Thursday, September 28, 2017

An Open Letter: Thank you for being a friend.

Do you have any friends that have been in your life so long you don't even remember when you met or why you became friends in the first place? That's how I feel about a couple of my friends. Including my friend.... Cody.

Or, JB as I refer to him (and he answers to).

He's my friend, Rachel's, little brother and he's just as good a friend to me as he is a brother to her. He's such a good friend of mine that I even took him to my Senior prom (because Rachel forbade it and we do what we want).

Hilariously enough, we didn't even take a picture together before/during/after prom, BUT I took a picture of him and his future wife (they weren't together then, but they're married now!), who also happens to be an old friend of mine, so we basically did everything right and now it just adds to the list of our inside jokes.

Speaking of inside jokes, he's privy to quite a few of mine.... and in fact, even knows what "it's just too late for all that" means (and won't tell). Every time we talk, one of us HAS to bring that up and it's usually HIM. And to say that we've been through alot together would be the most vast understatement of the century.

I don't remember the exact moment that JB and I became friends, but I'm sure it was somewhere around the fourth candybar that we shared (because Twix are delicious) while watching the Evil Dead/Wishmaster for the hundredth time. He always understands my Bruce Campbell references and can usually finish my sentences. (And we totally rock out to Guns 'n Roses).

I'm sure if we thought about our friendship long enough we could probably pretty accurately compare it to that movie Stand By Me (without that whole dead body/leeches thing).... or at the very least, Fried Green Tomatoes (you know, aside from that whole getting hit by a train thing).

No matter the situation, he always has my back (and I, his).

For all of the amazing qualities that make you one of my very favorite people, I say, thank you, JB.

Thank you for sticking up for me and telling that boy he was an idiot when he made me cry. Thank you for carrying me up that giant hill, because there was no way that I could have walked up it myself at the time.... and for making it all the way up that hill with solid perfection and then dropping me on a coffee table, because that is one of my very favorite stories to tell. Thank you for always telling me that my hair looked good, even though we both knew you were lying and for finding the perfect girl to marry and have babies with and giving me partial credit for it (I love you, guys!). For constantly bringing up old mishaps when somebody gets a little mouthy with me ("nooo..... it's just too late for all that!!").

And finally, thank you for being one of my very dearest friends. For making me laugh uncontrollably, listening to my constant rambling, and just loving me for being me. You're the best, JB. They don't make em like you anymore.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

We're going to be moving.... again.

Almost five years ago I made a dramatic move (dramatic physically and emotionally, because hello I'm a girl and that's what we do) and left my childhood hometown (in the boondocks) to move Momma back to her home state. Things we're crazy and hectic and life seemed all over the place.

We lived with two of my uncles for about a year and a half and then she and I got ourselves our apartment.... and only lived there for about a year. We were about six months into living in our apartment when my brother decided to flip his life upside down and move back in with us, so that in turn flipped our lives upside down (and yes, I sang that in the Fresh Prince's voice).

After finishing the lease out in our two-bedroom apartment we moved into a three-bedroom house. And we've been there for almost two years (our lease is up the beginning of October). But, now here we are, fixing to move.... again?

Why are we moving?

Well, when we moved into this house I made the comment that I wasn't moving again until I died, because I'm tired of it, it's hard, and I'm getting too old to be lugging boxes everywhere (no, I'm not old, but I'm dramatic). But.... I didn't realize that the house was going to start falling in on us and that our landlords would do NOTHING about it. Seriously, that's what happening. We call and report the things that are wrong with the house and they NEVER get back to us about any of it. And we've called MULTIPLE times.

Not long after we moved in (three to four months, maybe?) our furnace went out and I had to call and cuss and pretty much threaten to call the authorities, because they didn't want to fix it. They just wanted us to live with no heat.... and it was -6 degrees outside (29 degrees in the house). Do you know how pissed off it made me to have to threaten to call the authorities? I ain't ever called cops in my entire life and these bitches almost made me start.

Some of the other things going on with the house? Well, where would you like me to start?

