Monday, March 31, 2014

It's all good, I know what you meant.

I went to lunch today with my brother (Greg) and his girlfriend (Chrissy). They picked me up at work and we went out to Taco Bell, because duh Taco Bell is the food of the Gods, well the Gods and poor folk like me.

Moving on- When I walked out to their van I pushed my face up to her window making weird and inappropriate faces, like always. Then I got in and she turned around looked me up and down and then stared me in the face. This conversation ensued.

Me: What the hell is wrong with you? You look like you just seen Jude Law or something. Chrissy: You do realize that you're the only person that would be happy about seeing Jude Law, right? Me: Ahhh...he's amazing and you should mind your tongue lady. How dare you blaspheme the Law! Chrissy: My bad, I forgot that I was talking about your future husband. Me: It's ok, you're forgiven and still have a place in our wedding. Chrissy: But no, I was just gonna say that you look really pretty. Me: Uhh...thank you. Chrissy: You're welcome. Seriously, you look really nice today. Me:...Thank you.

{{By the way Greg had me try that new Mountain Dew crap, I think it's Sangria or something, and I took one sip and politely informed them that it tasted like oompa loompa piss. Because it SO did. I'm not even lying a little bit. It's so disgusting!!}}

I was confused for a minute. I was all- "What's with the compliments? Have the pod people taken Chrissy? I wonder if Jude Law would be easy to track down. FOCUS, KATIE". And then I realized something. Chrissy has never seen me on a workday before seven pm. She's only seen me late at night and on the weekends. Do you know what I look like on the weekends? Well, I wear no makeup, I'm always in some form of sweats and/or ratty/Batman/Hogwarts shirt, constantly in my glasses, and have my hair pulled on top of my head into a messy bun. And my messy bun is nowhere near cute like all these other girls messy buns. When I say messy bun I mean, I haven't brushed my hair and haphazardly tried to pull it directly on top of my head so it won't fall in my face.

Basically she's never seen me not look like a freaking' hobo. And not cute little "hobo chic". I'm talking straight up hobo. I literally could've worn a red trash bag to work and if I had a little blush on and hairspray in she probably would've thought that I was trying out for a pageant. So the lesson here? Well, thank goodness only my family and complete strangers see me on the weekends and I have no boyfriend, because I AM A MESS. But I love it. Me, my awkwardness, my style (or lack thereof), and my personality.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Josie 'Grosie' Gellar really gets me

Have y'all ever seen the movie Never Been Kissed? If not I'll stop right here so that you can go watch it and then finish reading this. Seriously, I'll wait.


....Patiently waiting...

....Still waiting...

Did you watch it? I know it's awesome, isn't it? It's one of my favorite movies and frankly is in at least the top five of my favorite Drew Barrymore movies. In case you didn't know, I really, really like Drew Barrymore. She's just so cute, adorable, and goofy. I love it. Just like me. Well, except for the cute and adorable part. But nerdy, goofy and clumsy- Hey! I'm there for you!

I probably like this movie so much, because I used to and still can relate to it. Why, because I ended up making out with my insanely hot teacher that looked more like a sexy hockey player than a teacher? No. No, that's not even close to it. Unfortunately, all of my teachers looked very much like...well, teachers and even if they wouldn't have I was still very much a teenager. I relate to it, because I know what it's like to be clumsy and backwards. I know what it's like to be a 'late bloomer' and be a complete romantic at heart. I always wanted to be a journalist, and now the closest thing that I have to that is this blog where I continuously ramble on and on about nothing at all. But that is beyond besides the point.

The point is I finally got it. I was thinking about some things yesterday and I thought to myself- You know who gets me? Josie Grosie gets me, that's who. Josie Grosie understands. And Josie Grosie doesn't judge.

I make questionable fashion choices all of the time. Honestly, All. The. Time. Who else does? Josie Grosie does. She wore what she wanted all of the time, then she tried to be "trendy" and "hip" and that didn't work so well, so finally she was like you know what, I'm gonna wear what I like and what's comfortable and cute to me, because I am my own person. Boo-ya!! Oh, and our hair? Yeah, don't even get me started on the hair. It's wild and crazy and when we try something new with it, it totally backfires. We should just stick to what we know.

A romantic at heart? Uh, yeah you could say that Josie Grosie and I have that one completely covered. Even though no one has ever given us a reason to believe in true love, and we have never dated anyone that "woos" or "romances" us we are still totally and completely hopeful and sure that one day someone that is absolutely perfect for us will sweep us off of our feet. Then all the movies we watch, books we read, and poetry we write will not be in vain.

Don't forget that we both have a sometimes immature/strange, but totally awesome brother that we occasionally get advice from. Why? because no matter what situation you're in at that point of life, they are there for you and honestly know how to make friends much better than you ever have or could.

Speaking of friends- you know those nerdy friends that don't really fit into any category, but speak their mind and are awesome in their own way, just like you? You are close and spend a lot of time together, and you sing random songs together. Yeah, well I had one of those growing up.

Not to mention we both thought that "that" guy we saw was so incredibly handsome, even though he so wasn't. And why did we think this? Well, because he either played the guitar, had a Camaro, rode a motorcycle or had a tattoo that's why.

They weren't cool at all, usually had a dumbass name, was a jerk, and sounded dumb constantly, they even said words like- Rufus, Crunching, and Bitchin', but we were mesmerized. For a minute. We finally seen the error of our ways, and figured out what it meant when someone said that a man was pretty.

Then we started thinking about how great it would be if you actually got to date this certain guy, but all we ended up doing was making a fool of ourselves.

Don't forget when we tried to show off our "mad" dance skills to try and impress him. Yeah that was totally NOT embarrassing enough to want to crawl in a hole, and never let anyone see you ever again...
Just give it up ladies. Just give it up.

And why is it that we can never seem to keep pastries around? Someone is always stealing our cookies, cakes, pies and doughnuts. That's just rude and we don't know how in the world it happens.

And you wanna know something awesome? We both really enjoy a slow motion kiss between two people in love, when there's great music playing.


