook together (whether one of us is helping with sides or cleanup and the other is doing the main thing) and we've made up some pretty good stuff over the years.

These chicken/bacon wraps though? D marinated our chicken (separately, because his ass wanted to use ghost pepper on his and I ain't about that life) and I fried up the bacon and once it was all combined and cooked through (with D using our grill for the majority of it), it was so delicious.

Seriously, I think I have drool coming out of my mouth.

Also, on a completely unrelated note, (but speaking of drool), I have found that when I cough now (and sometimes laugh), I drool. Like, full on, I have to put a napkin or dishrag up to my face, because I can't quit drooling. It's quite laughable.

We also decided to order cupcakes on Saturday from a bakery known as "The Flying Cupcake" and y'all.... those cupcakes were so good, but they are HUGE and we didn't realize it, so needless to say, we had to give some away and share, because there was no way in all holy hell that we could eat all of those.

What else? Oh, we started watching Prison Break.... and now I want to be home, cuddled up with my hubby and our pups, in pajamas, eating delicious food, catching a buzz, and laughing and spending time together.

Ah, the joys of being an adult. Whose idea was this anyway?

Thursday, August 26, 2021

My husband informed me (and everyone else) that I am the Alpha.

Last week (I think, Friday?) D was on the phone with his dad and his dad made a comment/joke about how D needed to tell me what was gonna happen whether I liked it or not. D straight up just laughed at his dad and was like, "nah, I like my balls where they are, I'm good." And his dad started teasing him and asked if I always got my way.

D's answer was priceless and if I could've stopped laughing long enough, I would've given him a kiss. You see, his reply to that comment was, "ssshhhhiiiiittttt, umm yeah! You don't tell your Alpha what the f*ck to do, so why in the hell would I swell up to mine? Are you insane?!" 

Now, when it comes to our relationship, I don't really think we have an "Alpha." We tend to talk things out and when something is bothering one, we try to navigate our way through and find a common ground that can make both of us feel good. It sounds a little cookie cutter, but it works for us and we're happy, so I see no reason in trying to fix something that isn't broken.

But, to hear him joke around and say shit like that? I'd be lying if I said that I didn't find it hilarious and adorable. And he does it All. The. Time. He literally gives zero f*cks about what anyone thinks and wears that badge like it's a f*cking gold star. And I love him all the more for it. 

I of course talked to my friend BD about it and she said it was "big facts" that I am an Alpha and when I told her that D informed me that I don't have a damn submissive bone in my entire body, her reply describing him was the absolute best:

"That's big ole facts!!!! But lucky for you, D is completely fine with your independent Alpha self and that's a really rare thing!!! Most men are too intimidated by it... he should open a school and teach these men right!!!"

Of course I'm biased, but he could teach those dudes a whole hell of a lot of things, BUT they still wouldn't be as great as him. He loves that I'm independent and a little (lot) psycho. Seriously, he loves all nineteen of my personalities and they all love him just as much, if not more at an insane level.

I most definitely lucked out and hit the jackpot of my dreams.

Friday, August 20, 2021

I made homemade veggie soup last night.... and that shit is delicious.

It's been a real nice treat having fresh veggies from our garden. I think I may have D spoiled with it and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have to use a UV light and grow veggies in our back bedroom come winter time. I say it like it's a joke, but really, it could happen.

We're weird like that.

But this soup, y'all. It is sssoooooo delicious! I'm literally drooling just thinking about it. And since I made this recipe up on my very own (and D loves it and everybody else said it looks delicious) I figured I would put it out there.... mostly so I'll remember it myself later.

Ingredients: olive oil, 1/2 a large onion (or a whole small one), tomato paste, carrots, celery, rotel, dark red kidney beans, corn, 1/2 a head of cabbage, tomato&okra mix, diced tomatoes, vegetable broth, minced garlic, red bell pepper, salt, pepper, paprika, worchestershire sauce.

And yes, I spelled worchestershire correctly, and no I refuse to capitalize it, because I don't want it to feel superior to all the other ingredients. Like I said, I'm f*cking weird. Let me be.

Anyways.... I usually hate when people ramble, but I'm also a rambler, so I always feel the need to put a little commentary into my recipes. Seriously, even my "recipe binder" that I have is filled with random notes, doodles, and jokes. It's quite comical, at least to me. Oh yeah, recipe time.

Instant Pot:
Step one: sauté onions and minced garlic in olive oil.
Step two: stir in tomato paste and let cook down (about one to two minutes).
Step three: mix in all other ingredients and cook on high for 12 minutes.

NOTE: Salt and pepper throughout each step.
NOTE: Can add hamburger if you want.

