Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Just A Little (Lot) Randomness

This past weekend went pretty good. Even though I can't sleep real late (I usually get up no later than 8 am) I felt like I caught up on rest. I know that doesn't really make any sense, but it's just the way it feels. Although, I still didn't want to get up this morning. In my defense I was sleeping so good, but am thankful that my alarm woke me up when it did, because I was having Crazy Dreams! I don't want to talk about them so let's just move on shall we? I go back to the Doctor for my final treatment this Friday and then I don't have to go back for three months. At that appointment they'll check to see if everything is taken care of, and if not then it's "pumpkin scoop" for me. Don't ask. So we shall see how it goes. I'm trying to stay my forever Optimistic self. :) If you follow my blog at all you already know what the countdown means. Yes, only fifteen more days until the SOA Season 6 premiere.

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Season 5 comes out on DVD today, along with The Great Gatsby, which I also want to see for two reasons.
Number one being...Yes, Leo DiCaprio. He's a great actor and has alot of charm and charisma. All you need for the makings of a great film. He's pretty easy on the eyes too. What can I say? I've watched him since "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" and I just can't stop. Number two, I think I would've done good in the 20s (the days that Gatsby is set in). The glamor and such. It would've been fantastic. The days of Gatsby, Barrow, Bondurant, and Dillinger. I say that because I didn't have to live through the Depression and Prohibition, but I'm still going with it. Let me be. I think I could've pulled off some of those Flapper dresses...

Friday, when Danielle and I had a little free time she decided to use  her new phone app to see what celebrity we looked like. All you do is take your picture and the app runs it through some kind of system and it tells you the celebrities that you resemble the most. Men and Women. Danielle got Sharon Stone, Kaley Cuoco, and my personal favorite Woody Harrelson. I got Candace Cameron, Mischa Barton, and some guy with a Russian name (Yohan). We both also got a couple people that we didn't have a clue who they were. We decided it's because we're average looking. Which is fine by me because Candace Cameron is pretty! So I'll take it!! All I need to do now is go Blonde :) Well, that and look about a million times better. Minor detail. I probably should start by reading her book. Reshaping It All. Maybe.

Also, Friday I finally decided to give in and order the first season of True Blood off of Amazon. I want to know what's going on and I figured starting from the beginning was the best way to go about it. Plus, it was really cheap because I ordered from a woman who had it still packaged, but wanted to sell it. Gotta love Amazon! It showed up yesterday. Then when Friday rolls around (three day weekend-Labor Day) I will most likely be having a True Blood season one marathon happening.

After running errands and doing some laundry/cleaning Saturday evening was reserved for a couple of movies. What can I say? I like to stay "low-key". The first one was The Call. It was pretty good and I would say watch it. It was relatively suspenseful and you want what happens to happen. It's kind of full of surprises. The second one was What Maisie Knew, and I thought that it was Fantastic!! I would tell anyone that asked to watch that movie. It's incredibly sad, but so worth it. If you're anything like me you are just rooting for Maisie and Lincoln the whole time against Maisie's stupid mom and dad. The relationship that develops between those two characters is just amazing, and tugs at your heart strings. It was so good!! Kudos to Alexander Skarsgard and Onata Aprile for bringing those characters to life!!

Monday, August 26, 2013

WTH Happened At The VMA's 2013??

Remember when Miley Cyrus posed for the cover of Vanity Fair with a white towel a few years ago and people threw a ginormous fit the size of Houston because of it? Well, if you don't let me refresh your memory:

And then this happened last night:

Aside from that strange performance:

Will Smith and his kids were like- WTF??!

Lady Gaga's Performance was Good!

But what was the HighLight of the Night for Me?? What was I most excited about?? What did I wait up for?? What did I go to bed after watching, because that's all I wanted to see??
(Just for a little bit, but not the point!)
It was AMAZING!!

I even Really enjoyed Justin's acceptance speech for the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award. He said that half of the awards that he's ever won, he won with those four guys, so even though they can keep it at his house :) it's all of theirs, because he never could've done it without them. That's right Justin Timberlake!

The Group took pictures together after the show, and my man was looking as good as Ever!!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

My countdown has started.... my SOA countdown.

Anybody that's read my blog lately knows that I'm obsessed happy about the fact that my favorite show (Sons of Anarchy) starts in a few weeks. I have been counting down for about a week now, and have been watching all social media for clips and spoilers (yes, I know I shouldn't but I can't help it). Some people might be tired of hearing about it, but I'm not tired of talking about it.... so here goes! As of today, only nineteen days until the season premiere!! That's right, I said it.... nineteen days!!