But you know what the best things about Josie Grosie and I are? The fact that we figured out that you are most happy when you are yourself. That no matter how weird you are as long as you're doing what you love, then it's ok. That you should surround yourself by people that make you happy and get rid of the ones that try to bring you down. We're loyal, loving, trustworthy, and we get very defensive when someone tries to hurt anyone we care about. We're basically a couple of German Shepards. We know that everyone is different and that's perfectly ok with us. The more the merrier. We know that it's ok to be a romantic and follow your heart. It's ok to watch a million movies with the guy and girl ending up together. And finally we grew into our own, and we love it!! We are just ourselves.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

You should see some of the looks that I get

Sometimes I'll just be sitting there minding my own business, and for absolutely no reason at all- I'll bust out laughing. It's a curse, really. I mean, everyone else thinks that I'm laughing for no reason at all, but I know the truth. The truth is that I always have straight up legit reasons for laughing. Now I'm laughing because I said straight up legit. Ooh, sometimes I crack myself up.

Back to it though. I got to thinking about it, and I started feeling like an absolute jerk for not sharing with y'all here on the ole blog. Now y'all can understand why I bust out laughing all the time. It's because things like this are constantly popping up in there.

I love hockey. I love memes. And I love a good Beiber joke. 

Well played Canada. Well played.

I think about this all of the time. 

I can be completely offended by a stranger and still laugh about it.

The only thing better than a good Beiber joke?

Uh, that would be a Miley one.

Am I the only one that totally wants to hang out with J. Law?

I always wanna rip off those little stick families.

Except this one. This one is amazing.

I was a waitress for around two/three years.

And yes. Yes, this thought did occur to me.

I told y'all that I wanted to run a marathon at some point.

And honestly, I want to straight up run behind this guy.

I find it hilarious that the young guys are below catching,

and it's the muscled up college guys throwing it over.

Frat party gone wrong?

And don't forget it, Dani.

Ain't nobody wants to eat that healthy crap.

Except Chris. And Susi. And Roger. Ok, fine, a lot of people eat it.

But save me the M&M's, please?!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

I'm (just a little) ashamed to admit how much I liked that Disney movie.

I've been talking about that Disney movie- Frozen for a couple of months now. I didn't know anything about it, nor had I seen it, but Jayna told me about it every time I seen her, and she demanded that I see it ASAHP (You know- as soon as humanly possible). She even colored me a picture (of the reindeer- Sven) back in December as a present. Btw, I love it! How can one kid be so adorable? I still haven't figured that one out yet, but she is. Even cuter than normal cute kids. We're talking into adorable territory.

People have been obsessing over this movie for months and months now. Only every single person and their momma have done some form of rendition of that song- Let It Go. I mean in all fairness, it is a really catchy song. Like really catchy. I just watched the movie last night, but I've been singing that song for two months. Yeah, I know, but it's everywhere on the radio and TV. I think that there are more adults that got into it than kids. I know that's sad, but honestly we're all big kids at heart. At least I am. I may just be speaking for myself, but I'll take the fall for it. I am a giant big kid at heart. I never understood why it's frowned upon to keep loving Disney movies as you get older. We're expected to grow up with these films and then forget all about them just because we're adults? Nope. No thank you. I'll pass. I'll continue to keep loving them. Except Pinocchio. That one scared me.

Anyhoos, back to Frozen. Like said Jayna has told me about it every opportunity that has presented itself, but even Danielle was backing her dude. They went and seen it in theaters I think something like four times. Yeah, four times. A couple of them were with the neighbor kids, but still that's a lot of times to go see one movie. And they liked it the same every time. When it came out on DVD, they went to the store at four in the morning and bought it. Not gonna lie, I was thinking- WTH?! what movie (unless it's part of the- LOTR series) is worth going to see four times and getting up to buy at four in the morning? I thought that they were a couple of crazy loons. Honestly, I really did. a couple of nutballs.  

(Best song of the movie- Reindeers are better People). Well, like I said- talking, talking, talking, and when they were done with that- a little more talking. I was in no big rush to see it, but the more that I read about people's love for it and the more Dani talked about it, I'm not gonna lie- the more that I wanted to see it.

So, while we were out over last weekend I made a stop by the Redbox to rent it. Whatevs, they were completely out so that wasn't happening. I was all- no biggy. We'll watch it some other time. I rented a couple of other ones (Thor 2: The Dark World and About Time- both of which were SO good) and we watched those. But that didn't make me want to not see- Frozen. So I thought about it for a couple of days, and I did what any and every sensible 24 year old girl would do. I stopped by the store yesterday on my way home from work for a couple of things and ended up buying Frozen (and a pair of black boots that are two sizes to big, but they were on sale and I love them). Yes, I am a grown woman that bought a Disney movie with no kids, and no intention of sharing. I bought it strictly because I wanted to see it. That is my only justification. It was driving me crazy not knowing what all the fuss was about.

I'm very glad that I did. i mean, I still love all of the Disney movies that I grew up with. I'm still convinced that there are very few things that can take the place of the beloved characters that helped to mold you, but I haven't seen a movie like this that I've liked in quite some time. But I watched this one and was like- Seriously?! So good!! I liked it so much I thought that I would share some of my favorite parts. (I SWEAR THAT I WASN'T LISTENING TO THE SOUNDTRACK WHEN I WAS ALONE IN MY OFFICE THIS MORNING...OOPS).

