*Most of the people that know me well
know that I am a HUGE Walton Goggins fan. I'm convinced that he can do no wrong and even when he plays a horrible character, he's so good at making you WANT his character to get the shit beat out of him.
also a big Danny McBride fan. I mean, Pineapple Express, Land of the Lost, Your Highness, This Is The End.... what's not to love?! He's hilarious and can pretty much make me crack up no matter what kind of mood I'm in. (I haven't gotten the chance to see- Eastbound and Down- yet, but I want to!).
If you put those two men together, do you know what you have? A hilarious show that you laugh at, but it still makes you cringe on occasion. And that's where their show comes in.... Vice Principals.
Now, it airs on HBO, but I don't have movie channels, so I had to wait until the first season came out on dvd (which is what I'll have to do with the second season that's airing right now).... and it was worth the wait!
Knowing that is was going to be only a two season-18 episode adventure from the very beginning, I was more than willing to give it a go and not worry about committing too much.... but that blew up in my face and now I wish they were extending over two seasons. But hey, might as well enjoy it while we can, right?!*
Catch up on season one:
Part I.
Episode Five (Chapter Five): Circles
Official Synopsis: "After Gamby sabotages their latest venture, he and Russell cut ties. Dr. Brown works with Gamby to tone down his disciplinary methods. Russell faces some problems at home."
My thoughts: "While I loved the last couple of episodes that focused mainly on Gamby, I'm glad we finally get to focus on Russell a bit.... maybe we can learn a little bit more about this sociopath. The fact that his MIL gives him so much shit and them arguing is one of my very favorite things about this entire show. His role as trying to "take down" his steroid abusing neighbor is great! I love that Gamby beat that giant dude's ass (with brass knuckles) and let Russell take the credit for it when his wife and MIL showed up. Now, that's a friend."
"Who put the popo in your hobo? Lee Russell, that's who. You don't want to tussle with Lee Russell cause I have the muscle. You're busted, you're busted. You're busted by Lee Russell." -Russell hiding in his dark living room, and singing while looking out his blinds after calling the police on his stupid neighbor.
Episode Six (Chapter Six): The Foundation of Learning
Official Synopsis: "Gamby and Russell create an elaborate scheme to turn the school against Dr. Brown. Gamby, eager to get closer to his daughter, learns motocross, with the help of Snodgrass."
My thoughts: "Snodgrass is banging that dick of a teacher Hayden? Girl, you can do better, don't pine for him. Who thought of this whole hiding the textbooks and tricking Belinda into confronting this wicked ass teacher? It was probably Russell. Also, that teacher is a bitch and she'd have about three seconds to talk to me like she talk to her and her dumbass would be fired. *bye Felicia* Gamby is both super concerned about his daughter and equally hates that she is close with her stepdad. I think it's nice that Snodgrass is teaching Gamby how to ride motocross.... even if she's doing it to get that shithead Hayden back. Screw that guy, I think it's sad how Gamby wiped out so terribly and Snodgrass showed up and tried to comfort him. Also, Ray is the best. Annnnddd.... Belinda caught Russell spitting in her coffee. I knew that trick wasn't gonna last long."
"I will master his talents and render him useless." -Gamby on deciding to take up motocross like his daughter's stepfather Ray.
"I'll be you were just as attractive at thirteen as you are now." -Gamby on how not to flirt with a woman
Episode Seven (Chapter Seven): The Good Book
Official Synopsis: "At teacher workday, Dr. Brown has Russell watch her mischievous sons. Gamby and Snodgrass get closer. Dr. Brown's ex-husband returns."
My thoughts: "Gamby is going to resign as Janelle's dad? I don't think that's a thing. There is absolutely no way that I would watch Belinda's little shithead children. Go ahead, fire me. And then when I'm asked by the school board why I was terminated, I can list the fact that you wanted me to "babysit" when your kids don't even go to that school. F*ck that. Sodgrass is going to realize she likes and wants to hook up with Gamby? You go, girl.... just stay away from Hayden. Oh no! Janelle is hurt and Gamby is taking off to get to his baby.... scratch that, he hit a pole (and I laughed when Russell screamed).... Russell is taking him to the hospital. Aw, she looks pitiful and wants her daddy.... the best thing about this episode? Russell knocking that clown the hell out of his way!!"
Episode Eight (Chapter Eight): Gin
Official Synopsis: "Gamby must decide who he is loyal to as Dr. Brown offers him a new, more respectable role and reveals she plans on firing Russell. His relationship with Snodgrass is complicated as he learns that she used to sleep with a different teacher at the school."
My thoughts: "Can I just go on the record of saying how cute I think Gamby taking Snodgrass on a "carnival date" is? Like, it's the best. Y'all, Belinda is in a very emotional state right now (you know, kind of Gamby when he finds out that Snodgrass used to bang Hayden and pretty much self sabotaged himself and that relationship), and I don't think it's really cool for y'all to get her lit on gin and record her doing crazy and regrettable shit. Like, we've all been there. Belinda, darlin, I feel your pain.... I know how crazy gin can make a gal. You can tell Gamby is regretting this, but he just "can't" stop going along with Russell. Annnddd.... she's peeing on a cop car."