20 19 18 17 16
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They have been releasing promos for the show for around 1.5 months now, and I just seen the third one that was released this morning. I have been waiting almost a year for this premiere! Anticipation city for this girl right here!!


Besides the fact that the premiere is only nineteen days away, there are also rumors that Charlie Hunnam a.k.a. "Jax Teller" is a running contender for the character Christian Grey in the film adaptation of E.L. James- Fifty Shades of Grey. If people remember correctly around a month ago when Danielle and I were having a few drinks after work and "gabbing" about random things we picked Our Running Contenders for who we thought would do the film justice. Mind you, Dani had read the books and I hadn't (still haven't, but at least she brought me the book so I'll start eventually.... sorry), but that didn't keep me from having my opinion. She had told me about the book and the characters so much that I was convinced that I to could contribute to the casting calls. At least to the leading male role. :) Just to refresh everyone's memory, each of us got two votes on who we thought should win out. I posted all of America's "FanGirl" Votes and our choices. Dani chose Henry Cavill and Alex Pettyfer. Good choices I suppose if you're just going for the look factors. Neither of them are too shabby to look at. Who did I choose you ask? Well, I put alot of thought into it (for looks and acting chops) and I came out with Sam Worthington and....wait for it....CHARLIE HUNNAM!! That's right, I did. If he gets the role, I will straight up be like "Yeah, they took my advice and cast him". You're laughing because you think I'm joking. I'm not. :) So everybody fingers-crossed so that I can be right. :) Because let's face it, like every other woman in the entire world- I LOVE being right! It's just our thing.

Back to the SOA Countdown. I'm Super-Excited and some of the Folks I talk to on FB (girls that I used to hang with and work with) are eager for it to get here quicker too! It amazes me that the show has so much violence and gore, not to mention guns and drugs, and motorcycles and things of that nature and there are more women that watch it then men. Don't get me wrong the fact that Jax Teller, Filip "Chibs" Telford, and Opie Winston (before they killed him off and I cried like a little bitch) are pretty is definitely a perk, but I watch it for more than that. The show literally draws you in and makes you want to know everything immediately. But No! They keep you in all suspense and such. I've been a nervous wreck since I became a viewer. The show came out the September after I graduated Highschool and it's made me a nervous wreck ever since. Thanks alot Kurt Sutter for making a show so Fantastic that I insist on watching it every season, owning all the DVD's, watching the Promo's, and viewing your blog. Among other things. I'm going to be very sad when you decide to end the series with next season. When I watch it (just like other viewers) I laugh, cry, holler, curse, all the good stuff. You would think that the characters were real people and that I knew them or something.

See what I mean? Badass Awesome I know. It looks like this season is going to be full of heart-wrenching events. The anticipation is relentless! The thing that I love most about this show is that I have seen quite a few of the characters in different films and tv shows and usually the first thing you see someone in is what sticks. Like no matter what Melissa McCarthy plays in she will always be Sookie St. James to me and Sandra Bullock will always be Gracie Lou Freebush. I love their movies/tv shows and acting, but it's just a given. However they have managed to compile such an amazing group of versatile actors for this show that not only do I watch the show and completely believe that they are that character, but also I can watch them in something else and completely believe them then too. Especially, Charlie Hunnam and Ron Perlman. 3,2,1...Frankie Go Boom was excellent/hilarious! And let's not forget Katey Sagal who has been a household name since she was Peg Bundy, and people have enjoyed listening to her voice since even before then. She really is a beautiful singer. The show is just amazing all the way around. Writing, Directing, Producing, Acting, just all of it. You never know what you are going to get or what's going to happen. Things never go down the way that I want them to, but they say that's half the fun. Well half fun, half anticipation/anxious.In honor of all of this- I thought that I would share some of the Season Six Promos!!

Danielle has got to quit watching Orange is the New Black.

*a conversation between Dani and I at work this week*

Dani: "She was being held in the SHU."
Me: "What is a SHU?"
Dani: "SHU stands for Solitary Holding Unit."
Me: "Sorry, I don't speak prison.... I mean, I have friends in prison, but I don't know what any of it means."
Dani: "Haven't you ever watched a show about prison?"
Me: "Some of Oz and Sons of Anarchy.... but I don't think that counts."
Dani: "Fair enough."

*Aunt Susi sitting at her desk seriously confused and saying what the hell?!*

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Is It Sad That I Was So Excited?

This morning Momma text me just to tell me what she seen on Entertainment News around 7 a.m. I don't care what people think-I would just like to say that I am very happy about the fact the my Favorite Boy Band from my pre-teen/teen years are possibly coming together for a Reunion!! That's right I said it- A REUNION!! What Boy Band is that you ask? Well....*NSYNC!!