  • Olaf singing- "Winter's a good time to sit close and cuddle, but put me in summer and I'll be" [pauses in front of a puddle] ..."happy snowman".
  • Kristoff- "Your's turning white" Anna- "Does it look bad" [pause] Kristoff- "No". Olaf- "You hesitated".
  • Anna- "I think that some company is overdue; I started talking to the pictures on the wall" [points to painting of Joan of Arc] "hang in there Joan"
  • [After listening to Olaf sing about summer] Kristoff- "I'm gonna tell him". Anna- "Don't you dare!" Kristoff- "Well, somebody's gotta tell him".
  •  Anna- [after explaining features of the new sled] "Do you like it"? Kristoff- "Like it? I love it!" [spins her around] "I could kiss you!" [puts her down] "I could. I mean, I'd like to. I- may I? We me? I mean, may we? Wait, what?" Anna- [kisses him on the cheek] "We may". Kristoff- [kisses Anna].
  • [Olaf finds Anna freezing to death, he quickly builds a fire to keep her warm.] Anna- [concerned for olaf] "Olaf, get way from there!" Olaf- [mesmerized] "So this is heat. I love it." [his hand catches fire] "Ow, but don't touch it."
  • Kristoff- "So, uh tell me. What made the queen go all ice crazy?" Anna- "Oh well, it was all my fault. I got engaged, but then she freaked out because I'd only just met him, you know that day. She said she wouldn't bless the marriage and..." Kristoff- [interrupts] "Hang on, you mean to tell me that you got engaged to someone you just met that day?" Anna- "Yeah, anyway I got mad and so she got mad and then she tried to walk away and I grabbed her glove..." Kristoff- [interrupts] "Hang on, you mean to tell me that you got engaged to someone you just met that day?" Anna- "Yes, pay attention, but the thing is she wore the gloves all the time, so I just thought, maybe she has a thing about dirt..." Kristoff- [interrupts] "Didn't your parents ever warn you about strangers?" Anna- "Yes they did" [moves further away from Kristoff].
  • Olaf- "I can't feel my legs!" Kristoff- "Those are my legs!" Olaf- [as his lower body runs by] "Ooh, do me a favor and grab my butt" Kristoff- [grabs Olaf's lower body and puts the rest of him on top]. Olaf- "Ah, that feels better."
  • Anna- "But I want to help!" Kristoff- "No. I don't trust your judgement." Anna- "Excuse me?" Kristoff- "Who marries a man they just met?!"
  • Anna- "Kristoff loves me?" Olaf- "Whoa, you really don't know anything about love, do you?"
  • Kristoff- "Hey guys!" Anna- "They're rocks!" Kristoff- [off in the distance] "You are a sight for sore eyes." Olaf- [whispering] "He's crazy!" Kristoff- [off in the distance] "Hey, whoa, I don't even recognize you. You've lost so much weight." Olaf- [whispering to Anna] "I'll distract them while you run" [loud slow voice] "Hi Sven's family! It's nice to meet you!" [whispering] "Because I love you, Anna, I insist you run." [loud, slow voice] "I understand you're love experts. Ooh!" [whispering] "Why aren't you running?"
And those are just some of the cute little parts from the movie. I'm telling y'all if you haven't watched it (whether you have little kids or not) you need to. Seriously, I thought that I would feel really silly watching it by myself (technically, I watched it with Cricket and Kenny, but still), but I didn't. And I have no lie to tell- I'm sure that I'll be watching it again. It didn't feel like a Disney movie. It just felt like a normal movie. You know, something for everyone. Like I said- WE'RE ALL BIG KIDS AT HEART :)

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Can I talk about both of those in one post?

I ate too much at lunch. It was so good Aunt Susi, but I really did make myself sick. I think that I may in fact throw up. By the way- Congratulations on the offer on your house!! I'm SO excited for y'all!! Especially you, I know how bad you want this! Yay!!

Did y'all hear that there might be a possibility of a Gilmore Girls movie? I'm not really sure why I'm so excited about this. Wait, yes I am, it's the GILMORE GIRLS, that's why. Hands down, in my top five favorite shows of my life. It's that good. And I will die on this hill.

I think that I'm going to have to just give in and buy that damn movie- Frozen. Jayna has insisted that I watch it for months now, and when a five year old says watch it- you watch it, and since it's officially become a craze. Trend? Craze? Whatever you want to call it. It's that. Not to mention everyone is singing that song- Let it go like there's no tomorrow. Remember about two weeks ago when I told y'all about that husband and wife re-enacting that song from the movie? Well, the whole internet and radio is about like that right now. I haven't been this antsy to see a Disney movie for awhile.  

Oh, Cinemacon was this past weekend (I could so be an awesome movie critic), and they played a trailer that was a couple minutes long for- Fifty Shades of Grey. Sorry, but I'm not sorry. I loved the books, I'm going to watch the movie, and I think it's awesome that it's being released on my 25th (don't tell people I'll be in my mid-twenties) birthday next year. I always tell people that my dream man would take me to see Fifty Shades of Grey...and Captain America: Winter Soldier. Just saying. By the way, can I talk about a Disney movie and Fifty Shades of Grey in the same post? I'll have to look into that. I'm thinking that it's probably frowned upon, but I'm still going for it. Why? Because- I DO WHAT I WANT!! That's why. Yep, you heard me.

Just because- It's the LAW!!

I've been putting alot of thought into starting my 'healthier' lifestyle. And by 'healthier' lifestyle what I mean is- I'm considering to start running when it gets warmer. Yes, you did in fact hear me right...running. I read a book this past weekend (Beautiful Stranger) and it talked about how great that she felt when she started running. I mean she started off completely like me- tired, grumpy, sweaty, and hostile, but eventually she got really into it and made her feel better. Can I get a little of that, please? But I eventually want to run some sort of marathon, so quit smoking, no soda (besides a sprite in the morning), and start running. Sounds like a plan. I practically don't eat meat anymore so it's already begun. I was going to try the whole yoga thing, but let's face it, I'm not exactly what y'all would call a 'zen' kind of girl, so when I got to thinking about it I really just wanted to do yoga so I could have this attitude-

Oh, and lastly (because I'm sorry my life is so boring) I watched more of Friday Night Lights. I'm almost to the end of season one, and I'm really loving it. I wish I would've known about this one earlier on in life. Tim Riggins (Taylor Kitsch) is such a damn hottie, but I am still definitely all about- Matt Saracen (Zach Gilford). #7 & #33!! Seriously I think that I might puke. Not because of the show (I like it), but like I said earlier- I ate too much. I hope I at least wait until I get home to get sick. Hopefully. Maybe if I just deep breath.

By the way- shut up Gwyneth Paltrow. It's not called 'consciously uncoupling' it's called- divorce. Quit trying to fancy it up. All kinds of people go through it, it's gonna be ok. Just call it what it is. An ace an ace, a spade a spade.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Was that lady doing some inadvertent recon on me?!!

I was just sitting at work this morning, minding my own business, doing a deposit...and possibly listening to my favorite contestants from season three of The Voice belt out the good stuff. Possibly. That's the only season of The Voice that I've ever watched. I got way to invested in it, and decided that it might be a good time to put down the phone and stop voting, before I started to look like a crackhead running around, screaming at the TV, pacing the floor, holding my breath, and covering my eyes, all out of anticipation. My favorite was- Cody Belew. And Terry and Dez.