Underneath the kitchen sink is going to have to be completely replaced, because every single pipe leaks and the sink itself is coming loose. The baseboards in our kitchen leak and when it rains/snows/etc we end up with standing water across the kitchen (I got up early the other morning and went into the kitchen and had to pull out my Risky Business moves, because I went sliding). The ceiling in our kitchen is coming, down, because of a major roof leak.... and so is the ceiling in the laundry room.... and the one in our bathroom. Speaking of the jacked up roof, shingles fly off with even the slightest whisper of wind. The steps on the front porch are not attached (at all). The bathroom sink is detaching from the wall. The caulk/molding in the shower is mostly gone. The toilet won't flush (and it's not a being clogged up problem) and the septic backs up into the front yard. Is that everything? No. Is that more than enough? It's too much.

So now, here we are. Playing the waiting game.

Unfortunately, there have been a lot of hiccups surrounding this entire thing, and we thought that we were just going to have to stay in the house we were in until we could find something better (and pay the ridiculous amount of money they wanted for a "month to month" lease instead of a "year long" lease).... but then one day, my Aunt Mary came to the house and insisted that we stay with her and my uncle for a couple of weeks, so we wouldn't have to live in the cruddy house and pay gobs and gobs of money to them. I was leary of it, because I hate asking people for help, (and I swore I'd never live with more family again) but she pretty much insisted and informed me that I didn't ask, it was her idea (because every woman in my family answers things the exact same way.... with sarcasm!) and now we're out of that house and staying with them (for just a few weeks) while we look at available houses.

And the moving process? Let's just say it was a long weekend.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

My thoughts on the first season of Vice Principals. (Part III).

*Most of the people that know me well know that I am a HUGE Walton Goggins fan. I'm convinced that he can do no wrong and even when he plays a horrible character, he's so good at making you WANT his character to get the shit beat out of him.

I'm also a big Danny McBride fan. I mean, Pineapple Express, Land of the Lost, Your Highness, This Is The End.... what's not to love?! He's hilarious and can pretty much make me crack up no matter what kind of mood I'm in. (I haven't gotten the chance to see- Eastbound and Down- yet, but I want to!).

If you put those two men together, do you know what you have? A hilarious show that you laugh at, but it still makes you cringe on occasion. And that's where their show comes in.... Vice Principals.

Now, it airs on HBO, but I don't have movie channels, so I had to wait until the first season came out on dvd (which is what I'll have to do with the second season that's airing right now).... and it was worth the wait!

Knowing that is was going to be only a two season-18 episode adventure from the very beginning, I was more than willing to give it a go and not worry about committing too much.... but that blew up in my face and now I wish they were extending over two seasons. But hey, might as well enjoy it while we can, right?!*

Catch up on season one: Part I, Part II.

(Season One Finale) Episode Nine (Chapter Nine): End of the Line

Official Synopsis: "Gamby and Russell blackmail Dr. Brown, resulting in a shake up on the school staff. Gamby and Snodgrass are still not talking."

My thoughts: "Are they just gonna sit outside of Belinda's bathroom door? Probably, because they're insane, BUT DAMN Y'ALL. I feel like if Gamby feels this bad about everything, he should do something about it. But nooooo.... he just goes along with it and people automatically just make Russell out to be the bad guy. I mean, he's 150% a bad guy, but so is Gamby. It doesn't matter how he's "feeling" if he doesn't do anything to stop it. DUDE, she just beat the shit out of those two. Like, Gamby and Russell just had their asses handed to them. And now Belinda has resigned (by the way Russell, that's a real dick move throwing her shoe like that) and Russell and Gamby are in charge. Aw, Gamby finally decided to make amends with Snodgrass. You better, dude, ain't nobody else that nice gonna like you as much as that girl does (you know, because you're a LUNATIC). I bet Mi-Cha is HATING that Russell got a promotion. I would love to see that. Why are Gamby and Russell's cars on fire?!

"I'm a little busy, Gamby." "Our cars are on fire, Lee!" "WHAT?!!"

Something about this doesn't feel right.

RUN, GAMBY, RRRUUUUNNNNN!!!!! Annndddd.... he's shot.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Because it's just too good not to share.

I've We've talked about my ongoing battle with my hair a time or two.... right?! I always say that I'm going to grow it long and when it's long I hate it and want it short, but then I cut it short I hate it and want it to grow and.... do you see where I'm going with this? Do you see that I'm never satisfied with my hair? (Except one time when I was like, eighteen and had my favorite hairstyle that I've ever had.... another story for another day).