Now, I am perfectly aware that it's just for Justin's award (or JT as he is now more commonly known by the "trendy" folk-but to me he is still Justin), but that is not keeping me from being Overly Excited!! I know it's sad, but I don't care. I am officially going to be watching the VMA's this year just for that specific purpose!! Read the article about it here. With that being said, I would just like to reminisce a little about them.

The first time that I heard/seen anything about the band was on an episode of Clueless when they performed for Cher's birthday party. I was loving it!! They performed...

After that I began to listen to their music more and more and finally fell in love with them when I heard them sing the song...

Not to mention their awesome Christmas Album!

I then began to listen to them on a regular basis and had some of their memorabilia. I read magazines with them in it and had all of their CD's. 

Yes, back in the day when we still bought all of the CD's and not on "the Itunes". I watched them on TRL (Carson Daly ruled the world of MTV) and their concerts on tv. They were constantly on. Back when MTV was worth watching because it was more than Teen Moms and Idiots 

One year for Christmas Momma got me the *NSYNC puppets from their album No Strings Attached. It was pretty cool. I wasn't "obsessed" with them like the crazy ass teenage girls are these days, but I did love the group and when they broke up (circa 2002) I was very sad.

I had this picture ripped out of TeenBeat hanging on the back of my bedroom door....(for years-in different houses and even states-it moved with me)...

Yes, I was around for Justin&Britney and when Lance  wanted to go to space. They had awesome choreography and I loved listening to all of them sing. They had awesome harmony together. That's rare to find. I loved them all (yes even "JT"), but JC was definitely my favorite!

That man could sing to me all day, every day for the rest of my life and I would be perfectly fine with it! He's got a beautiful voice (and pretty easy on the eyes too). Just saying. The groups album No Strings Attached is still to this day the #5 highest selling album of all time! Love it!

As previously stated here, they were very much a phase/big thing of mine. Thanks to all of my Bubba's :) In honor of the *NSYNC's (possible) Reunion- Yeah I said it again! Danielle is hating it- I decided to list some of my favorite songs of theirs. Badadadada I'm Lovin' It!!! They were awesome with everything that they did! Seriously. TRL, SNL, SuperBowl, National Anthem, Charity Events, Everything. I leave ya'll with these gems straight out of my past, Enjoy...

The Best Half-Time show at a Super-Bowl EVER!

And the song that made JC my absolute Favorite and a Life-Long Fan...

After they broke up I didn't care about the rumors or anything else, I'm just happy that the group that me and my old friends "rocked out" to could possibly be joining each other on stage again. It's been 11 long years. Yes, I'll admit it! Boy Bands (especially *NSYNC) are a Guilty Pleasure of mine!! So What!! Yeah I said it! I know it's probably crazy and ridiculous, but you know what I DON'T CARE! I'M EXCITED!! You're Welcome!!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Catching Up

Ok, even though I did do a couple of postings last week, I'm sort of lagging behind for some things that I wanted to talk about. Nothing really important just a couple movies that I watched, things that I've read, a beautiful little girl's birthday party, and basically a whole lot of nothing. Like I said nothing important, but I still wanted to talk about it.

Friday I returned to the Doctor for my second treatment. You know, I'm really getting tired of going there. Don't get me wrong she's a very nice lady and I'm super thrilled to have medical insurance now that allows me to go. However, just once I'd like to go in there and she be all "No nothing today, I have nothing but completely good news and we're just gonna talk...Would you like a drink while we gab like fifteen year old girls about boys?" Instead it's all "Ok, we have to do this invasive procedure, but don't worry because just a few more and you won't have to come back for three months...Where we will again begin to do more invasive procedures". Thanks for that one. All I'm saying is somebody should be getting me a drink if this keeps going on :)

Also Friday I saw this video, and laughed so hard that it was RIDICULOUS! Seriously!

This video had been removed as of- 07/11/2014. sorry for any inconvenience.

I laughed so hard that I thought that I was going to fall out of my chair. Then if that wasn't good enough I proceeded to show everyone that would pay even a little attention to me the video, and laugh incredibly hard even before the punch line because I knew that it was coming. Yeah that's how I roll I guess. I still think it's funny though, and I stand by my decision!

Saturday was Jayna's 5th Birthday Party, and may I say that she is still the cutest kid that I have ever seen in my entire life!! Such a sweet little thing! Her theme was Monster High and she loved it. Our family and their friends showed up and the birthday girl was super excited! I'm glad that Dani and Chris got a bigger house cause fitting everybody that showed up into their little house would've sucked been difficult. Between the bounce house, friends, family, cupcakes, and presents I think that she had a good time! I know I did and was happy to see her in such a good mood enjoying her party.  