{{Just to let y'all know- I got my front six teeth done at the dentist Wednesday!! I love the way they look! I don't have to worry about my smile and when I laugh i don't cover my face. my gums/teeth are still a bit sore (I was there almost three hours and they had to go up in under my gums-when they were done drilling I looked like a character on BrBa.), but I think that it was all worth it. It's been so long since my teeth have been good that now it feels weird when I eat and talk. But I LOVE it. Thank you for your help, Aunt Susi!}} 

{{Did I mention that I started the next to last book of my BB series last night? No? Well, I did. I left off on chapter fourteen and needless to say will be finishing it tonight. It had me laughing, giggling and blushing so bad that I knew if anyone would have seen me, that they would have automatically assumed that I was crazy. Or drunk. Which considering the wine that was involved, that probably isn't far off. I'll blame the blushing on that. Yeah, that's why. It has nothing to do with anything else. Yeah, right.}} 

Sorry, back on topic: Just remember that I am ALWAYS completely oblivious to all things when it comes to guys. I never know when they're flirting, when someone is teasing me about them, or if there is any interest from anyone. Just remember that. I was sitting at work, it was barely even after seven, when a lady came in and started talking to me. She almost startled me, but luckily she was wearing a bright red coat (that I totally want, btw) so I seen her from the other room. I'm always a bit paranoid when I'm in the office alone first thing in the morning. You know, serial killers, and all.

She's a very nice lady. I've met her (I think) twice. Once in the office and once at the retirement party that we had for a guy here a couple of months back. She got to talking to me, and were just going with the flow. We talked about her husband and kids, even her ex-husband, and I talked a bit about my family and how I had moved up here a year and a half ago.

We got on the subject of kids and age. I explained that my brother was older and was dating a woman that was in fact older than him and had five kids. I know, wow. She had asked my age and I told her 24, and how technically I still count that as early twenties and not the mid. She laughed and agreed. I asked about her kids and she told me about her youngest daughter- who sounds adorable, two middle daughters- one of which was in a volleyball tournament this morning, hence the early morning visit, and oldest child- a son.

She got something out of her purse (it looked like the thing Shy has, I think it's called- a tablet, but to be honest I'm not really sure), and continued to talk to me. We laughed and joked around and talked some more. Then she said- "You're awful sweet, a pretty young lady, do you have a boyfriend?" Why is it when someone compliments you that you automatically find it necessary to dance in your head? Or is that just something that I do? Good thing that I don't do it in the open. Unless drinking.

I told her- no. No, that I had dated someone for a couple of years and he was a complete jerk, so I broke up with him and left him behind when I had moved, because he made me completely miserable and I really loathed even the thought of him. Her: "So you haven't dated since?" Me: "No, not since I've been up here. Dani and Tony tease me about it, but I just don't like going out to 'clubs' and I don't have any friends besides my family, so..." Why was I telling her all of this? I have no idea. No idea. My non-filter kicked in and the word vomit just started to flow forth.

She asked me a couple more random questions about what I like to do, and a little about my past. Nothing too personal, just little tid bits here and there. Then she started talking about her kids again. We made some jokes and then she started telling me about her son. Who for some reason I pictured as a tall/jocky seventeen year old. Apparently he had been having some heart problems and just found out yesterday that he was getting better. I told her that, that was awesome and definitely congratulations! I mean, stuff like that is scary. She was all- "Thank you, you are so sweet". Thank you lady that we shall call- Linda. Thank you! Every time that I someone teases me about the way I talk to everyone I meet (in my head) I'm all-

Then this conversation happened, so give me your opinion- Her:"You say you don't have a boyfriend?" Me: "Nope, haven't dated anyone for about a year and a half. Two years? I don't know exactly, but awhile". Her:"You maybe looking for someone?" Me: "I don't know. I try not to put too much thought into it, but if I were to meet somebody that I really liked, then yes I would date them". Her: "What do you like about guys?" Me: "I like to be friends. I think that you should be able to do stuff together and enjoy each others company. That's a tremendous thing". Her: "I completely agree. I think that is very important". Me: "Yeah, you should be yourself and feel comfortable around another person if you're going to date them. I don't usually feel comfortable around people though, so it's a little harder for me".

Seriously, Katie?! Why are you telling her all of this? Shut your face!!

Her: "Have you met anybody that you liked a little?" Me: "No, not really. I mean you usually meet people through your friends or family, growing up, throughout school and college, or at work. Some of the choices from my family scares me, I didn't grow up here, and everybody here at work is related to me or has known me since I was pretty much a baby and they know my entire family". Her: "But you're open to dating if you like them". Me: "Yeah, if I liked them. But guys tend to not really look at me like that, I don't think". Her: "Why is that?" Me: "Well, I'm kind of backwards and I have no filter so I say inappropriate things. Plus, I think that it's appropriate to wear my Muck Boots for everything. Aunt Susi and my other Aunt Mary took me shopping and informed me that this was not true and I had to get "chick" clothes". Her: "You're just adorable". Then she not so casually walked over to me- 

Seriously Katie, SHUT YOUR STUPID FACE!!

She leaned over and showed me a picture on her tablet, or at least what I'm calling a tablet, and was like- "This is my son". Yep, her son. Her son that I had assumed was a tall/lanky/jocky teenage tool. Well, he seemed like he was quite tall, but not at all lanky. Maybe a jock back in the day, but he certainly is not a teenager anymore. Nope. He is a grown man. She just kept looking at me, now that I think about it possibly gauging my reaction, and when I eventually stopped staring at the beautiful specimen man that is her son I looked up at her and simply said: "Aww, he's adorable". I didn't even convince myself that that's all I was thinking, but I smiled and tried to play it cool. P.s. It DID NOT work.

She smiled and started talking casually, and was all- "Yeah he was in the Air Force until we found out about his heart, then he got on honorable discharge. But now that his heart seems to be recovering who knows what he'll do. He's your age, you know".

*swallow* Air Force? As in military? As in guy-in-uniform? *gulp*

Her: "Oh yeah, you know how that goes with young men". Me: "Wow. Um....he must be really smart to have gotten in the Air Force. I'm sure you're really proud of him". Her: "Of course I am. I just feel bad sometimes". Me: "Why is that?" I shouldn't have asked. Because her smile was far too mischievous. Her: "Well, he was dating a girl for a little bit and all she wanted to do was get drunk and hated the fact that his best friend was a girl". Me: "That sounds ridiculous".

Hey, stupid face!! Shut your stupid face's face!!

Her: "Oh, it was". Me: "I've always had more guy friends than girls, and I wouldn't deal with a boyfriend telling me I couldn't see them". Her: "Oh, him either. That's why he is very single right now". Me: "Sounds nice for him". Her: "It is, but we've talked. He wants to find a nice girl to spend time with and have fun with. You know, not just dating, but friends too".