It's an ongoing battle that I've been fighting my entire life.... ever since my arch nemesis cut off one of my pigtails (yes, just one, and YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE). And honestly I can trace it back to that exact moment (and the little asshole that did it), but it only got increasingly worse as I got older and always toed the line between Wtf and #JeffFoxworthyHairDontCare. And while it's long now and I like the way it looks when I put effort into it, the truth is, I don't put effort in nearly enough (because eff that) and I end up with it piled on top of my head.

And that opens the door for a myriad of things including, but not limited to: headaches, pain, agony, and defeat (not to be dramatic or anything). Plus, I sometimes get my hair shut in my car door.... more often than I care to admit. And while it's curly and has a mind of it's own, I think I would miss it if I was to cut it short. Why?!

Well, I have a tendency to live more in my imagination then I do in actual reality, and I "feel" like I should have long hair. You know, because in all of the legendary love stories/books and movies that I insist on reading/watching, you never hear of the "long lost love" or "woman of the dreams" or "heroine of her own destiny" having short hair. You just don't. The only one that I can think of off the top of my head is Maggie Greene-Rhee and let's be honest, she's such a badass that you can't argue with her.

And while my sensibility tells me that's ridiculous and my inner "warrior woman" says that's foolish, I can't seem to compute that to my actual brain. I always think of cutting my hair and end up at, "what if?!" I know that shouldn't bother me, but it does. And if you think I'm as crazy as what I do, I get it, but just know.... EXPLAIN IT TO MY BRAIN AND MAKE IT UNDERSTAND, BECAUSE IT'S A JERK (and that's probably why that makes up at least 87% of my personality).

Also, doesn't society.... and your family/friends kind of make you feel like if you're female you should have long hair?!

I say all of this, because I don't know how to not ramble feel the need to tell you that when you have a lifetime full of "hair woes" you're bound to have some real "gems" hidden away in old pictures. (And so do your family and friends). And when I run across a really good one.... I have to share. So, without further ado, I give to you.... Katie and Amanda (and our friend from back in the day- Devo) at ten.... eleven? (twelve?). Something like that. We are truly the epitome of 90s kids.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

There are numerous advantages to being 53.... just ask any 83 year old.

Today is my Momma's 53rd (but if anybody asks, 25th) birthday. I'm so happy that I get to see her on this day and every day, because a couple of months ago I didn't know if I was ever going to get to celebrate another birthday with her. She's come a long way and her strength and perseverance is something that I marvel at daily. She truly is one of the strongest people that I have ever known and I'm very proud to call myself her daughter. 

While she always insists that no one make a "big deal" when it comes to her birthday, I make it a point to let her know how special she is to me every day. And whether she likes it or not, people want to celebrate this day with her (and all the other days, as well), because she really is just that great of a person.

Here's to you, Momma. It's your party.... and you can cry drink nap party do what you want to. I love you.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

My thoughts on the first season of Vice Principals. (Part II).

*Most of the people that know me well know that I am a HUGE Walton Goggins fan. I'm convinced that he can do no wrong and even when he plays a horrible character, he's so good at making you WANT his character to get the shit beat out of him.

I'm also a big Danny McBride fan. I mean, Pineapple Express, Land of the Lost, Your Highness, This Is The End.... what's not to love?! He's hilarious and can pretty much make me crack up no matter what kind of mood I'm in. (I haven't gotten the chance to see- Eastbound and Down- yet, but I want to!).

If you put those two men together, do you know what you have? A hilarious show that you laugh at, but it still makes you cringe on occasion. And that's where their show comes in.... Vice Principals.

Now, it airs on HBO, but I don't have movie channels, so I had to wait until the first season came out on dvd (which is what I'll have to do with the second season that's airing right now).... and it was worth the wait!

Knowing that is was going to be only a two season-18 episode adventure from the very beginning, I was more than willing to give it a go and not worry about committing too much.... but that blew up in my face and now I wish they were extending over two seasons. But hey, might as well enjoy it while we can, right?!*

Catch up on season one: Part I.