As most know I was pretty excited that the movie Bullet to the Head came out last Tuesday. Of course on the way home I was all "We have to stop at the RedBox and get this!" So stop and get we did. I watched it that night and Kenny and Shy sat in the living room with me and half watched the movie/half played on their phones. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't as good as what I thought that it was going to be. I wasn't disappointed really, but I guess I was just expecting a little more from a Sylvester Stallone/Jason Momoa combo. Since they're both two of my favorite action stars I figured it would be amazing. Well, it was good but I wasn't in awe. It pains me to say this but, "I would say watch it at least once."

The next night I insisted that we watch Olympus Has Fallen. That one did not disappoint me! It was so good and completely had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I was hiding in my shirt, yelling at the tv, and cursing. I know my bad. I usually try to watch my language because I do tend to have a foul mouth at times (I completely blame the boys I grew up with-they taught me how to chew tobacco, drive a tractor, herd cattle, defend myself, be "ladylike" when it was important, and have a foul mouth-sorry) Anyways, Kenny and Jim watched it with me and they loved it too. I would tell everybody to watch it! It was so good! Kind of scary how things go down in it, enough to make you (or at least me) paranoid, but Gerard Butler kicks butt in it and Aaron Eckhart made me proud. Usually he a bit "stuffy", but this time I was all "You Go Boy!"

After I got out of the Doctor Friday Momma and I ran to the grocery store and to get Jayna's birthday present. Yes, I am aware that I should've had it before then, but well I didn't. So sue me. Didn't get home until well after 6, but stopped at the RedBox on the way. That time I picked up the movie The Host. I really didn't want to see it all that much but I remembered Kenny said that he would like to see it. Boy did that turn out backwards. When we watched it that night he barely payed attention through it and I really enjoyed it. Go figure. It was a good movie and it kept my interest. It was different than I thought that it was going to be, but I turned out liking it. I thought that the ending was going to piss me off upset me, but it ended up to where I liked all of it. 

Plus, two pretty leading guys don't hurt (especially the one on the left)...I'm just saying, they're newcomers and they played their roles good. Both of them. You go boys!

Sunday night I watched Atonement. I had seen that movie before, a couple of times actually, but I wanted to see it again. I do that sometimes. When I really like a movie I'll watch it a bunch of times. It's true. You should see me with a Johnny Depp movie, Cold Mountain, and a few others. I go nuts with them. Anyways, I watched it again Sunday and I still enjoyed. But guess what? It still pissed me off angered me. Go figure.


Only 22 Days left unitl the Season premiere of SOA! Just thought that I would put that one in there because I'm super-excited about it!!

Sunday I did absolutely nothing. I have no lies to tell.  You wanna know what I did all day Sunday? Well, I shall tell you. I was feeling incredibly lazy so I watched re-runs of One Tree Hill all day. Seriously all day. It was awesome to. You know why? Because I loved that show when it first came out and I was a nervous wreck until Lucas and Peyton got married and safely had their baby.

I always wanted my friends and I to be able to have friendships like the girls did. Plus I wanted to have Peyton's hair, be built like Brooke, and be talented like Haley and Peyton. Didn't happen. Bummer. Oh well, I still love the show. Take me back to being a Teenager-Well, when I was 15 at least :)

And frankly I always wanted to meet Tyler Hilton a.k.a. "Chris Keller". I know that he was a total tool on that show that caused alot of problems, but he was always my favorite! I loved him! Chris Keller is on the Lam!! Chris Keller was even my nickname for a bit. Don't ask.

I would like to go see Tyler Hilton perform on stage at a concert as well. I love his song...

The fact that he sings and acts, plus he's in other people's music videos is cool to me. Seriously he is! Look....

One of my favorite performers in one of my favorite Country Star's video...Sweet! You go Chris Keller!!

Johnny Depp appeared (completely by surprise) at The 9th Annual Ramone Tribute with his former Cry-Baby cast. I think that's great! I love when people from my favorite movies/tv shows reunite after years :)

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Women Love You, Men Hate You

I'm talking of course about Nicholas Sparks. Basically all women know who he is, and come valentine's day or any date night men hate him. Why? Because he has completely raised women's standards so high that it's ridiculous. Really. It's true. His novels started it and when they began making them into movies all holy hell broke loose! There are eight films out right now based on his novels, and at least two more in the works. What does a Nicholas Spark novel/movie entail you ask? Well...tears, love, smiles, tears, heartache, tragedy, usually a sad ending, oh and did I mention tears?

He has literally been raising women's expectations of men since 1996. It all started when The Notebook was first published and went from there. Although two of his novels were converted into film before The Notebook, that seems to be the one that sticks with women/young girls the most. The story of Noah and Allie just melted every girls heart. I know it definitely gave me a jaded opinion on how my love life was going to be when I got older (give me a break I was 14).