Me: *gulp* "I hope he finds what he's looking for then". Her: "Oh, I'm sure he will. How do you feel about marriage?" Me: *having a slight aneurysm* "Well, honestly, it scares the crap out of me and I have no desire to be married". Her: "Yeah, he's not ready for that kind of thing either. I think someone to just have fun with, hang out with, and just be with would be plenty for him. He was a bit wild throughout college, but he's ready to settle a bit now". Me: "Wild?" Her: "Yeah, I'm pretty sure that he could have been the king of beer pong". Me: "Hey! That's a real sport now!" She eyed me speculatively for a second and when I asked her "What?" She said- "That's exactly what my son said when I mentioned it". Oopsy. **insert Danielle walking in**

Thank Bejeebus Dani!! It took you long enough to get here!! Damn. You're early this morning.

They exchanged pleasantries and then Linda said- "Well, I think I better get going and do a little work before I go to my daughter's game". She said good-bye and gave me a little smile and wink before she left. I still wasn't exactly sure what had happened. I sat there confused for a second and finally Dani huffed and was all- "What's wrong with you?" I told her what had been said and that I was confused. She informed me that I was so cute and a complete dinkus at times (Thanks a lot, Dani). So now, I'm just as confused as I was first thing this morning.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I asked the EXACT same questions, Louis.

Did I ever tell y'all how much I love Buzzfeed? Because I so do. I could spend hours upon hours just scrolling and reading through it. I mean, it has a very informative section that keeps you in the loop about all of the important things going on all across our country, and the world for that matter. But let's face it- the best part? It is beyond funny. It has quizzes and random articles that you can just get lost in and laugh for hours upon hours. My favorite writer on the staff?

That would easily be- Louis Peitzman. Hands down, no questions asked. He has written some of my favorite pieces from that website. (He's also a senior editor for Buzzfeed). There's a little bit of everything in his writing, but I love his lists. I know, I am weird, I don't need anybody else to tell me that. I got it. Plus I always get suggestions (i.e. movies to watch, music to look up, food to try, etc) from him all of the time. Some of my favorites of his are- The 19 best horror films of 2013, 58 romantic comedies you need to see before you die, How James van der Beek became a character actor trapped in a leading man's body, 27 moments to remember from the season finale of The Following, The 29 hottest tv hookups of 2013, The 12 silliest lines from Titanic, among other ones. That's just a few.

But my absolute favorite of his? Well, it just so happens to be- 82 unanswered questions from the Twilight Saga. I know that not everybody gets on Buzzfeed like I do (I know that I should be more social, but I don't wanna), but I thought that I would share what Louis had to ask about the 'saga', and also to share my opinions on his questions. Just because I can and it's fun. People have been talking about it lately, since all those other movie series are coming out, so I guess I have Twilight on the brain. I'm not taking credit for his work, I just thought that I would share it and talk about it. Why? Because I asked the EXACT SAME questions, Louis. Don't get me wrong, I still love the movies, wow, I can't believe that I just admitted that, but the questions are legit. Also, I say legit now.

Twilight: #1: Who let Jacob leave the house with that hair? I have no idea, but they need to hold his ass down and brush it or shave it. Something. #2: Why is everyone so attracted to the Cullens when their defining characteristic seems to be the stankface? I think that the stankface is appealing to some people. just like how people from the Jersey Shore are appealing to some. It doesn't make any sense, but that's just how it goes. #3: Are Bella's friends always this boring, or are they just being extra dull to provide contrast with the exciting vampires? I think they are honestly just that boring. #4: Why don't the evil vampires make stankfaces? Because they do what they want, and besides did you see the blonde guy? If I was that hot with eternal life I would be smiling too. #5: Are vampires actually great drivers, or are they just dicks on the road? Just dicks. #6: In this day and age, do we still need an internet research montage? No we don't, but it's good for dramatic effect. At least I'm hoping that was their logic behind it. #7: Why does Edward call his sparkly skin- "the skin of a killer" when it is clearly the skin of a unicorn? Because he wants to sound macho, instead of admitting that he has in fact been using his girlfriend Victoria's Secret body glitter. #8: When Edward calls Bella- "his own personal brand of heroin", is that supposed to be a compliment? It worked for Courtney Love. Oh wait, never mind that was actual heroin. So, I don't really know. #9: How are the lion and the lamb supposed to consummate their relationship? Very carefully. #10: Is "spider monkey" really a term of endearment?  I guess it's better than- shitbrick, but not as good as- love bug. #11: Why isn't Bella more freaked out when she learns that Edward had been watching her sleep? I don't know, because that is some pretty creepy shit. #12: Where did the old-timey baseball uniforms come from? I'm assuming that when you've been alive for that long you tend to have a collection with a bit of everything. So probably there. If not, definitely Urban Outfitters. #13: Does Bella really regret NOTHING when she's about to die? Like, what about walking into a fatal trap? Or the fact that she fell for a 107 year old dead dude in a matter of 4 seconds? #14: How do vampire heads pop off so easily? Are they all that fragile? Practice with barbies? #15: Why is a teenager so eager to spend eternity with her first serious boyfriend? Because she knows that this is literally the peak of her life. I mean, she's kind of boring and whiny. 