Episode Five (Chapter Five): Circles

Official Synopsis: "After Gamby sabotages their latest venture, he and Russell cut ties. Dr. Brown works with Gamby to tone down his disciplinary methods. Russell faces some problems at home."

My thoughts: "While I loved the last couple of episodes that focused mainly on Gamby, I'm glad we finally get to focus on Russell a bit.... maybe we can learn a little bit more about this sociopath. The fact that his MIL gives him so much shit and them arguing is one of my very favorite things about this entire show. His role as trying to "take down" his steroid abusing neighbor is great! I love that Gamby beat that giant dude's ass (with brass knuckles) and let Russell take the credit for it when his wife and MIL showed up. Now, that's a friend."

"Who put the popo in your hobo? Lee Russell, that's who. You don't want to tussle with Lee Russell cause I have the muscle. You're busted, you're busted. You're busted by Lee Russell." -Russell hiding in his dark living room, and singing while looking out his blinds after calling the police on his stupid neighbor.

Episode Six (Chapter Six): The Foundation of Learning

Official Synopsis: "Gamby and Russell create an elaborate scheme to turn the school against Dr. Brown. Gamby, eager to get closer to his daughter, learns motocross, with the help of Snodgrass."

My thoughts: "Snodgrass is banging that dick of a teacher Hayden? Girl, you can do better, don't pine for him. Who thought of this whole hiding the textbooks and tricking Belinda into confronting this wicked ass teacher? It was probably Russell. Also, that teacher is a bitch and she'd have about three seconds to talk to me like she talk to her and her dumbass would be fired. *bye Felicia* Gamby is both super concerned about his daughter and equally hates that she is close with her stepdad. I think it's nice that Snodgrass is teaching Gamby how to ride motocross.... even if she's doing it to get that shithead Hayden back. Screw that guy, I think it's sad how Gamby wiped out so terribly and Snodgrass showed up and tried to comfort him. Also, Ray is the best. Annnnddd.... Belinda caught Russell spitting in her coffee. I knew that trick wasn't gonna last long."

"I will master his talents and render him useless." -Gamby on deciding to take up motocross like his daughter's stepfather Ray.

"I'll be you were just as attractive at thirteen as you are now." -Gamby on how not to flirt with a woman

Episode Seven (Chapter Seven): The Good Book

Official Synopsis: "At teacher workday, Dr. Brown has Russell watch her mischievous sons. Gamby and Snodgrass get closer. Dr. Brown's ex-husband returns."

My thoughts: "Gamby is going to resign as Janelle's dad? I don't think that's a thing. There is absolutely no way that I would watch Belinda's little shithead children. Go ahead, fire me. And then when I'm asked by the school board why I was terminated, I can list the fact that you wanted me to "babysit" when your kids don't even go to that school. F*ck that. Sodgrass is going to realize she likes and wants to hook up with Gamby? You go, girl.... just stay away from Hayden. Oh no! Janelle is hurt and Gamby is taking off to get to his baby.... scratch that, he hit a pole (and I laughed when Russell screamed).... Russell is taking him to the hospital. Aw, she looks pitiful and wants her daddy.... the best thing about this episode? Russell knocking that clown the hell out of his way!!"

Episode Eight (Chapter Eight): Gin

Official Synopsis: "Gamby must decide who he is loyal to as Dr. Brown offers him a new, more respectable role and reveals she plans on firing Russell. His relationship with Snodgrass is complicated as he learns that she used to sleep with a different teacher at the school."

My thoughts: "Can I just go on the record of saying how cute I think Gamby taking Snodgrass on a "carnival date" is? Like, it's the best. Y'all, Belinda is in a very emotional state right now (you know, kind of Gamby when he finds out that Snodgrass used to bang Hayden and pretty much self sabotaged himself and that relationship), and I don't think it's really cool for y'all to get her lit on gin and record her doing crazy and regrettable shit. Like, we've all been there. Belinda, darlin, I feel your pain.... I know how crazy gin can make a gal. You can tell Gamby is regretting this, but he just "can't" stop going along with Russell. Annnddd.... she's peeing on a cop car."

Monday, September 11, 2017

Sixteen years later (and still so many questions).