But The Notebook was not what started my jaded opinion. No. Don't get me wrong it definitely didn't help, I love it, however it started before Noah. All the men in my life that I have judged in the past or continue to judge, can still thank Nicholas Sparks though. My opinion on how a man should be all started with Landon Carter. A Walk to Remember continues to be my favorite Sparks novel/movie and the relationship between Landon and Jamie is still what I think all love should be. I've had women/girls tell me I was crazy for this opinion, but I do not care. You guys can have your Noah, I'll take Landon...Thank you :) Sparks has always known how to bring a tear to my eye.

This is definitely my favorite Sparks novel/movie. You may think that I'm crazy, but it's just the way that it is. My inconceivable, unrealistic daydream of my future/next boyfriend. Yeah not gonna happen I know, but hey a girl can dream can't she :) Ever since I read the novel and watched the film I have wanted a bf like Landon Carter. I actually just watched it last night and guess what? I immediately was like "yep, still loving it". Who would've thought? It doesn't help that Shane West is gorgeous anyway, he brought the character to life for me, but I still blame Sparks. :)

Every other women/girl's fantasy of how a relationship should be. Noah Calhoun has raised standards for romance since he first graced the screen...Thanks alot for being so gorgeous Ryan Gosling! Girls expected to have one of you when they grew up and instead of Ryan Gosling they got disappointment. Almost ten years of Ryan Gosling obsessed women, wow I'm getting old! :)

I absolutely refuse to watch this movie, even though I have owned it for the past two years. I was very excited about it when it came out (I mean come on it's Channing Tatum), but decided to read the novel first like usual. I did not like how it was going down between John and Savannah so not only did I stop reading it, but I haven't watched the movie. I would just like to be the first to say "If their defending our Country, quit being a ho and wait if you love them. Don't be a jerk".

I liked this novel/film as well. Not only is it my favorite Diane Lane film, but it's also my favorite Richard Gere film as well. I was so happy that they found happiness together after being so lonely, and then the ending. Seriously? Thanks for yet another heartbreaker. Tool. They also have James Franco as Gere's son, and really you just can't go wrong with J. Franco. It's a proven fact.

Yep, haven't watched this one either. Not that I'm boycotting it or anything I just know how it ends and haven't been in the mood to watch it. It only came out this year, so it's not like I'm that far behind.

When I do eventually watch it though, it will be for the bad guy...Sorry, but I'm not sorry. He's fine.
<< -- << -- << -- << --

Creepy/Psychotic, but Fine!

Ok, this one is definitely my second favorite. Yes, for me Logan Thibault pushed Noah to number three. What can I say? I'm a sucker that goes weak in the knees for a good-looking/sweet/sensitive man in uniform, and anytime their defending our Country-Hot! Besides who wasn't really excited to see little Zac Efron play a full grown man instead of a highschool student? I would just like to put it in there, he grew up GOOD! Umm...yumm! That is just a beautiful film and leading man. I was definitely impressed. I've always liked Efron, but seeing him grown up just secured him completely in my book. It is a beautiful story and everyone should either watch the film or read the novel, if not both. Just saying.

This is the third one that I haven't watched. I know I'm a loser, but I just can't bring myself to do it. Don't get me wrong I'm definitely on Team Liam Hemsworth (team any Hemsworth for that matter-those boy's momma and daddy deserve a freakin' medal), but I just can't take Miley Cyrus serious in anything. Ever.

This is the first novel to be made into a film and start with the downfall of women's romantic expectations. Kevin Costner just sucks you in and makes you love him. It's true, watch the film and you'll see. How do you not love Kevin Costner? Plus, the story plot? Yeah, only so many people can pull that one off, and he did!

On behalf of all women I would just like to say, Thanks alot Nicholas Sparks...You have single-handedly raised women's expectations so high that we will always be disappointed. Men hate you because their girlfriends/wives want their significant other to be like the male leads in your novels. Nicholas Sparks ruining relationships and making romance his bitch business since 1996. Jerk. I kid of course, kind of because I do love his novels/films. If ever I need a good cry (like I don't freakin' cry enough...dumb hormones) I just go to him and it works everytime. Just wanted to say what we were all thinking. Don't stone me because Noah's not my favorite :) I always have been and forever will be #TeamLandon :)

Friday, August 16, 2013

Six(6) things about me that you should know.

