Tuesday, October 30, 2018

I finally sucked it up and chopped it off.... and I may do more next time.

What is hair to me?!!?! To you?!!?! To all of us?!!?!

I've always kind of believed that there was "power" in hair. And I know that sounds about as stupid as something can, but it was almost like if a woman had beautiful hair than she had a firm grasp on everything in her life. And if you're anything like me, you were taught that "long" hair meant "beautiful" hair.

Seriously.... when was the last time that you heard a story about a conqueress or sorceress or even "wanton" maiden in a cheap romance novel have short hair? It just wasn't a thing. Everytime I thought about cutting my hair, that's what I would think. I would think, well.... a woman can't be attractive without long hair, right?! People just relegate her to "ordinary."

And that's when I realized, that I was being 100% ridiculous and buying into a stereotype that I don't buy into for any single other thing. Why does a woman have to have long hair to feel beautiful.... or empowered.... or feminine?!!?!

The answer is simple.... they don't. And it's time we all stop thinking that they should.

Besides, Kelly Ripa has had short hair for the better part of the last twenty years AND SHIT HAS BEEN WORKING OUT REALLY WELL FOR KELLY RIPA.

I've been talking about chopping my hair off for the better part of two years, even going so far as to make pro/con lists and constantly reminding myself why I wanted to chop it all off. But, I would talk about all of the cute "short" hairstyles and think about it.... and then chicken out. I would make the decision to chop it all off immediately.... and then back out about ten minutes later. Almost a year ago, I had a teeny bit cut off and then instantly let it go crazy again, because I felt so "exposed." Honestly, I've talked about the love/hate relationship that I have with my hair pretty regularly.... mishaps and all.

But, on Sunday I finally had enough. And I went to get my haircut immediately so I couldn't back out of it. Do you ever get knots in your stomach and you don't know why? That totally happened to me. The nice lady who cut my hair (her name was Joyce and I should probably just go back to her for the rest of my hairstyling life) let me know about a inch would have to come off to get it to a healthy point. An inch.... not too much, right? It's true, an inch isn't that much. It's basically nothing at all in the grand scheme of things.... which is why I told her to cut it off this much (and I pointed to where I wanted my hair to fall). She confirmed that I was in fact not on LSD and knew how much hair I would be "losing" and I confirmed that's what I wanted. Y'all, I had her cut ten inches of my hair off.


That's not counting the layers that are now roaming free on my head. I can't even stress to you how much better it feels. It's still kind of weird, because I keep grabbing for it when I wash it and stuff, but I don't regret chopping it off one bit. It's just a little bit past my shoulders, which is not as short as I have previously discussed, but I figured ten inches gone (it was touching my butt) was a hell of a start and if I continue to like it I could always have a little more taken off each time I go back.

Sure, at first I had all of those insane/unfabricated fears creep into my head, like does a dude like to run his fingers through short hair? Do you know how many guys run their fingers through my hair? I'll go ahead and let you know the answer is.... NONE. Dude, even when I was dating or in a relationship (days that I certainly don't miss, but people keep liking to bring up on occasion) guys couldn't run their fingers through my hair. Seriously, have you ever seen my hair?!!?!

We're talking Monica Geller circa 2003 The One in Barbados Part I.

You know what? I'm fine with that. Why I have stopped taking a man's opinion into account for every other aspect of my life, but not this one, I'll never know.... yet, here we are. I would say "living the dream" but that feels a little bit dramatic even for me.

Yes, it's a learning curve as far as styling, but I'm getting the hang of it more and more each time. I've decided I have to put a little more effort into my appearance.... for no one other than myself. Because it makes me feel a little better to look a little better. Or, if not better, at least like there was some sort of effort. Besides, Dani is officially trusting me with more responsibilities (and money) at work (she has been for quite awhile), so I should probably try to not look homeless or like I'm coming off of a four-day bender at least two or three days a week.

To this end I say, if you want long hair- have long hair. If you want short hair- have short hair. If you want to shave your head- then shave your damn head and rock that shit, because you got this. And if you're me, you'll try to get out of your own head and know that hair doesn't mean shit and you're you no matter what's on top of your f*cking head.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

How have I made it twenty-eight years without realizing this?!!?! 🤯

*a random conversation between Dani and I at work this afternoon when she thought she was missing a shirt button*

Me: Aren't all buttons traditionally on the left side of the shirt?
Danielle: I don't know. I know mens and womens are different, but I can't remember which is which.
Me: Wait.... they are?
Danielle: Yeah, just like zippers.
Me: ...... WHAT?!
Danielle: Yeah, mens and womens pants zip on different sides.
Me: ......... how in the actual f*ck have I never noticed this?!!
Danielle: Because you're obviously not very observant of shit like that.
Me: ............. *confusion and exasperation while trying to remember every pair of pants I've ever seen* ......

Thursday, October 18, 2018

How in the actual f*ck is it NOT the weekend yet?!!?! *vexation* 🤬

Y'all, it's that time of year again. No, not the time of year where leaves start changing and the air gets crisp (even though, yes, it is also that time).... the time where everything is cool and all you want to do is stay at home in your sweatpants and eat junk and drink booze and watch tv.

But, apparently that's my forever 24 hour a day/365 days a year mood? Whatever.

The point is, I have very little, if any, effort for most things in life right now and the fact that I am extremely UNmotivated is forever present.

And my keyboard at work is doing this really weird thing where the "N" key won't work and it's RUINING MY LIFE. You know, not to be dramatic or anything.

I just want to stay home with my dogs and watch tv and wear comfy clothes and drink copious amounts of booze (ps: remind me to tell you about how the stranger on Instagram thought I "looked like a freaking cool person" and "I totally enjoy wine").... and maybe finish that haunted series on Netflix?

On the plus size, it is in fact Thursday and it's supposed to rain tomorrow and Saturday, so maybe it'll be one of those "lazy" kind of weekends? HA!! I got all the jokes. Seriously though, I had to scrape ice off of my windshield every morning this week, so I think we'll just call it a draw and go take a nap. Good? Good.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

I had to explain the concept of time to my brother. *insert confusion*

*while talking about the fact that I thought the clock in our hallway (it chimes out every hour and half hour) was running fast*

Me: I think the clock in the hallway is fast.

Brother: Oh yeah, it's four minutes fast. I set all of my clocks four minutes fast.

Me: .......... ??!?!!!?!??!! ..........

Brother: I set all of my clocks fast. I would set *points at the clock on our cable box* this one fast and the one on my phone fast if I could.

Me: ......... First off, don't touch any of our clocks or anything else for that matter. Second, why?

Brother: Because that way when I look at a clock or my alarm goes off I always have four additional minutes so I'm never late.

Me: ........... ?!!!?!?????!!!!?!?!

Brother: *rolls eyes* It's a trick, Katie.... duh.

Me: *looks at him like wtf for a few more seconds* You know that trick only works when you're not aware of it, right?

Brother: No, it always works. You're just not getting it. Let me explain it again.... *tells me the entire theory again*

Me: No.... it only works when you're not aware of it. Because if you know that all of your clocks are set four minutes fast, which you are because you're the one that did it, you know as soon as it goes off you have that "extra" four minutes. Meaning, you still procrastinate, make yourself late, and repeat that exact process over and over.

Brother: ...........  ?!!?!?!????!!!!?!?!?!!! ..........