New Moon: #16: Why did Jacob take the time to get buff if he wasn't also going to fix his hair? Because he's too busy writing shitty poetry and drinking lattes. #17: Has a paper cut ever caused this much trouble? Doesn't it sound so much more dramatic if instead of paper cut you used the term- "I have a traumatic laceration on my inner left digit?" #18: If the Cullens can just not go to school when they don't feel like it, why do they bother to go to school at all? The same reason stoners do. Force of habit. #19: Does Bella eat, or shower or move during her depression montage? I hope she at least showered. Eww. #20: What is the movie- "love spelled backwards is love" about? I don't know, but I'm assuming that it has Kate Hudson or Katherine Heigl in it. #21: Could Bella not come up with a better response to Laurent saying he was going to kill her than- "please don't?" Have you not watched both movies up until now? No, that's as good as you get with her. #22: Does Jacob have an infinite supply of shirts to ruin when he turns into a wolf? Maybe he should just buy a bigger size. #23: Are we supposed to just accept that Emily's werewolf boyfriend Sam mauled her face because he was pissed off? How is this even remotely ok? No. But in all fairness he mauled the face of "his soulmate" so do you wanna confront him? #24: How can this many giant wolves not take out a single vampire? Because gingers are crafty little devils. #25: Why does Jacob stop himself from kissing Bella just because the phone rings? Those are two unrelated actions. Maybe he realized that she hadn't showered during her depression montage and got caught downwind. #26: Shouldn't Edward verify that Bella is dead before killing himself? He should, but he also should have picked a more exciting girl to have as "heroin". Not the best decision maker. #27: With that cackle, did Aro really have any options besides villainy? Professional comedy club attender? #28: Will Edward's shiny skin really out him as a vampire or just someone that wears a lot of body glitter? Like I said. Victoria's Secret. Am I the only one that finds his pale skin and "v'"sexy as hell? Yes? Alrighty then. #29: Why does Bella offer to sacrifice herself to save Edward when she knows that he'll just commit suicide if she dies? Not the brightest crayon in the box. #30: If in the end Bella and Edward are back together and promise never to leave each other again, what was the point of this movie? To make a lot of money off of teenagers and their parents. P.s. It worked. Like a lot. #31: But seriously, when was the last time that Jacob wore a shirt? One that fit? #32: Why the hell does a century-old vampire propose to a teenage girl? Because he's obviously been doing drugs for a long time. You can't tell me that he didn't attend Woodstock. 
Eclipse: #33: Why does Bella still care about school when she's going to become a vampire as soon as she graduates? The same reason the Cullens do. There is no real reason. #34: Is Edward as bored by Bella's lame friends as I am? Yes. Yes, he is. #35: When did Victoria become a different actress? Opie Taylor's kid!! #36: What is "imprinting" and couldn't werewolves have picked a less gross word? Canoodling? #37: Would Jacob be less grumpy if he knew that Bella and Edward weren't having sex? Probably not. Because whether they're doing it or not, he still ain't getting laid. #38: Shouldn't Jacob apologize for kissing Bella against her will? And for hurting her hand with his face? Men have a lot of boundary issues in these movies. #39: Is Bella even listening to Jessica's graduation speech about how dumb it is to decide what you want for the rest of your life at 18? Would you listen to her? She's boring, so when she does manage to say something of substance, no one is actually paying attention. #40: Wouldn't the practice fight scene have been better if they were all naked? Yes. #41: How is Jacob so sure that Bella is into him? Were her repeated and straightforward rejections not enough? Can we say- sociopath? #42: Why is Edward so grossly obsessed with Bella's purity? They should've listened to him. #43: How is a ring any consolation for not getting laid? It's not. EVER. #44: Isn't body warmth reason enough to choose the werewolf over the vampire. No. He could decide to get that awful hair back. I for one, choose hypothermia. #45: Why does Bella suddenly decide to kiss Jacob? And how is Edward totally cool with it? Because she's indecisive and he's thinking- finally! She's doing something interesting. Or at all. #46: What was the point of giving Bree a back story if the Volturi were just going to kill her? There wasn't one. #47: Does Jacob honestly believe/think that dating him would be as easy as breathing? He's a WEREWOLF. Narcissistic sociopath?

Breaking Dawn (Part 1): #48: Why does Jacob even bother to put a shirt on if he's just going to angrily pull it off? Because sociopaths usually have some form of routine or at the very least a touch of OCD. #49: Is Edward's secret dark past really just that he used to kill very bad people? Because honestly who cares. Maybe if we got to see more of the stalker dude it would have been more interesting. Like Interview with the Vampire. #50: Could Bella and Edward maybe kiss less intensely in front of their family and friends? They could, but then what would be the point of the slow motion angle? #51: Why has everyone taken it upon themselves to worry about Bella's virginity? Once again, boundary issues in these films. #52: Is it supposed to be horrifying or romantic when Edward breaks the bed during sex? I think both. More so horrifying than romantic, but it is kind of hot. Except the fact that Bella's there. Eww. #53: Did no one consider the unsettling domestic abuse connotations when Bella is covered in bruises after her first night with Edward? not to condone domestic violence, but you would bruise her too. #54: How is Edward still turning down Bella when she's practically begging for sex? Would you wanna have sex with her again? #55: What is this weird pro-life message about the fetus being a baby doing in the middle of my vampire movie? It always gets snuck in there, dude. #56: Why is Bella so insistent on going through with the pregnancy even after Carlisle reveals that it's slowly killing her? Because she finally gets to do something partially interesting. #57: Does drinking blood through a straw really make it more palatable? I would think not. But hey, what do I know? #58: How is Charlie not demanding to see his daughter while she suffers from a mysterious illness? Would you want to catch that possibly contagious shit? #59: If Edward is telepathically communicating with the fetus, couldn't he just ask it nicely to stop killing his wife? He could, but then the movie would have been like 45 minutes shorter. #60: How is everyone pretending that Renesmee isn't the worst name ever conceived? It really is. Next will be a boy named- Charlisle. #61: Why does Edward have to perform the C-section with his teeth? Isn't that incredibly unhygienic? Very unhygienic, weren't there surgical instruments all around? His dad is a doctor that has to stitch folks up all the time. HELLO. #62: On a scale of 1 to 10, how dead is Bella exactly? I think about a 7. For now. #63: Why does Edward bite all over his beloved's corpse? s&m? #64: Seriously, though, how is imprinting different from falling in love, because I'm pretty sure Jacob just fell in love with that baby? Yeah, I don't care what they call it. He is totally making googly/wolfy eyes at that baby.