This morning as I was catching up on a few of my favorite blogs to read I came across a post from Allie. She was talking about the good ole days of Myspace (who didn't love that time in their life?) and then listed six things about herself. She listed questions at the bottom to choose from for yourself, and it got me thinking- I should do this! Hope she doesn't mind that I'm borrowing her idea :)

Just like Allie I also remember a time when I had no worries, cares,  or responsibilities to deal with. Back when times were simpler and all I had to worry about was my grades and whether or not my brother's best friend was looking at me. (Give a girl a break, at the time I thought that he was the most beautiful guy ever, and convinced myself that he was going to be my Landon Carter, Man was I wrong on so many levels!-I'm ok with it though, it was a nice first "crush"). I got picked last alot when it came to gym class, I was to shy to actually run after anything and I stayed in the back. That was until my friend Bradley threatened to beat up his cousin if he didn't pick me to be on his team first (I didn't find this out until three years later) and I accidentally hit Nick in "the goods" with the ball when we were playing Wiffleball. After that I at least got picked in the middle, if only for comic relief. Anyways, Thanks Allie! Hope you don't mind!

Me and the cutest kid Ever! Danielle's little girl Jayna

It was SO HOT that Day!! I was sweating and my hair was stuck to everything and frizzy, but Jayna was a good sport about it :)

1. What's the Best piece of Advice anyone has ever given you?
I have gotten alot of great advice throughout my life. People that I love have always tried to help me be and do the best that I can. There have also been complete strangers that I have met or seen one time that have said something to me and it's just completely changed my perspective. My Mother has always tried to mentor me in a way to help me see, teachers and co-workers have tried to help, some of the people that I took care of in the nursing home gave great advice, and Aunt Susi can dish out some good stuff. But the best advice I've ever gotten? From a complete Stranger that not only did I never meet, but who also passed away 90 years before I was born...Oscar Wilde. "Be Yourself, Everyone Else Is Already Taken". It's the truth, I'm the happiest when I'm my best self :)

2. Blogs you're loving right now?
I would just like to say that I'm loving this whole blog thing. Not only do I love Blogging for myself, using it as an outlet for my random thoughts and emotions, but I also love reading other people's blogs. I have a blog that I read for every mood that I'm in, and depending on that mood is how long I will spend reading that persons. If I'm feeling like I need to laugh because I'm feeling down I head straight for Samantha. Feeling like I need to make myself prettier and get some fashion advice? That means I'm headed straight for Sami, I love her style and her sense of fashion. Not to mention we have alot of the same taste in men. Nostalgic? I just cruise to Amber's  page. Nothing makes you more nostalgic than someone you grew up with. Whenever I want to read up on some family and know what's been going on I visit Aunt Susi or Danielle. I would visit Momma, but she hasn't written anything in a long time. And of course no matter what mood I'm in I always have time for a good ole Daniel story or life lesson from Eli. I also read up on Ashley, Whitney, the other Katie, and of course Allie. 

3. What's your Biggest Struggle in life?
Being sociable. I find that I enjoy staying in alot more than I do going out. Don't get me wrong occasionally I do enjoy going out with a friend or family member to do something fun, but for the most part I enjoy staying in and watching movies or reading. I have tried to be more sociable, but frankly I don't care for spending that much time with people I don't know and meeting new people freaks me out. That's probably why I haven't dated in awhile. I can half smile at someone, but as soon as they walk towards me, I run. Like literally run. I would like to date eventually, but how I'm going to do that I'll never know. Can you date someone without actually having to go through the process of meeting them? And NO NOT social media either! Online dating freaks me out to. It's not pleasant. I have horrible social anxiety and when I try to interact or even think about it I get a panicky feeling, my face breaks out, and I get butterflies. Usually in that order. I'm working on it, but honestly it could probably be going better. I can't help it though, I've always been like this.

4. Favorite thing to do in your spare time?
The things I enjoy the most in my spare time is Reading, Watching Movies/TV, and Blogging. I know it sounds lame, but that's what I enjoy the most. So sue me.

5. Who inspires you?
First and Foremost my Mother. She is the best person that I have ever known and has inspired me since I was a little girl. She's strong and wise. No matter what I have been going through in my life I can always go to her to talk it through. Never has she turned me away when I've needed her the most and somehow we figure everything out. Sometimes I would like it if she wouldn't judge so much, but that's just the way that she is and there's no changing her now. We've been through alot and have come out on the other side stronger and more secure with ourselves. She truly is my best friend. Aunt Susi also inspires me. She is such a good person and does everything for others with little regard for herself. You literally can not ask for a sweeter, more caring person. We share many traits that neither of us were even aware of, and I feel comfortable talking to her about almost everything. Some things I don't feel comfortable talking about with anybody :) I had an English teacher when I was a Senior in Highschool that really inspired me as well. She believed in me and my writing more than I ever did myself. She helped open me up, and even helped to make me the person that I am today. I don't know if she would even remember me, because it's been so long and it was a big school, but I will be forever thankful to her. Thank you to the two wonderful women in my life that continue to inspire and believe in me, and thank you Mrs. Lynch for seeing something in a shy/quiet 17 year old girl that she never saw in herself.