I usually always add hamburger meat to my soups/chili's/etc., but I didn't have any and frankly, I was too damn lazy to go to the store, so we just went veggie all the way and I have to say, we didn't miss the meat in it at all. Don't get me wrong, I am not going vegetarian, because I love me some meat, but I also love veggies and this pot of deliciousness certainly did the trick.

You also don't have to have an Instant Pot. You could just cook this on the stove and/or crockpot and it would have the same desired effect, you would just have to cook it alot longer. But, I hadn't used my Instant Pot in awhile and I really wanted veggie soup. From the time I started prepping to the time it was finished and ready to eat only took about an hour.

Also, I don't measure anything, I just cook everything to taste like my Momma taught me and hope for the best. I'm hoping that just like all other soups and stews that this one will only get better setting overnight, and I seriously can't wait to have more.

D literally walked into our house after work and he was on the phone with his dad and mid-conversation he stopped and said, "what in the hell is that smell?! It smells f*cking delicious in here." And that, my friends, is worth it.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

He always knows what to say to make me just stare.... and other happenings in our world.

Yesterday, I had the moth tattoo on my forearm redone. I love the tattoo in general, but the color was coming out and since it's the largest tattoo I have and it's literally RIGHT THERE, I wanted it to be complete and look better. 

I wanted to keep D's original design and as much of him in it as I could, so basically his design was used and Ross just enhanced it's features. To say that I love it would be an understatement, since I adore it, but if it wants to go ahead and un-swell and heal, I would totally not argue with it.

When I got home after my appointment, D was on the phone with his mom. Unfortunately, not all is good with the world and we found out that my FIL has kidney cancer. He goes to have more tests done today and he has to have surgery and a kidney removal coming up soon. D and I talked about having to go down to FL to help out his mom and see his stepdad and help them out if need be. D was extremely worried and I told him we would figure it out like we always do and that I have his back, regardless.

Then we segued into a million other conversations trying to relax and take his mind off of everything. 

Out of nowhere D just looked at me and said, "You're so damn beautiful. Like, forreal. Like, you're whole face, just your face, I'm obsessed. Don't get me wrong, I love all of you and you're sexy as hell, but your face.... you get this one look sometimes, and I don't even know if you know you're doing it or what face it even is, but you make this one face and as soon as you look at me.... I'm gone. Done for. It completely wrecks and ruins me and you can literally have any and everything you want, because I can't say no to you. I just really f*cking love you. I hope you know that."

And what was my reply? I just stood there like an idiot, blinking, because I couldn't for the life of me figure out how I got so motherf*cking lucky to have this dude in my life.  

Monday, August 2, 2021

My hubby informed me that I'm it and I am here for it.

As most people that have met us know, D and I talk about the most random things sometimes. There is no such thing as a filter and honestly, we're pretty crass with each other for the most part. Don't get me wrong, we're not nasty to each other or anything, we just have the benefit of our relationship being between people who happen to love each other and are also best friends.

And I always thought that was weird, you know, saying that the person that you're in a relationship with is your best friend, because then who are you supposed to bitch to about your significant other? 

Well, that doesn't really qualify for us, as when he pisses me off or vice versa, we simply tell each other why we're pissed off or we hold a grudge for a day or two and then we're back.

We're lucky. We don't fight or argue, we rarely have disagreements. And when we do have disagreements, we talk it out and eventually find a common ground that we can both live with and move on from.

I'm stubborn and he's easy to anger, so we both just step back and try to look at it from the others point of view. So far, it works very well for us.

But, like I said, our disagreements are very few and far between. We would just rather be happy instead of nitpicking each other. Who in the hell wants to live miserably anyway? I certainly don't. 

More importantly, we LOVE to mess with each other. Whether it be little comments or smacking each others butts when we walk by, we like to play around. We also seem to have most of our in-depth talks either on our backporch (when it's evening time and we're grilling or just hanging out) or especially our kitchen. Don't ask me why we have our most important talks in the kitchen, but it just happens.

I was feeling a little more emotional a couple of weeks ago than I normally do (hey! it happens to all of us and I was just having a really bad day, ok?!) and in true D fashion, he was joking around with me and talking about the most random things to try and make me feel better. We were talking about a dude we know having a few "side chicks" and I asked D if I was his "side chick" as a joke. His response however? It was charming. He said, and I quote:

"Sweetheart, you're my side chick, my main chick, my only chick, my wife, my love, my best friend, my go to.... hell, you're even my hush hush chick. You're it for me, baby. Get used to it."

And to say that he actually got me to stop rambling and be quiet after that, would be an understatement. Everybody should get to be as lucky as I am in the husband department.