Sixteen years ago today were the infamous September 11th attacks. It's hard to look back at something like this, but it also seems that sometimes people don't remember. They remember what September 11th is, but if you were to look at how divided of a country we are right now, it would almost seem like they don't remember it all too well.

I remember that day. I was only eleven years old and the memory is still so vivid in my mind. As a country we were all scared, hurt.... and angry. Here we are sixteen years later and it seems as though we haven't ever fully recovered from it. Not only does the wound still feel fresh, but to look at the divide of our country, we all seem to be sharing those same feelings. 

Scared, hurt.... and angry. And the only ones that can change any of this is us. Our nation. We're the only ones that can do anything about any of this, and yet, we don't seem to want to start. To say that we haven't healed fully would be an understatement. So, we'll do what it is that we must do together and that is to try and do better. Because that's all there is to do.

Try to do better.... and so we shall.

September 11, 2001: 

Good evening. 

Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts. The victims were in airplanes or in their offices: secretaries, business men and women, military and federal workers, moms and dads, friends and neighbors. Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror. The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings, fires burning, huge -- huge structures collapsing have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness, and a quiet, unyielding anger. These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat. But they have failed. Our country is strong.

A great people has been moved to defend a great nation. Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve. America was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world. And no one will keep that light from shining. Today, our nation saw evil -- the very worst of human nature -- and we responded with the best of America. With the daring of our rescue workers, with the caring for strangers and neighbors who came to give blood and help in any way they could.

Immediately following the first attack, I implemented our government's emergency response plans. Our military is powerful, and it's prepared. Our emergency teams are working in New York City and Washington D.C. to help with local rescue efforts. Our first priority is to get help to those who have been injured, and to take every precaution to protect our citizens at home and around the world from further attacks. The functions of our government continue without interruption. Federal agencies in Washington which had to be evacuated today are reopening for essential personnel tonight and will be open for business tomorrow. Our financial institutions remain strong, and the American economy will be open for business as well.

The search is underway for those who were behind these evil acts. I have directed the full resources of our intelligence and law enforcement communities to find those responsible and to bring them to justice. We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them. 

I appreciate so very much the members of Congress who have joined me in strongly condemning these attacks. And on behalf of the American people, I thank the many world leaders who have called to offer their condolences and assistance. America and our friends and allies join with all those who want peace and security in the world, and we stand together to win the war against terrorism.

Tonight, I ask for your prayers for all those who grieve, for the children whose worlds have been shattered, for all whose sense of safety and security has been threatened. And I pray they will be comforted by a power greater than any of us, spoken through the ages in Psalm 23:
"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil for you are with me"
This is a day when all Americans from every walk of life unite in our resolve for justice and peace. America has stood down enemies before, and we will do so this time. None of us will ever forget this day, yet we go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in our world.

Thank you. Good night. And God Bless America.
-George W. Bush, following the attacks on our country

Saturday, September 2, 2017

My thoughts on the first season of Vice Principals. (Part I).

*Most of the people that know me well know that I am a HUGE Walton Goggins fan. I'm convinced that he can do no wrong and even when he plays a horrible character, he's so good at making you WANT his character to get the shit beat out of him.

I'm also a big Danny McBride fan. I mean, Pineapple Express, Land of the Lost, Your Highness, This Is The End.... what's not to love?! He's hilarious and can pretty much make me crack up no matter what kind of mood I'm in. (I haven't gotten the chance to see- Eastbound and Down- yet, but I want to!).

If you put those two men together, do you know what you have? A hilarious show that you laugh at, but it still makes you cringe on occasion. And that's where their show comes in.... Vice Principals.

Now, it airs on HBO, but I don't have movie channels, so I had to wait until the first season came out on dvd (which is what I'll have to do with the second season that's airing right now).... and it was worth the wait!

Knowing that is was going to be only a two season-18 episode adventure from the very beginning, I was more than willing to give it a go and not worry about committing too much.... but that blew up in my face and now I wish they were extending over two seasons. But hey, might as well enjoy it while we can, right?!*

Episode One (Chapter One): The Principal

Official Synopsis: "After their principal resigns, Vice Principals Neal Gamby and Lee Russell face off for the newly opened position. Both, however, are distraught when they meet the new principal, Dr. Belinda Brown, and agree to team up to take her down."

