Thursday, April 30, 2020

2020 films. (Part I).

I started a tradition back at the end of 2016 suggesting all of my favorite films that I would recommend that I had viewed throughout the year. This evolved into three consecutive lists in 2017, two in 2018, and after falling off the wagon with it a bit, a catch up for 2018 and 2019 of sorts detailing the movies that I viewed (spanning four months at a time), which ones were my favorites, and the ones I would steer clear of again.

I figured I would keep that tradition going. 

Catch up from 2016.
Catch up from 2017: Part IPart IIPart III.

Catch up from 2018: Part IPart II.
Catch up from 2018/2019: Part IPart II, Part III.

January's films: Zombieland: Double Tap, Joker, I Tonya, Gemini Man, Jexi.

My favorite: While I watched alot of good one this month, I gonna go with.... Jexi. I know, I'm surprised that something beat out Zombieland: Double Tap too. But, with Jexi D and I laughed from start to finish and just couldn't stop. It was so hilarious. I guess Adam Devine just has that way about him. Least favorite of the month: I think with this one, I'm going to have to go with.... Joker. I know, I know, it has gotten nothing but rave reviews and I'm not saying that it's bad by any means (I love me some Joaquin Phoenix), but it just wasn't my favorite.

January's rewatched from years gone by: Jonah Hex, Conan the Barbarian, Pain & Gain, Breaking Dawn: Part I, Breaking Dawn: Part II.

February's films: Terminator: Dark Fate, Mute, AXL, Avengement, Primal, American Ultra.

My favorite: In All fairness the new Terminator movie was amazing.... what I saw of it. I was sick when we watched it and fell asleep about a half an hour in. I'm still upset about it. All the ones I watched were good, but if I had to pick a favorite I would go with.... Avengement. It's a low budget film on Netflix, but SO good. Least favorite of the month: I wasn't a huge fan of.... Mute.... or AXL. Mute was weird, but I followed it alright, it just wasn't one of my faves. And AXL was amazing, but everything about dogs that puts them in any harm's way or they pick on it makes me incredibly sad, so there's that.

February's rewatched from years gone by: Bright, 30 Days of Night.

March's films: Jumanji: The Next Level, Bloodshot.

My favorite: Can I just go on the record of saying that Jack Black is a genius? And I love him. So my favorite goes to.... Jumanji: The Next Level. It was hilarious and just as good as the first. Least favorite of the month: I don't really have a least favorite for the month. I didn't care for Bloodshot as much as I did Jumanji, but it was still good and I would recommend it. I mean, come on, I'm a sucker for a Vin Diesel flick.

March's rewatched from years gone by: With our trip to Florida and everything, we didn't really watch many movies, so no rewatches.

April's films: Impractical Jokers: The Movie, Bad Boys For Life, War on Everyone, Dolittle, American Assassin, Barely Lethal, The Hard Way, Jay & Silent Bob Reboot, Daddy's Home 2.

My favorite: My favorite for this month was a tie between.... Dolittle and.... Jay & Silent Bob Reboot. I highly suggest Dolittle for everyone and if you like "those kind of" movies then you should definitely watch Jay & Silent Bob Reboot too. They were just bot so hilarious and I don't understand why people gave Dolittle such a bad rap, because it was amazing and I loved it (even more than the original). Least favorite of the month: For this one I'm gonna go with.... American Assassin. It was just so drawn out and I didn't feel like it was ever going to end. And while the actors did good, it just felt like to little action for a big action movie.

April's rewatched from years gone by: Salt, Resident Evil: Afterlife, Seven Psychopaths, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.

Tv series I've finished: Fuller House (S4-5), The Walking Dead (S1-9), New Girl (S1-7), Grace & Frankie (S6), The Ranch (S8), You (S1-2), Gypsy Sisters (S1-3), Chicago PD (S1-2), How I Met Your Mother (S1-9), True Blood (S1-3), Love is Blind (S1), Santa Clarita Diet (S1-3), The League (S1-7), Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Impractical Jokers, SWAT, MacGyver.

Stand-up I've finished: Pete Davidson: Alive from New York, Dave Chapelle: Sticks & Stones, Dane Cook: Vicious Circle.

Documentaries I've Finished: Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem, and Madness, Don't F*ck with Cats, The Innocence Files.

Audiobooks that I've given a try (some I finished, some not so much): The Nightingale (Kristin Hannah).

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