Breaking Dawn (Part 2): #65: Does being a vampire give you the power to zoom and enhance? Couldn't she have just got an updated Kodak or a Nikon? #66: Is Jacob totally over Bella now that he's crushing on her baby? Yep. And he's definitely still wanting to hit on that baby. #67: Why is Renesmee such a CGI abomination? Should've put more thought into that one. #68: How does Jacob outing himself as a werewolf to Charlie solve anything? It doesn't, but it gets him three of his favorite things: Taking his shirt off, Making people incredibly uncomfortable and Getting to keep that baby around so he can hit on it some more. #69: Why doesn't Charlie run screaming when he sees this? Like father, like daughter. #70: Can Renesmee fly? I think just jump and pause. #71: How am I supposed to keep track of all these new vampires? There are EIGHTEEN. The American guy that oddly enough sounds like he has a British/Irish accent for being from New England in the 1700s and the Egyptian Carrie with puppy dog eyes, are hot! #72: Why did it take five movies to get to Lee Pace? Right?!! Like I said- Hot! #73: Can any other vampires shoot lightning from their fingertips? Are vampires basically X-Men now? No, I think some just stand around trying to be all broody. They all have hair, so no. #74: Is there anything more frightening than Aro attempting to express joy? Having to actually meet him in real life? #75: Is Carlisle really dead? No. #76: Is Jasper really dead? No. #77: Is Jane really dead? No. #78: Is Aro really dead? No. #79: If no one actually died, what was the point of that BIG CLIMACTIC BATTLE THAT NEVER EVEN HAPPENED? To make us scream and then be all- WTF! #80: Will Jacob bother waiting till Renesmee's 18 if she's going to be fully grown at 7? Hello! he was talking about Bella's virginity all along and fell in love with a baby! Obviously he has issues and ain't waiting any longer than what he has to. #81: Do we really need a flashback to the wedding already? No. But what are you gonna do? #82: Whose awful idea was it to conclude the movie with this? I don't know, but I did like how they showed the whole cast from every movie. That was pretty cool. The quote however, not so much.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

They're really trying to trick us, girls

I read excessively. We all know this. Up now: The Beautiful Series. There's six of them in the series and I've already read the first two. Well, technically number 1 and number 1.5 (Beautiful Bastard and Beautiful Bitch- which I read online...oops). They were the story of Chloe and Bennett. {By the way- How sexy is the name Bennett? I never really thought about it, because I know people with the last name Bennett, but when it's a first name- sexy.} I really liked it and decided to give the rest of the series a try.

These books aren't "great classic literature" and they don't try to be. They are what they are. Entertaining. Funny. Sexy. And a way to lose a few hours. Trust me on that one. I started reading the third book- Beautiful Stranger- last night. It revolves around Sarah and Max. And of course all of these characters are entwined in all of these books. It's actually pretty cool. I might actually like their story better than the Chloe/Bennett one, but that's debatable. The ones left are- Beautiful Bombshell, Beautiful Player, and Beautiful Beginning. I think that I just like books in series, because I tend to read them a lot. After all, we all remember how much I loved- FSOG, when I read it this past August. When I finished with the first I immediately went online to find the second, and ordered the series off of Amazon. What did we all do before Amazon? Have to go into public
and have to associate with people? Over-rated! I personally will stay to myself, thank you very much.

The whole point of this is that I realized last night- men are NOT like this. They just aren't. In no way, shape or form. And if there are guys out there that are like the ones in books/movies I have yet to meet them and get proven wrong. I know that this is all my fault. I have literally read my way through my life and have let the words of Bronte and Austen to help me romanticize what I think that guys should be like. I'm sorry for that. I'm really not, but it sounded good. I have this idea of what I want in my life, and after the last couple of horrible (have I ever had a good one, really?) relationships (if that's really what you want to call them) that I've participated in, I'm in no hurry to find and/or fall into another. Is that so bad? I don't think so. I rather enjoy having my "me" time and doing exactly what I want, when I want, and not having to "check in" with someone. Maybe I have just managed to spoil myself. Who knows?

I don't have a lot to say on this subject, well...I do, but let's face it- I'm not feeling up to "par(?)" today, so I just wanted to keep this short and simple. I love this new series that I am reading. I will be finishing the third book (once I get to reading something I keep going until I exhaust myself) tonight after work (before/after The Following- I can't help but to read spoilers- of course), and then probably (immediately) start the 4th/2nd, 2.5th/3.5th?- whatevs. The point is I read these and I think to myself- Wouldn't it be great if all guys were like Max Stella? Or Fitzwilliam Darcy? Jamie Fraser? Julian Kane? Adrian Kane? Bennett Ryan? Heathcliff? Gilbert Blythe? Edward Rochester? Simon Parker? Jay Gatsby? Hell, maybe we all even want a little....Christian Grey. Who knows?

I think every girl/woman thinks about things like this, and we all have some silly idea in our head. We want a guy that is strong, protective, firm and relentless, but also caring, sweet, gentle, and loving. We want to butt heads and still be able to laugh it off. We want to be protected, but not smothered. Tell us what to do? Yes, but don't be an ass about it and really don't expect us to listen. Chuckle and play argue about how hard headed you both are. Bad boy? Yes, but only if he has redeeming qualities.

We all basically want the same things, and I may be breaking some sort of "girl code" that I don't know about by saying this, but it's the truth. We all want to be loved, cared for, challenged, cuddled up to, be the only person that a guy thinks about or runs to, cradled, but not babied. We want guys to give us an adorable/sexy nickname, and I may be speaking just on my behalf, but I hate being called- baby. So it doesn't count. ROMANCE. We want passion and excitement, but we also want to just be able to keep things casual. WE WANT TO LAUGH. We want to feel sexy, even if that's the furthest from what we are. But one of the biggest things that we want- we want "the look". Every girl knows that look. The look that a guy gives you without even realizing that he's doing it. The look that everyone can see. The look of true adoration and love, like she is the most beautiful woman in the entire world, and put all of that love into one look. Yes, all of us girls know about it, and we want it. We even talk about it to our girlfriends. Seriously, when were completely alone and with our best friends we discuss "the look". We do. We admit all of this to each other, but not to anyone else. It's kind of one of our things. We're (most of us) actually really easy to please. It just takes a little adjustment, and if you think the girl is worth it, then you'll both do it.

Why is that? Why should we be ashamed of what we want? It has been ingrained into our heads since we were little girls about princes and fairy tales, but then when that's what we want out of life we're condemned for it? We get called spoiled, or bratty, or even bitches. Why? Because we want and expect the fairytale. I'd like to believe that some girls get that. The eternal optimist/hopeless romantic in me would like to believe that some people find that one person that is completely right for them in every way, and that they get their fairytale. I'd like to believe that there is a happily ever after. WE WANT TO BE WANTED. Simple. Easy. Will it ever happen for me? Will I find that one person that is so right for me that I fall head over heels? Probably not. Not being a pessimist, just being a realist. I'm just saying. I don't think that it will ever happen for me personally, but I'd still like to believe that it does in fact happen. After all, isn't that why we read and daydream about romances in the first place? Personally, I always catch myself daydreaming.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Top o' the mornin' to ya!!