6. How did your blog come about?
You can thank Aunt Susi and Danielle for that one. I have always loved to write. So much so that I took extra English and Creative Writing classes in school whenever I could. Never did I think about having a blog though. I thought blogs were only for people that wrote on them for a living and web geeks. Now, I am a geek just not one on the web. I've never been what do the kids call it nowadays? Tech-Savvy? I was constantly writing though and Aunt Susi was telling me about her blog and suggested that I start one of my own. After thinking about it for a little bit I decided it was probably a good idea and I asked Danielle for help. That's how it all started and I have to say I really do enjoy it. Thanks, y'all.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

10 Things I Would Tell My 16 Year-Old Self

I was reading up (or back I should say) on one of my favorite blogs the last couple of days, and I ran across a posting that I thought was a good idea. It got me really thinking, and if I'm going to be completely honest...laughing. She wrote about 10 things that she would tell her 16 year old self if she could and it got me thinking that if I could do that I definitely would.

Although, I'm a firm believer in the fact that the experiences in your life and the choices that you make are what truly makes you the person you are, it would still be nice to have a little heads up and perhaps change a thing or two. Just saying. I wouldn't change alot, but just a few little things, and maybe not make so many mistakes. Even though I like to say that they weren't mistakes they were paths that lead down the wrong road, Seriously who are we kidding? They were straight up mistakes. :) So here are just a few things that I would tell my 16 year old self if I could.

One: Things are not as bad as they seem. I know right now you feel like your world is upside down/spinning circles, but it's going to be ok. Sometimes you have to take the bad with the good, and you know what? When all of this is over and done with, you come out a better/smarter/stronger person. So keep smiling because it's what you do best no matter the circumstances. A whole lot of changes are coming in the next few years so brace yourself and don't worry. You're tough!

Two: Go to the Doctor and the Dentist on a regular basis! I know you don't want to (that feeling doesn't go away as you get older just so you know), but do it anyway. It will probably make things better in the long run.

Three: Be prepared for body changes and acne in your early twenties. I know right now your jeans are a size 00 and your skin is as smooth as a baby's ass bottom, but prepare yourself. I say this to you now because when it hits you won't take it so well. Eventually you'll get it all fixed. Hell, you never liked being a 00 anyways so it's all good, but the acne makes you want to just peel your face off. Don't do this! You will eventually fix it.

Four: All that silver/blue/charcoal eyeshadow and black eyeliner...Yeah seriously rethink that one! I know you love it now and you think that it looks pretty and all your friends and your boyfriend says it's pretty, but let me just tell you THEY ARE WRONG! You look like Courtney Love and Lindsey Lohan had a love child together. That's not a good thing! And if you decide not to listen to this at least stop letting them take pictures of you with it. You'll thank me later.

Five: Guys. Oh boy. Well, for starters things do NOT go down in real life like in some of the books you read. Guys are not Shane West. (Yes, I know that Shane West is your favorite out of all of the Nicholas Sparks movies, and even though there are some great one's now and even more in the future by the time you're me, he still will be your favorite). You will not have the same b/f that you do right now, and when you look back on it you'll think wth? In two years you will learn that dating a guy that you work in the same room with for 8-16 hours a day, 5-7 days a week, probably not the best idea that you'll ever have. Not your finest moment. Not your worst, but definitely not your finest. Lastly, by the time your ending your 18th year and going into your 19th, do me one thing. Don't date at all! Please if you listen to nothing else I say, listen to this! Trust me.

Six: Quit cutting and dying your own hair!! Seriously! You've had your hair every single color of the rainbow including striped and polka-dot and still insist on doing it. Stop! Here's why, number one you always go back to brown and number two you hate having short hair. You always have, so why you keep cutting it I'll never know. Let it grow to the length you like and let a professional take care of the rest. If your going to dye it yourself, only normal colors. 

Seven: Rethink the purple/black plaid skirt with the chains that you got at HotTopic, and the red/black plaid one that you made for Halloween. There's a reason that you don't wear skirts on a regular basis honey. You're not very graceful. We'll just leave it at that. 

Eight: All of your friends from Highschool, the one's that you've grown up with and are going to graduate with (y'all are bff), in a matter of 6 years from now, you won't talk to any of them...and that's ok. You're perfectly fine with the fact that you don't have babies and aren't married like them, and that you took a completely different route in life than they did. As you get older you realize that you don't want to surround yourself with people that don't bring out your good side, you want to be surrounded with the people that help you show the best of yourself.