My thoughts: "First off.... Bill Murray is the f*cking principal that's retiring?! That's hilarious. You would think that I would be tired of Danny McBride's soft feelings and poutiness when his characters don't get their way, BUT I'M NOT. So, there are two vice principals at this school? Cool, cool. I wasn't aware that you needed a vice principal for discipline and another vice principal for the academic portion, but since it gives me the duo of Walton Goggins and Danny McBride, I'll go with it. Neither of these two is going to be the new principal? Bill Murray doesn't trust either of them enough and hired a stranger instead?! Ha! And now they're teaming up to take her down? This is gonna be good."

Episode Two (Chapter Two): A Trusty Steed

Official Synopsis: "Dr. Brown begins to get under Gamby's skin as she hires someone to evaluate both him and Russell."

My thoughts: "I will never get tired of hearing Russell and Gamby sling insults at each other. "Is this where she lives? It's a real shithole."-Gamby "This is my house mother f*cker!"-Russell Also, this whole Russell and his mother in law from hell has me rolling! They're just going to break into her house for "intel"? This isn't going to turn out good. Damn, they are destroying everything!! Seriously, that lady is gonna be beyond pissed when she sees her house trashed like that. Wait a minute.... wait.... Russell, what are you doing with that fire? Russell, put that fire out! Holy shit, they burned her house to the ground. THAT ESCALATED SO QUICKLY."

Episode Three (Chapter Three): The Field Trip

Official Synopsis: "In an attempt to get closer to teacher Amanda Snodgrass, Gamby agrees to go on an out of town trip."

My thoughts: "Of course Gamby is gonna bully his way onto this field trip. I love that Russell has "intel" on all of his coworkers.... good to know I'm not the only crazy out there. Danny McBride can play a short-tempered, sensitive bully like nobody's business. I know he's a horrible person in this show, but I can't help but to feel sorry for him when the other teachers are mean to him. Where are the adults that are supposed to be watching these kids?! And.... they're drunk. Miss Snodgrass seems like she wants to help and like she's a good person.... but Gamby just doesn't know how to take someone being genuinely nice to him. I mean, she even helps him pick out a present for Janelle. Awww."

Episode Four (Chapter Four): Run For the Money

Official Synopsis: "As their homecoming football game approaches, Russell uses it as an opportunity to take down Dr. Brown, though Gamby is worried it will have negative consequences for the school."

My thoughts: "I understand how these kids feel, my school didn't win a whole lot of football games either. BUT we still loved them and showed support, dammit! Stand up, you little shitheads! I know that Brown is a legitimately good person and all.... but she kind of terrifies me and I think Russell should be more scared than he is. This whole helping their rivals vandalize the school and then pretending to "discover it" with Brown and the others is hilarious. Gamby stop Russell from drugging all those kids! Wtf?! Annnddd.... now they're high from spilling the drugs on themselves. Whoa."

Friday, September 1, 2017

And nineteen years later we'll all meet up at the Platform.

Most people that know me know that I am an avid Harry Potter fan. Well.... I'm mostly a Ron Weasley fan, but for the sake of argument, we'll go with Harry Potter.

The fact that my generation of Harry Potter lovers have the best nickname ever is just an added bonus. What do they call us?! Well.... Potterheads.... of course.

I talk about it as often as possible and some of my very favorite memories are associated with the world that JK Rowling was kind enough to share with the rest of us.

Fun fact: Did you know studies have shown that fans of Harry Potter tend to be more politically tolerant, politically active, open to diversity, and less authoritarian?! If not, you do now.

And today is a special day for Harry Potter fans like me. You see, on this day- September 1, 2017- Albus Severus Potter, Rose Granger-Weasley, and Scorpius Malfoy all gathered on Platform 9 3/4 and headed off to Hogwarts for the very first time.

To celebrate that fact, we're off to start a three day weekend (after I leave today I won't officially have to be back at work for 3 days, 14 hours, 59 minutes, and 34 seconds).... ok, the reason for that might actually be Labor Day weekend, but we're going to pretend that it's in celebration of the Golden Trio's kids heading off to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.