Happy Saint Patty's Day, people!! The day of green green green!! Did I mention that I love Saint Patty's Day? Well, I do. I love it, because things are festive, you get to pinch people, there is green beer and....leprechauns. Yes, leprechauns. I would love to show you my very green outfit for this day (today), but unfortunately I haven't taken a picture of myself/my outfit yet today. Oops. So instead I thought that I would share a photo of me from "back in the day" when I was all leprechauned out. Erin go bragh!! Me from when I dressed up for my little people at the nursing home 5(?) 6(?) years ago. I know that it's a blurry picture, and that it's an old one, but it still makes me smile. At the time we weren't thinking- blog, we were thinking- make our little folks happy. And that's exactly what we did :) It was fun, and I was just about the right size to be a leprechaun. All in all, it was a good day! And now- here I am 5(?) 6(?) years later and even happier. Who would've thought? Basically-  Happy Saint Paddy's Day!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Not to be overly-dramatic, but...Ughh!!

It was so pretty yesterday. I mean, beyond pretty. The weather was nice, the sun was shining, and there was even the opportunity of walking outside without hypothermia setting in. All in all, quite lovely. Now here it is not even 24 hours later, and not only did it rain all night, but now it's snowing. That's right....more freakin' snow. I'm ready to go all- hairy carry over here!! And I'm not even a sunshine kind of girl. I'm a stay in the house, read, watch TV, eat chips, and love the dark and fall kind of girl. I like when it's darker and chilly, and even I'm beyond sick of this crap. You can't tease a girl with not having to wear socks one day and then having to wear them and insulated boots the next. It's so wrong! Sorry this meme/e-card made me laugh ---->>---->>

Now I'm chilly, I want shrimp fajitas, crawling back under my covers in sweats to watch Netflix sounds amazing, and I'm thinking about sneaking downstairs to steal borrow some of Tony's chips that he won't share otherwise. Also, I would like a grilled cheese and some coleslaw. The sad part? I'm not even hungry, I'm currently eating Pb/cheese crackers thank you dennis and between this morning and now, I've already eaten- a tornado (yes I love gas station food), a brownie bar, half a banana and a cinnamon raisin biscuit. I'm not even sure why I feel the need to keep eating, but I blame the weather. Just saying. Aunt Susi calls it the "winter blues" and I have to admit that I agree with her on this one. So, since everything else today has been ridiculous I thought that I would share a couple of three things that I have found entertaining. (Mostly just funny as all get out). What? Laughing makes me feel better :)

**Tatia Pileva asked 20 strangers to kiss upon their first meetings. You would think that it would be beyond awkward. And it was. For about a minute, and then the "couples" started to really get into it**

Watch the entire video and then you tell me if you agree with two things that I agree with.

Done? Ok, number one, do these two not seem like they would be the cutest little couple in real life? I mean honestly, I don't even know who either one of them are, and I want them to date, get married, have babies and live happily ever after. Wonder if they'll go along with that? Maybe I just shouldn't tell them my masterful plan for their lives.

This Video Of People Kissing For The First Time Goes From Awkward To Beautiful In Mere Moments

I mean come on, you know it's the truth. They're adorable and their whole interaction is sweet. He's tall, she's short. It just works out cute. And number two, does it seem like these two really got into it? Like, really into it? So into it that maybe someone should turn the hose on them or maybe they should get a room?

This Video Of People Kissing For The First Time Goes From Awkward To Beautiful In Mere Moments

They are seriously into it, dude. I mean, it kind of makes me want to go meet random strangers and make out with them. Unfortunately for me not only is that a crime when people don't agree with you, but I don't get to love up on guys like that. Let alone having chemistry. It's all- chemistry, what? What's that? Breaking Bad? No? That's literally all that I know about chemistry. Thanks, Netflix. Not to mention I'm not exactly cute like her. At. All.

Moving on, have y'all heard Kevin Bacon's video explaining "What the 80s were like"? No? Well, then today is your lucky day, because it is hilarious!! Y'all know that I love me some Footloose (even though technically Willard always has and always will be my favorite- that's besides the point) and my love for The Following (even though Weston is my favorite- once again, not the point), but Kevin Bacon is my second fave in both. I never realized how funny he could be. You go, bacon. You go.

Did y'all know that Zach Galifianakis interviewed President Obama on his "talk show"- Between Two Ferns? Yeah, that's actually the name of his show, and he sits in a chair between two fern plants. Oh. My. G. Am I the only one that thinks that Galifianakis is as great as a four year old actually trying to spell- Galifianakis? Yes? What can I say? I know that I shouldn't, but I love me The Hangover movies. All of them. Yep, even the third. Once you get those guys together on screen and set me in front of it, you can bet that there is going to be some major laughing happening.

Finally, have y'all seen this mom and dad sing a song from the movie- Frozen, while their kid totally and completely ignores them? No? Well, you are missing out my friends. It is hilarious. Especially the dad. That dude gets really into it. Why can't we all find our soulmate like those two? You know, the ones that take you for all of your weird ass quirks, but still find you adorable and endearing. Performing Disney songs together with NO SHAME, that right there is love my friend.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Just to tell you two (completely random) things

I am patiently waiting for my other books (the rest of the BB series) to arrive to me via mail. I finished the one that I was talking about last night. And another. I know. I have a serious problem, but I'm handling it. By reading more and watching copious amounts of television, but still. I don't judge you, don't look at me with those judgy judgy? little eyes. Ok? Anyways, while I'm waiting I'm going to watch some TV, first things first (tonight) I'm going to watch the newest episode of The Following. That show is one of my favorites! I have watched it from the beginning (January 2013) and now that it's on it's second season, I continue to watch. It just got renewed for a third too. Yippy! Why do I like this show so much? Well, Shawn Ashmore a.k.a. Mike Weston that is. Why? Honestly, he's not the only reason that I watch, but he is my favorite character and the reason that I got so into it last season. To me, I can't wait to see more of his story. Season one- down, season two- in progress...

(Weston and Hardy have one of the best "bromances" ever!!) Season three- to be continued. And since everybody at my house is still all sickly/gross I'll be going downstairs to avoid stay out of their way them and watch it, I'm so loving :) Watch the show people! Even Dani agrees with me on this one. Not that that would stop me from watching it, because it is so awesome. By the way, am I the only one that wants Weston and Max to hook up? Yes? No? Maybe? Just saying. They are both such badasses, but full of so much love to share :) Even though this isn't exactly a "lovely" show. But it's all good, because they both also have a (whole) lot of issues and anger.