Nine: Try to save Heath Ledger!! I know you love him and think that he's definitely one of the best actor's of your time, so do all you can to save him. In a little over a year he will be in the new Batman movie playing the role of The Joker (Quit being so excited...I know you) and he will develop some problems. Try to warn people and get him some help before it's too late. I know bad things happen and you can't prevent everything, but maybe you can at least help him.

Ten: Pay more attention in computer class and possibly take another one. I know you want to be a journalist or a marine biologist and that's fine, but you will need to know more about technology. I realize that you don't have a cell phone because you hate them, you prefer to hold an actual book in your hand to read it, and you want to write everything by hand (the good ole days of letter writing), but unfortunately in the next few years you won't have a choice to not use the newfound technology. Don't tell anybody this but in the future they have phones that you work by just touching them or talking to them. In fact if you could talk to the dude next to you in computer class (yes the one that reminds you a bit of Charles Manson...get over it) and ya'll invent it first, I would greatly appreciate it. Actually, you will greatly appreciate it. 

P.S. You Never Stop "Day-Dreaming" and Still Call People Darlin' and Sweetie...It's Great!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

10 Random Things That Are Making Me Happy (For Now)

I would just like to start this off by saying that sometimes it's the little things in your everyday life that can make you happy. That's how it is for me at least. Of course my Family, Friends, and Puppy Dog (Tayder) make me happy on a daily basis, but there are little things throughout the days that bring a smile to my face.

#1: Uhh...Jimmy Fallon getting together with Robin Thicke and The Roots to serenade the world with Blurred Lines? Yes, Please! Thank you Danielle for introducing this to me so that I can be forever obsessed!

#2: I'm still learning new things about this whole blogging thing. If you start from the beginning and move forward you can definitely see where I'm learning as I go. At least I can, probably more so because I know what it looked like from the beginning (background and all) and now I like it much better! Not to mention at least now I can help Aunt Susi out with hers a little.

#3: There is only 28 Days until the Season Premiere of my Favorite Show Ever!! Sons of Anarchy (or SOA depending on how "with it" you are). I love this show and cannot wait until I find out what's next! Although last season had some really sad moments (all of them do) I still love it! They left me on like 14 giant cliffhangers last season and now it's almost time to get answers! Will Jax and Tara's relationship survive? Will Clay be killed off? Will Jax continue down the road for vengeance or be more like his father? What about the DEA Agent? Otto? Too many questions and not enough answers. Yet! But soon, very soon!

#4: The Fact that Greg called me this morning at 6:15 a.m. and our entire conversation consisted of Nsync, being chubby, him getting old, him and his friends (3 guys and 1 girl) dancing like a boyband for me when we were younger (they made me promise to never tell...oops!), and why you can't just cut off someone's leg and get them a fake one so they can walk. It doesn't work like that! You'll have to get crutches or a cane, they just don't go around chopping legs off Greg!! He is NOT Herschel and this is NOT The Walking Dead!

#5: Memes!! Really? Need I say more?

#6: The two movies that I have been wanting to see recently-Bullet To The Head and Olympus Has Fallen- come out in the RedBox today. Also, the fact that Shylyn thinks I'm weird because I love action and horror movies. In her words- "Katie, I can't believe you like that stuff! No wonder you had more guy friends than girls". Whatevs kid!

#7: Loose pants and tops! Now everyone knows that I love my sweats and t-shirts, but this time I'm talking about my jeans and everyday tops. You know why? Because looser clothes means smaller body! It may mean that I have to break down and buy some new jeans and tops, but it's all good because that also means smaller sizes. (HeeHeeHaHa-insert evil laugh here). Hippie tops with leggings/jeans, boots and sweaters for Fall/Winter? Yes Please!

#8: Biotin and Other Vitamins! Although I hate taking the humongous amounts of medicine that I have to right now, I am very thankful for vitamins! Why? So my nails and hair will be/look healthy and in return make me more attractive (if only to myself-haha). Hopefully so I can start appearing more like this...

Note To Self: Break the Habit of Biting Your Fingernails!
Quit Judging! It's a hard habit to break!!

#9: Secrets! No not the bad kind, but the kind that doesn't hurt anybody and is just between you and one other person. Or by yourself (I have them stored in a special box in my head-I'll Never Tell!). Just little things that I talk about with someone else and it's just between us. Usually very funny!

#10: YouTube!! It has a little bit of Everything and I LOVE it! Danielle and I tried to learn how to "twerk" from a YouTube video. By the way, just so ya'll know- Danielle and I CANNOT TWERK! We Failed Miserably!!

And On Another Side Note: Danielle brought me the book 50 Shades of Grey...I will start reading soon. So Opinions are Forthcoming!!